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Karlstrom Karl (2017) Heavy Noble Gases Help Distinguish Mantle and Lithospheric Contributions in Southwestern US Hot Springs
Whyte C, Crossey L, Karlstrom K & Darrah T
(2016) Dating the Dramatic and Dynamic in the Neoproterozoic: New Re-Os Age Constraints and Paleoweathering Proxy Data
Rooney A, Strauss J, Hodgin E, Selby D, Sharma M, Dehler C, Karlstrom K, Cohen P & Macdonald F
(2015) Restricted Marine Deposition in the Neoproterozoic Chuar Group
Diamond C, Dehler C, Karlstrom K & Lyons T

Karlstrom L. (2021) Insights into the Magmatic Processes, Volatiles and Environmental Impacts Through the Life Cycle of Large Igneous Province Volcanism
Mather TA, Black B, Karlstrom L, Schmidt A & Percival L

Karmakar S. (2017) Origin of Ruby in Chromiferous Anorthosites, from the Sittampundi Layered Complex, India
Karmakar S
(2017) Formation of Anthophyllite + Plagioclase in a Retrograded Mafic Granulite from Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone, India: Constraints on Fluid Composition and Element Mobility
Dey A, Karmakar S, Sanyal S & Sengupta P

Karman C. (2019) Altruistic Electrical Cooperation in Multicellular Cable Bacteria
Geerlings N, Karman C, Polerecky L, Trashin S, As K, Kienhuis M, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Vasquez-Cardenas D, Boschker H, de Wael K, Middelburg J & Meysman F

Kármán K. (2013) Geochemistry of Fluids from the Eastern Carpathians and Transylvanian Basin Boundary (Romania) – Constraints on the Origin of Mineral Waters and Dissolved Gases
Kis B-M, Italiano F, Baciu C, Rizzo A & Kármán K

Karmanov N. (2019) REE-Minerals of Tomtor Complex
Lazareva E, Zhmodik S, Dobretsov N, Karmanov N & Tolstov A
(2013) Carbon-13 and Uranothorianite Age Dating in the Botogol Alkaline Massif Graphites (Eastern Sayan, Russia)
Zhmodik S, Mironov A, Karmanov N, Ponomarchuk V, Belyanin D, Kirichenko I & Zhmodik A
(2013) Biomorphic Structure of Rich Ores at the Tomtor REE Deposit
Lazareva E, Zhmodik S, Tolstov A, Sherbov B & Karmanov N
(2013) Mineralogy of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite, Russia
Sharygin V, Timina T, Karmanov N, Tomilenko A & Podgornykh N
(2013) Phosphorus-Bearing Pyroxenes in Flood Basalts with Native Iron, Khungtukun, Polar Siberia, Russia
Zhitova L, Sharygin V, Kamenetsky V, Karmanov N & Nigmatulina E

Karmasz D. (2013) Rare Earth Elements in Lake Sediments in Poland
Lech D, Bojakowska I & Karmasz D

Karmysheva I. (2017) Numerical Model of Magmatic Mingling: An Example from the Bayankol Massif (Sangilen Plateau, South Siberia)
Polyansky O, Semenov A, Vladimirov V & Karmysheva I

Karnauskas K. (2020) Individual Foraminiferal Mg/Ca as a Proxy for ENSO Variance: Core Top Validation and Last Glacial Maximum Application
Marchitto T, Rongstad B, Serrato Marks G & Karnauskas K

Karnes M. (2024) Thallium Isotopic Data Unravel Heterogeneity beneath Kamchatka Arc
Rader ST, Marfin A, Davydova V, Karnes M & Shcherbakov VD
(2022) Cenozoic Evolution and Extinction of Megatooth Sharks from Stable Isotope Ratios in Bioapatite
Griffiths ML, Flores R, Kast ER, Kim SL, McCormack J, Akhtar AA, Shimada K, Becker M, Maisch Iv H, Rao ZC, Higgins JA, Neumann A, Clarke C, Tripati AE, Chan R, Karnes M, Sigman DM & Eagle RA

Kärnfelt C. (2017) ELVIDOR- Vibrating Gold Micro-Wire Electrode: In situ High Resolution Measurements of Copper in Marine Environments
Cathalot C, Heller MI, Dulaquais G, Waeles M, Coail J-Y, Kerboul A, Deplace G, Le Vourch D, Cotty C, Kärnfelt C, Riso R, Sarradin P-M & Laes-Huon A

Karnieli A. (2011) Temporal Trend in Anthropogenic Sulfur Aerosol Transport from Central and Eastern Europe to Israel
Karnieli A, Derimian Y, Indoitu R, Panov N, Levy R, Remer L, Maenhout W & Holben B

Karnkowski P. (2014) Isotopic Composition and Origin of Noble Gases, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen in the Carboniferous-Permian Strata of the Polish Basin
Kotarba M, Nagao K & Karnkowski P

Karnland O. (2011) Donnan Equilibrium in Na-Montmorillonite from a Molecular Dynamics Perspective – Consequences for Diffusional Transport
Hedström M, Birgersson M & Karnland O
(2002) Geochemical Model of the Granite-Bentonite-Groundwater at Ƒspˆ (LOT Experiment)
Arcos D, Bruno J & Karnland O

Karolewski J. (2019) Dissolved and Solid-Phase Fe and Mn Speciation in Marine Sediments
Oldham V, Hansel C, Wankel S, Karolewski J, Bernhard J, Michel A, Luther G, Tebo B & Mucci A
(2017) Looking at Reaction Signatures of Chemodenitrification Through a Multi-Isotopic Lens
Wankel S, Buchwald C, Karolewski J, Grabb K & Hansel C

Károly Á. (2024) Microfibers in the Tiber River: A Case Study in Rome
Tserendorj D, Paola G, Károly Á, Rita S-S, Borbála D, Péter D, Sandil S & Záray G
(2023) Characterization of Suspended Solids in Treated Wastewater: A Case Study in Budapest
Tserendorj D, Illés Á, Mireisz T, Károly Á, Baranya S, Ermilov AA & Záray G

Karolytė Rūta (2023) Tracing Crust-Mantle Interactions along the Yellowstone Hotspot Track
Broadley MW, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Tyne RL, Karolytė R, Hudak MR, Ramírez C, de Moor M, Mitchell S, Lloyd KG, Ballentine CJ, Marty B & Seltzer AM
(2023) Defining the Processes that Control Hydrogen and Helium Occurrence: The Amadeus Basin, Australia
Renshaw T, Karolytė R, Milner Z, Gluyas J & Ballentine CJ
(2023) Natural Hydrogen Resource Accumulation and Helium-Rich Gas Field Analogues
Ballentine CJ, Cheng A, Karolytė R, Daly M, Sherwood Lollar B & Gluyas J
(2023) Geochemical Evidence of a Developing Plate Boundary and a SW Rift Extension of the East African Rift
Karolytė R, Daly M, Vivian-Neal P, Li L, Sherwood Lollar B & Ballentine CJ
(2017) Helium, Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes as Natural Tracers of CO2 Storage and Migration in South East Australia
Karolytė R, Serno S, Johnson G & Gilfillan S

Karolyte Ruta (2019) Inverse Modelling Techniques to Distinguish between Different Mechanisms of Reservoir Fluid Migration to Shallow Aquifers
Karolyte R, Barry PH, Kulongoski JT, Tyne RL, Cheng A & Ballentine CJ
(2019) Tracing Crustal Fluid Source, Migration and Residence Using Noble Gases
Ballentine C, Barry P, Byrne D, Flude S, Karolyte R, Tyne R, Cheng A & Hilligond D

Karouji Y. (2016) Relationships Among Morphology, Microstructure, and Noble Gas Signatures of Four Itokawa Grains
Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Mitsunari T, Tobimatsu Y, Uesugi M, Yada T, Karouji Y, Hidaka H & Kimura M

Karp A. (2019) Refined Paleo-Fire Interpretations from the Distribution Patterns and δ13C of Fire-Derived Molecules
Karp A, Holman A, Hopper P, Grice K & Freeman K

Karpenko K. (2014) Evolution of Mantle Column of Pipe Sytykanskaya, Yakutia Kimberlite
Ashchepkov I, Reimirs L, Ntaflos T, Vladykin N, Logvinova A, Travin A, Yudin D, Karpenko K, MakovchukI I, Palessky S & Salikhov R

Karpoff A-M. (2018) A New Cenozoic Marine δ7Li Record Based on Authigenic Smectites
Neimard M, Vigier N, Karpoff A-M & Reisberg L
(2017) Cenozoic δ7Li Variations of Marine Authigenic Smectite
Neimard M, Vigier N, Karpoff A-M & Reisberg L
(2013) New Constraints on K-Pg Boundary Environmental Changes with Li Isotopes
Vigier N, Ravizza G, Nagashima K, Norris R, Petit S, Beaufort D & Karpoff A-M
(2011) Near Neutral Seawater pH 3.45 Billion Years ago
Lemarchand D, Van Bergen M, Jeambrun M, Karpoff A-M & Van Cappellen P

Karpov M. (2017) Surface-Induced Redox Processes: Oxidative Transformation of Oxytetracycline by Fe- and Mn-Containing Minerals
Karpov M, Seiwert B, Reemtsma T, Polubesova T & Chefetz B

Karpukhina V. (2011) Ore-Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems of Massive Sulphide Deposits of Southern Urals: Melt and Fluid Inclusion Data
Vikentyev I, Karpukhina V, Naumov V & Borisova A

Karr Jon (2012) Natural Gas Leaks in Boston
Phillips N, Ackley B, Crosson E, Down A, Karr J & Jackson R
(2005) Taphonomy, Geochemistry, and Diagenesis of Bone Accumulations in the Lower Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, Canada
Straight W, Karr J, Eberth D & Barrick R

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