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Karolyte Ruta (2019) Inverse Modelling Techniques to Distinguish between Different Mechanisms of Reservoir Fluid Migration to Shallow Aquifers
Karolyte R, Barry PH, Kulongoski JT, Tyne RL, Cheng A & Ballentine CJ
(2019) Tracing Crustal Fluid Source, Migration and Residence Using Noble Gases
Ballentine C, Barry P, Byrne D, Flude S, Karolyte R, Tyne R, Cheng A & Hilligond D

Karouji Y. (2016) Relationships Among Morphology, Microstructure, and Noble Gas Signatures of Four Itokawa Grains
Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Mitsunari T, Tobimatsu Y, Uesugi M, Yada T, Karouji Y, Hidaka H & Kimura M

Karp A. (2019) Refined Paleo-Fire Interpretations from the Distribution Patterns and δ13C of Fire-Derived Molecules
Karp A, Holman A, Hopper P, Grice K & Freeman K

Karpenko K. (2014) Evolution of Mantle Column of Pipe Sytykanskaya, Yakutia Kimberlite
Ashchepkov I, Reimirs L, Ntaflos T, Vladykin N, Logvinova A, Travin A, Yudin D, Karpenko K, MakovchukI I, Palessky S & Salikhov R

Karpoff A-M. (2018) A New Cenozoic Marine δ7Li Record Based on Authigenic Smectites
Neimard M, Vigier N, Karpoff A-M & Reisberg L
(2017) Cenozoic δ7Li Variations of Marine Authigenic Smectite
Neimard M, Vigier N, Karpoff A-M & Reisberg L
(2013) New Constraints on K-Pg Boundary Environmental Changes with Li Isotopes
Vigier N, Ravizza G, Nagashima K, Norris R, Petit S, Beaufort D & Karpoff A-M
(2011) Near Neutral Seawater pH 3.45 Billion Years ago
Lemarchand D, Van Bergen M, Jeambrun M, Karpoff A-M & Van Cappellen P

Karpov M. (2017) Surface-Induced Redox Processes: Oxidative Transformation of Oxytetracycline by Fe- and Mn-Containing Minerals
Karpov M, Seiwert B, Reemtsma T, Polubesova T & Chefetz B

Karpukhina V. (2011) Ore-Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems of Massive Sulphide Deposits of Southern Urals: Melt and Fluid Inclusion Data
Vikentyev I, Karpukhina V, Naumov V & Borisova A

Karr Jon (2012) Natural Gas Leaks in Boston
Phillips N, Ackley B, Crosson E, Down A, Karr J & Jackson R
(2005) Taphonomy, Geochemistry, and Diagenesis of Bone Accumulations in the Lower Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, Canada
Straight W, Karr J, Eberth D & Barrick R

Karr Jonathan (2017) The Distribution of Naturally Occurring Hexavalent Chromium in Groundwater from the Piedmont Aquifers of Eastern United States
Vengosh A, Coyte R, Karr J, Harkness JS, Kondash AJ, Ruhl LS & Dwyer GS

Karrie W. (2020) Calcium Complexation by Organic Matter in Calcareous Sediments
Bone S, John C, Karrie W, Takacs C, Roycroft S, Fendorf S & Bargar J

Kars M. (2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2017) Investigating the Effects of High Temperature and a Deep SMTZ on Rock Magnetic Properties at Site C0023, IODP Expedition 370
Kars M, Henkel S & Okutsu N

Kars S. (2010) Fossilized Microbes in Methane-Derived Carbonates: False Interpretation or the True Evidence?
Stadnitskaia A, Kars S, Lustenhouwer WJ, Liebetrau V & Sinninghe Damsté JS

Karsh K. (2016) Nitrogen Isotope Exchange between Nitrate and Nitrite in the Fall Mixed Layer of the Antarctic Ocean
Kemeny P, Weigand M, Zhang R, Carter B, Karsh K, Fawcett S & Sigman D
(2009) The Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Nitrate in the Environment: The Systematics of Biological Nitrate Reduction
Granger J, Karsh K, Guo W, Sigman D & Kritee K

Karsli Ohran (2021) Precious and Base Metal Crustal Fertility during Construction of the Eastern Pontides Arc, NE Turkey
Turlin F, Moritz R, Karsli O, Keskin S, Sönmez SU, Dokuz A & Aydin F

Karsli Orhan (2009) Coexistence of Abyssal and Ultra–depleted SSZ Type Mantle Peridotites from the Muğla Area, SW Turkey
Uysal I, Karsli O, Sadiklar MB, Tarkian M, Meisel T, Ottley CJ & Stutz P
(2007) Petrogenesis of the most-Recent Quaternary Volcanism with Implications for Post-Collisional Lithospheric Thinning of Eastern Turkey, Erzincan
Karsli O, Chen B, Uysal I, Wijbrans JR, Aydin F & Kandemir R

Karslı O. (2017) Petrochemistry of Early Eocene Lamprophyre Dykes, NE Turkey
Oğuz S, Aydin F, Karslı O, Uysal İ, Şen C & Kandemir R
(2017) The Early Mesozoic Tectonothermal Events in the Eastern Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey
Karslı O, Aydin F, Uysal İ, Dokuz A, Kandemir R & Oğuz S

Karstbjerg Jensen B. (2002) Re-Os, Sm-Nd Isotope- and REE Systematics on Komatiites and Pillow Basalts from the Earth’s Oldest Oceanic Crustal Fragments (Isua Supracrustal Belt, W Greenland)
Frei R & Karstbjerg Jensen B

Karsten H. (2004) Chlorine in Oceanic Intraplate Basalts: Constraints on Mantle Sources and Recycling Processes
Stroncik N & Karsten H

Karstensen J. (2015) The Breathing of the Labrador Sea
Wallace D, Atamanchuck D, Siddall G, Myers P, Send U, Koertzinger A & Karstensen J

Karstrom K. (2005) Reactivation of Precambrian Fault Networks: A K-Feldspar <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Study
Heizler M, Karstrom K, Timmons JM & Sanders R

Kartadinata N. (2016) Unprecedented Sulfur and Halogen Emissions during the 1257 AD Samalas Eruption (Rinjani Volcanic Complex, Indonesia)
Vidal CM, Métrich N, Komorowski J-C, Pratomo I, Kartadinata N, Michel A & Lavigne F

Kartal M. (2022) The Influence of Reaction Conditions on the Generation and Evolution of Mineral Porosity during Dissolution-Precipitation Mineral Replacement Reactions
Xia F, Kartal M & Putnis A
(2020) A USANS/SANS Study of Porosity Creation and Evolution in Copper-Iron Sulphides during Hydrothermal Mineral-Fluid Reactions
Adegoke IA, Xia F, Kartal M & Mata JP
(2020) The Creation and Evolution of Porosity during Mineral-Fluid Interactions: A Combined USANS/SANS, Microscopy, and Synchrotron PXRD Study
Kartal M, Xia F, Adegoke IA, Ralph D, Mata J & Sokolova A

Karthik S.L. (2017) Geochemistry and Genesis of Manganiferrous BIF in the Southern Part of Kunigal Schist Belt, Dharwar Craton, India
Prabhakar BC & Karthik SL

Karthik Ravi Teja M. (2010) Mathematical Model of Online Water Pollution Monitor
Satya Swaroop G, Rashmi Reddy PR & Karthik Ravi Teja M
(2010) Automated Domestic Online Monitor of Water Pollution
Rashmi Reddy PR, Satya Swaroop G & Karthik Ravi Teja M

Karube Z. (2016) Development of Automated Separation System for Determination of Strontium-90 in Soil and Fish Bone Samples
Tazoe H, Yamagata T, Karube Z & Yamada M

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