Karki Bijaya
First-Principles Simulations of Pyrite-Type FeOOH and its Isochemical Melts at High Pressure
Deng J, Karki B & Lee K
First Principles Simulations of Model Basalt Melts at High Pressure
Karki B, Bajgain S & Ghosh D
First-Principles Calculations of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of the Lower Mantle
Stackhouse S, Stixrude L & Karki B
First Principles Study of the Structure and Compressibility of MgSiO3 Glass
Karki B, Ghosh D & Stixrude L
Melts in the Deep Mantle: Insights from First Principles Molecular Dynamics
de Koker N, Stixrude L & Karki B
Viscosity of MgO-SiO2 Melt System from First Principles Simulations
Karki B
First-Principles Simulations of Structural and Transport Properties of Silica Liquid with/Out Water
Karki B & Stixrude L
Ab Initio Investigations of Point Defects and Ionic Diffusion in Bulk and Grain Boundary of Silicate and Oxide Minerals
Karki B & Verma A
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Silicate Liquids at High Pressure
Stixrude L & Karki B
Origin of Lateral Variation of Seismic Wave Velocities and Density in Earth's Mantle
Karato S & Karki BB
Karki Bijaya B
The Transport Properties of Mafic Melt at Extreme Conditions: Insights into the Dynamics of the Magma Ocean
Bajgain S, Ashley AW, Mookherjee M & Karki BB
Simulations of Silicate and Metallic Melts for Structural and Dynamical Insights
Karki BB
First-Principles Simulations of Grain Boundaries and Crystal-Melt Interfaces in Mg2SiO4 Under Pressure
Karki BB, Ghosh DB & Wang J
Behavior and Properties of Water in Silicate Melts Under Deep Mantle Conditions
Karki BB, Ghosh DB & Karato S-I
Karl David
The Influence of Nutrient Supply (N, P, Fe) on Marine Particle Stoichiometry: A 30 day Mesocosm Study
Seelen E, Townsend E, Mora R, Yang S-C, Kong KP, Bian X, White A, Funkey C, Bjorkman K, Karl D & John SG
The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D
Unique Metal Isotope Signatures from Lava-Seawater Interaction during the 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea
Hawco N, Yang S-C, Foreman R, Funkey C, Dugenne M, White A, Wilson S, Kelly R, Bian X, Huang K-F, Karl D & John S
Karl David M.
Increasing Pollutant N in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans
Kim I-N, Lee K, Karl DM, Kim T-W & Bullister JL
Karl S.
Geochronological and Geochemical Transects of the Western Alaska Range Batholith
Ayuso R, Haeussler P, Todd E, Box S, Jones J, Bradley D, Vazquez J, Karl S & Jackson J
Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of Pluton Successions in the Western Alaska Range
Todd E, Jones J, Karl S, Ayuso R, Stelten M, Saltus R, Box S, Bradley D, Haeussler P & Gamble B
Karla K.
Nd Isotopes in the North Atlantic Endmember of the AMOC over the Last 1.3 Ma
Jaume-Seguí M, Steven L G, Leopoldo D P, Joohee K, Maayan Y, Karla K, Chandranath B, Alison H & Rachel L
Karlbach R.
Textural, Geochemical and Leaching Study of Volcanic Ash: Environmental Impact of the Calbuco Volcano Eruption, April 2015
Benet Morant D, Gimeno Torrente D, Carrazana Di Lucia A & Karlbach R
Karlby L.
Investigation of the Uptake of Nickel by Chalk Using Date from Lab, Field and Large, Undisturbed Columns
Karlby L, Hoffmann M, Jørgensen P, Milter H, Pedersen K, Olsen M & Stipp S
Substrate Preference of Bacteria
Karlby L & Stipp SLS
Karle I.
Geochemical Cycling of U, Re and Mo in Coastal Sediments
Morford J, Martin W, Kalnejais L, Francois R & Karle I
Competition between Iron- and Carbon-Based Nanoparticle Carriers for Trace Metals in Freshwater, Seawater and Sediment Porewaters
Hassellöv M, Stolpe B, Karle I & Turner D
Karlicek D.
Stable Isotopes of Snow Precipitation at Concordia Station (East Antarctica)
Dreossi G, Stenni B, Braida M, Scarchilli C, Valt M, Cagnati A, Frezzotti M, Bonazza M, Genoni L, Frosini D, Karlicek D & Udisti R
Karlický F.
Nitriding of nZVI as a Novel Means to Improve its Selectivity for Trichloroethylene Remediation
Brumovsky M, Oborná J, Micić V, Malina O, Kašlík J, Tunega D, Kolos M, Hofmann T, Karlický F & Filip J
Karlin T.
Chemical Compositions of Soluble Aerosols Around the Last Termination in the NEEM (Greenland) Ice Core
Oyabu I, Iizuka Y, Karlin T, Fukui M, Hondoh T, Leuenberge D, Fischer H, Schüpbach S, Gfeller G, Mulvaney R & Hansson M
Karlović I.
Application of Stable Isotopes to Investigate Intergranular-Porosity Aquifers: From Groundwater Origin to Nitrate Contamination Issues
Karlović I, Markovic T, Vujnović T, Novotni-Horčička N, Smith A, Meador TB & Janža M
Measurements of Stable Isotopes in Precipitation Sampled on Monthly and High Frequency Basis: What Have We Learned?
Markovic T, Karlović I, Vujnović T & Novotni-Horčička N
Can Dating MRT of Groundwater with C-14 be Reliable in Alluvial Aquifers?
Marković T, Karlović I, Maldini K, Šparica Miko M, Larva O & Brkić Ž
Karlsen D.
Re-Os variations in North Sea shales and oils
Graham S, Karlsen D, Dypvik H & Backer-Owe K
Seep Geochemistry and Origin of Petroleum from the Salton Sea Geothermal System, California, USA
Svensen H, Karlsen D & Banks D
Karlsson Andreas
Disruption of a High-Pressure Unit during Exhumation: Petrology and Geochronology within the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Thera, Ios and Naxos Islands, Greece)
Peillod A, Patten CGC, Drueppel K, Beranoaguirre A, Zeh A, Gudelius D, Hector S, Majka J, Kleine BI, Karlsson A, Gerdes A & Kolb J
Karlsson Anna
Seasonal Transformations of Hg and MeHg in Relation to C, Fe and S Biogeochemistry in a Sub-Oxic Lake Sediment
Skyllberg U, Karlsson A, Fredriksson I, Björn E & Meili M
Karlsson C
Provenance of the Middle Jurassic Strata of the Tornquist Shear Zone in Southern Sweden
Karlsson C
Karlsson Camilla
Methylmercury Formation is Controlled by Mercury Speciation and Abundance of Hg Methylators in Stratified Brackish Waters of Baltic Sea
Feng C, Capo E, Bravo AG, Bertilsson S, Soerensen A, Pinhassi J, Buck M, Karlsson C, Hawkes J & Björn E
Karlsson H.
Origin and Formation of the Rhyolites in the Eastern Volcanic Flank Zone, Iceland
Holm F, Trønnes R, Karlsson H & Grönvold K
NE Atlantic Mantle Geochemistry: New Insights from Volcanic Flank Zones in Iceland and Jan Mayen
Tronnes R, Johansen T, Karlsson H, Williams A, Imsland P, Grönvold K & Waight T
Karlsson Nanna
First Results from the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Drilling Site
Vallelonga P, Kjær H, Tibuleac C, Svensson A, Kristensen M, Popp T, Holme C, Weng Y, Vinther B, Dahl-Jensen D, Karlsson N, Kipfstuhl S, Peters L & Christianson K
Karlsson Nanna B
Nanok Expedition: An Ice Triathlon in Greenland Partnering with Scientists for Climate Research
Denis G, Goffart N, Opfergelt S, Bertrand B, Bonneville S, Mattielli N, Boxho SL, Fettweis X, Box JE, Ahlstrom AP, Karlsson NB, Defraigne P & Bergeot N
Karlsson S.
Putative Biogenic Signature found in Extremely REE Enriched Black Substance, Ytterby Mine, Sweden
Sjöberg S, Rattray J, Callac N, Allard B, Skelton A, Dupraz C, Ivarsson M, Karlsson S & Sjöberg V
Origin of REE Patterns in AMD-Impacted Areas
Grawunder A, Meißner S, Merten D, Pašalić S, Karlsson S, Allard B & Büchel G
Karlsson Teemu
Reactive Transport Modeling Based Interpretation of Humidity Cell Tests: Challenges and Limitations
Pieretti M, Karlsson T, Arvilommi S & Muniruzzaman M
Contaminant Geochemistry and Migration in Three Different Mine Sites in Finland – Comparison of Anthropogenic and Geogenic Contamination for Risk Assessment
Backnäs S, Turunen K, Pasanen A, Karlsson T & Solismaa L
Karlsson Torbjörn
Uranium Sources and Mobility Related to Mining Areas
Dzimbanhete VL, Hegg F, Alakangas L, Karlsson T, Peinerud E, Aiglsperger T & Paulsson O
Complexation and Precipitation Reactions in the Ternary P(V)/As(V)-Fe(III)-NOM (Natural Organic Matter) Systems
Persson P, Sundman A, Karlsson T & Sjöberg S
Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter at the Water/Gibbsite Interface
Andersson K, Kenney J, Persson P & Karlsson T
Interactions between As(V), Fe(III) and Natural Organic Matter
Sundman A, Karlsson T & Persson P
Spectroscopic Study of Aluminum and Gallium Complexation by Aquatic Organic Matter
Andersson K, Persson P & Karlsson T
EXAFS Studies of Fe Speciation in Natural Stream Waters
Sundman A, Karlsson T & Persson P
Metal Attenuation in Tailings
Hedlund T, Lövgren L & Karlsson T
Molecular-Level Studies of Fe(III) in Aquatic Systems
Karlsson T, Persson P & Skyllberg U
Speciation of Fe(III) in Natural Organic Matter (NOM) Studied by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Karlsson T & Persson P
Karlstrom K
Five Ways to Examine What Isn‚t in There with Cosmogenic Isotopes
Gosse J, Baker S, Pazzaglia F, Brandon M, Karlstrom K, Pederson J & Finkel R