Karaseva O.
How Biopolymers Control Calcite Precipitation
Lakshtanov L, Karaseva O, Okhrimenko D, Belova D, Generosi J & Stipp S
Inhibition of Calcite Growth by Alginate and Polyaspartate
Karaseva O, Lakshtanov L & Stipp SLS
Monomeric and Polymeric Silica Sorption on Calcite
Belova D, Karasava ON, Lakshtanov NZ & Stipp SL
Behaviour of Dissolved Silica (Adsorption and Coprecipitation) in the Presence of Calcite
Belova D, Karaseva O, Lakshtanov L & Stipp S
Interaction between Dissolved Silica and Calcite
Karaseva O, Belova D, Lakshtanov L & Stipp S
The Behaviour of Strontium and Zinc during Ageing of Fe(III) Hydroxide
Karaseva O, Lakshtanov L & Ivanova L
Karaseva T.
Regularities of the Transformation of Organic Matter at Great Depths Based on the Results of Deep and Ultra-Deep Drilling in the North of Western Siberia
Meshcheriakov K, Meshcheriakova O, Karaseva T & Kozhanov D
Karasiński J.
Environmental Conditions for Dolomite Formation in the Late Miocene Lake Bira Revealed by Mg and Sr Isotopes
Lazar B, Halicz L, Karasiński J, Shaked Gelband D, Starinsky A & Stein M
Karaskova P.
Contrasting the Transport and Fate of PCBs and PFASs Across the Atlantic Ocean
Lohmann R, Markham E, Yanishevsky T, Karaskova P, Becanova J & Klanova J
Karason H.
On the Nature and Scale of Mantle Convection: New Views and Constraints from Seismic Imaging and Geochemistry
van der Hilst RD, Albarede F & Karason H
Karastergios S.
Characterization of Mineral Parageneses and Metamorphic Textures in Eclogite- to High-Pressure Granulite-Facies Marble at Allmenningen, Roan, Western Norway
Karastergios S
Karasyova O.
Experimental Study and Modelling of Adsorption of Strontium on Iron and Manganese Oxides
Karasyova O, Lakshtanov L & Ivanova L
Karato S-I.
Elasticity of Stishovite and Post-Stishovite at High Pressure: Implications for Understanding VS Anomalous Seismic Scatterers beneath Subduction Zones in the Lower Mantle
Zhang Y, Fu S, Karato S-I, Okuchi T & Lin J-F
Behavior and Properties of Water in Silicate Melts Under Deep Mantle Conditions
Karki BB, Ghosh DB & Karato S-I
Loss of Volatile Elements after the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Pahlevan K, Karato S & Fegley B
Geophysical Constraints on the Water Content of the Lunar Mantle and its Implications for the Origin of the Moon
Karato S-I
Experimental Study of the Reaction Kinetics between CO2-Bearing Solution and Olivine
Qiu L, Wang Z, Zhang S, Karato S-I, Ague J, Oristaglio M, Bolton E & Bercovici D
Experimental Study of the Kinetics of CO2-sequestration by Olivines and Hawaiian Picrites
Qiu L, Wang Z, Karato S-I, Ague J, Oristaglio M, Bolton E & Bercovici D
A New Model of the Asthenosphere
Karato S-I
Unsolved problems in the lowermost mantle
Hirose K, Karato S, Cormier V, Brodholt J & Yuen D
The Transition-Zone Water-Filter Model: Geochemical Implications
Bercovici D & Karato S
The Role of Volatiles on the Physical Properties of Mantle Minerals
Karato S
Origin of Lateral Variation of Seismic Wave Velocities and Density in Earth's Mantle
Karato S & Karki BB
Karátson D.
'Water' in Quartz from Various Rhyolitic Pyroclastic Horizons: A New Correlation Tool?
Biró T, Kovács I, Király E, Falus G, Karátson D, Bendő Z, Fancsik T & Sándorné Kovács J
Karatzas G.
Origin, Fate and Trasport of Chromium(VI) in Oropos, Greece
Moraetis D, Nikolaidis N & Karatzas G
Karavoltsos S.
Assessing the Natural Background of Cr(VI) Impacted Aquifers in Central Greece
Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Megremi I, Karavoltsos S & Dassenakis E
Karban J.
PM2.5 Chemical Composition at Rural Background Site in Central Europe
Schwarz J, Karban J, Havránek V, Chalupníčková E & Smolík J
Karcher Michael
Surface Water Changes during Transit from North Pole to Fram Strait
Rutgers van der Loeff M, Stimac I, Casacuberta N, Wefing A-M, Laukert G, Bauch D, Paffrath R, Provost C, Karcher M, Meyer H, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Graeve M & Ludwichowski K-U
Pacific Water Pathways Through the Arctic Ocean
Dodd PA, Hattermann T, Karcher M, Kauker F, Summates H & Stedmon C
Karcher Micheal
Tracer Application of Chemical Speciation of 129I in Arctic Seawater
Hou X, Luo M, Fan Y, Gwynn JP, Karcher M, Aldahan A & Possnert G
Karcher R.
Legacy of Coal Ash Contamination in Lake Sediments Revealed by Trace Elements and Strontium Isotope Ratios
Wang Z, Cowan E, Seramur K, Dwyer G, Wilson J, Karcher R & Vengosh A
Karchevsky P.
Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Carbonatite Complexes from the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Zaitsev A, DemÈny A, Wall F, Sindern S, Sitnikova M & Karchevsky P
Karcı M.
Magmatic Evolution and Timing of Ore Formation at the High-Sulfidation Epithermal Au-Ag Deposit and Porphyry Cu-Mo Mineralization, Kirazlı District, Biga Peninsula, Turkey
Aluç A, Kuşcu I, Ulianov A, Karcı M, Selby D & Moritz R
Karcz Z.
The Effect of Mica on Pressure Solution of Single Crystal Calcite
Karcz Z, Laronne Ben Itzhak L, Polizzotti R, Ertas D & Aharonov E
The Evolution of Grain Contacts Undergoing Pressure Solution – Unique Insights from a Confocal Viewpoint
Karcz Z, Aharonov E, Ertas D, Polizzotti R & Scholz C
The Importance of Plastic Flow in the Deformation of a Sodium Chloride Indenter Undergoing Pressure Solution
Karcz Z, Aharonov E, Ertas D, Polizzotti R & Scholz C
Karczewska A.
Solubility of Cu, Zn, Pb and As in Variously Treated Historical Mining Soils Under Waterlogged Conditions
Lewińska K & Karczewska A
Kardjilov M.I.
Direct Evidence of the Feedback between Climate and Weathering
Gislason S, Oeklers E, Eiriksdottir E, Kardjilov M, Gisladottir G, Sigfusson B, Snorrason A, Elefsen S, Hardardottir J & Torssander P
Combining Riverine and Satellite Data for Monitoring the Climate Effect on the Carbon Cycle in NE Iceland
Kardjilov MI, Gislason SR & Gisladottir G
A Quantitative Field Based Study of Basalt/Basaltic Glass Weathering and its Role in Carbon Fixation
Gislason SR, Kardjilov MI, Gisladottir G, Eiriksdottir ES, Sigfusson B & Elefsen S
Kardjilov N.
Providing in situ Imaging Data of Dynamic Root-Soil-Interaction Suited for Numerical Modelling
Oswald SE, Rudolph-Mohr N, Kardjilov N & Tötzke C
In situ Imaging of Dynamic Processes at the Complex Root-Soil-Interface
Oswald S, Tötzke C, Rudolph-Mohr N & Kardjilov N
Kardos L.
Investigating the Nature and Fate of Mining-Related Historical Contaminations with Geochemical and Microbiological Tools in the Transboundary Drava River Floodplain
Szabó P, Jordan G, Kocsis T, Kardos L, Šajn R & Alijagić J
Kareem K.
300 M.y. of Komatiite Evolution in the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Robin C, Arndt N, Chauvel C, Byerly G, Kareem K, Hofmann A & Wilson A
Karen V.D.
Iron Isotope Constraints on Fe Cycling and Mass Balance in the Oxygenated Earth
Beard B, Johnson C & Karen VD
Kärenlampi K.
2.05 Ga A1-type Felsic to Intermediate Igneous Suite and Related Nb-Zr-Ree Mineralization at Otanmäki, Central Finland
Kärenlampi K, Hanski E, Kontinen A, Huhma H, Krause J, Heinig T & Lahaye Y