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Karageorgis Aris (2011) Mobilization of Pb from Weathered Shots at a Firing Range in Athens, Greece
Argyraki A, Godelitsas A, Petrakaki N, Astilleros JM & Karageorgis A

Karageorgis Aristomenis (2021) Environmental Reconstruction of the Saronikos Upper Pleistocene Paleolake, Central Greece; Preliminary Results
Kafousia N, Kaberi E, Rousakis G, Triantaphyllou M, Mavromatis V, Koutsopoulou E, Gogou A & Karageorgis A
(2016) Natural and Anthropogenic Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Saronikos Gulf, Greece: Reviewing 15 Years of Observations
Karageorgis A, Kaberi H, Zervoudaki S, Krasakopoulou E & Botsou F
(2014) Geochemistry and Speciation of Cr in Ultramafic Rocks
Andrioti A, Botsou F, Karageorgis A, Koutsopoulou E, Paraskevopoulou V & Scoullos M
(2014) Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources of Heavy Metals and their Distribution in Marine Sediments Around Attica Region, Greece
Karageorgis A & Botsou F

Karakas O. (2019) Timescales and Processes Involved in the Construction of Crustal-Scale Magmatic Systems
Bachmann O, Huber C, Townsend M, Degruyter W, Karakas O, Wotzlaw J, Cornet J & Laurent O
(2019) Modelling Zircon Crystallisation and Dissolution in Crustal-Scale Magmatic Systems
Karakas O, Wotzlaw J-F & Chelle-Michou C
(2018) Construction and Storage of Crustal-Scale Magmatic Systems
Karakas O, Wotzlaw J-F, Degruyter W, Bachmann O, Economos R, Ulmer P, Dufek J & Bergantz G

Karakas Z.S. (2011) Geochemistry and Distribution of Total Heavy Mineral Concentrations of Beach Sediments of the Sakarya Delta (SW-Black Sea)
Sözeri K, Ergin M, Karakaş Z & Eser Dogdu B
(2011) The Geochemical Characteristics of Beach Sediments of the Finike Gulf (Southwest Turkey)
Durmus ES, Ergin M, Karakas Z, Sozeri K, Eser-Dogdu B & Onal Z
(2011) A Study on the Beach Sediments of The Gulf of Fethiye (SW Turkey), Focus on Geochemical Data
Onal Z, Eser Dogdu B, Ergin M, Karakas ZS, Sozeri K & Durmus ES

Karakaya N. (2017) Sulphur, Oxygen and Strontium Isotope Composition of the Ca-Sulphate Minerals in the Tuzgölü Basin, Türkiye
Karakaya N, Çeli̇k Karakaya M, Bozdağ A, Ercan H, Deli̇kan A & Nalbantçilar MT
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Composition, and Isotope Geochemistry of Upper Neogene Deposits (Polatlı, Central Turkey)
Çelik Karakaya M & Karakaya N
(2016) Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Turkish spa Waters
Karakaya N, Çelik Karakaya M & Nalbantçılar T
(2011) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Zeolites of Pyroclastic Deposits in Northwestern of Tuzgölü Basin (Turkey)
Çelik Karakaya M & Karakaya N
(2011) Mineralogical and Chemical Variations in Kaolin and Alunite Deposits in Vicinity of the Aksaray Region (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
Karakaya N & Çelik Karakaya M
(2010) The Types of Hydrothermal Alteration and Behavior Trace Elements at Around of Eastern Black Sea Volcanites and Sulfide Deposits, Turkey
Karakaya N & Çelik Karakaya M
(2010) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of the Sepiolite Deposits at Polatlı Basin (Ankara, Turkey)
Çelik Karakaya M, Karakaya N & Temel A

Karakitsios V. (2009) Indications for the Global Character of the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: Evidence from the Pindos Zone, Western Greece
Kafousia N, Karakitsios V & Jenkyns H

Karakus A. (2011) REE Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Origin of Manganese Mineralization in the Derbent (Mahkeme Hill), Yozgat (Turkey)
Oksuz N, Karakus A & Yurteri C

Karalis K. (2023) Ab Initio Modeling of Magnetite Surfaces for Radionuclide Retention
Katheras A, Karalis K, Krack M, Scheinost AC & Churakov SV
(2022) Ab Initio Modelling of Magnetite Surfaces for Radionuclide Retention
Katheras A, Karalis K, Bucher A, Krack M, Scheinost AC & Churakov SV

Karamalidis Athanasios (2019) Recovery of Rare Earth Elements with Ligand-Functionalized Polymers in Fixed-Bed Adsorption Columns
Karamalidis A, Callura J & Dzombak D
(2019) Mineral Density Fractionation of Bauxite Residues for Enhanced Recovery of REE and Other Metals
Alghalayini S & Karamalidis A

Karamalidis Athanasios K. (2017) Selective Solid Phase Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Aqueous Solutions
Callura J, Perkins K, Noack C, Washburn N, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A
(2016) Selective Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements from Geothermal Brines
Callura JC, Noack CW, Perkins K, Washburn NR, Dzombak DA & Karamalidis AK
(2015) Partitioning of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Organic Compounds in High Salinity Waters of Unconventional Oil and Gas Plays
Burant A, Lowry G & Karamalidis A
(2014) The Validation of the Setschenow Equation for Selected Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Hypersaline Solutions
Burant AS, Lowry GV, Hakala A & Karamalidis AK
(2013) Dissolution of Arsenic and Iron from Reservoir and Cap-Rocks of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Sites
Parthasarathy H, Lopano C, Hakala A, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A
(2013) Dissolution of Arsenopyrite Under Geologic Carbon Storage Conditions
Parthasarathy H, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A
(2013) Setschenow Constants for Prediction of Salting-Out of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Brines
Burant A, Lowry G & Karamalidis A

Karaman M. (2014) Hydrothermal Alteration Geochemistry of Atud Gold Deposits at the Central Block of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, Egypt: Insights Provided by Mass-Balance Calculations
Abdelnasser A, Kumral M, Zoheir B, Weihed P, Kiran Yildirim D & Karaman M
(2014) Geochemical Investigations of Egrigoz Granitoid-Hosted Cu-Pb-Zn Mineralization at the Northern Margin of Tauride-Anatolide Platform: A Case Study from Tavsanli Zone, Kutahya, Turkey
Kumral M, Abdelnasser A, Kan Bostanci A, Doner Z, Budakoglu M & Karaman M
(2013) Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Investigation of Tefenni-Burdur Chromite Occurences, Turkey
Kan Bostanci A, Kiran Yildirim D, Karaman M, Sert AS & Budakoglu M
(2013) Production of the Sodium Sulphate from Acıgöl by Solution Mining Method, Denizli, Turkey
Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kiran Yildirim D, Budakoglu M, Kumral M & Karaman M

Karamanderesi İ.H. (2014) Hydrogeochemical Characterizations of Pamukkale-Karahayit Geothermal Fields (Denizli, Turkey)
Ozen Balaban T, Tarcan G, Gemici U, Colak M & Karamanderesi İH

Karamchandani P. (2009) Global-Through-Urban WRF/Chem: A Unified Model for Modeling Aerosol-Climate Interactions
Zhang Y, Pan Y, Wen X-Y, Chen Y-S, Karamchandani P, Streets DG & Zhang Q

Karami A. (2023) The Impact of Solution Stoichiometry on Crystal Nucleation and Growth
Wolthers M, Karami A, Seepma SYMH, Peters VFD & Koskamp JA

Karami Z. (2005) Epithermal Gold District in Southeast Iran
Karami Z & Houshmandzade A

Karan E.a. (2015) Nacre and the Environment
Gilbert PUPA, Myers CE, Bergmann K, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan EA, Tamre E & Knoll AH

Karan Elizabeth (2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A

Karanasiou A. (2009) Impact of Fine, Coarse and PM10 Size Fractions on the Solution of Positive Matrix Factorization Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosol Data
Karanasiou A & Eleftheriadis K
(2009) Volatility of Nuclei Mode Arctic Aerosol
Eleftheriadis K, Vratolis S, Karanasiou A, Biskos G & Ondráček J

Karancz S. (2024) Variation in Seawater [Ca2+] as a Major Driver for Na, K, S, and B Incorporation in Inorganic Calcites
Uchikawa J, Karancz S, Wolthers M, Pacho Sampedro L, Harper DT, Penman DE, de Nooijer LJ, Reichart G-J & Richard Z
(2023) Constraining Sulfur Incorporation in Calcite Using Controlled Growth Experiments
Karancz S, Uchikawa J, de Nooijer LJ, Conner K, Richard Z & Reichart G-J
(2021) Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Marine Inorganic Carbon Chemistry in the Benguela Upwelling System during the Last 25 ka
Karancz S, de Nooijer LJ, Hennekam R, Erdem Z, Haghipour N, Schouten S, van der Wagt B & Reichart G-J
(2019) Carbonate Chemistry Reconstruction of the South Pacific with Implications for Deglacial CO2 Degassing
Karancz S, Raitzsch M, Buisson M, Tian R & Bijma J

Karangutkar S. (2010) Enhanced Phytoplankton Productivity Induced by Anthropogenic Nutrient Enrichment and Iron Fluxes in the Coastal Water of Alang, Gujarat
Jaiswar JR, Jaiswar AR, Rokade MA, Karangutkar S & Phadake S

Karanveer K. (2022) Appraisal and Spatial Distribution of Potential Toxic Elements in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Land from Alluvial Plains of Punjab, India
Karanveer K, Bala R & Das D

Karaoglu Ö. (2015) Holocene and Upper Pleistocene 40Ar/39Ar Ages from Nemrut Volcano
Barfod D, Goff J, Karaoglu Ö & Özdemir Y

Karaoz U. (2014) Trait-Based Approaches to Modeling the Microbial Biogeochemistry from Terrestrial to Aquatic Ecosystems
King E, Karaoz U, Cheng Y, Tang J, Riley W, Molins S, Bouskill N & Brodie E
(2014) The GEWaSC Framework: Multiscale Modeling of Coupled Biogeochemical, Microbiological, and Hydrological Processes
Steefel C, Brodie E, Bouskill N, Molins S, Arora B, Yabusaki S, Karaoz U, Spycher N, Maxwell R, Trebotich D, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J

Karapurkar S.G. (2011) Variability of Nitrogen Stable Isotope in Suspended Organic Matter in Waters of the Western Continental Shelf of India and the Mandovi Estuary
Maya MV, Karapurkar SG, Soares MA, Agnihotri R, Roy R, Naik H & Naqvi SWA

Karasawa N. (2014) Strontium, Lithium and Lead Isotope Ratios in Atmospheric Deposits in Fukuoka, Southwest Japan in the 1960s
Kikawada Y, Matsumoto Y, Karasawa N, Akamine T, Oi T & Hirose K

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