Kang Jae-Eun
Effect of Ventilation on the Concentrations of Gaseous Sulfur and Sulfate Aerosol in an Urban Valley
Song S-K, Kim Y-K, Shon Z-H & Kang J-E
Kang Jaehyuk
Study on the Fate of Radionuclide in Concrete Waste
Kim W-S, Kang J, Kwon S & Chang S
Kang Jeongwon
Determination of POPs in the Marine Environment Using Various Passive Sampling Devices
Jeong H, Jang YL, Kim GB & Kang J
Application and Analysis of Stable Isotopes (Oxygen and Carbon) in Coralline Algae, Coastal Waters in Korea
Kang J, Jeong H, Kim Y, Jeong EY, Park J-Y & Huh S
Continuous Modifications of River Discharge by Dam Constructions and its Impact on Estuarine Environment of the Nakdong Estuary, Korea
Kim Y, Kang J & Park S
Biogeochemical Characteristics as Indicators of Anthropogenic Alteration in Nakdong Estuary, Korea
Kim Y, Kang J & Park S
Air Quality Monitoring Program at the Port of Busan, South Korea: 3D Measurements
Kang J, Hyun S, Park S & Kim Y
Biogeochemical Significance of Asian Aerosol Deposition in the Southern East Sea
Kang J, Choi M-S, Woo HJ, Jeong K-S & Jung H-S
Kang Ji Young
Removal of Nitrate and Phosphate in Groundwater Using Sequential Passive Treatment Systems
Buyanjargal A, Kang JY & Jeen S-W
Kang Ji-Hoon
Igneous Activities and Tectonic Evolution of the Ogcheon Rift Basin, South Korea
Kang J-H
Kang Jin-Ting
Barium Isotope Characteristic of the Hawaiian Lavas
Nan X-Y, Kang J-T, Yu H-M, Huang S-C & Huang F
Exploring Ca Isotope Systematic in the Earth’s Mantle
Huang F, Zhang Z-F, Kang J-T, Qi Y, Zhou C & Wang W-Z
Kang Jinting
The Reduced Partition Function Ratios of K and Ca Isotopes in Feldspars: Insight from Deep Neural Network Potentials
Xiao Z, Kang J, Wang D, Deng G, Wu Z & Huang F
Ca Isotope Composition of the Altered Oceanic Crust from the IODP Site 1256 at the East Pacific Rise
Hu L, Qi Y, Kang J & Huang F
How Precise and Accurate Can Mg Isotope Data Be by Using the Sample-Standard Bracketing Method?
Huang F, Wang W & Kang J
Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Arc Magmas: The Absence of Subduction Signal
Kang J, Qi Y, Yu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
Kinetic Ca-Fe Isotope Fractionation in Xenoliths Overprinted by Plume-Lithosphere Interaction
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
The Vanadium Isotopic Composition of the BSE: Constraints from Peridotites and Komatiites
Qi Y, Wu F, Ionov D, Puchtel I, Nicklas R, Yu H, Kang J, Li C & Huang F
Reaction Controlled Kinetic Inter-Mineral Ca Isotope Fractionation between Orthopyroxene and Clinopyroxene
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
Effects of Melt Percolation on Ca Isotopic Variation in Peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton
Zhao X, Zhang Z, Liu Y & Kang J
Iron Isotope Systematics of the Tongshankou Porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo Deposit, Eastern China
He Z-W, Huang F, Yu H-M, Chen S, Kang J-T & Zhang X-C
Calcium Isotopic Fractionation between Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxen in Mantle Xenoliths from Eastern China
Kang J-T, Zhu H-L, Liu Y-F, Liu F, Wu F, Hao Y-T, Huang F & Zhang Z-F
Kang Jisuk
A Multi-Isotope Approach to Tracing the Sources and Migration of Air Pollutants in East Asia
Kim Y, Lee I, Kang J, Villa IM, Farquhar J & Shin W-J
Preliminary Study on Chemical and Sr Isotope Characterization of Precipitation in Seoul, Korea
Kim Y, Lee I, Kang J & Villa I
Lead Isotopic Variations on Sulfides in Janggun Deposit, South Korea
Kang J, Wille M, Hofmann BA, Strauss H & Villa IM
Heterogeneous Lead Isotopic Composition of Sulfide Mineral in Janggun Mine, South Korea
Kang J & Villa IM
Kang Jiyoung
Reaction Mechanisms for the Simultaneous Removal of Nitrate and Phosphate in Groundwater
Kang J & Jeen S-W
Removal of Nitrate and Phosphate in Groundwater Using a Single Reagent Composed of Calcium-Organic Complexes
Kang J & Jeen S-W
Kang Jung Ok
Factors Regulating the CO2 Storage and Emission in the Northwest Pacific: An Example of the post-Lgm Shatsky Rise
Bang S, Huh Y & Kang JO
Coral Records of Ocean Acidification and Physiological Processes in the Southern Great Barrier Reef
Kang JO, McCulloch M, Eggins S, Gagan M & Mortimer G
Kang Jung-Ho
Ultrasensitive Determination of Lead Isotopes at the Sub-Picogram per Gram Level in NEEM Ice Core from Greenland by Thermal Isonization Mass Spectrometry
Han C, Burn-Nunes LJ, Lee K, Chang C, Kang J-H, Han Y, Hur SD & Hong S
Kang Jung-Yoon
Validation of Saltation Flux Parameterization with Observation
Kang J-Y, Mikami M, Shao Y, Yoon S-C, Tanaka TY & Sekiyama TT
Kang Jungseock
Evaluation of Rice Wine Waste as Substrate for Use in Acid Mine Drainage Treatment
Kim G, Kang S, Kang J & Baek H
Kang Junyao
Validation of an Enhanced Weathering Model for Estimating CDR and its Uncertainty with In-Field Data from Brazil
Kang J, Larkin C, Bertagni MB, Calabrese S, Chiapini M, Swoboda P, Rodrigues MM, Ferrarezi J, Schwerz L & Clarkson M
Kang Kwang Cheol
Sorption of U(VI) onto K-Birnessite
Baik MH & Kang KC
Kang Kyounggu
Environmental Tracer Data (CFCs, SF6, 3H, 18O, 2H) Coupled with Hydrochemistry to Delineate the Groundwater Flow Dynamics
Kang H-J, Yu S, Kang K & Yun S-T
Kang Kyounglim
Speciation and Reactivity of Redox-Sensitive Metals in Wildfire Ash: Implications for Nutrient and Metal Cycles
Kang K, Rowley MC, Whelan E, Bone SE & Peña J
Interference of Manganese with Iron Acquisition by Bacterial Siderophores
Kang K & Pena J
Academic Institutions’ Responses to COVID-19 Crisis
Biswakarma J, Rushworth D, Srivastava G, Kang K, Singh G, Das S, Anantharaman SB, Aeppli M, Popp AL & Bhuyan DJ
Photogenerated Fe(II) Accelerates Ligand-Controlled Dissolution Rates of Iron(hydr)oxides
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
Fe Acquisition by Coumarins; An Interplay between Ligand-Controlled and Reductive Dissolution
Schenkeveld W, Kang K & Kraemer S
Surface Catalyzed Fe(II) Oxidation Process and its Influence on Ligand-Controlled Fe(III) (Hydr)oxide Dissolution Rate
Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Biswakarma J, Hug SJ, Hering JG & Kraemer SM
Isotope Exchange and Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of Iron(hydr)oxides in the Carbonate System
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of FeOOH: ATR-FTIR, Isotopic, and Kinetic Studies
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Borowski SC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
Ligand-Controlled Fe(hydr)oxide Dissolution Catalyzed by Electron Transfer
Kang K, Biswakarma J, Borowski SC, Hug SJ, Hering JG, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM
Kang Kyung-Goo
Geologic Control of Groundwater Contamination in a Basaltic Aquifer beneath an Agricultural Field, South Korea
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Kim K-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
Interpretation of Hydrochemistry Data Using Bayesian Statistical Approaches to Delineate Groundwater Contamination Vulnerability
Kim H-R, Kim K-H, Kang K-G, Moon S-H & Yun S-T
Distribution of Vanadium in a Basaltic Aquifer of Jeju Island, Korea: Effects of Geochemical Reactions and Hydrological Mixing
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Mayer B, Kim K-H, Go Y-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
Bayesian Statistical Interpretation of Hydrochemistry Data to Delineate the Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate Contamination
Kim H-R, Kim K-H, Yun S-T, Kang K-G, Kim HM, Go Y-H & Moon S-H
Land Use Control of Groundwater Chemistry in the Pyosun Watershed, Jeju Island, Korea
Go Y-H, Yun S-T, Kang K-G, Mayer B, Kim K-H & Hyun H-N
Kang Le
Alkaline Lamprophyres in Tarim LIP, XinJiang, China: Implications for Interaction of Various Mantle Sources
Xiong L, Su L, Feng D & Kang L
Kang Lei
Redefine Bulunkuole Group in Eastern Pamirs Syntaxis and its Signification – From the Evidence of LA-ICP-MS Isotope Dating of Detrital Zircon
Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Kang L, Dong Z-C, Guo L & Xi R-G
The Inclusions of Carbonates in UHP Eclogite from the South Altyn Tagh, Northwest China: A New Constraint for its Peak Metamorphic Pressure
Liu L, Cao Y-T, Wang C, Chen D-L, Kang L & Yang W-Q
Kang Lei
Chronological Study of the Anatexis of the Grt Biotie Gneiss from the South Altyn HP-Uhpm Terrane
Cao Y, Liu L, Wang C, Yang W & Kang L
Geochronology and Geochemistry of Hongqilapu Granite in Eastern Pamirs, China
Kang L, Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Xi R-G, Dong Z-C & Guo L
Dating of Multi-Stage Metamorphism Events: Constraints on Episodic Zircon Growth from Retrograded Eclogites of the South Altyn Tagh, China
Liu L, Chen D, Wang C, Cao Y, Kang L, Yang W & Zhu X
Kang M
The Solid-Phase Controls on the Mobility of Heavy Metals in Waste Rock Impoundment, the Abandoned Cheongyang Mine, Korea
Lee P, Kang M & Choi S
Kang Mi Ree
Alkali Phosphate Treatment For The Reduction of Acid Rock Drainage
Lee JH, Kang MR, Chon C-M, Nam I-H, Cho Y-C, Ryu J, Song Y-S & Kim JG
Kang Ming
A Case Study of Geochemical Exploration for Xishanwan Ag Polymetallic Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Kang M & Yuan Y
On the 'Dipole CHIM' Technique Electrified by Low Voltage Dipole
Kang M, Liang S & Yang J
Kang Mingliang
Redox Reaction of Pyrite with Se
Bardelli F, Kang M, Gehin A & Charlet L
Selenium Reduction by Pyrite: pH Effect and Mossbauer Study
Gehin A, Kang M, Greneche J-M & Charlet L