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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kang Jung Ok (2020) Factors Regulating the CO2 Storage and Emission in the Northwest Pacific: An Example of the post-Lgm Shatsky Rise
Bang S, Huh Y & Kang JO
(2011) Coral Records of Ocean Acidification and Physiological Processes in the Southern Great Barrier Reef
Kang JO, McCulloch M, Eggins S, Gagan M & Mortimer G

Kang Jung-Ho (2015) Ultrasensitive Determination of Lead Isotopes at the Sub-Picogram per Gram Level in NEEM Ice Core from Greenland by Thermal Isonization Mass Spectrometry
Han C, Burn-Nunes LJ, Lee K, Chang C, Kang J-H, Han Y, Hur SD & Hong S

Kang Jung-Yoon (2011) Validation of Saltation Flux Parameterization with Observation
Kang J-Y, Mikami M, Shao Y, Yoon S-C, Tanaka TY & Sekiyama TT

Kang Jungseock (2012) Evaluation of Rice Wine Waste as Substrate for Use in Acid Mine Drainage Treatment
Kim G, Kang S, Kang J & Baek H

Kang Kwang Cheol (2009) Sorption of U(VI) onto K-Birnessite
Baik MH & Kang KC

Kang Kyounggu (2022) Environmental Tracer Data (CFCs, SF6, 3H, 18O, 2H) Coupled with Hydrochemistry to Delineate the Groundwater Flow Dynamics
Kang H-J, Yu S, Kang K & Yun S-T

Kang Kyounglim (2022) Interference of Manganese with Iron Acquisition by Bacterial Siderophores
Kang K & Pena J
(2021) Academic Institutions’ Responses to COVID-19 Crisis
Biswakarma J, Rushworth D, Srivastava G, Kang K, Singh G, Das S, Anantharaman SB, Aeppli M, Popp AL & Bhuyan DJ
(2020) Photogenerated Fe(II) Accelerates Ligand-Controlled Dissolution Rates of Iron(hydr)oxides
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
(2019) Fe Acquisition by Coumarins; An Interplay between Ligand-Controlled and Reductive Dissolution
Schenkeveld W, Kang K & Kraemer S
(2019) Surface Catalyzed Fe(II) Oxidation Process and its Influence on Ligand-Controlled Fe(III) (Hydr)oxide Dissolution Rate
Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Biswakarma J, Hug SJ, Hering JG & Kraemer SM
(2019) Isotope Exchange and Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of Iron(hydr)oxides in the Carbonate System
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
(2018) Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of FeOOH: ATR-FTIR, Isotopic, and Kinetic Studies
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Borowski SC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
(2017) Ligand-Controlled Fe(hydr)oxide Dissolution Catalyzed by Electron Transfer
Kang K, Biswakarma J, Borowski SC, Hug SJ, Hering JG, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM

Kang Kyung-Goo (2013) Geologic Control of Groundwater Contamination in a Basaltic Aquifer beneath an Agricultural Field, South Korea
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Kim K-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
(2013) Interpretation of Hydrochemistry Data Using Bayesian Statistical Approaches to Delineate Groundwater Contamination Vulnerability
Kim H-R, Kim K-H, Kang K-G, Moon S-H & Yun S-T
(2012) Distribution of Vanadium in a Basaltic Aquifer of Jeju Island, Korea: Effects of Geochemical Reactions and Hydrological Mixing
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Mayer B, Kim K-H, Go Y-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
(2012) Bayesian Statistical Interpretation of Hydrochemistry Data to Delineate the Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate Contamination
Kim H-R, Kim K-H, Yun S-T, Kang K-G, Kim HM, Go Y-H & Moon S-H
(2011) Land Use Control of Groundwater Chemistry in the Pyosun Watershed, Jeju Island, Korea
Go Y-H, Yun S-T, Kang K-G, Mayer B, Kim K-H & Hyun H-N

Kang Le (2019) Alkaline Lamprophyres in Tarim LIP, XinJiang, China: Implications for Interaction of Various Mantle Sources
Xiong L, Su L, Feng D & Kang L

Kang Lei (2011) Redefine Bulunkuole Group in Eastern Pamirs Syntaxis and its Signification – From the Evidence of LA-ICP-MS Isotope Dating of Detrital Zircon
Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Kang L, Dong Z-C, Guo L & Xi R-G
(2011) The Inclusions of Carbonates in UHP Eclogite from the South Altyn Tagh, Northwest China: A New Constraint for its Peak Metamorphic Pressure
Liu L, Cao Y-T, Wang C, Chen D-L, Kang L & Yang W-Q

Kang Lei (2016) Chronological Study of the Anatexis of the Grt Biotie Gneiss from the South Altyn HP-Uhpm Terrane
Cao Y, Liu L, Wang C, Yang W & Kang L
(2011) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Hongqilapu Granite in Eastern Pamirs, China
Kang L, Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Xi R-G, Dong Z-C & Guo L
(2010) Dating of Multi-Stage Metamorphism Events: Constraints on Episodic Zircon Growth from Retrograded Eclogites of the South Altyn Tagh, China
Liu L, Chen D, Wang C, Cao Y, Kang L, Yang W & Zhu X

Kang M (2004) The Solid-Phase Controls on the Mobility of Heavy Metals in Waste Rock Impoundment, the Abandoned Cheongyang Mine, Korea
Lee P, Kang M & Choi S

Kang Mi Ree (2019) Alkali Phosphate Treatment For The Reduction of Acid Rock Drainage
Lee JH, Kang MR, Chon C-M, Nam I-H, Cho Y-C, Ryu J, Song Y-S & Kim JG

Kang Ming (2020) A Case Study of Geochemical Exploration for Xishanwan Ag Polymetallic Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Kang M & Yuan Y
(2010) On the 'Dipole CHIM' Technique Electrified by Low Voltage Dipole
Kang M, Liang S & Yang J

Kang Mingliang (2011) Redox Reaction of Pyrite with Se
Bardelli F, Kang M, Gehin A & Charlet L
(2011) Selenium Reduction by Pyrite: pH Effect and Mossbauer Study
Gehin A, Kang M, Greneche J-M & Charlet L

Kang Minsung (2019) Source Apportionment of VOCs and their Impact on Air Quality and Health in the Megacity of Seoul
Song S-K, Shon Z-H, Kang Y-H, Kim K-H, Kang M, Bang J-H & Oh I

Kang Misun (2014) Quantifying Fluids in Porous Media Using Neutron Imaging
Kang M, Lerche M & Lesher C
(2010) Neutron Imaging of Fluids in Plant-Soil-Rock Systems Using the ORNL/HFIR CG-1 Beamline
Bilheux H, Horita J, Warren J, Perfect E & Kang M

Kang Moo-Hee (2019) Occurrence of Marine Silicate Weathering (MSiW) in the Mound Structure of the Chukchi Sea
Kim J-H, Ryu J-S, Park M-H, Lee D-H, Minami H, Jeen Y-K, Kang M-H, Lee CS & Park SH

Kang Myunghak (2020) Controls of Strontium and Lithium Isotope Spatial Variability Across the Yukon River Basin
Kang M, Brennan SR & Bataille CP

Kang Patricia (2023) The Petrology and Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of Young Arc-Derived Pyroxenites from the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone
Ibanez-Mejia M, Zieman L, Rooney A, Kang P, Ascencio PI, Johnson A, Bloch EM & Pardo-Villaveces N
(2018) Lawsonite Oxygen Isotope and Trace Element Records of Subduction Fluids
Kang P, Whitney D, Martin L & Ghent E

Kang Peihong (2018) Evaluating the Lability of Organic Matter from Individual Sources by Carbon Isotope Signature of Amino Acids in the Estuary
Tang T, Kang P, Zhang H, Zhu Y, He B & Li Q

Kang Peter K. (2020) Modern Water-Microbe-Mineral Feedbacks within a Subsurface Banded Iron Formation
McDermott JM, Gralnick J, Santelli CM, Bond DR, Sheik C, Kang PK, Peterson D, Lee W, Hsu D, Schuler CJ, Alexander SC, Noren A & Toner BM

Kang Peter Kyungchul (2018) Effects of Flow and Hydrochemical Properties on Mixing-Induced Iron Precipitation in Porous Media: Pore-Scale Study with Dynamic Imaging
Anggraini TM, Park S, Kang PK, Lee S & Lee S

Kang Q (2005) Lattice Boltzmann Pore-Scale Model for Coupled Multi-Component Flow, Diffusion, and Reaction
Kang Q & Lichtner P

Kang Qinjun (2022) Scale-Bridging Using Machine-Learning: Nanoconfinement Effects in Porous Media
Viswanathan H, Santos J, Pachalieva A, Kang Q & Germann T
(2020) Direct Numerical Simulations of Coupled Physicochemical and Thermal Processes Involved in Actinide-Fluid Interactions
Liu M, Kang Q & Xu H
(2020) Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Reveals Pressure-Dependent Methane Trapping in Shale
Neil C, Mehana M, Hjelm R, Hawley M, Mao Y, Viswanathan H, Kang Q & Xu H
(2013) The Effect of Chemical Evolution in 137CsCl on Radionuclide Leaching
Zhang F, Marks N, Gale J, Kang Q, Uberuaga B, Stanek C & Henson N

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