Kan Hironobu
Carbonate Cement as an Indicator of Sea Level during the Last Glacial Period: IODP Exp. 325, Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes
Kan H, Fujita K, Yokoyama Y, Suzuki A, Miyairi Y & Webster JM
Kan J.
Population Dynamics of Estuarine Microbiome and their Response to Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Matter
Wang H, Chen F, Tao J, Zhang C & Kan J
Epiphytic Bacteria are Indispensable in Production of Algae-Derived RDOM (Refractory Dissolved Organic Matter)
Liu Y, Sun Y, He C, Shi Q, Kan J & Sun J
Biogeochemical Dynamics of Aqueous Fe and Mn in Soil Pore-Waters and Stream with Respect to Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Quantity and Quality
Lazareva O, Sparks DL, Pan W, Kan J & Aufdenkampe A
Role of Fe- and Mn- Redox Coupling on the Carbon Cycle in a Mixed Land Use Watershed: Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory
Lazareva O, Sparks DL, Aufdenkampe A, Yoo K, Hicks S & Kan J
Kan M.
Ecohydrologic Implications of Deeply Rooted Grasses
Oerter E, Nuccio E, Slessarev E, Min K, Kan M, Visser A, McFarlane K, Asefaw Berhe A & Pett-Ridge J
Kan Bostanci A.
Distribution of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Chromites from Some Selected Areas from Denizli and Mugla Provinces, SW Turkey
Doner Z, Kiran Yildirim D, Kan Bostanci A, Kumral M & Budakoglu M
Geochemical Investigations of Egrigoz Granitoid-Hosted Cu-Pb-Zn Mineralization at the Northern Margin of Tauride-Anatolide Platform: A Case Study from Tavsanli Zone, Kutahya, Turkey
Kumral M, Abdelnasser A, Kan Bostanci A, Doner Z, Budakoglu M & Karaman M
Geochemical and Petrographical Investigation of Chromite Occurrences in Burdur-Salda, Turkey
Kiran Yildirim D, Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kan Bostanci A & Kumral M
Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Investigation of Tefenni-Burdur Chromite Occurences, Turkey
Kan Bostanci A, Kiran Yildirim D, Karaman M, Sert AS & Budakoglu M
Kanahele-Mossman H.
Papahānaumoku – Study of all Things that are Born or the Living Biome in Hawaii
Kanahele-Mossman H
Kanai Y.
Change in CNP Concentrations and CN Stable Isotope Ratios in the Eutrophic Lagoon Sediment for 200 Years
Yamamuro M & Kanai Y
Geochemical Map of Japan
Imai N, Terashima S, Okai T, Kanai Y, Mikoshiba M & Ohta A
Distribution of U Series Nuclides and its Implication for U Migration in Sedimentary Rocks in Kanamaru, Japan
Kanai Y, Kamioka H, Nakajima T & Tsukamoto H
Kanakdande P.
Geochemical Signatures of Phanerozoic Shale/Clay from the Gondwana Godavari Basin (India): Provenance and Tectonics
Kanakadande P
Geochemical Evidence for Arc/Back-Arc Association in the Bababudan Greenstone Belt, India
Manikyamba C, Khanna T, Kanakdande P, Kanaparthi R, Balaram V & Aradhi AKK
Kanakidou M.
Inversion of Permafrost Methane Emissions Using TM5-MP/4DVAR with TROPOMI Measurements
Parraguez S, Daskalakis N, Kanakidou M, Vrekoussis M, Segers A, Schneising O & Buchwitz M
Evaluation of Labile Iron Processing in Atmospheric Models
Ito A, Myriokefalitakis S, Kanakidou M, Mahowald N, Baker A, Jickells T, Sarin M, Bikkina S, Gao Y, Shelley R, Buck C, Landing W, Bowie A, Perron M, Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Feng Y & Duce R
Human-Driven Changes in Dissolved Phosphorus Deposition to the Ocean
Myriokefalitakis S, Nenes A, Mihalopoulos N, Baker AR & Kanakidou M
Phosphorous Speciation in Atmospheric Deposition Samples in the East Mediteranean
Violaki K, Kanakidou M & Mihalopoulos N
Impact of Crustal Elements on Global Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen
Myriokefalitakis S, Daskalakis N & Kanakidou M
Global Sources of Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere: Reconciling Model Results with Observations
Kanakidou M, Myriokefalitakis S, Tsigaridis K & Daskalakis N
Simplicity Versus Accuracy in Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Modeling
Tsigaridis K, Kanakidou M, Myriokefalitakis S & Perakis L
Impact of Global Emissions of Primary Marine Organic Aerosols
Vignati E, Facchini MC, Rinaldi M, Scannell C, Sciare J, Kanakidou M, Myriokefalitakis S, Dentener F & O'Dowd C
Kanakin S.
Mg-Aenigmatite from the Tazheran Massif (East Siberia, Russia)
Starikova A, Sklyarov E & Kanakin S
Kanamatsu T.
Millennium Scale Paleoceanographic Changes in High Sedimentation IMAGES Core MD01-2412 in the Southwestern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk
Sakamoto T, Ikehara M, Uchida M, Aoki K, Harada N & Kanamatsu T
Kananian A.
Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Chromium Spinels from the Sabzevar Ophiolite (SE Iran)
Eslami A, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Kananian A, Bach W, Grieco G, Cavallo A & Gatta D
Fractal Geometry of Enclaves as a New Concept to Determine the Viscosity of Magmas on the Conditions of Magma Mixing: A Case Study from the Dehe Bala Complex, Central Iran
Gharamohammadi Z, Kananian A & Eliassi M
Mineralogy of the Sodic-Calcic Hydrothermal Alteration Host Rocks of the Esfordi, Choghart and Chadormalu Magnetite-Flourapatite Deposits, Bafq Area, Central Iran
Taghipour S, Kananian A & Donovan J
Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Metasomatic Rocks within Gachin, Kalat, Pohl and Hormuz Island Salt Plugs, Iran
Kananian A, Taghipour S, Nemati R & Mackizadeh MA
Geology and Mineralogy of the Altered Rocks in the Choghart Deposit, Bafq Area, Central Iran
Taghipour S, Kananian A & Taghipour B
Kananizadeh N.
Viral Influence on Subsurface Biogeochemcial Cycling and Heavy Metal Transport
Weber K, Pan D, Tan Z, Wang D, Williams K, Robbins M, Snow D, Kananizadeh N & Li Y
Kanao T.
Redox Transformations of Iron in Extremely Low pH Environments: Environmental and Industrial Implications
Johnson B, Kanao T & Hedrich S
Kanaparthi R.
Geochemical Evidence for Arc/Back-Arc Association in the Bababudan Greenstone Belt, India
Manikyamba C, Khanna T, Kanakdande P, Kanaparthi R, Balaram V & Aradhi AKK
Kanasashi T.
Speciation of Cesium Adsorbed on Tree Tissues Using EXAFS
Tanaka K, Kanasashi T, Takenaka C & Takahashi Y
Kanawade V.P.
Aerosol Indirect Radiative Forcing over Northern India
Sarangi C, Tripathi SN, Kanawade VP & Koren I
Kanawati B.
Profiling of Magnesium Organosulfur Chemistry in Meteorites
Matzka M, Lucio M, Kanawati B, Quirico E, Bonal L, Loehle S & Schmitt-Kopplin P
Novel Metalorganic Compounds Revealed in Meteorites
Ruf A, Kanawati B, Yin Q-Z, Moritz F, Harir M, Lucio M, Shilobreeva S, Gabelica Z, Gougeon RD, Quirico E, Haack H, Gonsior M, Jenniskens P, Hinman NW & Schmitt-Kopplin P
The Ozonolysis of β-Caryophyllene
Moortgat GK, Kanawati B, Herrmann F & Winterhalter R
Kanayama A.
Relation between Chemical Composition of Seawater and Weathering of Basalt Under the Low Oxygen Condition in Early Stage of Proterozoic era
Kobayashi S, Kanayama A & Naohara J
Kanayama K.
Drastic Changes in Subduction Flux Following Subduction Inception
Ishizuka O, Taylor RN, Umino S & Kanayama K
Contribution of Slab-Derived Fluids and Sediment Melt in the Incipient Arc Magma of the Oman Ophiolite
Kusano Y, Umino S, Kanayama K, Kitamura K, Nagaishi K & Ishikawa T
Was High-Silica Boninite Originated from Ancient Recycled Slab?
Umino S, Kanayama K, Kitamura K, Senda R, Kusano Y & Ishizuka O
Origin of Geochemical Variations of Primary Boninite Magmas of the Ogasawara (Bonin) Archipelago
Kanayama K, Kitamura K, Umino S, Tamura A, Ishizuka O & Arai S
Prolonged vs. Failed Subduction Zone
Umino S, Kitamura K, Kanayama K, Kusano Y, Nagaishi K, Ishikawa T & Ishizuka O
Geochemistry and Genetic Conditions of Primary Boninites from the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands and the Oman Ophiolite
Kitamura K, Umino S, Kanayama K, Kusano Y & Ishizuka O
Processes and Timescale of Subduction Initiation and Subsequent Evolution of Izu-Bonin Mariana Island Arc
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Reagan MK, Kanayama K, Umino S, Harigane Y, Sakamoto I, Miyajima Y, Yuasa M & Dunkley DJ
Kanayama S.
Geochemical Features for Aerosols, Collected at North-Western to Central China: Isotopic Characterization as Tracer for Asian Dust
Kanayama S, Yabuki S, Yanagisawa F, Zeng F, Liu L & Liu M
Characteristics of Mineral Aerosol Collected at Asian Dust Source Regions in China
Yabuki S, Kanayama S, Mikami M, Yanagisawa F, Zeng F & Liu L
Sr-Isotope Composition as a Tracer for Source Identification of Long-Range Transported Asian Dust
Kanayama S, Yabuki S, Yanagisawa F & Abe O
Geochemistry of Loess Sections from High Altitude Region, Yili Basin, NW China
Yabuki S, Ye W, Kanayama S, Honda M & Chang Q
Kanbar H.
Impact of Past Steel-Making Activities on Lanthanides and Y (REY) Fractionation and Potential Mobility in Riverbed Sediments
Hissler C, Montargès-Pelletier E, Kanbar H, Le Meur M & Gauthier C
Molecular Geochemistry of Zn in Continental Rivers
Montarges-Pelletier E, Le Meur M, Kanbar H, Gauthier C, Bihannic I, Gley R & Vantelon D
Combining Isotopic and Speciation Signatures to Study Zn Behavior in Rivers
Cloquet C, LeMeur M, Kanbar H, Dong S & Montargès-Pelletier E
Long Term Behavior of Iron and Zinc in Steelmaking Wastes
Montarges-Pelletier E, Kanbar H, Guenet H, Bihannic I, Gley R & Vantelon D
Identifying the Anthropogenic Sources in River Sediments with Zn and Pb Isotope Signatures: A Case Study in Northeast France
Dong S, Cloquet C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Kanbar H & Mansuy-Huault L
Kanbe Y.
Reaction and Separation of Metal and Silicate in the Early Earth, and Light Elements in the Core
Ohtani E, Kawazoe T, Kanbe Y & Heshiki K
Kanda J.
Comparison of Cesium-Bearing Microparticles from Marine and Terrestrial Sources
Miura H, Ishimaru T, Kanda J, Ito Y, Kubo A & Tsumune D
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Radiocaesium in Seawater and Plankton Samples off Fukushima after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station Accident
Aono T, Fukuda M, Yamazaki S, Ishimaru T, Kanda J, Ito Y, Sohtome T, MIzuno T, Yamada M & Yamabe A
Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Radioactive Cesium to Suspended Particles in Seawater
Miura H, Fan Q, Kurihara Y, Sakaguchi A, Higaki S, Ishimaru T, Kanda J & Takahashi Y
What are the Main Sources of Fukushima-Derived Radionuclides to the Ocean off Japan Fiver Years Later ?
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Castrillejo M, Henderson P, Juan Diaz X, Kanda J, Masque P, Nagao S, Nishikawa J, Otosaka S & Pike S
Kanda W.
Hydrothermal System beneath the Jigokudani Valley, Japan
Seki K, Kanda W, Ohba T, Tanbo T, Nogami K & Aoyama S
Kanda Y.
Enriched Sr-Nd Isotopic Signatures of the Amphibolites in the Oki-Dogo Island, Japan: Evidence for Crust-Mantle Interaction by Deeply Subducted Continental Crust
Arakawa Y, Kouta T, Kanda Y & Amakawa H