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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kamiyama K. (2003) Spatial Variability of Natural Radionuclides, 7Be and 210Pb in the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Suzuki T, Kamiyama K & Fujii Y

Kamizuka T. (2016) Dust Formation Around an Oxygen-Rich AGB Star W Hya: SiO and CO Observation with ALMA
Takigawa A, Kamizuka T, Tachibana S & Yamamura I

Kamkar A. (2011) Application of Lithogeochemistry for Regional Scale Mapping of Geothermal Prospectivity in Sabalan Volcano, North West of Iran
Ziaei M, Ziaii M, Kamkar A & Asghari AA

Kamkar-Rouhani A. (2011) Weighting Stream Sediment Geochemical Samples as Exploration Indicator of Deposit-Type
Yousefi M, Kamkar-Rouhani A & Carranza EJM
(2009) Geochemical Data Analysis of Deh-Salm Area Using Neuro-Fuzzy Networks
Ziaii M, Soleymani AA, Kamkar-Rouhani A & Modarres HR

Kamm J. (2019) Uranium Dynamics in Amazon Estuary Revealed by Isotopic Analysis
Border EC, Kamm J, Koschinsky A, Frank M & Frank N

Kammann C.I. (2016) Understading Biochar Nitrate Capture to Tailor Nitrogen Cycling in Agroecosystems
Hagemann N, Schmidt H-P, Joseph S, Conte P, Kammann CI, Albu M, Obst M, Borch T, Kappler A & Behrens S

Kammer F. (2018) Analyzing Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles: A Way Forward
Hofmann T, Kammer F, Praetorius A & Montano M

Kammermann L. (2009) Hygroscopicity of Tropospheric Aerosols: One Year of Measurements at Jungfraujoch (3580 m asl.)
Kammermann L, Gysel M, Weingartner E & Baltensperger U

Kamo S. (2024) First High-Precision U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS Age of the Chuanlinggou Formation in the North China Craton: Implications for Global Correlations of Black Shales and Statherian-Calymmian Boundary
Zhang S-H, Kamo S, Ernst RE, Hu G-H, Zhang Q-Q, El Bilali H & Zhao Y
(2024) The Effects of Experimentally Induced Zircon Annealing on Melt Inclusion-Zircon Geochemistry: A Case Study of Archean Zircon from the Barberton Complex
Gonzalez JP, Blum TB, Kitajima K, Shimizu K, Spicuzza MJ, Almeev R, Kamo S, Sobolev AV, Bonamici C & Valley JW
(2021) Intensive Volcanic Eruptions Recorded in Black Shales within the Xiamaling Formation in the North China Craton
Zhang S-H, Kamo S, Ernst RE, Pei J, Hu G & Zhang Q-Q
(2020) U-Pb Geochronology of Two Devonian Large Igneous Provinces, Siberian Craton
Duckworth-Battye S, Kamo S & Ernst R
(2019) The Kalahari Craton in the Fiery Heart of Rodinia
Gumsley A, Sałacińska A, Knoper M, Mamuse A, Chew D, Söderlund U, Kamo S, Szopa K & Ernst R
(2015) High Resolution CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb Dating of the Rustenburg Layered Suite: Out of Sequence Layering in the Upper Critical Zone?
Mungall J, Kamo S & McQuade S
(2007) Towards Improved Accuracy of SHRIMP Zircon 207Pb-206Pb Measurements
Stern R, Kamo S, Bodorkos S, Hickman A & Corfu F
(2006) The Permian-Triassic boundary event and eruption of the Siberian flood basalts: an inter-laboratory U-Pb dating study
Kamo S, Crowley J & Bowring SA
(2005) The Role of U-Pb TIMS Dating in Resolving the Causes of Mass Extinction Events
Kamo S
(2002) An Isotope Dilution, Etch Abrasion Solution to the Akilia Island U-Pb Age Controversy
Krogh T, Kamo S & Kwok YY
(2000) U-Pb Zircon and Baddeleyite and U-Th-Pb Perovskite Ages for Siberian Flood Volcanism, Maymecha-Kotuy Area, Siberia
Kamo SL, Czamanske GK, Amelin Y, Fedorenko V & Trofimov V

Kamohara H. (2002) Zircon Fission-Track Thermochronology of the Nojima Fault System
Tagami T, Murakami M, Hasebe N, Kamohara H & Takemura K

Kamona F. (2019) Critical Elements and Emerging Contaminants in Smelting Slags from Northern Namibia
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Jedlicka R, Kribek B, Mapani B & Kamona F
(2015) Contaminant Bioaccessibility from Dusts in Mining and Smelting Districts of Namibia
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Sebek O, Vanek A, Penizek V, Sracek O, Kamona F & Mapani B

Kamoshida T. (2014) Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Particulate Organic Matter in a Coral Reef Ecosystem
Nakatomi N, Kamoshida T & Yamamoto S

Kampara M. (2009) Stable Isotope Fractionation as a Tool to Determine Substrate Bioavailability
Thullner M, Kampara M, Richnow H, Harms H & Wick L

Kämpf H. (2017) Earthquake Impact on Iron Isotope Signatures Recorded in Mineral Spring Water
Schuessler JA, Kämpf H, Koch U & Alawi M
(2011) Late Cretaceous Alnöite from the Delitzsch (Germany) Carbonatite-Ultramafic Complex
Krüger JC, Romer RL & Kämpf H
(2008) Combined Xenolith and Receiver Function Study, Western Bohemian Massif, Central Europe
Kämpf H, Heuer B, Mrlina J & Reuther H
(2006) Combined geochemical and geophysical studies on the western Eger (Ohre) Rift, Central Europe
Kämpf H, Heuer B & Bräuer K
(2006) Free gases as tracers for mantle-related geodynamic processes in the European Cenozoic rift system
Bräuer K, Kämpf H, Niedermann S & Strauch G

Kämpfer P. (2017) Stenotrophomonas Bentonitica BII-R7T, a Novel Bacterial Strain with Bioremediation Potential
Sánchez-Castro I, Bakkali M, Kämpfer P, Glaeser SP, Busse HJ & Merroun ML

Kampić Š. (2016) Sulphur and Heavy Metal Pollution of the Coal-Based City Soil (Labin, Croatia)
Medunić G, Šabarić J, Krivohlavek A, Divjak D, Rađenović A, Kampić Š & Šeparović A

Kampman N. (2019) Waterflooding for Improved Oil Recovery: Cation Exchange Makes the Difference
Tambach T, Fadili A, Gdanski R, Kampman N, Koot W, Snippe J & de Zwart B-R
(2018) Reactive Transport Modelling of 87Sr/86Sr and δ234Ui Evolution in a CO2 Rich Aquifer: Constraint from Modern Fluids and Fossil Veins
Scott P, Maskell A, Bohlin M, Condon D, Sadekov A, Horstwood M, Sahy D, Chapman H, Kampman N & Bickle M
(2015) Understanding Carbon Dioxide Emplacement Processes Using Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes
Holland G, Zwahlen C, Kampman N, Zhou Z, Ballentine C & Dennis P
(2015) U-Th Age Constraints on Leakage Rate and Fluid-Rock Reaction at Green River (UT): An Analogue for CCS
Scott P, Kampman N, Condon D & Bickle M
(2015) How Old are CO2 Reservoirs? A New Method to Determine Directly the Emplacement Time of CO2 Through Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Diffusion Profiles
Zwahlen C, Holland G, Kampman N & Dennis P
(2014) Natural Analogues for Carbon Capture and Storage: U-Th Age Constraints on Fault Fluid Flow at Green River (UT)
Scott P, Kampman N, Condon D, Sahy D, Maskell A & Bickle M
(2013) Modelling Gas-Fluid-Mineral Interactions in a CO2 Injection Analogue Site with Noble Gases
Zhou Z, Bickle M, Galy A, Chapman H, Kampman N, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O, Sirikitputtisak T, Hannah P & Ballentine C
(2013) Long-Term Effects of CO2-Charged Brine on Caprock Integrity and Existing Heterogeneities within the Entrada Sandstone, Green River, Utah
Maskell A, Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Daniels K, Busch A, Schaller M & Evans J
(2013) CO2 Dissolution Rates during CO2 Injection: A Consequence and Measure of Reservoir Heterogeneities
Bickle M, Daniels K, Neufeld J, Kampman N, Galy A, Chapman H, Zhou Z, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O & Ballentine C
(2013) Modelling the Propagation and Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide into Reservoir Brines: Implications for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Daniels K, Bickle M, Waterton P, Hewitt D, Neufeld J, Kampman N, Maskell A & Chapman H
(2013) Strontium Isotopes Map Fluid Flow in a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah, USA
Chapman H, Kampman N, Bickle M, Busch A & Evans JP
(2013) Downhole Fluid Sampling of a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah: Implications for Fault-Hosted Fluid Flow and Reservoir Caprock Performance
Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Maskell A, Evans J & Busch A
(2011) Predicting CO2 EOR and Geological Sequestration Processes with Artificial Noble Gas Tracers
Zhou Z, Bickle M, Galy A, Chapman H, Kampman N, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O, Sirikitputtisak T, Hannah P & Ballentine C
(2011) Trace Element Mobilisation in a Natural Analogue CO2 Storage Site
Wigley M, Bickle M, Kampman N, Dubacq B & Champan H
(2011) Short-Term CO2-Fluid-Mineral Interactions in a CO2 Injection Experiment, Wyoming
Kampman N, Bickle M, Galy A, Chapman H, Zhou Z, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O, Sirikitputtisak T & Ballentine C
(2011) CO2 Degassing and Groundwater Mixing in the Navajo Aquifer, Green River, Utah
Dubacq B, Kampman N, Assayag N, Wigley M & Bickle M
(2010) Coupled CO2-leakage and in situ Fluid-Mineral Reactions in a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah
Kampman N, Burnside N, Bickle M, Shipton Z, Ellam R & Chapman H

Kampschulte A. (2001) The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Phanerozoic Seawater Sulfate Based on Structurally Substituted Sulfate in Carbonates
Strauss H, Kampschulte A & Goddéris Y

Kampunzu H. (2005) Geochemical and Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf Isotope Compositions of the Karoo Large Igneous Province in Botswana-Zimbabwe
Jourdan F, Bertrand H, Schärer U, Blichert-Toft J, Féraud G & Kampunzu H
(2004) New Age Constraints on the Karoo Large Igneous Province: Triple Junction and Brevity Questioned
Jourdan F, Féraud G, Bertrand H, Kampunzu H, Watkeys M, le Gall B & Tshoso G

Kamunya K.M. (2021) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Constraints on Molecular Hydrogen Abundance and Isotope Systematics in Hydrothermal Fluids
Ricci A, Fiebig J, Kleine BI, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Kamunya KM, Mountain B & Stefánsson A

Kamvong T. (2006) Fluid chemistry of the Phu Lon Cu-Au skarn deposit, Loei Fold Belt, northeastern Thailand: Implication for ore genesis
Kamvong T, Zaw K & Harris A

Kamyshny A. (2023) Iron Sources and Cycling during Diagenetic Transformations of Southern Israel Phosphorites
Zweig I, Kamyshny A, Schneider-Mor A & Teutsch N
(2023) History of Polysulfides and their Role in the Evolution of Chemical Knowledge: From Ancient Egypt Medicine to the Discovery of Oxygen
Kamyshny A
(2023) Sulfate Reduction and Sulfide Oxidation in the Sediments with Cryptic Sulfur Cycle are Controlled by High Aeolian Reactive Iron Fluxes
Grijalva Rodríguez TI, Pellerin A, Roy H, Antler G, Zweig I & Kamyshny A
(2023) Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in the Reactive Iron-Rich Marine Sediments
Kamyshny A
(2022) Sulfur, Manganese and Iron Transformations in Low-Sulfate Iron-Rich Lake Sihailongwan
Kamyshny A, Boyko V, Avetisyan K, Findlay A, Guo Q, Yang X & Pellerin A
(2019) Kinetics and Mechanism of Polysulfides Formation by a Reaction between Hydrogen Sulfide and Orthorhombic Cyclooctasulfur
Avetisyan K, Buchshtav T & Kamyshny A
(2019) Sulfur Cycling in the Sediments Affected by High Aeolian Fluxes of Reactive Iron
Kamyshny A & Boyko V
(2019) Kinetic Parameters of Thiocyanate Formation by the Reaction of Cyanide and Sulfur Specious
Kurashova I & Kamyshny A
(2019) Investigating Phosphorites Organic Matter and Trace Elements Contents to Reconstruct Phosphogenesis Conditions and to Identify Processes Improving Phosphoric Acid Production
Ben Shitrit A, Schneider-Mor A, Gelman F & Kamyshny A
(2017) Diurnal Variations in Sulfur Transformations at the Chemocline of Stratified Freshwater Lake
Kamyshny A, Avetisyan K, Findlay A & Eckert W
(2017) Inter-Annual Study of the Re-oxidative Part of the Sulfur Cycle in Lake Kinneret
Avetisyan K, Findlay A, Eckert W & Kamyshny Jr. A
(2017) The Decomposition of Dimethylpolysulfanes in Aqueous Systems in the Absence of Solar Irradiation: Kinetics, Products and Mechanisms
Buchshtav T & Kamyshny A
(2017) The Rate of Thiocyanate Degradation in Natural Aquatic and Sediment Systems
Kurashova I & Kamyshny A
(2017) Decoupling of the Sulphur Cycle between the Water Column and Sediments of a Seasonally Stratified Freshwater Lake
Findlay A, Boyko V, Guo Q & Kamyshny A
(2017) Organic Matter and Fe Competition on Reduced S during Deposition of Senonian Organic-Rich Chalk in Israel
Shawar L, Halevy I, Said-Ahmad W, Boyko V, Kamyshny A, Feinstein S & Amrani A
(2016) Role of Dust Deposition and Seasonal Floods in Cycling of Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Sediments of the Gulf of Aqaba
Boyko V, Blonder B & Kamyshny A
(2015) Triple Sulfur Isotopes Fractionations Associated with Abiotic Sulfur Transformations in Yellowstone National Park Hydrothermal Springs
Kamyshny A, Druschel G, Mansaray Z & Farquhar J
(2015) Reoxidative Part of the Sulfur Cycle in the Water Column of Lake Kinneret
Knossow N, Blonder B, Eckert W, Turchyn AV, Antler G & Kamyshny A
(2015) Biogeochemistry of the Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Sediments of the Gulf of Aqaba
Boyko V & Kamyshny A
(2013) Cyanide and Thiocyanate Biogeochemistry in Non-Polluted Natural Aquatic Systems
Kamsyhny A, Oduro H, Mansaray Z & Farquhar J
(2013) Sulfur and Iron Speciation in Warm Deep Sediments Affected by Dry Deposition of Iron
Blonder B & Kamyshny A
(2013) Microbial Sulfur Cycling in the Modern Black Sea
Gilhooly W, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Severmann S, Böttcher M, Gill B, Kamyshny A & Lyons T
(2012) Sulfur Isotope Systematics of Sulfide Oxidation Intermediates: Implications for Organic Geochemistry
Kamyshny A
(2011) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Sulfur Cycling in a Warm, Monomictic Lake with Sub-Millimolar Sulfate Concentration
Kamyshny A, Eckert W, Gun J, Lev O, Zerkle A, Mansaray Z & Farquhar J
(2010) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Constraint of Environmental VOSCs and Related Sulfur Compounds: Implication for Organosulfur Production and Cycling in Natural Systems
Oduro H, Kamyshny A, Tang K & Farquhar J
(2010) Solubility of Cycloctasulfur in Water as a Function of Temperature, Salinity and Sulfide Concentration
Kamyshny A
(2009) Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in Meromictic Fayetteville Green Lake, NY
Zerkle A, Kamyshny A, Kump L, Riccardi A, Arthur M & Farquhar J
(2009) Zero-Valent Sulfur – Thiosulfate Redox Anomaly at the Chemoclines of Stratified Basins
Kamyshny A, Yakushev E & Jost G
(2008) Sulfide Oxidation Intermediates in Anoxic Sediments of Black and Baltic Seas: Differences and Similarities
Kamyshny A & Ferdelman T
(2007) Dynamics of Zero-Valent Sulfur Species, Including Polysulfides, in Wadden Sea Tidal Flat Pools
Kamyshny A & Ferdelman T

Kamyshny Jr. A. (2018) Cryptic Sulfur Cycle in the Sediments of the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)
Kamyshny A, Blonder B, Boyko V, Turchyn A & Antler G
(2018) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in the Chemocline of Warm Monomictic Lake with Sub-Millimolar Sulfate Concentrations
Avetisyan K, Eckert W, Findlay A & Kamyshny Jr. A

Kan A.T. (2024) An Experimental and Modeling Scheme for Nucleation Under Dynamic Saturation: A Case Study of CaCO3 Precipitation with Implications for Energy Production from and CO2 Sequestration in Subsurface Reservoirs
Reiss AG, Ye Y, Kan AT & Tomson MB

Kan H (2006) Coral records of the 1990s in the tropical northwest Pacific: ENSO, mass coral bleaching, and global warming.
Suzuki A, Gagan MK, Kan H, Siringan F, Yoneda M & Kawahata H

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