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Kalvig P. (2013) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Corundum from Fiskenæsset, Greenland
Keulen N & Kalvig P
(2013) Dahomeyan Neoproterozoic Imprint on Eburnean Palaeoproterozoic Rocks in Southeast Ghana – <i>rubust Ar</i>, Flimsy Pb
Scherstén A, Page L, Kalvig P, Petersson A & Anum S

Kalvoda J. (2011) Timing of Denudation, Erosion and Surface Uplift of the Hunza Karakoram – A Case Study of Combined Thermochronological and Geomorphological Approaches
Kořínková D, Svojtka M & Kalvoda J
(2002) Younger Dryas Glacial Expansion in the Discontinously Glaciated Area of Western and Central Europe
BourlËs D, Braucher R, Brown E, Kalvoda J & Mercier J-L

Kalyani-Janssen R-J. (2024) Detecting and Quantifying OAE Signal and Associated Carbon Removal in the Bedford Basin Field Trials
Atamanchuk D, Morgan S, Laurent A, Wang B, Fennel K, Izett R, Burt W, Sonnichsen C, Yee R, Kalyani-Janssen R-J & Musgrave R

Kałaska M. (2022) Application of Ag, Cu and Pb Isotopes in Determining the Origin of the Ore for Metals from Castillo de Huarmey (Peru)
Kałaska M, Mathur R, Kamenov G, Chyla J, Prządka-Giersz P & Giersz M

Kam S-K. (2016) Geochemical Assessment of Vanadium Distribution In Groundwater of Jeju Volcanic Island
Jeong J-H, Kim H-R, Hyen I-H, Kam S-K, Moon S-H & Yun S-T

Kama M. (2018) The Refractory Fraction of Sulfur and Other Elements in Extrasolar Systems
Kama M, Jermyn A, Shorttle O, Folsom C, Furuya K & Bergin E

Kamaci O. (2011) New Geochemical and Geochronological Constraints for the Origin of Orhaneli-Dursunbey Volcanic Rocks, NW Anatolia (Turkey)
Yarar OS, Kamaci O & Altunkaynak S
(2011) Petrogenetic Implications of Two Contrasting Granite Types in The Çataldag Plutonic Complex, NW Turkey
Kamaci O & Altunkaynak S

Kamada N. (2017) Fluid-Fluxed Melting of the Mantle as the Cause of Intraplate Magmatism over a Stagnant Slab: Evidence from Fukue Volcano Group, SW Japan
Kuritani T, Sakuyama T, Kamada N, Yokoyama T & Nakagawa M

Kamada S. (2019) The Composition of the Earth’s Inner Core Inffred from the Sound Velocity Measurement of Iron-Nickel Alloy at High Pressure and High Temperature
Sakamaki T, Ohtani E, Fukui H, Kamada S, Tsutsui S, Uchiyama H & Baron A
(2017) Geochemical and Mineral Physics Constraints on the Composition of the Inner Core
Ohtani E, Sakamaki T, Sakairi T, Tanaka R, Kamada S, Fukui H & Baron A
(2017) Effect of Redox State of Iron on Viscosity of Sodium Silicate Melts
Sukenaga S, Yamada H, Wakihara T, Ohara K, Kamada S, Florian P, Shibata H, Cicconi MR & Neuville D
(2016) Formation of Phase H – δ-AlOOH Solid Solution in the Lower Mantle
Ohira I, Ohtani E, Kamada S & Hirao N
(2016) Electrical Property and Compressional Behavior of Fe-Si Alloys Under High Pressure
Suzuki N, Kamada S, Maeda F, Ohtani E, Hirao N, Ohishi Y, Masuda R, Mitsui T & Nakano S
(2016) Reaction of MgCO3 High-Pressure Polymorph and SiO2; Origin of Super-Deep Diamond
Maeda F, Kamada S, Ohtani E, Sakamaki T, Hirao N & Ohishi Y
(2016) Sound Velocity of Fe3C and Carbon in the Core
Takahashi S, Ohtani E, Sakamaki T, Kamada S, Fukui H & Baron A
(2015) Sound Velocity of Iron Alloys and Composition of the Core
Ohtani E, Sakamaki T, Kamada S, Shibazaki Y, Takahashi S, Fukui H, Tsutsui S & Baron A
(2009) Hydrogen Incorporation to the Earth’s Core
Terasaki H, Ohtani E, Sakai T, Kamada S, Shibazaki Y, Asanuma H, Hirao N, Yasuo O, Sata N, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K-I

Kamagata Y (2003) Hydrocarbon Biomarkers in a Thermophilic Methanogenic Archaea
Oba M, Sakata S, Kamagata Y & Yoshioka H

Kamagata Yoichi (2015) Methanogenic Archaeal Diversity and Characterization of a Novel Methanol Utilizing Methanogen in a Natural Gas Field
Mochimaru H, Tamaki H, Yoshioka H, Sakata S & Kamagata Y
(2014) Impact of Carbon Capture and Storage on the Methanogenic Activity and Pathway in a Petroleum Reservoir
Mayumi D, Dolfing J, Sakata S, Maeda H, Miyagawa Y, Ikarashi M, Tamaki H, Takeuchi M, Nakatsu C & Kamagata Y

Kamagate M. (2017) Adsorption of Antibiotics onto Mixtures of Goethite and Manganese Oxide
Kamagate M, Marsac R, Assadi A, Giraudet S, Coulibaly L & Hanna K

Kamah Y. (2013) Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Fluids from Lahendong Geothermal Field
Wiegand BA, Brehme M, Teuku F, Amran IA, Prasetio R, Kamah Y & Sauter M
(2013) Hydrochemical Patterns in a Structurally Controlled Geothermal System
Brehme M, Haase C, Regenspurg S, Moeck I, Deon F, Wiegand B, Kamah Y, Zimmermann G & Sauter M

Kamaleeva A. (2013) Biogenic or Abiogenic Hydrocarbon Source of Melekes Depression
Kamaleeva A & Galimov E

Kamali S. (2018) Oxidative Transformations of Ferrous Iron Smectites on Mars
Chemtob S, Rivera-Banuchi V, Kamali S, Catalano J, Morris R, Agresti D, Liu W & Yee N

Kamata H. (2007) New 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar Ages from Macolod Corridor, SW Luzon, Philippines: Implication of its Volcanic History
Sudo M, Listanco E, Ishikawa N, Tagami T, Kamata H & Tatsumi Y
(2003) Argon Isotopic Composition of Historical Lavas of Hawaii
Ozawa A, Tagami T & Kamata H

Kamata M. (2003) Correlation between Ba and Si/N in the Oceans
Kato Y, Kamata M, Watanabe Y & Saito C

Kamate Kaleghetso E. (2023) Petrology of the Nyiragongo Volcano, DR Congo
Molendijk SM, Namur O, Kamate Kaleghetso E, Mason PRD, Smets B, Vander Auwera JE & Neave DA
(2016) Geochemistry of the Bitungulu Lava Flow of the January 17, 2002 Nyiragongo Volcano Eruption (Virunga, East-African Rift)
Kamate Kaleghetso E, Karume K & Kambale Kavuke J

Kamauchi H. (2019) Combining Isoscapes and Segmental Isotope Analysis of Vertebrae to Study the Movement of Fishes
Tayasu I, Kato Y, Kamauchi H, Yoshimizu C, Matsubayashi J, Osada Y, Saitoh Y, Shin K, Nakano T, Togashi H & Kurita Y

Kamaunji V.D. (2022) Evolution of the Rare Metal-Bearing Jurassic Dutsen Wai and Roponmo Plutons of the Alkaline Anorogenic Granites, North-Central Nigeria: Constraints from Whole-Rock Geochemical Data and Zircon Trace Element Composition
Amuda AK, Salau SL, Faisal M, Girei MB, Rwabuhungu DER & Kamaunji VD

Kambale Kavuke J. (2016) Geochemistry of the Bitungulu Lava Flow of the January 17, 2002 Nyiragongo Volcano Eruption (Virunga, East-African Rift)
Kamate Kaleghetso E, Karume K & Kambale Kavuke J

Kambayashi S. (2020) Biogeochemistry of Asphalt Seeps in the North São Paulo Plateau, Brazilian Margin
Zhang J, Jiang K, Kambayashi S, Sakatoku A, Yamanaka T, Fujikura K & Pellizari V
(2019) Material Transport between the Marginal Seas and Western North Pacific Using Neodymium and Radiocesium Isotopes
Zhang J, Zhu JS-T, Kambayashi S, Matsuno T & Tsutsumi E
(2017) Significance of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Material Transportation from Land to Ocean: Under Long Term Climate Change and Environmental Accident
Zhang J, Kambayashi S & Zhang B
(2016) Geochemical Behavior of Fukushima-Derived Radiocesium in Estuarine Water: Transport Processes from Land Area to Open Ocean
Kambayashi S, Zhang J & Narita H
(2015) Dynamics of Fukushima-Derived Radiocesium in the System of River – Estuary – Ocean: Potential Tracer in the Pacific Ocean
Kambayashi S, Zhang J, Shibanuma S & Narita H

Kamber Balz (2019) Rapid Atmospheric CO2 Drawdown into Basaltic Andisols of Mt. Etna
Kamber B, Xu W, Kinahan P, Gill L, McElwain J & Rocha C
(2018) Dissolved Ultra-Trace REE+Y Geochemistry of Particulate-Poor Icelandic River Waters
Babechuk M & Kamber B

Kamber Balz S (2022) Pb Isotopes in Vein Chert Illuminate Origin and Reactivation of a Synsedimentary Hydrothermal Dike Complex of the 3.43 Ga Strelley Pool Formation
Zepeda VK, Flannery DT & Kamber BS
(2021) Evidence for Highly Refractory, Heat Producing Element-Depleted Lower Continental Crust in Eastern Australia
Emo R & Kamber BS
(2021) Repeat Injections of Replenishing Primitive Magma Recorded in Gabbros of the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex
Ubide T, Murphy DT & Kamber BS

Kamber Balz S. (2024) Insights on Komatiite Petrogenesis from Anhydrous Garnet Peridotite Melting Experiments at 5 GPa
Rodrigues RADF, Yaxley GM & Kamber BS
(2024) Understanding Elemental Fractionation by Laser-Induced Phase Transformations during Analysis of Accessory Minerals: Minimising Matrix Effects in U-Pb Dating by LA-ICP-MS
Jenkins KE, Allen CM & Kamber BS
(2023) Evaluation of Deadtime Correction for Accuracy of Isotope Ratios Determined by Quadrupole ICP-MS
Murphy DT, Kamber BS, Sugiyama N & Freyer F
(2023) Where is all the Missing Komatiite Implied by Refractory Archaean Cratonic Harzburgite?
Kamber BS, Walsh C & Tomlinson EL
(2023) Low Blank Single Reaction Chamber Microwave Digestion of Refractory Rocks and High-Matrix Biological Materials
Ghidan OY, Kamber BS, Murphy DT & Matthews J
(2023) Image Registration, Dimensionality Reduction and Semantic Segmentation of Combined Optical and Chemical Images: Discoveries in an Example of Carbon Mass-Balancing in a Pelagic Limestone
Acevedo Zamora MA, Schrank C & Kamber BS

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