K Peto M.
Abundances from Stellar Burning for Comparison to Meteorite Data
Lugaro M, Ek M, K Peto M, Pignatari M, Makhatadze GV, Onyett IJ, Balázs GG, Roberti L & Schönbächler M
K. M.
Evolution of Thermal Springs in the West Coast Geothermal Province, India: Evidence from Hydrogeochemical and Stable Isotope Studies
Das P, K. M, D. P, Laskar AH, Ak S & Kumar S
K.R M.
Minor Impact of Fresh Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Si Budget along Indian Coastline: Inferences from Silicon Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratio
Pullyottum Kavil S, Cardinal D, Riotte J, Chakrabarti R, Sarma V, K.R M, Prunier J & Dapoigny A
Ka O.
Uptake and Release of Traces Gases at the Mineral Dust Surface
D'Anna B, Ndour M, Sassine M, Nicolas M, Ka O & George C
Kaa J.
Carbon in the Deep Earth: The Fate of Magnesite in the Lower Mantle
Libon L, Spiekermann G, Sieber MJ, Kaa J, Dominijanni S, Albers C, Morgenroth W, Biedermann N, Appel K, McCammon C, Roddatis V, Husband R, Glazyrin K, Hennet L & Wilke M
Kaal J.
Biochar Determination in Soils by Applying Pyrolysis GC-MS Analysis and Black Carbon (BC) Concentration Trough Dichromate and Permanganate Oxidation
Suarez-Abelenda M, Kaal J, Knicker H, Camps-Arbestain M & Macías-Vázquez F
Kaare-Rasmussen J.
Elevated Mantle Heat Flow after Lithospheric Foundering Causes Differentiation and Metamorphism during Orogenesis
Kaare-Rasmussen J, Horton F, Holder RM, Kylander-Clark A, Bouvier A-S, Müntener O & Rakotondrazafy AFM
Anomalous Vanadium Isotopes in Baffin Island Lavas: Evidence of Core-Mantle Exchange?
Kaare-Rasmussen J, Nielsen SG, Auro M, Peters D, Rizo H & Horton F
Tungsten Isotopic Compositions of high-3He/4He Baffin Island Lavas
Kaare-Rasmussen J, Peters D, Rizo H & Horton F
Kaartvedt S.
Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in the Mesopelagic Fish Accumulation Layer: Implications for C Cycling
Calleja ML, Røstad A, Ansari M, Da Silva L, Kaartvedt S, Irigoien X & Morán XAG
Kaasalainen H.
Nitrogen Chemistry and Speciation in Geothermal Waters, Iceland
Ásgeirsdóttir R, Stefánsson A, Kaasalainen H & Eiríksdóttir ES
Chemistry of FeII and FeIII in Hydrothermal Waters, Iceland
Kaasalainen H, Stefánsson A & Druschel G
The Vonarskard Geothermal System, Central Iceland: An Oasis in the Desert
Keller NS, Stefánsson A, Kaasalainen H, Björnsdóttir S, Pétursdóttir S, Gunnarsson Robin J, Hreggvidsson GÓ, Jóhannesson H & Fridleifsson GÓ
Chromium Chemistry in Natural Waters, Iceland
Kaasalainen H, Stefánsson A, Gunnarsson I & Arnórsson S
Chemical Speciation of Sediment Phosphorus and Iron Suggesting Burial of Iron-Bound Phosphorus in the Northern Baltic Sea
Lukkari K, Kujansuu S & Kaasalainen H
Sulfur Speciation in Natural Geothermal Fluids, Iceland – Kinetically or Thermodynamically Controlled?
Kaasalainen H & Stefánsson A
H2S and CO2 Sequestration in Geothermal Systems
Stefansson A, Arnorsson S, Gunnarsson I, Gysi A, Kaasalainen H & Gunnlaugsson E
Metal Transport by Geothermal and Volcanic Vapour
Kaasalainen H, Stefánsson A, Giroud N & Arnórsson S
The Chemistry of Sulfur in Volcanic Geothermal Fluids
Kaasalainen H & Stefánsson A
Kaatz L.
Temporary Weakening during Eclogite-Facies Shear Zone Formation by Diffusional Hydrogen Influx and H2O Inflow (Holsnøy, Western Norway)
John T, Kaatz L & Schmalholz S
The Distribution of the H2O Content in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals and its Effect on Shear Zone Formation and Widening (Holsnøy, West-Norway)
Kaatz L, Reynes J, John T, Hermann J, Vrijmoed HJC, Liesegang M & Schmalholz S
Kaba M.
Biogeochemical Processes in Water-Soil Interface in Mboro Littoral Wetlands from Senegal
Kaba M, Mesnage V, Laignel B & Faye S
Kababya S.
Nano- and Mesoscale Structures and Chemical Labelling Support Nanoscale Assembly of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate from Prenucleation Clusters
Wolf SE, Colas B, Clark S, Jacob D, Zahn D, Kababya S, Schmidt A, Duchstein P, Schodder P & Pipich V
Molecular-Functional Insights into Biomimetic Pathways
Kababya S, Gal A, Kahil K, Weiner S, Addadi L & Schmidt A
Kabalah-Amitai L.
Biomineral Vaterite Spicules do not Grow from Amorphous Calcium Carbonate, They Grow Ion by Ion from Solution
Pokroy B, Kabalah-Amitai L, Polishchuk I, DeVol RT, Blonsky AZ, Sun C-Y, Marcus MA, Scholl A & Gilbert PUPA
Kabamba Baludikay B.
Early Eukaryotes: Insights from Microanalyses of Proterozoic Microfossils
Cornet Y, Beghin J, Kabamba Baludikay B, François C, Compère P & Emmanuelle J
Kabanov P.
Rock-Eval Analysis as an Efficient Technique to Determine Carbonate Content in Shale Source Rocks
Jiang C(, Chen Z, Kabanov P & Lavoie D
Kabatesi Confiance J.
Kabe N.
Multielement Profiling Analyses of Seawater in Coral Reef Area and the Biogeocemical Processes of Trace Metals in Bivalve with Symbiotic Zooxanthellae
Itoh A, Arakaki T, Kabe N, Yamaguchi M & Oura E
Kabengi N.
The Thermodynamics of Halide Exchange at Oxide-Aqueous Solution Interfaces from Microcalorimetry and Modeling Experiments
Pham M, Stroeva E, Machesky M, Kubicki JD & Kabengi N
Shifting Paradigms for Diversity, Inclusivity, and Engagement in Geosciences
Duong L, Hidalgo PJ & Kabengi N
Oxyanion Adsorption Structures, Thermodynamics and Kinetics: Review of Density Functional Theory Results in Comparison to Experimental Observations
Kabengi N & Kubicki JD
The Role of Cation Solvation Thermodynamics in Surface Complexation Reactions
Kabengi N, Ilgen AG, Kubicki JD & Machesky M
Reconciling Calculated and Measured Adsorption Enthalpies for Oxyanions on Rutile (110)
Adams F, Phan K, Kubicki J & Kabengi N
A Novel Surface Complexation Model Approach to Account for Substitution in Minerals: A Case Study of Aluminum-Ferrihydrites
Adams FT, Machesky M & Kabengi N
Interfacial Chemistry of Lanthanides Under Nano-Scale Confinement
Ilgen A, Loera L, Knight A, Ilani-Kashkouli P, Leung K & Kabengi N
A Calorimetric Analysis of Sulfate Adsorption on Ferrihydrites: The Influence of Aluminum Substitution
Kabengi N & Namayandeh A
Deciphering the Energy Landscapes of Exchange and Adsorption Reactions at Solid-Aqueous Interfaces Through Calorimetric Measurements
Kabengi N
A Comparative Study of the Energetics of Alkali and Alkali Metal Cation Exchange Reaction on Rutile, Quartz and Mxene Surfaces Using Immersion and Flow Calorimetry
Ilani-kashkouli P, Stroeva E, Navrotsky A, Wesolowski D & Kabengi N
A Combined Flow Microcalorimetry and Surface Complexation Modeling Study of Ion Exchange Thermodynamics at the Rutile-Water Interface
Kabengi N, Hawkins T, Allen N, Machesky M & Wesolowski D
Alkali Metal Cation Adsorption on Oxide Surfaces
Machesky M, Predota M, Ridley M, Kabengi N & Wesolowski D
A Comparative Thermochemical Study of Ion Exchange at Metal Oxides-Solution Interfaces Using Flow Microcalorimetry
Kabengi N, Allen N, Hawkins T & Machesky M
An Integrated Approach to Build Surface Complexation Models for Chromate on Iron Oxides
Chrysochoou M, Kabengi N, Machesky M, Johnston C & Kubicki J
Experimental and Computational Spectra and Thermodynamics of Biogeochemical Interfaces
Kubicki J & Kabengi N
Transformations of Silver Nanoparticles in Environmental Systems
Reinsch B, Ma R, Levard C, Kabengi N, Brown G, Kim C & Lowry G
Kaberi E.
Identifying Major Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Southern Red Sea Continental Shelf with the Use of High-Resolution XRF-Core Scanning Data
Paraschos F, Kaberi E, Iliakis S, Sergiou S, Geraga M, Szidat S & Sakellariou D
Environmental Reconstruction of the Saronikos Upper Pleistocene Paleolake, Central Greece; Preliminary Results
Kafousia N, Kaberi E, Rousakis G, Triantaphyllou M, Mavromatis V, Koutsopoulou E, Gogou A & Karageorgis A
Lead Content, Fractionation and Ratios of Stable Isotopes in Marine Sediments from Saronikos Gulf, Greece
Prifti E, Kaberi E, Iliakis S, Dassenakis M & Scoullos M
Benthic Fluxes of ex situ Incubations and Porewater Nutrient Concentrations Near the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Athens, Saronikos Gulf, Greece
Rousselaki E, Pavlidou A, Michalopoulos P, Prifti E & Kaberi E
Kaberi H.
Natural and Anthropogenic Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Saronikos Gulf, Greece: Reviewing 15 Years of Observations
Karageorgis A, Kaberi H, Zervoudaki S, Krasakopoulou E & Botsou F
Nutrient Fluxes in a Hypoxic Marine Environment of East Mediterranean
Rousselaki E, Pavlidou A, Michalopoulos P & Kaberi H
Kabir M.
Effects of Salinity on the Mobility of Phosphate and Iron at the Soil Water Interface
Islam R, Barman DK, Kabir M & Sabur MA
Kabiru M.
Discussion of M-Type Plagiogranite at the South of Subduction Zone (Bursa-Uludag)
Kabiru M, Kumral M, Kocaturk H & Kirikoglu S
Understanding Rare Earth Elements Enrichments on the Border of Ophiolitic Rocks and Schists (Southern Uludag)
Kumral M, Kocaturk H, Kabiru M & Sendir H
Kabius B.
Understanding Electron Transfer at Fe-Bearing Mineral Surfaces to Optimize Contaminant Remediation
Pearce C, Liu J, Kabius B, Arenholz E & Rosso K
Kaboth S.
Disentangling Local and Regional Paleoclimate Signals from Lake Internal Processes in Paleolimnological Records
Löwemark L, Lin T-W, Yamoah K & Kaboth S
Kaboth-Bahr S.
Biomarkers from Maar Sediments Reveal Eocene Hyperthermal Temperature Dynamics
Schmitt C, Vasiliev I, Meijer N, Brugger J, Kaboth-Bahr S, Bahr A & Mulch A