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Dierken J. (2015) Composition and Redox Conditions in Historic Nuclear Fallout
Holliday K, Booth C, Pacold J, Dierken J, Monroe M, McClory J & Hutcheon I

Dierks A. (2020) Deepwater Horizon Oil-Residues as Tracers of Subsurface Transport, Partitioning, and Fate of Toxic Compounds in the Gulf of Mexico
Romero I, Chanton J, Brooks G, Bosman S, Larson R & Dierks A

Diers S. (2015) The Mineralogical Evolution of Bioleached Copper Ore Traced by SEM-Mla
Diers S, Höfig TW, Haser S, Bobadilla-Fazzini RA & Gutzmer J

Dierssen H. (2011) Particulate Trace Metals and Dust Particles in the Subtropical Atlantic
Balzer W, Barkmann W & Dierssen H

Dieste-Blanco O. (2023) Iron Corrosion Related Bentonite Alteration
Gill N, Heberling F, Dieste-Blanco O, Finck N, Metz V & Geckeis H
(2023) Barite Recrystallization to Witherite in the Presence of Carbonate, and the Impact on Radium Retention
Alzaydan M, Roth T, Heberling F, Polly R, Dieste-Blanco O, Schild D & Metz V

Dieterle M. (2013) Using Stable-Isotope Probing to Elucidate the in situ Metabolic Activity of Microbial Populations in the Cystic Fibrosis Lung
Kopf S, Hunter R, Lariviere A, Hu Y, Dieterle M, Sessions A, Orphan V & Newman D

Dieterlen A. (2020) Electron Microscope Study of Silica Phytoliths and Other Si-Rich Bodies in Rice Straw and Husks
Gieré R, Vigliaturo R, Wilson J, Colicchio B, Leyssens G, Kehrli D, Trouvé G & Dieterlen A
(2019) Phytoliths in Miscanthus Sinensis and Rice Straws: A Comparative Study
Vigliaturo R, Gieré R, Colicchio B, Leyssens G, Trouvé G, Wilson JP & Dieterlen A
(2015) BIOCOMBUST: Health Impacts of Particulate Matter from Biomass Combustion
Arif AT, Maschowski C, Garra P, Gminski R, Trouvé G, Dieterlen A, Mersch-Sundermann V, Nazarenko I & Gieré R
(2013) BIOCOMBUST – Biomass, Energy, Health
Gieré R, Maschowski C, Merfort I, Könczöl M, Dornhof R, Dietze V, Kaminski U, Nazarenko I, Mersch-Sundermann V, Gminski R, Trouvé G, Dieterlen A, Kleinpeter J, Drewnick F, Freutel F & Kruspan P

Dietiker Rolf (2011) Towards Past Climate Reconstruction of Speleothems by Atmospheric Sampling LA-ICPMS
Tabersky D, De Maddalena I, Fricker MB, Dietiker R, Fleitmann D & Günther D

Dietiker Rolf (2013) Laser Ablation for Spatially Resolved Radiocarbon Measurements with Gas Source-Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Hattendorf B, Münsterer C, Dietiker R, Koch J, Wacker L, Christl M, Synal A & Günther D

Dietman B.J. (2011) Geochemical Expression of Buried Iron-Oxide Copper Gold Mineralisation within Physical and Chemical Interfaces of the Deep Cover at the Hillside Prospect, South Australia
Dietman BJ & Hill S

Dietmann Karen M. (2018) Nanoscale Insights into the Formation and Breakdown of Struvite – A Sustainable Phosphate Mineral
Hövelmann J, Stawski TM, Besselink R, Freeman HM, Dietmann KM & Benning LG

Dietmann Karen Maria (2019) Lamellar Phases with Intercalated Permanganate and Persulfate Anions as Reactants for Chlorinated Solvents-Contaminated Water
Dietmann KM & Rives V
(2019) Natural Heavy Metal Remediation by Ferrihydrite
Linke T, Dietmann KM, Dideriksen K, Stipp SLS, Rives V & Gislason SR
(2017) Investigations on the System [Mg₆Al₂(OH)₁₆]²⁺ xᵐ⁻₂៸ₘ·nH₂O with x=CO₃²⁻, R-Coo⁻, R-So₃⁻, R-O-So₃⁻
Dietmann KM & Rives V

Dietrich A. (2017) Magnetic Technoparticles in Soil as a Record of Anthropocene
Wilczyńska-Michalik W, Michalik JM, Zimirska A, Kuca A, Dietrich A & Michalik M

Dietrich C. (2017) Suction Based Profiling Approaches to Simultaneously Assess the Redox Value, Nutrient-, Pollutant- and O2- (Pore)water Concentrations Across Sediment Water Interfaces
Duester L, Fabricius A-L, Schroeder H, Dietrich C & Ternes TA

Dietrich F. (2017) U-Th Isochron Dating of Pedogenic Impure Carbonates: A First Attempt of Heavy Liquor Separation
Dietrich F, Deschamps P, Guihou A, Diaz N, Sebag D & Verrecchia EP
(2016) Origin of Pedogenic Carbonate Nodules in Silicate Settings by Using 87Sr/86Sr and ε(Nd)
Dietrich F, Diaz N, Deschamps P, Ngounou Ngatcha B, Sebag D & Verrecchia E
(2015) Ca Sources for Pedogenic Carbonate Nodules in a Silicate Watershed (Far-North Cameroun)
Dietrich F, Diaz N, Deschamps P, Ngounou Ngatcha B, Sebag D & Verrecchia E

Dietrich J. (2021) Adding the Third Dimension to the Textural and Chemical Analysis of Metamorphic Rocks and Implications for Petrological Models
Lanari P, Dietrich J & Hermann J

Dietrich Marcel (2013) Glass Forming Ability of Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts
Misiti V, Vetere F, Iezzi G, Behrens H, Holtz F, Ventura G, Cavallo A, Dietrich M & Mollo S
(2013) Towards in situ Determination of Sulfur Speciation in Fluids at High P-T at Controlled Redox Conditions
Dietrich M, Behrens H, Schmidt C & Wilke M
(2011) A Profile of Multiple Sulfur Isotopes for the Oman Ophiolite
Oeser M, Strauss H, Peters M, Wolff E, Koepke J, Garbe-Schönberg D & Dietrich M

Dietrich Mary (2008) Silica Deposition on Cells in Environmentally Defined Experimental Solutions
Tenesch AC, Dietrich M, Cady SL, Blank CE & Hinman NW

Dietrich Matthew (2023) Fingerprints and Fluxes of Lead (Pb) from Coal Fly Ash Disposal in China, India, and the United States
Wang Z, Dai S, Das D, Cowan E, Dietrich M, Schlesinger W, Zhou M, Seramur K, Wu Q & Vengosh A

Dietrich N. (2017) Actors in Rock-Water-Systems: Microbial Radionuclide Mobilization
Burow K, Grawunder A, Harpke M, Schäfer D, Bock S, Dietrich N, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G
(2015) A Model for the Release of Radium Isotopes into Saline Deepwaters
Degering D, Dietrich N, Krüger F & Köhler M

Dietrich S. (2023) Self-Organization, Pattern Formation, and Complexity in Geosystems and Geomaterials
Dietrich S
(2022) New Insights into Geodynamic Processes and Accumulation of Mineral Deposits from UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Harz and its Ore Mine
Dietrich S
(2021) Lessons from the Self-Organisation Concept for Geological and Ore Forming Processes
Dietrich S
(2020) Lessons from the Self-Organization Concept for Ore Forming Processes and Mineral Resources
Dietrich S
(2017) Understanding Minerals Deposits and Ore Forming Processes – The Self-Organisation Concept and its Importance to the Search for New Mineral Resources
Dietrich S

Dietrich V.J. (2002) Diffusive Emission of Halocarbons from Volcanic Flanks and Craters
Schwandner FM, Gize AP, Seward TM, Hall PA & Dietrich VJ
(2000) Natural Halocarbon Compounds in Volcanic Gases
Schwandner FM, Gize AP, Seward TM, Hall K & Dietrich VJ

Dietrich W.E. (2014) Holocene Carbon Sequestration Budgets for the Fly River, PNG
Aalto R, Goni M, Lauer W, Aufdenkampe A & Dietrich W
(2013) Chemical Evolution of Perched Groundwater Flowing Through Weathered Bedrock Underlying a Steep Forested Hillslope, Northern California
Kim H, Bishop JJK, Dietrich WE & Fung I
(2011) Long-Term Production Rates of Cosmogenic Nuclides: Millions of Years of Rock Exposure in Antarctica and the Atacama Desert
Nishiizumi K, Caffee M, Binnie S, Finkel R, Owen J, Amundson R, Dietrich W & Faure G
(2010) Bedrock Matters
Dietrich W
(2008) Where Precipitation Matters: 10Be and 26Al-Derived Hillslope Denudation Rates in the Atacama Desert, Chile
Owen JJ, Nishiizumi K, Amundson R, Dietrich W & Yoo K
(2006) Pedogenic evidence for climate change and aridification on Mars
Amundson R, Ewing S, Owen J, Dietrich W, Nishiizumi K, Chadwick O, Sutter B & McKay C
(2006) Combining U-Th/He eruption age dating and 3He cosmogenic dating to constrain landscape evolution.
Aciego S, Lamb M, Depaolo D, Kennedy M & Dietrich W
(2005) Does Life Leave a Topographic Signature on Earth?
Dietrich W
(2001) Linkages between Weathering and Erosion in a Small, Steep Catchment
Anderson SP, Dietrich WE & Brimhall Jr. GH

Dietrich-Sainsaulieu E. (2005) High-Precision Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Isotopic Characterization of USGS Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and TIMS
Kieffer B, Weis D, Maerschalk C, Barling J, Dietrich-Sainsaulieu E, Williams G, Hanano D, Mahoney JB, Friedman R & Pretorius W

Dietsch C. (2019) In situ U-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Garnet and Accessory Phases
Millonig LJ, Albert R, Gerdes A, Avigad D, Dietsch C & Ague JJ

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