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Dieck R. (2009) 226Ra/222Rn in Groundwater of the Mountain Aquifer and Ein-Fashcha Spring: West Bank
Dieck R, Marie A, Vengosh A & Hassan J

Dieckmann G.S. (2015) The Study of Air-Ice CO2 Exchange Emphasize the Importance of Gas Bubble Transport during Sea Ice Growth
Kotovitch M, Moreau S, Zhou J, Tison J-L, Dieckmann G, Van der Linden F, Thomas D & Delille B
(2015) Mid-Winter Surveys of Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in Polar Oceans
Nomura D, Delille B, Dieckmann GS, Granskog MA, Tison J-L, Meiners KM, Fransson A, Ohshima KI & Tamura T

Dieckmann V. (2004) Characterising the Organic Facies of Cretaceous and Tertiary Sediments in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories (Canada)
Saison A, Dieckmann V, Snowdon L & Horsfield B
(2004) Predicting Petroleum Formation and Composition: Insights from Petroleum Asphaltne Pyrolysis
Keym M & Dieckmann V
(2004) Deep Biosphere in Terrestrial Systems (DEBITS): The New Zealand Coal Band
Horsfield B, Sykes R, Parkes J, Mangelsdorf K, Kallmeyer J, Dieckmann V & Edbrook S
(2004) The Significance of Chemical Kinetics and Structural Markers in Source Rock Kerogens and Related Asphaltenes
Lehne E & Dieckmann V
(2002) Organic Diagenesis: A Potential Provider of Substrates for Deep Microbial Ecosystems
Horsfield B, Dieckmann V, Mangelsdorf K, Di Primio R, Wilkes H & Schloemer S

Diedolf J. (2023) Uncovering Sulfur Redox Evolution via Mineral Chemistry Networks
Moore EK, Diedolf J, Morrison SM & Hummer DR

Diedrich T. (2016) Characterization of Copper in Weathered Non-Ore Grade Rock from a Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulphide Deposit: Implications for Copper Mobilization from Potential Future Waste Rock
Diedrich T, Fix P & Foster A
(2007) Subduction of Hydrated Lithosphere: 300 ppm H2O in Subducting Olivine Would Eliminate the Metastable Olivine Wedge
Sharp T, Diedrich T, Marton F & Wyatt D

Diefenbach B. (2005) Geochemistry and Morphology of Submarine Terraces from the Southwestern Galápagos Platform
Diefenbach B, Geist D, Kurz M, Fornari D & Harpp K

Diefendorf A. (2020) A New Plant Carbon Isotopic Framework for Identifying Forest and Grassland Transitions over the Last 30 Million Years
Schlanser K, Diefendorf A & Mueller K
(2019) Plant Wax Integration and Transport from the Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico Inferred from GIS-Enabled Isoscapes and Mixing Models
Suh YJ, Diefendorf A, Bowen G, Cotton J & Ju S-J
(2017) Reconstructing Hydrologic Conditions in the Mississippi River Basin during the Last Interglacial
Suh YJ, Diefendorf A & Bowen G
(2017) Seasonal Variations in N-Alkanoic Acid δ13C Values in Temperate Forest Trees from Southern Ohio
Sommer L, Suh YJ & Diefendorf A
(2017) Seasonal Production and δD Composition of N-Alkanes and N-Alkanoic Acids in a Temperate Forest
Freimuth E, Diefendorf A & Lowell T
(2014) Carbon Isotope and Biomarker Records of Climate and Ecosystem Change: Extracting the most out of Cenozoic Records
Diefendorf A, Freeman K, Wing S & Currano E
(2014) Characterizing Leaf Wax and Terpenoid Alteration and Degradation with Hydrous Pyrolysis Experiments
Sberna D, Diefendorf A, Marsh J & Winship D

Diego-Feliu M. (2019) Remobilization of Dissolved Metals from a Coastal Mine Tailing Deposit Driven by Groundwater Discharge and Porewater Exchange
Alorda-Kleinglass A, Garcia-Orellana J, Rodellas V, Cerdà-Domènech M, Tovar-Sánchez A, Diego-Feliu M, Trezzi G, Sánchez-Quilez D, Sánchez-Vidal A & Canals M
(2019) Using a Simple Analytical Solution to Asses the Distribution of Radon and Radium Isotopes in a Coastal Aquifer
Diego-Feliu M, Saaltink M, Folch A, Martínez-Pérez L, Goyetche T, Alorda-Kleinglass A, Rodellas V & Garcia-Orellana J
(2019) A Review of the Ra Isotopes as SGD Tracers
Garcia-Orellana J, Rodellas V, Tamborski J, van Beek P, Stieglitz T, Diego-Feliu M, Alorda A & Bruach JM

Diegor E. (2000) Biodegradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Microbial and Isotopic Studies
Diegor E, Abrajano T, Patel T, Stehmeier L, Gow J & Winsor L

Diehl A. (2023) Enhanced Olivine Weathering in Permeable Sandy Sediments from the North Sea – A Laboratory Study Using Flow-Through Reactors
Köster M, Diehl A, Bach W & Kasten S
(2019) Geochemical Variability of Hydrothermal Fluids from Four Vent Sites in the North East Lau Basin
Klose L, Kleint C, Diehl A, Bach W, Peters C, Strauss H & Koschinsky A
(2017) Geological Settings of Hydrothermal Vents at 6°15’W and 55°30’E on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Marcon Y, Purser A, Diehl A, Albers E, Türke A, McDermott J, German C, Hand K, Schlindwein V, Dorschel B, Wegener G, Boetius A & Bach W
(2017) Dissolved-Particulate Exchange in the Proximal Hydrothermal Plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S & Sueltenfuss J
(2017) Geochemistry, Physics, and Dispersion of a Gakkel Ridge Hydrothermal Plume, 87°N, 55°30’E
McDermott J, Albers E, Bach W, Diehl A, German C, Hand K, Koehler J, Seewald J, Walter M, Wegener G & Wischnewski L
(2014) Mixing in the Deep: Magma Plumbing in Space and Time at El Hierro, Canary Islands
Longpré M-A, Klügel A, Diehl A & Stix J

Diehl S. (2010) Weathering Textures and Chemical Changes of Cr-Bearing Spinels, California
Diehl S, Morrison J, Goldhaber M & Holloway J
(2010) Accumulation of Cr and Ni in Clays and Nanocrystalline Iron Oxides from Ultramafically-Derived Sediments in Northern California, USA
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Hooper R & Diehl S

Diehl T. (2011) Multi-Decadal Change of Atmospheric Aerosols and their Effect on Surface Radiation
Chin M, Diehl T, Streets D, Wild M, Qian Y, Yu H, Tan Q, Bian H & Wang W
(2009) Possibilities and Challenges in Using Satellite Aerosol Data for Surface Air Quality Studies
Chin M, Yu H, Kahn R, Remer L, Diehl T, Prados A & Leptoukh G
(2009) Smoke Source Strength from Satellite Measurements of Fire Strength
Ichoku C, Chin M, Diehl T & Tan Q

Diekrup D. (2014) Categorizing Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Algoma Type Banded Iron Formation, Temagami, ON
Ginley S, Diekrup D & Hannington M
(2011) Marine Redox Conditions and Sulfur Cycling during the Deposition of the 2.3 Ga Timeball Hill Formation
Diekrup D, Kaufman AJ, Kendall B & Strauss H

Diella Valeria (2013) Flux Particle Size and Composition Effects on the Evolution of Sanitary-Ware Vitreous Body
Bernasconi A, Marinoni N, Pavese A, Diella V, Francescon F & Young K
(2007) Chromitite Alteration in Serpentinite Mélanges of Nurali and Kalan Massifs (Russia)
Merlini A, Grieco G & Diella V

Diella Valeria (2015) Lower Mantle Hydrogen Partitioning between Periclase and Perovskite: A Quantum Chemical Modeling
Pavese A, Bonadiman C, Merli M & Diella V

Diels J. (2013) Opal-Ct Precipitation in a Clayey Soil Explained by Geochemical Transport Model of Dissolved Si (Blégny, Belgium)
Ronchi B, Barao AL, Vandevenne F, Van Gaelen N, Verheyen D, Adriaens R, Batelaan O, Dassargues A, Struyf E, Diels J & Govers G

Diels L. (2010) Synergistic Use of ZVI and SRB in Groundwater Remediation: Impact on Metal Removal and Stability
Kumar N, Bastiaens L, Vanbroekhoven K, Millot R, Battaglia-Brunet F & Diels L
(2010) Impact of Fe Minerals on the Stability of Microbially Immobilized Zn
Satyawali Y, Dejonghe W, Van Roy S, Diels L & Vanbroekhoven K
(2009) In situ Remediation: A Noble Approach for Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater
Kumar N, VanRoy S, Bastiaens L, Diels L & Vanbroekhoven K
(2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Diem T. (2009) Greenhouse Gas (CO2, CH4 and N2O) Emissions from Lake Rotsee (Switzerland) during Autumn Turnover
Diem T, Eugster W, Müller B & Schubert C
(2009) Methane Emission from a Swiss Lake: A Full Year Cycle
Schubert C, Diem T, Lucas F, Durisch-Kaiser E, Stierli R, Scheidegger O, Eugster W & Mueller B

Diemand J. (2016) Droplet Nucleation and Crystallization in Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Tanaka KK, Diemand J, Tanaka H & Angelil R

Diemar G. (2011) Olympic Dam U-Cu-Au Deposit, Australia: New Age Constraints
Maas R, Kamenetsky V, Ehrig K, Meffre S, McPhie J & Diemar G

Dieme B.

Diener A. (2013) Detection of a Dissolved Alpha Emitter by Electro-Precipitation
Diener A & Wilhelm C
(2011) Structural Incorporation of Selenium in Iron Sulfides
Diener A & Neumann T
(2010) Structural Incorporation of Selenium in Pyrite, Mackinawite and Amorphous Iron Sulfide
Diener A & Neumann T

Diener Johann (2023) Fluid-Fluxed Melting and the Origin of Hornblendites in Archean TTG
Torres Garcia MF, Volante S, Diener J, Dziggel A & Johnson T
(2012) Low-P, Clockwise Metamorphism of the Aus Granulite Terrane, Namibia
Diener J & White R
(2012) Melt Movement by Dilation-Assisted Compaction, Damara Belt, Namibia
Faber C, Diener J & Kisters A

Diener Johann F.A. (2019) Evolution of an Archean Large Hot (Collisional) Orogen, SW Greenland
Dziggel A, Diener JFA, Kokfelt TF, Kolb J & Scherstén A

Dierick M. (2017) Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Among Uranium Oxides: A Tracer of Origins and Transformations of Nuclear Material
Dierick M, Pili E, Szenknect S & Agrinier P
(2016) Oxygen Isotopes in Uranium Oxides from the Front End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Dierick M, Pili E, Agrinier P & Szenknect S

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