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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dickson T (2006) 87Sr/86Sr Chemostratigraphy Across the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary
Rasbury T, Hemming G, Dickson T, Barrick J & Saller A

Dickson Tony (2011) Assessing Cementation in the El Capitan Reef Complex and Lincolnshire Limestone Using 13C-18O Bond Abundances in Carbonates
Loyd S, Dickson T, Hudson J, EIler J & Tripati A

Dictor M. (2004) Bacterial Co-reduction of As(V) and Hydrous Fe(III) Oxide: Experiments and Numerical Simulations
Garrido F, Burnol A, Dictor M, Morin G & Baranger P

Dicus C. (2005) Elemental Remobilization in Marine Sediments: Growth and Destruction of Authigenic Mineral Fronts Above Gas Hydrate Systems
Snyder G, Dickens G, Matsumoto R, Hiruta A, Tomaru H, Dicus C & Castellini DG

Didar P. (2006) Distribution and Probable Origin of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Bakhtegan Lake, Fars province, Iran
Ardebili O, Didar P & Nia SS

Didereksen K. (2017) Characterization of Green Rust Sulfate Transformation Products Associated with Hexavalent Chromium Remediation
Thomas A, Eiche E, Didereksen K, Göttlicher J, Steininger R & Neumann T

Dideriksen K (2017) Controls on the Formation of Fe(II, III) (Hydr)oxides Generated by Fe(0) Electrolysis
van Genuchten C, Kraal P, Behrends T, Stipp S & Dideriksen K

Dideriksen Knud (2015) Mg Uptake and Wettability Alteration of Calcite Surfaces
Ceccato M, Generosi J, Andersson MP, Bovet N, Hassenkam T, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2015) Pitzer Ion Interaction Parameters for BaSO4-NaCl-H2O System at Reservoir Conditions
Zhen-Wu B, Dobberschütz S, Dideriksen K, Raahauge PJ & Stipp SLS
(2015) Biomolecule Control on CaCO3 Mineralisation
Tobler D, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Dideriksen K, Bovet N, Sand KK & Stipp SLS
(2015) Rapid Mineralisation of CO2 and CO2-H2S-H2-Gas Mixture at the CarbFix Site in SW-Iceland
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Mesfin K, Gunnarsson I, Aradóttir ES, Stute M, Matter JM, Oelkers EH, Dideriksen K, Stipp S & Gislason SR
(2014) The Effect of Sr2+ on the Structure, Stability and Crystallisation of Amorphous CaCO3
Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Tobler DJ, Dideriksen K, Benning LG, Sand KK & Stipp SLS
(2014) Effect of Citric Acid on Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Structure, Stability and Crystallisation
Tobler DJ, Rodriguez Blanco JD, Dideriksen K, Sand KK, Benning LG & Stipp SLS
(2013) Formation and Transformation of Nanocrystalline Iron Carbonate Precursors
Dideriksen K, Frandsen C, Bovet N, Wallace AF, Arbour T, DeYoreo J, Stipp SLS & Banfield JF
(2013) The Role of pH and Simple Organic Molecules in Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Structure
Tobler DJ, Sand KK, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Sørensen HO & Stipp SLS
(2013) Carbonation of Olivine at CO2 Supercritical Conditions: Reactivity Differences between Synthetic and Natural Olivines
Aaberg I, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Regnarsson E, Olsson J, Jespersen HT, Schaumburg K & Stipp SLS
(2013) Green Rust Sulphate – Making Space for Interlayer Cations
Christiansen BC, Katz A, Bovet N, Sørensen HO, Andersson MP, Nedel S, Frandsen C, Dideriksen K & Stipp SLS
(2013) Cadmium Sorption by Green Rust
Nedel S, Dalby KN, Dideriksen K, Christiansen BC & Stipp SLS
(2013) Early Stage Ostwald Ripening of Submicrometer Calcite
Schultz LN, Dideriksen K, Müter D, Hakim SS & Stipp SLS
(2012) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Mobilization and Transport in Sukinda Valley, India
Doessing LN, Dideriksen K, Crowe SA, Mondal SK, Bovet N & Frei R
(2012) The Possible Role of Crystal Conduction and Inter-Particle Electron Transfer in Fe-Oxide Phase Transformation and Growth
Dideriksen K, Gilbert B, Frandsen C, Zhu M, Stipp SLS & Banfield JF
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part I, Grains Size Distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash and Soluble Salt Coatings
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfússon B, Larssen G, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bouvet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K & Stipp S
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part II, the Physical Aspects of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash (Geochemistry Fellow Presentation)
Stipp S, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bovet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfusson B, Larssen G & Gislason S
(2009) Green Rust Interaction with Cerium
Nedel S, Dideriksen K, Christiansen B, Bovet N & Stipp S
(2009) Identification of Green Rust in Groundwater
Christansen B, Balic-Zunic T, Dideriksen K & Stipp S
(2008) More Oil from Chalk: Studying the Holes – And the Borders of the Holes, the Particle Interfaces
Stipp SLS, West K, Dideriksen K, Lakshtanov L, Yang M-J, Bohr J, Belova D, Pasarín IS, Johnsson A, Pedersen CS, Balogh Z, Nissenbaum J, Wang X-Z, Jensen TH, Feidenhans’l R, Engstrøm F, Bechgaard K & Bjørnholm T
(2007) Fe Isotope Fractionation Induced by Aqueous Fe-Siderophore Complexes
Dideriksen K, Baker J, Bizzarro M & Stipp S
(2004) Fe Isotope Fractionation in Calcium Carbonate
Dideriksen K, Baker J, Bizzarro M & Stipp S
(2004) Combined Mg-Fe Isotope Analysis of Solar System Materials
Baker J, Bizzarro M, Dideriksen K & Haack H
(2002) Characterisation of Iron Oxides in Fractured Granite
Dideriksen K & Stipp SLS
(2001) Atomic Force Microscopy of Glyphosate Adsorption to Goethite
Dideriksen K & Stipp SLS

Dideriksen Knud (2016) Mineral Storage of Gas Mixtures in Basalt
Gislason S, Gunnarsson I, Juliusson B, Clark D, Snæbjörnsdottir S, Aradottir E, Gunnlaugsson E, Sigfusson B, Stute M, Matter J, Broecker W, Arnarsson M, Dideriksen K, Olssen J & Oelkers E

Dideriksen Knud (2017) The Effect of Aluminium on Green Rust Sulphate Structure and Reactivity
Voigt L, Dideriksen K, Eiby SHJ, van Genuchten CM, Frandsen C, Jensen KMØ, Stipp SLS & Tobler DJ
(2017) Solid State Transformation of Green Rust in Response to Oxidation
Eiby S, Tobler D, Voigt L, Yin Z, van Genuchten C, Jensen K, Stawski T, Wirth R, Benning L, Hansen HC, Stipp S & Dideriksen K
(2017) Green Rust Composition Effect on Reactivity with Toxic Metals and Chlorinated Solvents
Mangayayam M, Dideriksen K, Stipp S & Tobler D
(2017) Iron Speciation and Valence in the Upper 1 km of Fractured Crystalline Bedrock on the Baltic Shield
Yu C, Drake H, Dideriksen K, Frandsen C & Åström M

Dideriksen Knud (2018) Fate and Role of Arsenic during Green Rust Formation via Reductive Dissolution of Ferrihydrite
Perez JPH, Tobler DJ, Freeman HM, Dideriksen K, Ceccato M & Benning LG
(2018) Redox and Sorption Behaviour of Arsenic during Co-precipitation with Fe(II, III) (Hydr)oxides
van Genuchten C, Behrends T, Stipp S & Dideriksen K
(2018) Effects of Isomorphic Substitution on Hexavalent Chromium Reduction by Green Rust
Thomas A, Eiche E, Benning LG, Freeman H, Didereksen K, Tobler D & Neumann T

Dideriksen Knud (2019) Fate of Sorbed Arsenic during Aging and Transformation of Green Rust
van Genuchten CM, Behrends T, Stipp SLS & Dideriksen K
(2019) Effects of Aging on Hexavalent Chromium Reduction by Green Rust Sulfate: Kinetics and Reversibility
Thomas A, Eiche E, Benning L, Freeman H, Rubio SN, Tobler D, Dideriksen K & Neumann T
(2019) Mapping Arsenic-Induced Changes on the Green Rust Surface at the Nanoscale
Perez JPH, Freeman HM, Brown AP, Van Genuchten CM, Tobler DJ, Dideriksen K & Benning LG
(2019) Mimicking Biomineralisation Using Peptoid Templating
Nielsen AR, Dideriksen K, Mitchell A, Zuckermann R & Sand KK
(2019) Sulfidized Zero-Valent Iron for Trichloroethene Reduction: Insights on Sulfidation Treatment and Long-Term Performance
Mangayayam M, Dideriksen K, Ceccato M, Freeman H, Benning L & Tobler D
(2019) Natural Heavy Metal Remediation by Ferrihydrite
Linke T, Dietmann KM, Dideriksen K, Stipp SLS, Rives V & Gislason SR

Dideriksen Knud (2020) Characterization of Glacial Rock Flour and Assessment of its Enhanced Weathering Potential
Ray Sarkar S, Jessen S, Vester-Ebbesen A, Keulen N, Dideriksen K & Rosing MT

Dideriksen Knud (2021) Weathering of Basaltic Glass Dust in Icelandic Wetlands as a Natural Analogue to Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) and Carbon Solubility Storage
Linke T, Nilabh S, Grandia F, Möckel SC, Dideriksen K & Gislason SR

Didier Amelie (2012) The Role of Fluids in the Monazite Record during Successive Partial Melting Events: A Textural, Chemical and in situ Dating Study in Grt-Ky Gneisses of the Central Rhodope (Bulgaria, Greece)
Didier A, Bosse V, Cherneva Z, Georgieva M, Pierre G, Paquette J-L & Gerdjikov I

Didier Amélie (2013) NanoSIMS Mapping Combined to in situ Trace Element Analyses and U-Th-Pb Dating in Monazite: A Chemical Record of Three Successive Events
Didier A, Bosse V, Mostefaoui S, Bouloton J, Devidal J-L & Paquette J-L
(2013) Sub-Micrometer Scale Chemical Mapping of Complex Monazites: The Contribution of the NanoSIMS
Bosse V, Didier A, Paquette J-L, Mostefaoui S & Devidal J-L

Didier Amélie (2015) Monazite Standards for δ18O Analysis by SIMS
Didier A, Putlitz B, Baumgartner L & Bouvier A-S

Didier D. (2016) Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition Induced by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Mathieu A, Quérel A, Saunier O, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Korsakissok I, Perillat R, Quélo D, Adachi K, Maki T, Igarachi Y & Didier D
(2016) A New Perspective on the Fukushima Releases Brought by Newly Available Air Concentration Observations and Reliable Meteorological Fields
Saunier O, Mathieu A, Sekiyama T, Kajino M, Adachi K, Bocquet M, Higarashi Y, Maki T & Didier D
(2016) Fukushima: Lessons Learned on Wet Deposition from a Combined Analysis of Radiation Dose Rate and Volume Activity Measurements of 137Cesium
Quérel A, Quélo D, Roustan Y, Mathieu A, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Adachi K, Didier D, Igarashi Y & Maki T

Didier M. (2011) Hydrogen Sorption by Synthetic Montmorillonites and Clayrock at High Temperature
Didier M, Bardelli F, Giffaut E & Charlet L

Didier Tristan (2019) MultiGAS Survey from Low-T° Fumaroles in a Tropical Environment. Effects from Internal and External Forcing: Example from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (FWI)
Moune S, Robert V, Moretti R, Burtin A, Ucciani G, Jessop D, Didier T, Bonifacie M, Komorowski J-C, Tamburello G & Lemarchand A

Didier Tristant (2023) Three-Years Variations of HCl Concentration and Chlorine Isotopic Compositions in Fumarolic Gases of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Reveal Key Constraints on the Scrubbing of HCl(g)
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Robert V, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J, Chilin-Eusebe E, Didier T, Burtin A & Pantobe L

Didon-Lescot J-F. (2017) The Transient Response of Chemical Weathering to Hydrology: Insights from River Dissolved Trace Element Concentrations and Li Isotopes
Kuessner M, Bouchez J, Lajeunesse E, Didon-Lescot J-F, Grard N, Domergue J-M & Gaillardet J

Didonato N. (2021) Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular Networking
DiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L
(2017) Recent Advances in the Detection of Specific Natural Organic Compounds as Carriers for Radionuclides in Soil and Water Environments, with Examples of Radioiodine and Plutonium
Santschi PH, Xu C, Zhang S, Schwehr KA, Lin P, Yeager CM, Kaplan DI, Didonato N & Hatcher PG
(2015) Source and Formation of Soil Humic Colloids and their Functional Groups Responsible for Metal Binding
DiDonato N, Chen H, Waggoner D, Myneni S & Hatcher P
(2014) Hydroxamate Siderophores in Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Responsible for Binding 239,240Pu in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site, USA
Xu C, Zhang S, Ho Y-F, Athon M, Johnston I, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Didonato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH

Didonna R. (2019) Crustal Assimilation or Magma Mixing as an Eruption Trigger at Gede Volcano, West Java, Indonesia
Didonna R, Handley HK, Costa F, Turner S & Bezard R

Diebe N. (2004) Geochemistry of Arsenic Rich Shallow Groundwaters in Cambodia
Polya D, Rowland H, Gault A, Diebe N, Jones J & Cooke D

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