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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dias Silva G. (2019) Multiscale Molecular Simulations Applied to Enhanced Oil Recovery: Low Salinity in Carbonates
Rodrigues Miranda C, Torrez-Baptista AD, de Freitas Martins E, Dias Silva G & Aparecida Salvador M

Díaz Joaquín (2019) REE-Mineralogical Characterization of Mine Wastes and Revalorization of the Palabora Igneous Complex
Díaz J, Yesares L, Gómez-Arias A, Castillo J & Sáez R

Diaz Jorge Andres (2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K

Díaz José Antonio (2023) Arsenic and Copper in Arid and Semiarid Andean Rivers: Controls of Suspended Particle Size Distribution by Aluminum and Iron Geochemistry
Pasten PA, Montecinos M, Díaz JA, Turri AM, Briso AE & Vega AS

Diaz Julia (2012) X-Ray Spectromicroscopy: Illuminating the Biogeochemical Cycles of Elements in the Marine Environment
Brandes J, Ingall E & Diaz J

Diaz Julia (2013) Widespread Production of Extracellular Superoxide by Heterotrophic Bacteria
Hansel C, Diaz J, Voelker T, Andeer P & Zhang T

Diaz Julia M. (2023) Dynamics of Metal-Limited Phosphorus Cycling in the North Pacific Ocean
Steck V & Diaz JM
(2023) Dissolved Organic Matter Quality Influences Heterotrophic Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in the California Current Ecosystem
Adams JC, Diaz JM & Sachdev E
(2023) Impact of Microbial Biofilms on Mn(II) Oxidation Dynamics
Rollot V, Dejean C, Guyot F, Diaz JM & Gelabert A
(2018) Investigating Eco-Physiological Roles of Extracellular Superoxide Production by Emiliania huxleyi
Plummer S, Taylor A, Hansel C, Harvey E & Diaz J
(2018) Production of Extracellular Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide by Harmful Phytoplankton
Diaz JM, Plummer S, Tomas C & Alves-de-Souza C
(2018) Compound-Specific Degradation of Phosphorus Sources by the Marine Diatoms Thalassiosira spp.
Holland A, Sanders J, Mollett D, Duhamel S, Tang Y & Diaz J
(2017) Marine Polyphosphate: Linking the Global Phosphorus Cycle over Modern and Geologic Timescales
Diaz JM, Tang Y, Huang R, Wan B, Sanders JG, Bulski K & Mollett D
(2017) Dynamics and Regulation of Extracellular Superoxide Production by Marine Microbes
Hansel C, Diaz J, Gast R & Bowman J
(2017) Species-Specific Control of External Superoxide Levels by the Coral Holobiont during a Natural Bleaching Event
Diaz JM, Hansel CM, Apprill A, Brighi C, Zhang T, Weber L, McNally S & Xun L
(2017) Unraveling the Eco-Physiological Roles of Phytoplankton-Derived Reactive Oxygen Species
Plummer S, Hansel C, Harvey E, Bulski K & Diaz J

Diaz L. (2012) Coastal Groundwater Discharge Near Kahekili Beach Park, Lahaina, Maui, Hawai'i
Swarzenski P, Smith C, Storlazzi C, Diaz L & Dailer M

Diaz Mara (2015) Early Diagenetic Processes within Ooids: Implications for the Interpretation of Carbonate Associated Sulphate and Nitrate
Swart P, Diaz M, Altabet M & Eberli G

Diaz Maria (2007) Sensitivity Analysis for a Multisurface Geochemical Modelling Approach
Diaz M, Apul D, Gustafsson J & Hundal L

Díaz Mario (2023) Assessment of Waste Sludge from Chemical Industry as Sulphate-Based Additive in Cements
Moreno JF, Sánchez A, Oulego P, Marques Sierra AL, Collado S, Blanco F & Díaz M

Diaz Melisa (2023) Terrestrial Alteration of Ordinary Chondrites from Antarctica
Sun T, Niles PB, Yeung LY, Dottin JW, Diaz M, Bouyon A & Lyons WB
(2019) Surface Geochemistry of the Shackleton Glacier Region, Antarctica and Implications for Soil Habitability
Diaz M, Adams B, Hogg I, Fierer N, Wall D, Gardner C, Shaver-Adams M & Lyons WB
(2018) Geochemistry of Aeolian Material from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Insights into Dust Sources
Diaz M, Welch S, Sheets J, Welch K, Adams B, Khan A, McKnight D, Cary SC & Lyons WB

Diaz N. (2017) U-Th Isochron Dating of Pedogenic Impure Carbonates: A First Attempt of Heavy Liquor Separation
Dietrich F, Deschamps P, Guihou A, Diaz N, Sebag D & Verrecchia EP
(2016) Origin of Pedogenic Carbonate Nodules in Silicate Settings by Using 87Sr/86Sr and ε(Nd)
Dietrich F, Diaz N, Deschamps P, Ngounou Ngatcha B, Sebag D & Verrecchia E
(2015) Ca Sources for Pedogenic Carbonate Nodules in a Silicate Watershed (Far-North Cameroun)
Dietrich F, Diaz N, Deschamps P, Ngounou Ngatcha B, Sebag D & Verrecchia E

Diaz Robert (2009) The Coastal Dissolved Oxygen Squeeze: Future Interactions of Land and Ocean Processes, and Consequences for Ecosystem Services
Diaz R, Rabalais N & Levin L

Díaz Rut (2020) Volatile Organic Sulfur Compounds in Petroleum Accumulations in the Santos Basin, Brazil
Souza I, Ferreira A, Ellis G, Díaz R & Albuquerque AL
(2015) Sedimentary Pyrite Morphology in Sediments of a Western Boundary Upwelling System, Cabo Frio, Brazil
Díaz R, Moreira M, Mendoza U, Böttcher M, Machado W, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2013) Sulfurization of Humic Acids during Early Diagenesis in Surface Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System
Díaz R, Mendoza U, Böttcher ME, Moreira M, Machado W, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2013) Early Diagenesis of Sulfur and Trace Element Pyritization in Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System: Cabo Frio, Southeastern Brazil
Mendoza U, Díaz R, Moreira M, Amorim N, Böttcher ME, Machado W, Patchineelam S, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL

Diaz S. (2014) Geochemical Signatures of Metals in Intertidal Invertebrates of Salinas de San Pedro, CA, USA
Rezaie-Boroon MH, Diaz S & Deheyn DD

Diaz X. (2017) Evolution of Surface Concentrations of 90Sr and 137Cs Through 2016 from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Accident
Kenyon J, Buesseler K, Casacuberta N, Castrillejo M, Otosaka S, Drysdale J, Pike S & Diaz X

Diaz Caselles L. (2021) Stabilization of Molybdenum by Alternative Cementitious Binders and Synthetic C-S-H
Diaz Caselles L, Roosz C, Hot J, Blotevogel S & Cyr M

Díaz del Río V. (2007) Mud-Breccia Clasts and Sediments as Nucleation Sites for Hydrocarbon-Derived Ferromanganese Nodules in Carbonate-Mud Mounds from the Gulf of Cadiz
González J, Somoza L, Lunar R, Martínez-Frías J, Martín-Rubí JA, Torres T, Ortiz JE & Díaz del Río V

Diaz Tamayo J.F. (2022) Evaluating Environmental Changes in the Southern Extent of the Arctic Ocean during the Late Cretaceous Using Biomarkers and Microfossils
Diaz Tamayo JF, Schwark L, Galloway J, Bringue M, Grasby S & Pedersen P

Díaz-Ascencio M. (2009) Heavy Metals and Sediment Fluxes in Coatzacoalcos River Estuary: A History of Land Use Changes
Ruiz-Fernández AC, Sánchez-Cabeza JA, Bojórquez-Sánchez S, Bojórquez-Leyva H, Pérez-Bernal LH, Mellado-Vázquez PG, Alonso-Hernández C, Díaz-Ascencio M, Gerardo-Abaya J, Quejido-Cabezas AJ, Sericano JL & Páez-Osuna F
(2009) Reconstruction of Sedimentation and Pollution in Havana Bay, Cuba
Díaz-Asencio M, Alonso-Hernández C, Quejido-Cabezas A, Rúiz-Fernández AC, Gerardo-Abaya J & Sanchez Cabeza JA

Díaz-Bravo B. (2014) Of Fluids, Melts and Slab Diapirs: Insights from Western Mexico
Gómez-Tuena A, Díaz-Bravo B, Vázquez-Duarte A, Pérez-Arvizu O & Mori L

Diaz-Cruz S. (2023) Biofilms as a New Environmental Compartment: How most of the Ultraviolet Filters are Retained in Biofilm and Soil in the Context of Managed Aquifer Recharge
Rodriguez-Escales P, Jou S, Martínez-Landa L, Diaz-Cruz S, Carrera J, Sunyer A, Quintana G & Valhondo C
(2019) Quality Restoration of Impaired Water Through Artificial Recharge
Valhondo C, Martinez-Landa L, Carrera J, Diaz-Cruz S, Amalfitano S & Levantesi C
(2019) Water Quality Challenges in Managed Aquifer Recharge
Carrera J, Valhondo C, Martinez-Landa L, Wang J, Saaltink M & Diaz-Cruz S

Díaz-Curiel J. (2022) Mapping DNAPL Groundwater Pollution with the 222Rn-Deficit Technique
De Miguel E, Barrio-Parra F, Serrano H, Izquierdo-Díaz M, Medina R & Díaz-Curiel J

Díaz-González L. (2008) A New Precise Calibration of the Na/K Geothermometer Using a World Database of Geothermal Fluids and Geochemometric Techniques
Díaz-González L & Santoyo-Gutiérrez E

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