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Dias Á (2017) Offshore Assessment of Minerals in Deep-Sea Sediments from the TAG-Area (26°N, 44°W)
Milinovic J, Barriga F, Dias Á, Martins S, Pereira M & Janeiro A

Dias Ágata (2016) Petrology and Geochemistry of Granitic Rocks from Macao
Dias Á, Quelhas P, Lou U, Mata J & Ribeiro ML
(2013) Sulfide Sites in the Arctic Ocean: Jan Mayen and Loki’s Castle
Cruz MIFS, Marques AFA, Dias ASCA, Pedersen RB, Relvas JMRS & Barriga FJAS
(2011) Geochemistry of the Artic Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Vent Products
Cruz MI, Dias Á, Relvas J, Carvalho C, Fonseca R, Pedersen R & Barriga F

Dias Ágata Alveirinho (2020) Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints
Qiu W, Dias ÁA, Costa IMA & Barriga F
(2020) Oxyhydroxide Hydrothermal Crusts from Saldanha Hydrothermal Field
Costa P & Dias Á
(2019) Geochemistry of Fe-Si-(Mn) Chimneys from Luso Vent Field, MAR
Dias ÁA, Costa P, Marques AF, Ribeiro L, Madureira P, Calado A, Gonçalves E & Morato T
(2019) Geochronological, Geochemical and Petrographic Constraints on Incremental Pluton Growth: The Case of Macao Granitic Suite, SE China
Quelhas P, Dias ÁA, Mata J & Wayne Davis D
(2017) New Geochemical Constraints on I-Type Granites of Macao: Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Implications
Quelhas P, Mata J, Lou UT, Borges R, Ribeiro ML & Dias ÁA

Dias Airton (2019) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Systematics in Zircons from Basement Gneisses of the Araguaia Belt, Brazil: Evidence for Recycling of Archean Crust during the Proterozoic
Moura C, Assis C, Milhomem Neto J & Dias A

Dias Airton N. C. (2020) Multi-Stage Crustal Accretion by Magmatic Flare-Ups and Quiescence Intervals in the Western Margin of the São Francisco Craton: U-Pb-Hf and Geochemical Constraints from the Almas Terrane
Dias ANC, Martins-Ferreira MAC, Chemale Jr F, Campos JEG & Pereira VQ
(2015) EMPA-FT Applied in Detrital Zircons
Dias ANC, Chemale Jr. F, Soares CJ & Guedes S

Dias Airton Natanael C (2017) Combined FFT and U-Pb-Hf Zircon Geochronology Applied to the Proterozoic Covers of the São Francisco Craton
Dias ANC, Chemale Jr F, Oliveira TPR & Masuyama KM
(2017) U-Pb, Lu-Hf and Fission Track in Zircon of the Basement Orthogneisses of the Araguaia Belt, Brazil
Moura C, Dias A, Milhomem J, Chemale Jr F & Masuyama K

Dias D (2020) Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species and (Iron)silicate (Nano)particles in the Mixing Zone Above Hydrothermal Vent Orifices
Luther G, Shaw T, Estes E, Berti D, Hochella M, Yucel M, Findlay A, Ferry J, Rosas R, Coffey N, Oldham V & Dias D

Dias Dewamunnage-Muditha (2015) Kinetic Studies on Iron-Mediated ROS Generation: Resolving the Catalytic/Inhibitory Activity of Fe-Dtpa Complexes
Copeland J, Dias D-M, Li P, Ferry J & Shaw T

Dias Diana S (2021) Hydrophobic Interactions at the Phylloplane Modulating Adhesion, Uptake and in Planta Fate of Foliarly Deposited Particles
Avellan A, Morais BP, Miranda M, Dias DS, Lowry GV & Rodrigues SM

Dias F. (2018) Kinetic Controls of Spodumene and Petalite Stability: A Preliminary Investigation
Dias F, Sirbescu M-L, Student J, Lima A & Roda-Robles E

Dias G. (2009) Geochronology and Petrogenesis of late-Variscan Plutonism (NW Portugal): Synthesis and Inferences on Crustal Recycling and Growth
Dias G, Noronha F, Simões P, Almeida Â, Martins H & Ferreira N

Dias I (2005) Trace Element Monitoring in the Vicinity of a Solid Waste Disposal
Dias I, Gouveia A, Araujo F, Freitas C, Prudencio I & Marques P
(2005) Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Micropaleontology of Sediments from El Meleh Lagoon, Tunisia
Prudencio I, Gonzalez I, Dias I, Galan E, Ruiz F, Duplay J, Gueddari F & Ahmed R

Dias Isabel (2013) Buried Lava Paleosol in NW Fogo Island (Cape Verde) – Chemical and Mineralogical Evolution
Marques R, Prudencio I, Waerenborgh J, Coutinho J, Rocha F, Silva E & Dias I

Dias Joao (2015) Timing for the Jacurici Magmatism and Implications for its Chromite Deposit Formation, Brazil
Marques J & Dias J

Dias Jorge (2007) Relationships between Magnetic Properties and Heavy Metals in Nerium oleander Leaves and Soils (Viseu, Central Portugal)
Gomes C, Dias J, Neves L, Rocha A & Gomes E

Dias Maria A (2022) Compositional Dependence of Fe-Mg Inter-Diffusion in Orthopyroxene
Dias MA & Dohmen R

Dias Maria Isabel (2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of the Benavila (Portugal) Bentonites
García-Rivas J, Dias MI, Romero EG, Barrios MS & Paiva I
(2021) Geochemical Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Other Trace Elements in a Former Uranium Mine
Cardenas Niño AA, Marques R, Dias MI, Diamantino C & Carvalho E
(2015) Metal(loid)s and Radioactive Metallic Elements in the Clay-Sized Fraction of Soils Used for Agriculture in Brava Island (Cape Verde)
Marques R, Prudencio MI, Dias MI, Rocha F, Waerenborgh J & Madeira J

Dias Maria Isabel Marques (2014) Geochemical Fingerprints in Topsoils of Brava Island, Cape Verde
Marques R, Prudencio MI, Waerenborgh JC, Rocha F, Ferreira da Silva E, Dias MI, Madeira J & Quevedo-Reys M
(2011) Trace Element Mobility during Spheroidal Weathering of Dolerite Dykes from Central Portugal
Trindade M, Rocha F, Prudêncio M & Dias M
(2011) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Volcanic Ash Red Paleosol from Fogo Island (Cape Verde)
Marques R, Prudêncio MI, Waerenborgh JC, Rocha F, Dias MI & Ferreira da Silva E
(2010) Uranium and Other Elements in Residual Clays of Dolerites, Granites and Aplite-Pegmatites from Central Portugal
Trindade MJF, Dias MIM, Prudêncio MIG & Rocha FJT

Dias Matos (2007) Estimating Geochemical Impacts of Uranium Mining Exploitation: The Evaluation of the Natural Background in the Beiras Metalogenetic Province (Central Portugal)
Pereira A, Neves L & Dias M

Dias Muditha (2014) Dark Production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) At Groundwater Mixing Fronts In Coastal Waters
Shaw T, Copeland J, Dias M & Ferry J
(2014) A Geochemical Mechanism for Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Activity in Estuarine Waters
Copeland J, Dias M, Ferry J & Shaw T

Dias P. (2011) Geochemical Signatures in Detrital Tourmalines as Indicators for Sediment Provenance: The Baixo Alentejo Flysch Group, South Portuguese Zone
Rodrigues B, Dias P, Jorge RCGS & Fernandes P

Dias Robert (2016) The Development and Distribution of New δ13C and δ2H Natural Gas Standard Reference Materials
Ellis G, Dias R & Coleman D
(2014) Microbial Organic Matter Diagenesis and Carbon Cycling within Deep-Sea Antarctica Sediments
Carr S, Mandernack K, Mills C, Schubotz F, Dias R, Dunbar R, Summons R, Escutia C & Brinkhuis H
(2011) Asphaltene Content as a Measure of Oil Losses Related to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Lewan M, Warden A, Dias R, Lowry Z, Hannah T, Kokaly R, Hoefen T, Swayze G, Mills C, Harris S, Plumlee G & Marshall B

Dias Rodrigo (2023) Assessing Mercury Methylation and Methylmercury Demethylation in Thermokarst Lakes in a Sporadic Permafrost Region, Canadian Subarctic
Malcata Martins B, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Cesário R, Dias R, Costa J, Magalhães C, Laberge-Carignan A, Couture R-M & Canário J
(2023) Spectroscopy of Arctic Ice Samples as Planetary Field Analogues for Astrobiology
Xavier F, Dias R, Cesário R, Gonçalves D, Pedras B, Canário J & Martins Z

Dias Rui (2013) U-Pb Geochronology of Detrital Zircons from Metasedimentary Rocks from Formation of Desejosa, Serra do Marão, Portugal
Teixeira R, Coke C, Gomes M, Dias R & Martins L

Dias Neto C. (2008) Thermochronological and Structural Analysis of the Geodynamic Evolution of Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Fonseca P, Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Dias Neto C
(2007) Thermochronological Evidence for Long-Term Elevated Geothermal Gradients in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C, Fonseca P & Dias Neto C

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