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Dia Aline (2019) Sorptive Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter and its Impact on Contaminants Transport Under Flow-Through Conditions
Marsac R, Cheng W, Leblay C, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Dia A & Hanna K

Dia Aline (2021) Is it Possible to Monitor Nanoplastic’s Degradation Through Carbon Isotope Fingerprinting?
Leblay C, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Dia A, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2021) Simplified Spectrophotometric Acid-Base Titrations to Assess Organic Matter Reactivity
Tesfa M, Marsac R, Dia A & Mahe F
(2021) Rare Earth Element Phyto-Availability in Abandoned Mining Areas
Patterson KH, Dia A, Marques R, Waerenborgh JC, Vieira BJC, Prudencio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M

Dia Aline (2023) How Does Chemical Speciation of Rare Earth Elements and Other Trace Metals in Legacy Mine Sites Influence Phyto-Availability?
Forsyth KH, Dia A, Marques R, Prudêncio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Russo D, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M
(2023) Estimating Organic Matter Acid-Base Properties and Electrical Charge by Spectrophotometry
Tesfa M, Dia A, Mahe F, Janot N & Marsac R
(2023) The Rare Earth Element ‘probe’: Investigation of the Water/Solid Interfaces and their Impact on the Rare Earth Element Dissemination
Davranche M, Dia A, Marsac R, Catrouillet C, Pédrot M, Tadayon Y, Vantelon D, Blancho F & Gigault J
(2023) Prediction of the Impact of the Environmental Conditions on the Stoichiometry (Fe(II)/Fe(III)) of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Jungcharoen P, Pédrot M, Heberling F, Hanna K, Choueikani F, Catrouillet C, Dia A & Marsac R

Diab H. (2020) Mechanism of Formation, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Ooidal Ironstone of Djebel Had, Northeast Algeria
Diab H, Chouabbi A, Chi Fru E, Nacer J-E & Krekeler M
(2017) The Clues of Iron in the Border Algerian-Tunisian: Geology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Structural Aspects
Diab H & Chouabbi A
(2016) Onyx from ain Smara (North- Eastern Algeria): A Natural Stone to be Considered as a Global Heritage Stone
Diab H

Diabate F.Z. (2023) Petrogenesis of Geological Formations in the Southeastern West African Craton, the Case of Koun-Fao in Northeastern Côte d'Ivoire: An Example of Subduction
Boya TKL-D, Kouadio FJ-LH, Adingra MPK, Gnanzou A, Kouamelan AN & Diabate FZ

Diachkov B. (2017) Geochemistry of Rare Metal Granites of the Novo-Akhmirov Stock (East Kazakhstan)
Annikova I, Vladimirov A & Diachkov B

Diaconu G. (2017) Brushite in few Fossil Bat-Guano Deposits from Caves in Romania
Dumitras D-G, Marincea S, Diaconu G & Iancu A-M

Diak M. (2022) Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Arctic Regions: A Multi-Parameter Approach
Saghravani SR, Borecka M, Böttcher ME, Diak M, Hong W-L, Knies JM, Kotwicki L, Kuliński K, Lepland A, Makuch P, Koziorowska-Makuch K, Sen A, Ehlert von Ahn CM, Winogradow A & Szymczycha B

Dial Angela (2012) Improved Analytical Method for Determination of Mg Isotopes: Application to Seawater and Natural Carbonates
Dial A, Ridgewell C, Kilgore B, Tremaine D, Misra S & Salters V

Dial Angela (2015) The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera
Dial A, Misra S, Landing W & Salters V

Dial Angela (2016) The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera
Dial A, Misra S, Salters V & Landing W

Dial Angela (2017) Calcium and Alkalinity Decoupling in a Coral Reef Lagoon Driven by Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Santos I, Tait D, Erler D, Dial A, Befus K, Cardenas M & Li L

Diallo S. (2012) Fingerprinting Uranium-Bearing Material: Development and Validation of Methods
Salaun A, Hubert A, Aupiais J, Pili E, Pointurier F, Diallo S, Faure A-L & Richon P

Diamantino C. (2023) How Does Chemical Speciation of Rare Earth Elements and Other Trace Metals in Legacy Mine Sites Influence Phyto-Availability?
Forsyth KH, Dia A, Marques R, Prudêncio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Russo D, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M
(2023) Distribution and Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements in a Passive Treatment System Installed in a Legacy Polymetallic Sulfide Mine
Obregón C, Prudêncio MI, Waerenborgh JC, Vieira BJC, Marques R, Diamantino C & Carvalho E
(2021) Rare Earth Element Phyto-Availability in Abandoned Mining Areas
Patterson KH, Dia A, Marques R, Waerenborgh JC, Vieira BJC, Prudencio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M
(2021) Geochemical Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Other Trace Elements in a Former Uranium Mine
Cardenas Niño AA, Marques R, Dias MI, Diamantino C & Carvalho E
(2021) Ree Geochemistry and Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Passive Remediation System at Lousal Mine, Portugal
Obregón C, Prudêncio MI, Marques R, Waerenborgh JC, Vieira BJC, Diamantino C & Carvalho E

Diamond Charles (2022) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Study of Sulfur Cycling in a Polymictic Eutrophic Saline Lake, Salton Sea, California
Hung C, Diamond C, Gilhooly W, Tino CJ & Lyons TW
(2021) Seasonal and Long-Term Variations in the Salton Sea: An Assessment of Environmental and Health Risks
Hung C, Diamond C, Elsenousy A, Fresquez A & Lyons TW
(2020) The Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: New Geochemical Data from the Central Atlantic Ocean
Bonacina G, Previde Massara E, Scotti P, Viaggi P, Piva A, Diamond C, Newby S, Hung C, Sanfilippo A, Lyons TW & Owens JD
(2020) Precambrian LIPs and Environmental Perturbation
Diamond C, Ernst R, Zhang S & Lyons T
(2018) Dynamic Proterozoic Surface Environments, Co-evolving Life, and Possible Tectonic and deep-Earth Drivers
Lyons T & Diamond C
(2017) The Jixian System and Xiamaling Formation: Views of the Mid-Proterozoic Through the Lens of an Evolving Continental Margin
Diamond C, Wang C & Lyons T
(2016) The 1.4 Ga Xiamaling Formation, North China: What it can and Cannot Tell us About the Mesoproterozoic
Diamond C, Planavsky N, Wang C & Lyons T
(2015) Restricted Marine Deposition in the Neoproterozoic Chuar Group
Diamond C, Dehler C, Karlstrom K & Lyons T
(2014) Ocean Oxygenation during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
Diamond C, Saltzman M & Lyons T

Diamond Charles W. (2021) A Novel Multi-Proxy, Big Data Approach to Reconstructing Earth’s Climate System Through Time
El Bilali H, Ernst RE, Lyons TW & Diamond CW
(2021) Dynamic Evolution of Marine Chemistry Linked to Wax and Wane of the Glaciations in a Restricted Basin over the Cryogenian Non-Glacial Period
Tu C, Diamond CW, Stüeken EE & Lyons TW

Diamond Larryn (2020) Composition of the Geothermal Fluid at 4500 M Depth in the Hottest Geothermal Borehole in Iceland
Bali E, Aradi L, Szabó Á, Zierenberg R, Diamond L, Pettke T, Guðmundur G, Guðmundur Ómar F & Csaba S

Diamond Larryn W. (2022) Behavior of Amagmatic Geothermal Systems: A Geochemical and Geophysical Study of the Agua Blanca Fault, Baja California, Mexico
Carbajal D, Wanner C, Peiffer L, Diamond LW, Fletcher J & Inguaggiato C
(2022) Hydrothermal Alteration in the Upper Crust of the Oman Ophiolite: A 2D View Below the Seafloor
Diamond LW
(2021) Paleobathymetry of Submarine Lavas in the Samail and Troodos Ophiolites: Insights from Volatiles in Glasses and Implications for Hydrothermal Systems
Belgrano TM, Tollan PM, Marxer F & Diamond LW
(2019) Rock-Matrix Versus Fracture-Controlled Fluid Pathways in the Extrusive Layer of the Oceanic Crust
Brett AC, Diamond LW, Weber S & Gilgen SA
(2019) Pathways of Hydrothermal Fluids in Fast-Spreading Oceanic Crust: Insights from Remote Sensing of 1000 km2 of Upper-Crust in the Oman Ophiolite
Belgrano T, Diamond L, Novakovic N, Hewson R, Hecker C & Gilgen S
(2019) Compositions and Water–rock Ratios of Deep Hydrothermal Fluids that Alter the Oceanic Crust
Diamond LW, Richter L & Weber S
(2019) Investigating Mineral Reactions during High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-Ates)
van den Heuvel DB, Alt-Epping P, Wanner C, Mäder U & Diamond LW
(2019) Simulations of Chemical Processes during High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
Alt-Epping P, van den Heuvel DB, Wanner C & Diamond LW
(2015) Timing Mismatch between VMS Deposits and Footwall Epidosite Alteration in the Semail Ophiolite
Diamond L & Gilgen S
(2013) Volcanostratigraphic Controls on the Occurrence of Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits in the Oman Ophiolite
Gilgen S, Diamond L & Mercolli I
(2013) Investigation of Ancient Fluid Migration in Ordovician Carbonates in the Michigan Basin Using Secondary Minerals
Saso J, Caldas R, Diamond L, Parmenter A & Al T
(2013) Numerical Simulation of fluid–Rock Interaction Upon CO2 Injection into a Carbonate-Hosted Saline Aquifer
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2013) Simulation of water–Rock Interaction and Porosity Evolution in a Granitoid-Hosted Enhanced Geothermal System
Diamond LW & Alt-Epping P
(2011) Numerical Simulation of Alteration Patterns Induced by Sequestration of CO2 in a Carbonate-Hosted Saline Aquifer
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2009) Geochemical Processes in Carbonate and Silicate-Dominated Reservoirs of Deep Geothermal Systems: Insights from Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical Modeling
Alt-Epping P, Diamond LW & Waber HN
(2009) Modification of Fluid Inclusions by Experimental Plastic Deformation of Natural Single Quartz
Tarantola A, Diamond LW & Stünitz H
(2008) Modeling the Chemical Evolution of an Ultramafic Oceanic Hydrothermal System: Insights from Reactive Transport Simulations
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2007) Interaction of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transport, and Chemical Reactions in Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems: New Insights from Fully Coupled Reactive Transport Simulations
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2007) Experimental Re-equilibration of Quartz-Hosted H2O-CO2-NaCl Inclusions Under Differential Stress Using a Griggs Apparatus
Tarantola A, Diamond L & Stünitz H
(2006) Reactive transport simulations of lateral hydrothermal circulation in oceanic hydrothermal systems
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
(2004) Solubility of CO2 in Water and in Aqueous NaCl Solutions from 0 to 100℃ and from 0.1 to 100 MPa: Literature Data and Thermodynamic Modelling
Akinfiev N & Diamond L
(2002) P-V-T-X Properties of Two H2O-CO2-NaCl Mixtures up to 850 ?C and 500 MPa: Synthetic Fluid Inclusion Study
Diamond LW & Kr¸ger Y
(2002) Thermodynamic Description of Aqueous Non-Electrolytes at Infinite Dilution over a Wide Range of State Parameters
Akinfiev NN & Diamond LW
(2001) The Torres del Paine Laccolith (Chile): Intrusion and Metamorphism
Putlitz B, Baumgartner LP, Oberhänsli R, Diamond L & Altenberger U

Diamond Larryn William (2017) The Source and Paleofluid Evolution of Secondary Minerals in Low-Permeability Ordovician Limestones of the Michigan Basin
Petts DC, Diamond LW, Aschwanden L, Jautzy JJ, Al TA & Jensen M
(2017) Anhydrite-Dissolution Porosity: Implications for Geo-Energy and Gas Storage in the Swiss Molasse Basin
Aschwanden L, Diamond LW & Mazurek M

Diamond S. (2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K

Dian C. (2017) Effect of Iron Plaques on Rare Earth Element Uptake during Rice Growth
Pourret O, Martinez RE, Dian C & Faucon M-P

Diana B. (2019) From Waste to Resource: The Use of Schwertmannite to Remove Oxoanions
Peiffer S, Klug M, Marouane B, Chen N, Obst M, Eberhardt J, Susan R & Diana B

Dianto A. (2017) Biogeochemistry of Sediments from Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Kallmeyer J, Friese A, Simister R, Bauer K, Crowe S, Nomosatryo S, Henny C & Dianto A

Diao H. (2020) Differences and Geological Significance of Vitrinite and Exinite in Source Rocks from the KQT Area of Xihu Sag, Eastern China
Xu M, Hou D, Cheng X, Liu J & Diao H

Diao L. (2010) Application of Irregular Soil Geochemistry Survey Side of Gully to Prospect in the Puqing Antimony -Gold Exploration Area Deposit, Guizhou, China
Diao L, Han R, Pang L & Wang L
(2010) The Geochemistry Identifier of Ore-Type and Non-Ore-Type Diapir in Yimen Fengshan Copper Deposit
Wang L, Han R, Li B & Diao L

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