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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Di Gaspari F. (2016) Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modelling of CO2-rich Brine Injection Through Sandstone Samples: Role of Flow Rate, Brine Composition, Mixing and Spreading Effects
Luquot L, Soler-Sagarra J, Gouze P, Martinez-Perez L, Saaltink M, Di Gaspari F & Carrera J

Di Genova D. (2022) Nanocrystals Formation, the Elephant in the Laboratory
Di Genova D
(2022) In situ 4D Dendritic Crystallization in Basaltic Magmas Reveals How Magma Mobility Occurs within the Earth's Crust
Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Le Gall N, Llewellin EW, Brooker RA, Torres-Orozco R, Di Genova D, Neave D, Hartley M, Mader HM, Giordano D, Atwood R, Lee PD, Heidelbach F & Burton MR
(2020) Highly Explosive Basaltic Eruptions: Magma Fragmentation Induced by Rapid Crystallisation
Arzilli F, La Spina G, Burton MR, Polacci M, Le Gall N, Hartley ME, Di Genova D, Cai B, Vo NT, Bamber EC, Nonni S, Atwood R, Llewellin EW, Brooker RA, Mader HM & Lee PD
(2020) Understanding Basaltic Plinian Activity at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Petrelli M, Hartley ME, Di Genova D, Fellowes J, Chavarria D, Saballos JA, De' Michieli Vitturi M & Burton MR
(2020) Suppression of Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene Nucleation in a Basaltic Magma: Insights from Real-Time Synchrotron Tomography
Le Gall N, Arzilli F, Cai B, Polacci M, Vo N, La Spina G, Hartley M, Atwood R, Di Genova D, Nonni S, Llewellin E, Burton M & Lee P
(2019) Crystallisation in Basaltic Magmas Revealed via in situ 4D Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography and Implications for Lava Flows
Polacci M, Arzilli F, La Spina G, Le Gall N, Cai B, Hartley M, Di Genova D, Vo N, Nonni S, Atwood R, Llewellin E, Lee P & Burton M
(2019) Highly Explosive Basaltic Eruptions: Magma Fragmentation Induced by Rapid Crystallisation
Arzilli F, La Spina G, Burton M, Polacci M, Le Gall N, Hartley M, Di Genova D, Cai B, Vo N, Bamber E, Nonni S, Atwood R, Llewellin E & Lee P
(2019) The Masaya Triple Layer: A Petrological Approach to Constraining the Dynamics of an Episodic, Highly Explosive Basaltic Plinian Eruption
Bamber E, Arzilli F, Polacci M, Hartley M, Fellowes J, Di Genova D, Chavarria D & Burton M
(2018) Fe-Redox in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions and Embayments Across the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
Turner S, Humphreys M, Matzen A, Di Genova D, Iveson A, Smythe D, Mather T & Pyle D

Di Giovanni C. (2017) Organic Geochemistry of Anthropocene Sediments in the Sewer Network of Orléans (France)
Thibault A, Jacob J, Simonneau A, Le Milbeau C, Di Giovanni C, Sabatier P, Reyss J-L, Ardito L & Morio C

Di Giulio A. (2000) Combination of Zircon Morphology and Fission Track Dating in Provenance Studies – Origin of the Macigno Formation (Apennines, Italy)
Di Giulio A, Dunkl I, Kuhlemann J & Frisch W

Di Giuseppe Dario (2013) Mesocosms Experiments with Zeolitite-Amended Marsh Soils to Reduce Nitrogen Leaching
Faccini B, Colombani N, Di Giuseppe D, Mastrocicco M & Coltorti M

Di Giuseppe Dario (2015) Nitrogen and Carbon Pools and 15N Natural Abundance in a Zeolitite-Treated Agricultural Soil
Ferretti G, Faccini B, Vittori Antisari L, Di Giuseppe D & Coltorti M

Di Giuseppe Dario (2019) Assessing the Biopersistence of Asbestos by Nano Single Crystal Diffraction of Fibres Extracted from Human Lung Tissues
Zoboli A, Di Giuseppe D, Giacobbe C, Vigliaturo R, Bonasoni MP, Sala O & Gualtieri A
(2019) Characterization and Toxicity of the Metastable Product of Chrysotile Asbestos Dissolution
Gualtieri A, Lusvardi G, Pedone A, Di Giuseppe D, Zoboli A, Mucci A, Zambon A, Filaferro M, Vitale G, Genedani S, Tomatis M, Turci F, Pasquali L & Lassinantti Gualtieri M
(2019) Biodurability and Release of Metals during the Dissolution of Chrysotile, Crocidolite and Fibrous Erionite
Gualtieri A, Lusvardi G, Zoboli A, di giuseppe D & lassinantti gualtieri M

Di Giuseppe Dario (2022) What is the Potential Impact of Commercial Russian Chrysotile on Human Health?
Di Valerio S, Vaiasicca S, Cianfruglia L, Armeni T, Marcheggiani F, Tiano L, Di Giuseppe D, Gualtieri A, Procopio AD, Fazioli F & Pugnaloni A

Di Giuseppe G. (2015) Microbial Diversity in the Hydromagnesite Mineralization
Bedini F, Boschi C, Ménez B, Di Giuseppe G, Perchiazzi N & Zanchetta G

Di Giuseppe P. (2018) At the Root of the Geothermal Field of Larderello: Boron Isotope Constraints
Dini A, Pennisi M, Agostini S, Di Giuseppe P & Rielli A

Di Iorio D. (2019) Flow and Short- and Long-Term Carbon Dynamics at Tidally Impacted Coastal Interfaces in the SE USA
Meile C, Schalles J, Peterson R, O'Donnell J, Bice K, Medeiros P, Di Iorio D, Hopkinson C, Joye S, Stegen J, Goldman A, Thomle J, Danczak R & Whonders T

Di iorio L. (2023) Linking Microbial Metabolic Diversity with Geochemical Characteristics of Campania Region Hot Springs
Bastianoni AB, Selci M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Barosa B, Cascone M, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Corso D, Licata M, Migliaccio F, Montemagno F, Nappi N, Ricciardelli A, Tonietti L, Rotundi A, Caliro S, Cordone A, Pollio A & Giovannelli D
(2023) Hydrogenotrophic Metabolisms in the Subsurface: Insights from Natural Hydrogen Seeps in Diverse Geological Settings
Cascone M, Corso D, Selci M, Bastianoni AB, Oliva F, Di iorio L, Correggia M, Cordone A, Ricciardelli A, Barosa B, Bekaert DV, Tyne RL, Barry P, Lloyd KG, Jessen G, Chiodi A, de Moor M, Ramírez-Umaña C, Schrenk M, Moracci M, Vitale Brovarone A & Giovannelli D
(2023) Ironborn: Fe Distribution in Geothermal Fluids and its Influence on the Biosphere
Barosa B, Tonietti L, Bastianoni A, Selci M, Cascone M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Montemagno F, Ricciardelli A, Corso D, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Halldorsson SA, Stefánsson A, Lloyd KG, Jessen G, Chiodi AL, de Moor M, Ramírez-Umaña C, Yucel M, Schrenk M, Rotundi A, Cordone A & Giovannelli D
(2023) Environmental Availability of Copper in Deeply Sourced Seeps and its Influence on Copper Binding Protein Distribution
Montemagno F, Selci M, Barosa B, Cascone M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Di iorio L, Correggia M, Bastianoni A, Corso D, Barry PH, Lloyd KG, Jessen G, Chiodi AL, de Moor M, Ramírez-Umaña C, Schrenk M, Cordone A & Giovannelli D
(2023) Metal Cofactor Microbial Usage Across Convergent Margins
Bastoni D, Bastianoni A, Cascone M, Oliva F, Correggia M, Selci M, Di iorio L, Cordone A, Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Zahirovic S, Bekaert DV, Chiodi AL, Ramírez-Umaña C, Jessen G, Barry PH, Lloyd KG, de Moor M & Giovannelli D

Di Iorio T. (2014) Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra
Mittlefehldt DW, Ammannito E, Hiroi T, De Angelis S, Moriarty DP, Di Iorio T, Pieters CM & De Sanctis MC

Di Leo P. (2013) Pleistocene Weathering and Climate Evolution in Southern Italy: Data from Intermontane Basins
Di Leo P, Giano SI, Gioia D, Pulice I & Schiattarella M

Di liberto V. (2004) Source of Radiogenic He in the Mantle Wedge: Constraints from Italian Plio-Quaternary Volcanism
Martelli M, Di liberto V, Ellam R, Nuccio P & Stuart F

Di Lorenzo E.

Di Lorenzo F. (2023) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC, Krack M, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV
(2022) Metal Sorption on Clay Minerals Aiming at the Geological Storage of Nuclear Wastes
Di Lorenzo F, Stotskyi V, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B, Churakov SV & Marques Fernandes M
(2021) Immobilization of Metals in Low pH M-S-H Cement
Ruiz Agudo C, Marsiske MR, Di Lorenzo F & Bernard E
(2021) The Uptake of Pb2+ by MgCO3: Thermodynamic Possibilities and Kinetics Limitations
Di Lorenzo F & Churakov SV
(2020) Carbonate Minerals for the Uptake of Heavy Metals: Experimental Studies of MgCO3 Reactivity with Pb2+
Di Lorenzo F & Churakov S
(2019) Uptake of PbII by Calcite and Aragonite: The Influence of CaCO3 Polymorphism on the Process
Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo C & Churakov S
(2018) An Experimental Study of the Early Stages of Calcium Phosphate Formation and the Role of Additives
Ruiz-Agudo E, Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo C, Alvarez-Lloret P, Kaczmarski J, Burgos-Cara A & Rodriguez-Navarro C
(2017) Crystallization and Colloidal Stabilization of Ca(OH)2 in the Presence of Additives
Burgos-Cara A, Ruiz-Agudo E, Elert K, Di Lorenzo F & Rodriguez-Navarro C
(2017) Use of Zirconium-Based MOFs to Enhance Silicate Carbonation
Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo E, Ibañez-Velasco A, Navarro JAR & Rodriguez-Navarro C
(2015) Thermodynamic Properties and Crystallization Behaviour of (Mg, Fe)CO3 Solid Solution
Di Lorenzo F & Prieto M
(2014) The Kinetics of Solvent-Mediated Trasformation of Hydromagnesite into Magnesite at Different Temperatures and Pressures
Di Lorenzo F, Rodríguez-Galán RM & Prieto M

Di Marzo L. (2009) A Crustal Seismic Profile Across Sicily: Preliminary Results
Accaino F, Catalano R, Di Marzo L, Giustiniani M, Tinivella U, Nicolich R, Sulli A & Valenti V

di Michiel M. (2023) Understanding How Organic Molecules Control Mineral Nucleation at the Nanoscale
Baken A, Van Driessche AES, Fernandez-Martinez A, Kellermeier M, di Michiel M & Lanson M
(2021) Mineral Self-Organization in Anoxic Conditions: A Window into Early Earth Geochemistry and Prebiotic Chemical Reactions
Kotopoulou E, Fernandez-Martinez A, Van Driessche AES & di Michiel M

Di muro Andréa (2011) Evolution of the δD Value in Water-Rich Basaltic Melt Inclusions during Volcanic Processes
Metrich N, Deloule E & Di Muro A
(2007) New Spectroscopy Developments to Study Water in Basaltic Melts
Mercier M, Di muro A, Metrich N, Montagnac G, Giordano D, Lesne P & Clochiatti R

Di Muro Andrea (2022) Volatile Distributions in Recent Volcanic Products from Mayotte Active Volcanic Ridge Revealed by Simultaneous Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyses
Thivet S, Hess K-U, Dingwell DB, Di Muro A & Gurioli L
(2021) S—Se—Te Systematics in La Réunion Hotspot Lavas and Peridotites
Vlastelic I, Piro J-L, Famin V, Bachèlery P & Di Muro A
(2018) Nepheline-Normative Primitive Melt Genesis in Arcs: Mineralogic and Lithospheric Controls
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Métrich N, Di Muro A & Deloule E

Di Nezio P. (2017) Mechanisms of Tropical Hydroclimate Change during the Late Quaternary: New Frontiers at the Intersection of Proxies, Models, and Observations
Konecky B, Noone D, Di Nezio P, Nusbaumer J, Otto-Bliesner B & Cobb K

Di Nezio S. (2004) Dissolution Rate of Mercury Oxide
Hocsman A, Di Nezio S, Avena M, de Pauli C & Charlet L

Di Nicola L. (2021) Illuminating the Long-Term Storage of Fluid-Hosted Volatiles in the SCLM from 3He/4He, Major- and Trace Elements in Global Mantle Xenolith Suites
Crosby JC, Gibson SA, Stuart F, Riley TR & Di Nicola L
(2019) Helium Isotopes Reveals What Carbon and Nitrogen Cannot, a Mantle Component for Strongly 13C-Depleted Diamond
Mikhail S, Crosby J, Stuart F, Di Nicola L & Abernethy F

Di Piazza A. (2016) Chemical and Textural Characterization of Cannonballs from Cerro Chopo Volcano (Costa Rica): A Preliminary Approach to their Origin
Di Piazza A, Del Bello E, Mollo S & Alvarado G
(2014) Geochemical Features of Mantle Source Feeding Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica): Insights on the Ongoing Unrest Phase
Di Piazza A, Rizzo AL, Barberi F, Carapezza ML, De Astis G & Romano C
(2013) Petrological and Textural Constraints on Explosive Activity of the Last 2ka of Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica)
Di Piazza A, Romano C, De Astis G, Vona A & Soto JG
(2013) High-Temperature Rheology of a Megacryst-Bearing Mugearitic Magma from Etna (Italy)
Vona A, Di Piazza A, Nicotra E, Romano C & Viccaro M
(2013) Noble Gases Geochemistry of Magma Degassing at Santorini (Greece): Inferences on 2011-2012 Unrest
Rizzo A, Barberi F, Carapezza ML, Francalanci L, D'Alessandro W, Di Piazza A & Sortino F

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