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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dhaliwal Jasmeet (2020) Assessing Sulfur Isotope Variability in the Icelandic Mantle: Evidence from Subglacial Glasses and Melt Inclusions
Halldorsson SA, Ranta E, Gunnarsson Robin J, Bali E, Caracciolo A, Ono S, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Hartley M, Dhaliwal J, Matthews S & Stefánsson A
(2017) Extreme Volatile Depletion in the Eucrite Parent Body
Moynier F, Dhaliwal J & Day J

Dhaliwal Jasmeet K. (2017) Metal-Silicate Equilibrium Signature Preserved in Pristine Eucrites
Dhaliwal JK, Day JMD, Tait KT & Barrat J-A

Dhami Navdeep (2018) Characterisation of Beach Rocks in Natural and in Vitro Biomineralization Conditions
Dhami N, Mukherjee A, Polat P & Ramachandran AL

Dhami Navdeep K (2021) Potential and Challenges of Biominerals for Applications in Construction and Mining Industry
Tiwari S, Ramachandran AL, Mukherjee A & Dhami NK

Dhanachandra W. (2014) Arsenic Accumulation in Agricultural Fields and its Relationship with Cultivation Practices and Crop Type
Farooq SH, Chandrasekharam D, Dhanachandra W & Norra S

Dhanakumar T.D.S. (2017) Vempalle Flows of the Cuddapah Basin, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India: Insights on Proterozoic Magmatism
Dhanakumar TDS, Manikyamba CM, Khelen AKC & Reddy RKR

Dhankhar R. (2011) Isothermal, Kinetic and Mechanism Studies of Uranium Biosorption by Aspergillus Niger from Aqueous Solutions
Dhankhar R & Hooda A

Dhaoui S. (2016) Early Diagenesis and Preservation of Organic Matter in Anoxic Aquatic Environments: Lagoon of Bizerte – Tunisia
Essifi M, Ouertani N, Dhaoui S & Yahyaoui S

Dhar A.

Dhar R. (2000) Hydrogeochemical Study of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh Groundwater – The Role of Redox Condition
Gavrieli I, Zheng Y, Van Geen A, Stute M, Dhar R, Ahmed KM, Simpson J & Goldstein SL

Dhar S. (2023) Environmental Controls on the Occurrence of Bicycloalkanoporphyrins in Ancient and Modern Sediments
Fulton JM & Dhar S
(2020) Paleoenvironmental Interpretations of Late Devonian Biotic Turnover in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Evidence from Stable Isotopic Analyses of Geoporphyrins
Dhar S & Fulton J

Dharamgunawardhane H. (2010) Rate Kinetics of Synchrotron Radiation-Induced Radiolysis of Fe2+ and Fe3+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions to 500℃
Dharamgunawardhane H, Mayanovic R, Anderson A, Bassett W & Pascarelli S

Dharampal P. (2020) Trophic Discrimination Factor in 13C/12C for Amino Acids
Takizawa Y, Takano Y, Choi B, Dharampal P, Steffan S, Ogawa N, Ohkouchi N & Chikaraishi Y

Dharwadkar A. (2021) Characterization of Borosilicates Bearing Rocks of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica: Implications for their Polygenetic Evolution
Sadiq M, Arora D, Dharwadkar A, Roy SK, Pant NC, Ghosh JG & - R

Dherret L. (2019) Historical Records of Suspended Particulate Matter Origin in the Rhône River (France) Using the Non-Reactive Geochemical Signature of Particles
Bégorre C, Dabrin A, Eyrolle F, Mourier B, Grisot G, Dherret L, Masson M & Coquery M

Dhillon K. (2018) Abiotic and Biotic Oxidation of Chemically Synthesized Se(0) Nanoparticles
Mal J, Yee N, Schilling K, Goff J, Dhillon K & Pallud C
(2012) Se Cycling in the Critical Zone in a Seleniferous Area in Punjab, India
Eiche E, Nothstein A, Neumann T, Sadana U & Dhillon K

Dhillon R. (2020) High Temperature Calibration of Calcite Clumped Isotopes: When Theory Meets Experimentation
Jautzy J, Savard M, Dhillon R, Bernasconi S & Smirnoff A
(2019) Clumped Isotope Geothermometry of an Ordovician Carbonate Reef Mound, Hudson Bay Basin
Jautzy JJ, Savard MM, Lavoie D, Ardakani OH, Anna S, Dhillon R & Defliese WF

Dhiman S. (2023) Siderophores Assisted Recovery of Critical Metals from Mining Residues
Jain R, Pollmann K, Ghosh A, Dhiman S, Mondol PP & Jain P

Dhivert E. (2023) An Estimation of the Microplastic Flux during a Major Sediment Management Operation on the Upper Rhône River (France)
Lelay S, Mourier B, Fretaud T & Dhivert E

Dhobale A. (2019) Mineralogical, Geochemical and Genesis of Complex Ferricrete-Silcrete Association in Lateritic Profile from NW Bengal Basin; Eastern India
Singh J, Mukhopadhyay S, Sangode S, Dhobale A & Rajaguru SN

Dhont G. (2023) Unravelling the Role of Surface Complexation in the Isotopic Fractionation of Fe Aerosols
Pech CG, De Jong J, Ciotonea C, Dhont G, Mattielli N & Flament P

Dhouailly D. (2017) Sulfur Speciation in Soft Tissues from a Jurassic Ornithischian Dinosaur
McNamara M, Godefroit P, Benton M, Dhouailly D, Sinitsa S, Reschetova S & Spagna P

Dhuime Bruno (2015) In situ Isotopic Measurements on Mineral Inclusions as a New Window on Crustal Evolution Studies
Dhuime B, Delavault H, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H, Bruand E, Kemp T, Lewis J &  EIMF
(2015) The Geodynamic Setting of Continental Crust Generation Through Pb Isotopes on Mineral Inclusions within Zircon
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H, Bruant E, Kemp T &  EIMF
(2014) On the First 1.5 Billions Years of Crustal Evolution
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Cawood P
(2014) The Origin of the Continental Crust and its Impact on the Earth System
Cawood P, Hawkesworth C & Dhuime B
(2014) Constraints on Crustal Evolution from Rb/Sr and Contemporary Erosion
Hawkesworth C, Dhuime B, Robinson R & Allan C
(2013) The Composition of the New Continental Crust Through Time
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Cawood P
(2012) Subduction Erosion, Magmatism and Continental Crust Formation in the Southern Central Andes
Jones R, Kirstein L, Hinton R, Kasemann S, Dhuime B & Elliott T
(2012) Continental Growth Through the Sedimentary Reservoir: Hf in Zircon & Nd in Shales Records
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Cawood P
(2011) Early Archean Crust of the Ukrainian Shield – Evidence from Detrital Zircons
Bibikova E, Shumlyanskyy L, Hawkesworth CJ, Claesson S, Storey C, Dhuime B & Fedotova A
(2011) Growth and Reworking of Gondwana Through Time
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Storey C & Sircombe K
(2011) The Generation and Evolution of the Continental Crust
Hawkesworth C, Cawood P & Dhuime B
(2009) Archean-Proterozoic Evolution in East Antarctica
Marschall H, Storey C, Dhuime B, Leat P & Hawkesworth C
(2009) The Generation, Evolution and Preservation of the Continental Crust
Hawkesworth C, Storey C, Dhuime B, Marschall H, Pietranik A & Kemp T
(2009) Linking the Continental Growth Record of Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Storey C & Cawood P
(2008) Accessory Minerals as Petrogenetic Tracers: Insights from in situ Analyses
Bosch D, Garrido C, Bruguier O, Dhuime B, Bodinier J-L & Galland B
(2007) Pinpointing the Temporal Evolution of an Intra-Oceanic Arc System: The Case of the Kohistan Arc Complex
Bosch D, Dhuime B, Garrido C, Bruguier O, Bodinier J-L, Hussain S & Dawood H

Dhuime Bruno (2016) Zircon from Continental and Oceanic Diorites: Why are They Different?
Pietranik A, Storey C, Lasalle S & Dhuime B
(2016) Tectonic Influences on the Geochemical Evolution of the Continental Crust
Cawood P, Hawkesworth C, Dhuime B, Delavault H & Zerkle A
(2016) Secular Evolution of the Rates of Generation and Destruction of the Continental Crust
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Wookey J
(2016) How Continents Form: Insight from Pb Isotopes Measured on K-Feldspar Inclusions within Zircons
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H &  EIMF

Dhuime Bruno (2017) Within Plate and Subduction-Related Settings in the Archaean
Hawkesworth C, Kendall M, Daly M, Cawood P & Dhuime B
(2017) Earth’s Lithosphere Through Time
Cawood P, Hawkesworth C, Dhuime B & Kemp T
(2017) Braking the Scale of in situ Pb Isotope Microanalysis Down to 10 μm Spot Size: A Comparison of SIMS and LA-MC-ICP-MS
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Marschall H
(2017) Continental Growth, Onset of Plate Tectonics and Emergence of the Continents
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P & Delavault H

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