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Dey Archan (2014) Magnetite Formation in Solution and Magnetotactic Bacteria
Baumgartner J, Dey A, Bomans P, Le Coadou C, Sommerdijk N, Fratzl P, Morin G, Menguy N, Perez Gonzalez T, Widdrat M, Cosmidis J & Faivre D

Dey Arnab (2021) Origin of Fe-Ni-Cu Sulfides in the 1.77Ga Mafic Dyke from Satkosia Area, Singhbhum Craton (Eastern India)
Dey A & Mondal SK

Dey Ayon

Dey B. (2020) High Nb Basalt Like Signatures from SW Japan Volcanics
Dey B, Shibata T & Yoshikawa M

Dey Sukanta (2011) Evolution of Crust in the Dharwar Craton: The Nd Isotopic Evidence
Dey S
(2010) Style of Late Archaean Crust Formation as Evidenced from Geochemical and Nd Isotopic Composition of Granitoids from NW Part of the Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Dey S

Dey Sukanta (2015) Contrasting Crustal Evolution Processes in the Dharwar Craton
Lancaster P, Dey S, Storey C, Mitra A & Bhunia R

Dey Sukanta (2017) Neoarchaean Magmatism Through Arc and Lithosphere Melting: Evidence from Eastern Dharwar Craton
Nandy J & Dey S
(2017) Occurrence of Two Distinct Paleoarchean TTG Types in the Singhbhum Craton: Implication for Crust Formation Mechanism
Mitra A & Dey S

Dey Sukanta (2019) Generation and Fate of the Earth’s Oldest Continental Crust: New Evidence from Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India
Dey S, Gond AK, Zong K, Liu Y, Mitra A & Mitra A

Deydier V. (2017) Bio-Corrosion Detection by Sulphur Isotopic Fractionation Measurements Using nanoSIMS
Grousset S, Mercier F, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Dillmann P & Neff D
(2017) Development of a nanoSIMS Analytical Protocole to Determine the Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Iron Sulphides Formed during Anoxic Corrosion
Grousset S, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Urios L, Dillmann P, Mercier F & Neff D

Deyell C. (2006) Cracking the sulfate isotopic determination problem in ancient hydrothermal systems: a pilot assessment of the use of the carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) method
Davidson G, Cooke D, Deyell C & Wilson A
(2006) Sulfur isotopic zonation in the Cadia porphyry Au-Cu deposits, NSW
Cooke D, Wilson A, Harper B & Deyell C

Deyhimi M.

Deyhle A. (2004) Boron and Boron Isotopes in Sediments and Pore-Fluids in the Japan Sea, ODP Leg 127, and their Implications for Fluid-Rock Interaction
Deyhle A, Zuleger E & Gieskes J
(2002) Temperature Dependence of Ca Isotope Fractionation in Marine Carbonates
Deyhle A, Macdougall D, MacIsaac C & Paytan A
(2002) The Use of Boron Isotopes in Natural Silicate-Water Systems
Deyhle A & Kopf A

Deymier P. (2006) Effect of composition on adsorption of water on perfect olivine surfaces
Stimpfl M, Drake MJ, de Leeuw NH, Deymier P & Walker AM
(2005) Origin of Planetary Water by Adsorption in the Accretion Disk
Stimpfl M, Drake MJ, Deymier P & Lauretta D

Deynoux M. (2004) Isotopic Evidence for Methane Seep Origin of Barite in Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates of NW Africa
Shields G, Deynoux M, Strauss H & Stille P

DeYoreo J (2013) Formation and Transformation of Nanocrystalline Iron Carbonate Precursors
Dideriksen K, Frandsen C, Bovet N, Wallace AF, Arbour T, DeYoreo J, Stipp SLS & Banfield JF
(2012) Me/Ca Proxies and Foram Biomineralization: The Role of Cation Transport
Gagnon A, DeYoreo J, DePaolo D, Spero H, Russell A & Giuffre A
(2005) A Kink-Site Limited Model for Growth and Inhibition of Biominerals
DeYoreo J, Chernov A, Zepeda-Ruiz L, Wasylenki L, Elhadj S, Orme C, Gilmer G & Dove P
(2005) Stereochemical Recognition Revisited: A Step-Specific Model for Shape Control
DeYoreo J & Dove P
(2001) Determining the Energetics of the Calcite <441> Steps
Teng HH, Dove PM & DeYoreo JJ

DeYoreo James (2020) Uncovering the Roles of Organics on Solid Solution Nucleation and Growth
Hu Y, Deng N, Stack AG, Weber J, Cao B & Deyoreo J
(2017) Mechanistic Insight into Microbial Biomineralization of Iron Oxides
Sand K, Jelavić S, Dobberschütz S, Ashby P, Marshall M, Friddle R & Deyoreo J
(2016) A Mechanistic Explanation for Preferential Binding of Iron Oxides to Natural Organic Matter: Deriving Free Energies of Binding
Sand K, Jelavic S, Dobberschutz S, Ashby P, Stipp S & DeYoreo J
(2015) An in situ View of CaCO3 Nucleation
De Yoreo J, Nielsen M, Smeets P, Sommerdijk N & Sand K
(2015) Bacterial Induced Transformation of Iron Oxides; Morphology and Rate Effects from Natural and Engineered Living Cells
Sand K, Teravest M, Ajo-Franklin C & DeYoreo J

Dezayes C. (2021) Architecture of the Critical Zone and Geometry of the Water Pathways in the Strengbach CZO (France)
Chabaux F, Lerouge C, Gal F, Viville D, Ranchoux C, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Pierret M, Reuschlé T, Negrel P & Dezayes C
(2016) Three New Auxiliary Chemical Geothermometers for Hot Brines from Geothermal Reservoirs
Sanjuan B, Millot R & Dezayes C

Dezellus O. (2023) Fe-Mg Phase Equilibria Under High-Temperature and High-Pressure Conditions: Experimental Investigation and Calphad Modeling
Desseaux M, Andrieux J, Gardiola B, Le Floch S, Deffrennes G, Wada T, Kato H, Parisiadis P, Morard G & Dezellus O

Dezi M. (2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I
(2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F

Deziel N.C. (2023) Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination from Fossil-Fuel Development
Saiers JE, Soriano MA, Siegel HG, Clark CJ, Plata DL & Deziel NC
(2023) Advancing Methods for Contaminant-Source Attribution in Complex Aquifer Settings: Applications in the Northwestern Appalachian Basin, USA
Siegel HG, Nason SL, Soriano MA, Clark CJ, Johnson NP, Wulsin G, Deziel NC, Plata DL, Darrah T & Saiers JE

Dezileau L. (2013) Past and Present Impact of Mining Activity on Metal and Metalloid Contamination in Sediments of the Gardon River Watershed (France)
Resongles E, Casiot C, Freydier R, Dezileau L, Viers J & Elbaz-Poulichet F

Dhakal D. (2020) Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of Uranyl-Chloride Aqueous Solutions at Hydrothermal Conditions
Baker J, Akram N, Dhakal D, Mayanovic R, Guo X, Zhang X, Kelley M, Batista E, Yang P, Boukhalfa H, Migdissov A, Roback R, Sun C-J & Xu H
(2019) Uranyl-Chloride Speciation at Hydrothermal Conditions
Xu H, Mayanovic R, Dhakal D, Baker J, Guo X, Kelley M, Yang P, Batista E, Sun C, Boukhalfa H, Migdisov A & Roback R
(2019) Probing the Formation and Alteration of Lanthanide Phosphates
Guo X, Zhang Y, Kemal R, Dhakal D, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Clavier N, Xu H, Mayanovic R, Liu L & Dacheux N

Dhakal S. (2018) Thermogenic Methane Hydrates Formation due to Fault Activation in Marine Environment
Dhakal S & Gupta I

Dhakate R. (2023) Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Soil of Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri District, Telangana State, India
More S & Dhakate R

Dhali S. (2023) Fate, Transport, and Bioremediation of Chromium in Soil-Groundwater System at Rania-Khan Chandpur Site, India
Gupta PK, Nair VK, Dalvi VS, Dhali S, Malik A & Pant KK

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