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Devito C. (2020) Extreme Sulfur and Iron Isotope Fractionation in Pyrites from Cretaceous Sediments, Central Apennines, Italy
Gyomlai T, Fayek M, Ferrini V, Mignardi S & Devito C

Devito K. (2022) Trace Elements in Peat Bog Surface Waters and Sphagnum Moss Porewaters: Indicators of Dissolution of Atmospheric Dusts from Open Pit Mining and Other Industrial Activities
Shotyk W, Barraza F, Butt SA, Chen N, Cuss CW, Devito K, Frost LV, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB & Noernberg T

DeVitre C. (2023) DiadFit: An Open-Sourcepython3 Tool for Raman Peak Fitting
Wieser P & DeVitre C
(2023) Rapid Assessment of Magma Storage Depths: Insight from Fluid and Melt Inclusions from the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone Eruption of Kīlauea
DeVitre C & Wieser P
(2022) Accounting for Multi-Phase Carbon in Melt Inclusion Bubbles
DeVitre C, Dayton K, Gazel E, Barth A, Plank TA, Pamukcu A, Gaetani G & Monteleone B

Devivier K. (2002) Has Iodide a Conservative Behaviour Towards Claystones? The Tournemire Argillite Case
Devivier K, Savoye S & Devol-Brown I

DeVlaminck I. (2016) Envirnomental Genomics of Fervidibacteria, a "Microbial Coelacanth" from a Hot, Primitive Earth?
Hedlund B, Dodsworth J, Murugapiran S, Jarett J, Ivanova N, DeVlaminck I, Quake S, Li W-J & Woyke T

Devlin J.F. (2005) The Reactivity and Surface Chemistry of Granular Iron in Various Geochemical Settings
Devlin JF, Allin KO & Odziemkowski M

Devlin Q. (2015) The Effect of Mg/Ca Ratios Upon the Mg, Sr, and Other Elements within Coral Skeletons
Giri S, Swart P, Devlin Q & Adkins J

Devlin McLoughlin V.E. (2022) Geolocation of Uranium Ore Concentrates Through 143Nd/144Nd Measurements
Devlin McLoughlin VE, Shollenberger QR & Brennecka G

Devol A. (2019) Is Denitrification in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Increasing?
Devol A, Deutsch C & Mordy C
(2017) N Isotope Isotopic Effects in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone
Devol A, Fuchsman C, Casciotti K & Buchwald C
(2012) Benthic Nitrogen Fluxes and Denitrification in Bering Sea Shelf Sediments
Devol A, Horak R, Shull D, Mordy C & Whitney H
(2005) Oxygen Consumption Rates in the Shelf and Slope Sediments of the Western Arctic
Chang B, Devol A & Christensen J
(2005) Oxygen Isotope Fractionation during Respiration in Marine Sediments
Hartnett H, Devol A, Brandes J & Chang B
(2005) Denitrification and Sulfate Reduction in Arctic Continental Margin Sediments
Devol A, Chang B & Christensen J
(2005) Quantifying the Role of Manganese in Biotic and Abiotic Nitrogen Cycling
Harnmeijer J, Orcutt B, Devol A & Joye S

DeVol R.t. (2015) Nacre and the Environment
Gilbert PUPA, Myers CE, Bergmann K, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan EA, Tamre E & Knoll AH

DeVol Ross T. (2016) Biomineral Vaterite Spicules do not Grow from Amorphous Calcium Carbonate, They Grow Ion by Ion from Solution
Pokroy B, Kabalah-Amitai L, Polishchuk I, DeVol RT, Blonsky AZ, Sun C-Y, Marcus MA, Scholl A & Gilbert PUPA
(2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A

Devol-Brown I. (2002) Has Iodide a Conservative Behaviour Towards Claystones? The Tournemire Argillite Case
Devivier K, Savoye S & Devol-Brown I

Devon C. (2018) An Exceptional Record of Early- to Mid-Paleozoic Redox Change from the Road River Group, Yukon, Canada
Sperling E, Strauss J, Tiffani F, Austin M, Sabrina T, Joseph M, Stephanie P-T, Liam B, Stockey R, Devon C, Noah P, David L, Lenz A & Melchin M

DeVore C. (2023) Floodplain Biogeochemistry at the Molecular to Pore Scale and Why it Matters at Ecosystem Scales
Boye K, Pierce S, DeVore C, Babey T, Aeppli M, Engel M, Tolar B, Maher K, Fendorf S, Francis CA, Bargar J & Noël V
(2020) Role of Endophytic Fungi on Arsenic Uptake and Tolerance in Schizachyrium Scoparium
DeVore C, ElHayek E, Busch T, Long B, Owen-Smith P, Rudgers J, Ali AM, Ducheneaux C & Cerrato J
(2018) Mechanisms of Uranium Accumulation in Roots of Tamarix Plants
Rodriguez-Freire L, DeVore C, El Hayek E, Ali A-M & Cerrato J

Devos G. (2023) Cadmium Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle Derived from Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts and Komatiites
Devos G, Moynier F, Creech J, Liu D, Luu T-H, Rigoussen D, Puchtel IS & Bizzarro M

Devoti S. (2017) Trace Elements of Mediterranean Vermetid Reefs as Proxies for Natural and Anthropogenic Processes
Jacobson Y, Yam R, Montagna P, López Correa M, Devoti S & Shemesh A
(2017) The Stable Isotope Record of Vermetids from the Eastern, Central and Western Mediterranean Basins during the Past Two Millennia
Shemesh A, Yam R, Jacobson Y, López Correa M, Devoti S & Montagna P
(2009) Sea Level Rise in the Mediterranean Sea: High Resolution Constraints from Vermetid Reefs
Silenzi S, Calvo M, Chemello R, Devoti S, Fallon S, McCulloch M, Montagna P, Templado J & Trotter J

Devouard Bertrand (2013) Fayalite Oxidation Processes at Obsidian Cliffs, Oregon
Martin A, Médard E, Devouard B, Keller L, Righter K, Devidal J-L & Rahman Z

Devouard Bertrand (2015) Do MORBs Record the Oxidation State of Earth’s Upper Mantle?
France L, Mary B, Deloule E, Munoz M, Koepke J, Letourneur L, Ildefonse B, Bolfan Casanova N, Devouard B & Deschamps F
(2015) Crystal Chemistry of Fe-Serpentines in Chondrites: A Nanoscale Study
Elmaleh A, Bourdelle F, Caste F, Benzerara K, Leroux H & Devouard B

Devouard Bertrand

Devouard Bertrand (2023) Northwest Africa 13188: A Possible Meteorite... From Earth!
Gattacceca J, Debaille V, Devouard B, Leya I, Jourdan F, Braucher R, Roland J, Pourkhorsandi H, Goderis S & Jambon A
(2023) Néma 001 – A Fragment of the Crust of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body?
Tartese R, Gattacceca J, Devouard B, Debaille V, Joy KH, Sonzogni C & Jambon A

Devraju J. (2019) Facies, Mineralogical and Geochemical Analysis of Permian Shales in Krishna Godavari Basin, India
Kala S, Boruah A, Devraju J & Rasheed MA

Devreux F. (2012) Kinetic Monte-Carlo: A Tool to Investigate the Corrosion of Glasses
Devreux F, Cailleteau C, Spalla O & Angeli F
(2002) The Mechanism of Altered Layers Formation on Wollastonite Revisited: A Combined Spectroscopic/Kinetic Study
Schott J, Pokrovsky OS, Spalla O, Devreux F & Mielczarski JA

Devriendt Laurent (2023) Strontium Partitioning in Calcite: From Inorganic to Foraminiferal Calcite
Jia Q, Zhang S, Watkins J & Devriendt L
(2018) Towards a General Model of Isotopic Fractionation for Biogenic Carbonates
Devriendt L, Watkins J, De Nooijer L & Reichart G-J
(2017) New Views on CaCO3-H2O Oxygen Isotope Fractionation
Devriendt L, Watkins J & McGregor H

Devriendt Laurent S (2023) The Effect of pH on Coral Skeleton Formation Mechanisms
Schmidt CA, Tambutté E, Castillo Alvarez MC, Devriendt LS, Tambutté S & Gilbert P

Devriendt Laurent Stephane (2019) A Simple Biomineralization Model Explains the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Euryhaline Ostracods
Devriendt LS, Reichart G-J, Watkins J & Chivas AR
(2019) Na Incorporation into Inorganic CaCO3 and Implications for Biogenic Carbonates
Mezger E, Devriendt LS, Olsen E, Watkins J, Kaczmarek K, Nehrke G, de Nooijer L & Reichart G-J

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