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Dever L. (2007) Age and Variability of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the St. Lawrence River
Moingt M, Hillaire-Marcel C, Dever L, Gélinas Y & Barbecot F

DeVera C. (2020) Temporal Geochemical and Microbiological Characterization of Flowback and Produced Waters from Mature and Time-Series Wells, Niobrara Formation, Colorado USA
Shelton J, Amundson K, Chenault J, Jubb A, Wilkins M, Blondes M & DeVera C

Devesa J. (2020) Physico-Chemical Speciation of Iron along the Land Sea Continuum of the Iroise Sea
Laes A, Dulaquais G, Hemery A, Davy R, Waeles M, Devesa J, Riso R & Lalonde S

Devey A. (2011) Atomistic Simulation of Oxygen Transport in Actinide Oxides and at their Interfaces
Williams N, Parker S, Devey A & Read M
(2009) DFT+U Study of the Iron Sulphide Mineral Greigite (Fe3S4)
Devey A, Grau Crespo R & de Leeuw N

Devey C.W. (2020) Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism 2.0: LAB Melt Lavas in the NW Atlantic
van der Zwan FM, Devey CW, Augustin N, Herrero TM, Pałgan D, Schade M, Böttner C & Almeev RR
(2019) A New Style of Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism
Augustin N, Devey CW, Herrero TM, Pałgan D, Schade M, van der Zwan FM & Böttner C
(2017) Sub-Axial Asthenospheric Flow Revealed by a Plume-Spiked Mantle
Brandl PA, Beier C, Haase KM, Rüpke LH, Devey CW & Hauff F
(2017) Halogens and Water in MORB and OIB and the Origin of HIMU
Kendrick M, Hemond C, Kamenetsky V, Danyushevsky L, Devey C, Rodemann T, Jackson M & Perfit M
(2017) Primitive Melts and Mantle Sources of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Based on Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Suh CE, Gurenko AA, Ngwa CN, Devey CW & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2016) Magmatic Processes beneath Mt. Cameroon – Insights from Minerals and Melt Inclusions
van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Suh CE, Nordstad S, Gerami-Manesch M, Devey CW & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2016) Relicts of Archean Sediment in the Present Earth Mantle
Delavault H, Chauvel C, Thomassot E, Devey C & Dazas B
(2016) Identifying Pyroxenite in the Mantle Source for Jan Mayen Island and Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins LJ, Scott SR, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Reagan M, Devey CW, Hamélin C & Pedersen RB
(2015) On the Archean vs. Proterozoic Age of the HIMU Mantle Component: New 33S/32S, 34S/32S, 36S/32S-Data from Saint-Helena Glasses
Cartigny P, Labidi J, Devey CW, Jackson MG, Thomassot E & Deloule E
(2015) Compositional Diversity in Mt. Cameroon Eruptions
van der Zwan FM, Suh CE, Hansteen TH, Gerami-Manesch M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Devey CW, Embui FV, Tibang EEB & Taboko A
(2013) Origins of Anomalous Ridge Magmatism Near Jan Mayen
Elkins LJ, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Chernow R, Davis R & Meisenhelder K
(2013) Assimilation of Hydrothermally Altered Crust at Slow Spreading Ridges
van der Zwan F, Devey C, Augustin N, Basaham A, Bantan R, Fietzke J & Almeev R
(2012) Hatiba to Port Sudan Deep (Red Sea) Imaging a Growing Ocean
Augustin N, Devey CW, Bantan R, van der Zwan FM, Feldens P & Kwasnitschka T
(2012) Tracing Seawater-Rock Interaction in Slow Spreading Oceanic Crust: Precise Chlorine Measurements in MORB by Microprobe
van der Zwan FM, Fietzke J, Devey CW, Almeev RR & Haase KM
(2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M
(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G
(2008) Plume-Ridge Interaction: Dying from the Feet up
Devey C & Stroncik N
(2007) The Interplay between Volcanism, Tectonics and Hydrothermalism on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 4-11°S and Globally
Devey C & Lackschewitz K
(2000) Os, Hf, Nd and Sr Isotope Analyses from the Pitcairn Hotspot: Constraints on the Composition of EM1
Eisele J, Sharma M, Blichert-Toft J, Devey CW & Hofmann AW

Devez P. (2017) Rare Earth Element Geochemistry in an Iron-Rich Nickel Laterite from New Caledonia
Devez P, Bonhoure J & Pourret O

Deviatiiarova A. (2019) Hg Behavior in Mud Volcanic Landscape, Kerch Peninsula
Kokh S, Sokol E, Gustaytis M & Deviatiiarova A

Devidal Jean Luc (2017) Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatite Derives from Classical Calciocarbonatite
France L, Boulanger M, Mollex G & Devidal J-L
(2017) Melt-Sulfide Rare Earth Elements Distribution Under Reduced Conditions
Ingrao N, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Vlastelic I, Devidal JL, Moine B & Mathon O

Devidal Jean-Luc (2014) Redox Control on Nb/Ta Fractionation: New Constraints on the Earth-Moon System
Cartier C, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Bouhifd MA & Devidal J-L
(2013) Nb/Ta Decoupling Under Low Fo<sub>2</Sub>
Cartier C, Hammouda T, Bouhifd MA, Boyet M & Devidal J-L
(2013) NanoSIMS Mapping Combined to in situ Trace Element Analyses and U-Th-Pb Dating in Monazite: A Chemical Record of Three Successive Events
Didier A, Bosse V, Mostefaoui S, Bouloton J, Devidal J-L & Paquette J-L
(2013) Fayalite Oxidation Processes at Obsidian Cliffs, Oregon
Martin A, Médard E, Devouard B, Keller L, Righter K, Devidal J-L & Rahman Z
(2013) Microstructures and Geochemistry in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle of NE Spain
Fernández-Roig M, Galán G, Oliveras V, Pin C, Grégoire M & Devidal J-L
(2013) Sub-Micrometer Scale Chemical Mapping of Complex Monazites: The Contribution of the NanoSIMS
Bosse V, Didier A, Paquette J-L, Mostefaoui S & Devidal J-L
(2013) Major Melting on EL Enstatite Chondrite Parent Body
Hammouda T, Boyet M, Moine B, Cartier C & Devidal J-L
(2012) No REE into the Earth's Core
Bouhifd MA, Boyet M, Andrault D, Bolfan-Casanova N & Devidal J-L
(2012) The Role of Sulfides on High Field-Strength Element Budget during Enstatite Chondrite Melting
Hammouda T, Cartier C, Boyet M, Moine B & Devidal J-L
(2007) Disturbance of the Monazite U-Th-Pb Chronometer by Fluids: A Study Combining Stable Isotopes and in situ Dating
Boulvais P, Bosse V, Gautier P, Tiepolo M, Ruffet G & Devidal J-L
(2005) Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Lanthanides and Solubility of Synthetic Pure Nd Monazite
Pourtier E, Ballerat-Busserolles K, Devidal J, Gibert F & Majer V
(2004) Lanthanide Behaviour in Hydrothermal Fluids
Pourtier E, Ballerat-Busserolles K, Devidal J, Gibert F & Majer V

Devidal Jean-Luc (2015) Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle in NE Spain: Insight from Deformation Fabrics and Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths
Fernández-Roig M, Galán G, Pin C, Devidal J-L, Mariani E, Oliveras V, Martínez F & Grégoire M
(2015) Textural and Geochemical Record of Interaction between Enriched Mantle Magmas and Crustal Components in the Montnegre Mafic Complex (Catalan Costal Ranges)
Galán G, Enrique P, Butjosa L, Pin C & Devidal J-L

Devidal Jean-Luc (2018) Trace Element Partitioning between Clinopyroxene and Alkaline Magmas
Baudouin C, France L, Boulanger M, Dalou C & Devidal J-L

Devidal Jean-Luc (2019) New Constraints on Trace Element Partitioning between Minerals & Alkaline Melts
Baudouin C, France L, Boulanger M, Dalou C & Devidal J-L
(2019) Behavior of Uranium and Thorium during the Earth’s Core Formation
Faure P, Bouhifd MA, Boyet M, Manthilake G, Clesi V & Devidal J-L
(2019) Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatites Derive from Classical Calciocarbonatites: A Melt Inclusion Approach
Mollex G, France L, Boulanger M & Devidal J-L
(2019) CO2-flush, Volatile with Subduction Flavor, and Plumbing System Architecture at a Continental Rift Segment
Bonnet R, France L, Jannot S, Schiano P, Gurenko A, Baudouin C, Devidal J-L & Caumon M-C
(2019) Rare Earth Elements Partitioning between Sulphides and Melt: Evidence for Yb2+ and Sm2+ in EH Chondrites
Ingrao N, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Vlastelic I, Moine B, Devidal J-L, Testemale D, Hazemann J-L, Proux O & Mathon O

Devidal Jean-Luc (2021) First Identification, Geochemical Characterization, and Land-Sea Correlations of Holocene Marine Distal Tephra from the Ecuadorian Arc
Bablon M, Nauret F, Samaniego P, Devidal J-L, Ratzov G, Michaud F, Saillard M, Orange F, Proust J-N, Le Pennec J-L, Liorzou C, Vallejo S, Mothes P & Hidalgo S

Devidal Jean-Luc (2023) Improved Clinopyroxene Barometry Sheds Light on Translithospheric Magma Storage Underneath a Continental Distributed Volcanic Field (Chaîne des Puys, France)
Médard E, Guyon B, Berthod C, Altermatt A, Gurioli L & Devidal J-L
(2023) Experimental High-Pressure Behavior of Germanium during Core-Mantle Differentiation
Condamine P, Manthilake G, Devidal J-L, Bouhifd A & Luais B

Deville Eric (2010) Characterization of Natural Hydrogen Sources in Ophiolitic Context
Vacquand C, Prinzhofer A & Deville E
(2009) Is Abiotic Methane Generation Important in Petroleum Systems?
Prinzhofer A, Vacquand C, Magnier C & Deville E
(2008) New Calibration of Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) Geothermometer: Application in Aquitaine Basin (France) and Gulf Coast (Texas)
Lahfid A, Beyssac O, Deville E, Goffé B & Chopin C
(2000) Gas Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes from Trinidad: Surface Evidence of Deep Gas Reservoirs, Modified by Vertical Migration
Deville E, Prinzhofer A, Battani A, Herbin JP, Ballentine C & Houzay JP

Deville Eric (2015) H2 Producing Water-Rock Interactions: Comparing the Geological Environments
Beaumont V, Guelard J, Deville E & Guyot F
(2015) Origin and Fate of Natural H2 Occurrences in a Saline Sedimentary Aquifer
Guelard J, Beaumont V, Guyot F, Deville E & Newell D

Deville Eric (2017) Natural H2 Associated to N2 and He in Intra-Cratonic Environments
Guélard J, Beaumont V, Rouchon V, Sissmann O, Guyot F, Newell DK & Deville E
(2017) Abiotic Methane Occurrence Associated with Natural H2 Generation
Prinzhofer A, Milesi V & Deville E

Deville Eric (2022) Investigating and Quantifying Natural H2 Emissions within the Fe-Rich Kansas Precambrian Granitoid Crust, Through High Resolution Microscopy and Tomography
Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Kularatne K, Julia G, Guyot F, Bernard S, Viennet J-C, Martinez I, Renard S, Newell KD, Derluyn H & Deville E

Deville Eric (2023) Composition and Origin of Gas Associated with High pH Waters within the Mid-Continent Rift in Minnesota (USA)
Combaudon V, Julia G, Sissmann O, Noirez S, McKeever D, Derluyn H & Deville E
(2023) A Multiscale Petrology Study on Fe-Rich Clays Minerals in Fayalite-Bearing Gabbros within the Kansas (USA) Precambrian Basement: An Attempt to Quantify Natural Hydrogen Generated
Combaudon V, Kularatne K, Centrella S, Sissmann O, Deville E & Derluyn H
(2023) Setting Upper Limits on the Natural Hydrogen Generation in Intracratonic Areas
Kularatne K, Sénéchal P, Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Deville E & Derluyn H

Devilliers A. (2011) Os Isotopes of Detrital Os Alloys from the Rhine and Evidence for a 1.2-1.3 Ga Global? Mantle Melting Event
Dijkstra AH, Dale CW, Sergeev DS, Gabelica Z & Devilliers A

Devine C. (2012) Setting and Styles of Hydrothermal Mudstones Near the Lemarchant Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Newfoundland Appalachians
Lode S, Piercey S, Copeland D, Devine C & Sparrow B

Devine J (2005) The Nature and Origin of the MSH 2004 Eruption from Sample Petrology and Experiments
Rutherford M & Devine J

Devine Joanne (2015) Impact of Heat, Gamma- and Alpha-Radiation on the Clay Barrier in a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste
Pearce C, Bower W, Pattrick R, Mosselmans F, Sims A, Devine J & Rosso K

Devine K. (2019) Widespread Putrefaction in Sediments after the Palaeoproterozoic Great Oxidation Event
Papineau D, She Z, Purohit R, Bernard S, Devine K, Li C, Shen B, Fogel M, Karhu J, Bleeker W & Hazen R

Devineau K. (2017) Si-Rich Glass Inclusions Trapped within Olivines of Type IA Chondrules: Only Relicts of the First Magmas of the Solar System?
Faure F, Tissandier L, Florentin L & Devineau K
(2017) Origin of Specific Textures in Granitic Pegmatites: An Experimental Study
Devineau K, Champallier R & Pichavant M

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