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Desilets D. (2005) Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Scaling Factors for in situ Cosmogenic Geochronometers: New Measurements of Cosmic-Ray Neutrons in India and Hawaii
Desilets D & Zreda M
(2005) Integrating Geomagnetic Records and Cosmogenic Nuclide Production
Pigati JS, Lifton NA & Desilets D
(2005) ICRONUS Meets CRONUS-Earth: Improved Calculations for Cosmogenic Dating Methods-From Neutron Intensity to Previously Ignored Correction Factors
Zreda M, Desilets D, Li Y, Bradley E & Anderson KM

Desilets S. (2010) Reactive Transport Modeling of Incongruent Basalt Dissolution in the Biosphere 2 Hillslope Experiment
Dontsova K, Steefel C, Desilets S, Thompson A & Chorover J

DeSisto S. (2014) Multiple Methods of Characterizing Zn and Cd Secondary Minerals Associated with Mine Drainage from Keno Hill, Yukon, Canada
Jamieson H, Gault A, DeSisto S, Sherriff B, Johnson B & Harrington JM
(2012) Impact of Remediation Design on Arsenic Leaching from Historic Gold Mine Tailings
DeSisto S, Parsons M, Kavalench J & Jamieson H

Desjardins K. (2023) Hyperspectral Study of Visible Fluorescence in Modern and Ancient Microbialites to Detect Traces of Life
Debrie J, Saint Martin JP, Desjardins K, Lam F, Le Callonnec L, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A & Benzerara K

Desjardins M. (2004) Links between Mercury and Methane Emissions: Mercury in Lake Sediments on Modern to Holocene Time Scales
Telmer K & Desjardins M

Desjarlais M. (2017) Electrical Conductivity of Silicate Liquids at Extreme Conditions and Planetary Dynamos
Scipioni R, Stixrude L & Desjarlais M

Deslandes A. (2023) Natural Hydrogen in Low Temperature Geofluids in a Mesoproterozoic Granite, South Australia
Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Wilske C, Mallants D, Suckow AO, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M, Gerber C, Crane P & Deslandes A
(2023) Assessing Groundwater Time Scales at and Beyond 36Cl/Cl Using 81Kr and Radiogenic Noble Gas Isotopes in Australia
Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Crane P, Wilske C, Raiber M, Yang G-M, Jiang W & Meredith K
(2023) Noble Gas Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in the Deep Hiltaba Suite Granite (South Australia) Reveal Fluid Circulation on the Billion Year Time Scale
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Crane P, Deslandes A, Delle Piane C, Bourdet J, Questiaux D, Spooner N, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M & Mallants D
(2022) Noble Gases from Fluid Inclusions in the Hiltaba Suite Granite, South Australia
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Deslandes A, Crane P, Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Spooner N & Mallants D
(2022) Quantifying Recharge to the Pilliga Sandstone Aquifer, Great Artesian Basin Australia: Learnings from Combining 14C, 36Cl and 81Kr
Suckow AO, Raiber M, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Martinez J, Yang G-M, Jiang W & Meredith K
(2021) Contradicting Groundwater Tracer Results in a Large Karst Aquifer in Northern Australia Reveal Recharge Processes, Regional Flow Patterns and Origin of Culturally Important Springs
Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Wilske C, Lamontagne S, Yang G-M, Jiang W, Lambrinidis D & Duvert C
(2021) Fluid Inclusions in Minerals of the Deep Crust – Investigations with the New High Vacuum Crushing System at the CSIRO Noble Gas Facility
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Crane P, Gerber C, Spooner N & Mallants D
(2019) A Multi-Tracer Study on Groundwater Flow and Impacts of Regional Development and Climate Change in a Sedimentary Multi-Aquifer System: Peel Region, Western Australia
Gerber C, Deslandes A, Wilske C, Barron O & Suckow A
(2017) A Multi-Tracer Study in the Surat Basin, Australia: “Wrong Ages” in Hutton Sandstone Give Deeper Insights into Aquifer Structure and Effective Deep Recharge, and Chasing the Fate of the Fresh Water of Precipice Sandstone
Suckow A, Raiber M, Deslandes A, Meredith K, Davies P, Taylor A & Leaney F
(2017) Application of Stable Noble Gases, 85Kr and 39Ar to Investigate the Freshwater Lens on Rottnest Island, Western Australia
Kersting A, Aeschbach W, Deslandes A, Meredith K, Peterson M, Purtschert R & Suckow A

Deslippe J. (2020) Chemical Weathering and Organic Carbon Turnover in Soil
Raines E, Norton K, Dosseto A, Hua Q, Lukens C, Deslippe J & Bellingham M

Desmaele E. (2023) Platinum Group Elements and Sulfur in Hydrothermal Fluids: A Love Story Told by in situ Spectroscopy, Molecular Dynamics, and Thermodynamics
Laskar C, Bazarkina EF, Kokh MA, Hazemann J-L, Vuilleumier R, Desmaele E & Pokrovski G
(2021) Direct Prediction of Isotopic Properties from Molecular Dynamics Trajectories: Application to Sulfur Radical Species
Blanchard M, Vuilleumier R, Desmaele E & Pokrovski GS
(2021) The Impact of Sulfur on the Transfer of Platinum Group Elements by Geological Fluids
Laskar C, Kokh MA, Bazarkina EF, Desmaele E, Hazemann J-L, Vuilleumier R & Pokrovski GS
(2020) Platinum Speciation and Transport in Sulfur-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Laskar C, Pokrovski GS, Kokh M, Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina EF, Desmaele E & Vuilleumier R
(2019) The Impact of Sulfur on the Transfer of Platinoids by Geological Fluids
Laskar C, Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina E & Desmaele E
(2017) Modeling of Molten Carbonates Based on Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Desmaele E, Sator N & Guillot B

Desmarais J. (2018) Determination of the Mossbauer Isomer-Shift in High-Pressure Fe Minerals up to Earth’s Core Conditions
Desmarais J, Tse J, Pan Y & Casassa S
(2018) The Ground State of FeO2 Under Lower-Mantle Conditions
Desmarais J, Zhang M, Tse J, Wu M & Chen J
(2016) Crystal, Magnetic and Electronic Structure of the Pentlandite Series
Desmarais J, Pan Y & Tse J

Desmarchelier J. (2013) Annual Rainfall Proxy Records from Soda-Straw Stalactites
Paul B, Green H, Drysdale R, Woodhead J, Hergt J, Hellstrom J & Desmarchelier J

Desmares D. (2022) Combined Use of Foraminifera Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca Concentrations to Strengthen Temperature Reconstructions over Geological Timescales
Dissard D, Below B, Desmares D, LeCornec F & Turcq B

Desmau M. (2023) The EDIG Project: A Volunteer led Initiative Working to Address Global Challenges in Geoscience
Doran AL, Watson R, Bidgood A, Tiddy C, Rieger P, Benaim A, Hantsche A, Roberts L, Burton E, Gaieck WI, Desmau M & Griffin M
(2019) Distribution and Degradation of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Transported in Aged Soil Systems
Carboni A, Gélabert A, Faucher S, Desmau M, Tharaud M, Charron G, Benedetti MF, Lespes G & Sivry Y
(2019) Ageing and Speciation of Quantum Dots in Soil: Influence of Iron and Organic Matter
Carboni A, Gelabert A, Desmau M, Tharaud M, Charron G, Benedetti M & Sivry Y
(2019) What Transformations for Engineered Nanoparticles at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface
Desmau M, Gélabert A, Levard C, Vidal V, Ona-Nguema G, Charron G, Eng P, Stubbs J & Benedetti MF
(2017) Silver Nanoparticles Interactions with Solution/Biofilm/Mineral Interfaces
Gelabert A, Desmau M, Levard C, Auffan M, Ona-Nguema G, Vidal V, Eng P, Stubbs J & Benedetti MF
(2017) Mobility of Quantum Dots in Soil at Environmentally Relevant Conditions
Carboni A, Desmau M, Supiandi I, Charron G, Gelabert A, Yann S & Benedetti M
(2017) Quantum Dots Fate at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface
Desmau M, Gélabert A, Levard C, Ona Nguema G, Sivry Y, Vidal V, Eng P, Stubbs J, Charron G, Brown GE & Benedetti M
(2015) Fate of Silver Nanoparticles at the Bacterial Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interface
Gelabert A, Levard C, Ona-Nguema G, Desmau M, Auffan M, Rose J, Labille J, Sivry Y, Eng P, Guyot F & Benedetti MF

Desmedt A. (2019) Hygroscopic Behavior and Chemical Composition Evolution of Aerosols Generated from Mixture Solutions of 3-Methyl-1, 2, 3-butanetricarboxylic Acid (MBTCA) and NaCl
Wu L, Talaga D, Li X, Kim H, Ro C-U, Bonhommeau S, Desmedt A, Flaud P-M, Perraudin E, Villenave E & Sobanska S
(2017) Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Characterizing SOA: A Preliminary Study
Chatain M, Dresselt De Abreu N, Flaud PM, Perraudin E, Villenave E, Bonhommeau S, Talaga D, Desmedt A & Sobanska S

Desmet M. (2021) Water and Suspended Sediments Tracing to Study Hydrosedimentary Transfers in a Drained Context: From the Field to the Catchment Scale
Gaillot A, Cerdan O, Delbart C, Vanhooydonck P, Desmet M & Salvador-Blanes S
(2021) Release of Contaminants from Continental Surface Sediment: The Importance of Mineralogical Composition and Organic Matter Degradation
Grosbois C, Gassama N, Shumskikh M, Zhang M, Lazar C & Desmet M
(2017) Mobility of Trace Metals between Contaminated Sediments and River Water: An Experimental Study
Shumskikh N, Grosbois C, Gassama N & Desmet M

Desmurs L. (2002) Melting and Melt/Rock Reaction in Extending Mantle Lithosphere: Trace Element and Isotopic Constraints from Passive Margin Peridotites
Muntener O, Desmurs L, Pettke T & Schaltegger U

Desoeuvre Angélique (2017) Monitoring Biological Oxidation and Removal of Arsenic and Iron in a Field Bioreactor Treating As-Rich Acid Mine Drainage
Fernandez-Rojo L, Héry M, Laroche E, Tardy V, Bruneel O, Delpoux S, Desoeuvre A, Grapin G, Savignac J, Boisson J, Morin G & Casiot C

Desoeuvre Angelique (2023) Bioremediation of high-As Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) from the Carnoulès Mine (France) Based on Microbial Iron and Arsenic Oxidation: Performances and Controlling Factors
Casiot C, Diaz-Vanegas C, Desoeuvre A, Battaglia-Brunet F, Joulian C, Jacob J & Hery M
(2021) Exploitation of Microbial Fe and As Oxidation for Semi-Passive Treatment of high-As Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in a Field-Pilot
Vanegas CD, Casiot C, Lin L, De Windt L, Djibrine A, Hery M, Desoeuvre A, Bruneel O, Battaglia-Brunet F & Jacob J

DesOrmeau J. (2022) Geochronologic and Geochemical Characterization of Metasomatism in Shear Zones Using Apatite Petrochronology
Odlum ML, Levy DA, Stockli DF, Stockli LD, DesOrmeau J & Ferrell M
(2013) Split-Stream ICP-MS Migmatite Geochemistry: Significance for the Rheologic Evolution of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Gordon SM, Whitney DL, Teyssier C, Fossen H & DesOrmeau J
(2013) Timescales of Partial Melting and UHP Exhumation, Papua New Guinea
DesOrmeau J, Gordon S, Little T & Bowring S

Despaigne Diaz A.I. (2020) Origin and Tectonic Significance of the Serpentinites in the Escambray Complex, Central Cuba: Geodynamic Implications
Despaigne Diaz AI, Wilde S & Garcia Casco A

Despaigne-Diaz A.I. (2015) Integrating Petrology, P-T Records and Geochronology to Descipher Subduction-Exhumation Processes: The Trinidad Dome, Escambray Metamorphic Complex, Cuba
Despaigne-Diaz AI, Garcia-Casco A, Caceres-Govea D, Wilde S & Jourdan F

Despas C. (2014) Effect of Electron Donor on Green Rust Formation by Klebsiella mobilis, a Nitrate-Reducing Bacterium
Etique M, Jorand FPA, Grégoire B, Despas C & Ruby C

Despiau S. (2009) Spectral Dependence of Aerosol Absorption over an Urban Coastal Zone
Saha A, Mallet M, Piazzola J & Despiau S

Despiau-Pujo S. (2009) Using Artificial Radionuclides as Tracer of Natural Process Emissions
Piga D, Masson O & Despiau-Pujo S

Despinois F. (2021) Sedimentary Formation Waters as Potential Low-Impact Lithium Resources
Dugamin E, Richard A, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C, Despinois F & Brisset A

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