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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dahrazma B. (2011) Effects of Mining on Groundwater Quality in Gaft Chromite Mine, Iran
Dahrazma B, Kharghani M & Akhiani M

Dahrén B. (2014) Persistent Shallow Magma Storage beneath Katla Volcano
Budd D, Troll V & Dahren B
(2013) Shallow-Level Magma-Sediment Interaction and Explosive Behaviour at Anak Krakatau
Troll VR, Jolis EM, Dahrén B, Deegan FM, Blythe LS, Harris C, Berg SE, Hilton DR, Freda C & Schwarzkopf LM
(2012) In situ Geochemical Characterization of Experimental Partial Melts
Meade F, Masotta M, Troll V, Freda C, Dahren B, Davidson J & Ellam R

Dai B (2005) An Enriched Mantle-Derived Adakitic Granite-Porphyry in the India-Tibet Continent Collision Setting
Jiang Y, Jiang S, Ling H & Dai B

Dai B.z. (2009) Genesis of Gold Deposits in the Xiaoqinling District, Southern Margin of the North China Craton
Zhao HX, Jiang SY, Frimmel HE & Dai BZ
(2009) Contrasting Mineralization Processes of the Jiaodong and Xiaoqinling Gold Concentrating Districts in the Eastern and Southern Margins of the North China Craton
Jiang S-Y, Jiang YH, Zhao HX, Frimmel HE, Hou ML & Dai BZ

Dai Bin (2013) From Grains to Planetesimals in Evolving Protostellar Disks
Lin D, Zhang Y, Dai B, Feng Y & Li C

Dai Chaomeng (2023) Kinetics Reaction Pathways of Hydroxyl Radical Production from Oxygenation of Reduced Iron Minerals and their Reactivity with Trichloroethene: Simulating Real Environmental Scenarios
You X, Dai C & Werth CJ
(2020) Effects of EDTA on Adsorption of and by Low Permeability Soil Minerals and on Soil Minerals Microscopic Characteristics
Dai C

Dai Chong (2018) Heterogeneous Lead Phosphate Nucleation at Organic-Water Interfaces: Implications for Lead Immobilization
Hu Y, Dai C, Zhao J, Giammar D, Pasteris J & Zuo X

Dai D. (2013) Geochemical Assessment in Environmental Assessment of Human Settlements
Dai D, Rao Y & Cheng S

Dai Fangwen (2019) Organosulfur Evidence for the Ocean Redox in South China during Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
Wang C, Xu B, Dai F, Lan T, Ma Z & Meng F

Dai Fen (2017) Influence of Biochar on the Degradation of Acetochlor on Chinese Cabbage (Brassica Chinensis var Chinensis) and Soil Under Greenhouse Conditions
Sun C, Dai F, Zheng W, Yu G & Pan Z

Dai Fu-Qiang (2023) Subducted Serpentinite Results in the Heavy Mo Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Source of Arc Lavas
Dai F-Q, Chen Y-X, Chen RX, Zhao Z-F & Wang Y
(2016) The Slab-Mantle Interaction for the Origin of Andesitic Rocks: Geochemical Evidence from Postcollisional Intermediate Volcanics in the Dabie Orogen
Dai F-Q, Zhao Z-F, Dai L-Q & Zheng Y-F

Dai Heng (2022) A General Approach for Reactive Transport Simulations in Stiff Geochemical/Biogeochemical Systems
Bu X, Dai H, Yuan S & Wen Z

Dai Hong-Kun (2020) Pyroxenite Xenoliths Record Episodic Metasomatism in Deep Lithosphere, Northwestern North China Craton
Dai H-K, Zheng J-P, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Xiong Q

Dai Jingen (2023) Multi-Stable Isotope Variations (Fe-Zn-Cu) along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (Southern Tibet, China)
Yang K, Debret B, Wang C, Shen J, Zhu X & Dai J

Dai Jinxing (2015) Geochemical Characteristics of the Marine/Terrestrial Shale Gas in China
Dai J, Dong D, Ni Y, Wu W, Gong D & Huang S
(2015) Globally Extremely Abnormal Mercury Abundance Suggesting Mantle Degassing Volatiles in Natural Gas
Liu Q, Dai J, Jin Z, Li J & Feng Z
(2009) The Distribution and Geochemical Characteristics of Biogenetic Gas in China
Zhang Y, Dai J & Wang X
(2009) Gas-Source Correlation of Marine Source Rocks in the Sichuan Basin
Dai J, Ni Y, Tao S & Xia Y
(2008) Low Mature Coal-Dervied Gases from the Turpan-Hami Basin, Northwest China
Ni Y, Dai J, Zhou Q, Hu A & Yang C
(2007) Stable Sufer Isotopic Composition of H2S and its TSR Origin in Sichuan Basin, China
Zhu G, Zhang S, Dai J & Liang Y
(2007) Xingcheng Abiogenic Alkane Gas Field in Songliao Basin, China
Dai J, Zhang S, Li J & Ni Y

Dai Jun (2017) Interpretation of Speciation and Reactivity of Lead and Zinc in Soil by Combining Multi-Element Stable Isotopic Dilution, Chemical Extraction and Multi-Surface Modelling
Ren Z, Sivry Y, Tharaud M, Cordier L, Dai J & Benedetti M
(2013) Heavy Metal Availability in Contaminated Soils: Complementary Insights from Isotopic Exchange, DMT, and Sequential Extractions
Ren ZL, Dai J, Sivry Y & Benedetti M

Dai K. (2019) Cd Sorption to Goethite-Humic acid-Bacteria Composites: Combined ITC, EXAFS and SCM Study
Qu C, Chen W, Cai P, Rong X, Dai K & Huang Q
(2019) Size-Dependent Bacterial Toxicity of Hematite Particles
Qu C, Huang Q, Chen W, Cai P, Dai K & Rong X
(2019) Bioreduction of Cr(VI) over the Composites of Birnessite and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Han P, Abdelkader AMM, Yu L, Dai K & Huang Q
(2018) Bioreduction of Cr(VI) over the Composites of Montmorillonite, Humic Acid, and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Han P, Xie J, Zhang Y, Dai K & Huang Q

Dai Li-Qun (2020) Syn-Exhumation Magmatism during Continental Collision: Geochemical Evidence from the Early Paleozoic Fushui Mafic Igneous Rocks in the Qinling Orogen, Central China
Zheng F, Dai L-Q & Zhao Z-F
(2020) Geochmical Evidence for Recycling of the Paleo-Tethyan Oceanic Crust into the Mantle Source of Syn-Collisional Mafic Igneous Rocks in China
Fang W, Dai L & Zheng Y
(2020) Carbonatites Record Recycling of the Subducted Ancient Oceanic Crust and Overlying Sedimentary Carbonate
Dai L-Q, Fang W & Zheng Y-F
(2019) Mg-C Isotopes Trace Carbon Recycling in Continental Subduction Zone
Dai L-Q, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2017) The Recycling of Subducted Paleotethyan Oceanic Crust: Geochemical Evidence from Paleozoic Mafic Igneous Rocks in the Tongbai Orogen, Central China
Zheng F, Dai L-Q & Zhao Z-F
(2017) Distinguishing Carbonate and Silicate Metasomatisms in Generating the Mantle Sources of Alkali Basalt in Western Qinling, China
Dai L-Q, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2016) The Slab-Mantle Interaction for the Origin of Andesitic Rocks: Geochemical Evidence from Postcollisional Intermediate Volcanics in the Dabie Orogen
Dai F-Q, Zhao Z-F, Dai L-Q & Zheng Y-F
(2016) Mafic Igneous Rocks Record Two Styles of the Crust-Mantle Interaction during Decratonization in North China
Dai L-Q, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2016) Two Types of the Crust-Mantle Interaction in Continental Subduction Zones
Zhao Z-F, Dai L-Q & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Source and Magma Mixing Processes in Continental Collision Zone: Geochemical Evidence from Postcollisional Mafic Igneous Rocks in the Dabie Orogen
Dai L-Q, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2012) The Nature of Orogenic Lithospheric Mantle:constraints from Geochemistry of Postcollisional Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks in the Dabie Orogen
Dai L-Q, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2011) Zircon Hf-O Isotope Evidence for Crust-Mantle Interaction during Continental Deep Subduction
Dai L-Q

Dai Li-Rong (2018) Methane Generation Accompanied by an Unusual Degradation of Long-Chain Alkyl Substituted Moieties in Heavy Oil as Evidenced by Anoxic Biodegradation Experiments
Cheng L, Shi S, Yang L, Zhang Y, Dolfing J, Sun Y-G, Liu L-Y, Li Q, Tu B, Dai L-R, Shi Q & Zhang H

Dai Lidong (2009) The Grain Boundary Conductivities of the Peridotite at High Pressure
Dai L, Li H, Hu H & Shan S

Dai Liming (2010) 3D Numberical Modeling of Strain Field Around the Sumatra Influenced by the Coupling Effect along Subduction Zone
Dai L & Li S

Dai Meng Ning (2016) In situ Sulfur Isotope Measurement in Sulfide Using Femtosecond Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen L, Yuan H, Chen K, Bao Z, Dai M, Zong C, Yuan W, Cheng C, Liang P & Liu X
(2016) Accurate Determination of Iron Isotopic Compositions of Geological Reference Materials by High Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Liang P, Yuan HL, Chen KY, Bao ZA, Dai MN, Zong CL, Yuan WT, Cheng C, Chen L & Liu X
(2016) Measurement of Major, Trace Element and Pb Isotope in Silicate Glasses by LA-Q/MC-ICP-MS
Dai M, Zong C & Yuan H
(2016) High Precision Pb Isotopic Analysis of Sulfides by Femtosecond Laser-Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Yuan H, Liu X, Chen K, Bao Z, Zong C, Dai M, Wang R & Jiang S

Dai Mengling (2008) Simultaneous Determinations of U-Pb Age, Trace Element Compositions, and Hf Isotopes of Zircon by LA-Q&MC-ICPMS
Yuan H, Gao S, Dai M, Zong C, Günther D & Fontaine G
(2007) Study of Lu-Hf Geochronology-A Case Study of Eclogite from Dabie UHP Belt
Yuan H-L, Gao S, Luo Y, Zong C & Dai M

Dai Menning (2011) K-Feldspar Glasses Syntheses for External Calibration of in situ Pb Isotope Analysis Using LA-MC-ICPMS
Yuan H, Song J, Chen K, Dai M, Bao Z & He G

Dai Minhan (2018) Diagnosis of CO2 Fluxes and pH in a River-Dominated Ocean Margin: The Northern South China Sea Shelf Affected by the Pearl River Plume
Zhao Y, Cao Z, Liu J, Uthaipan K & Dai M
(2017) Stable Barium Isotope Geochemistry of Large River Estuaries
Cao Z, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Dai M, Zhai W, Kuhnert H & Frank M
(2017) Diapycnal Fluxes of Nutrients and Carbon in an Oligotrophic Oceanic Regime: The South China Sea
Dai M, Du C, Liu Z & Kao S-J
(2016) The Accumulation of Nitrous Oxide in the Euphotic Zone
Wan X, Sheng H, Zhu Y, Xu M, Dai M & Kao SJ
(2016) Fukushima and the Ocean- Five Years Later
Buesseler K, Dai M, Aoyama M, Benitez-Nelson C, Charmasson S, Delfanti R, Higley K, Maderich V, Masque P, Morris P, Oughton D & Smith J
(2015) Do Dissolved Barium Isotopes in Seawater Trace Water Mass Mixing and Nutrient Cycling?
Cao Z, Siebert C, Hathorne E, Dai M & Frank M
(2015) Isotopic Composition of Water-Soluble Nitrate in Bulk Atmospheric Deposition at Dongsha Island: Sources and Implications of External N Supply to the Northern South China Sea
Yang J-YT, Hsu S-C, Dai M, Hsiao SS-Y & Kao S-J
(2015) Using 224Ra/228Th Disequilibrium to Quantify Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Nutrients into the Pearl River Estuary
Cai P, Shi X, Hong Q, Li Q, Guo X & Dai M
(2015) The Seasonal Variation of the Particle Export in the South China Sea: The Impact of the Asian Monsoon and Mesoscale Eddies
Zhou K, Dai M, Cai P & Chen W
(2013) <sup>224</sup>Ra:228Th Disequilibrium in Coastal Sediments: Implications for the Transfer Across the Sediment-Water Interface
Cai P, Peng S, Moore W, Shi X, Wang G & Dai M

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