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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

DePaolo Donald (2023) Reactive Transport Modeling in Understanding Carbonate Diagenesis in Deep Sea Sediment and Associated Pore Fluid
Zhang S & DePaolo D
(2021) Origin and Significance of the Age Dependence of Calcite Recrystallization Rates in Deep Sea Sediments
Zhang S, DePaolo D & Zhou R
(2018) Radiogenic 40Ca in Modern Seawater
Antonelli M, DePaolo D, Brown S & Pester N
(2018) Equilibrium Calcite-Fluid Sr/Ca Partition Coefficient from Marine Sediment Pore Fluids
Zhang S & DePaolo D
(2018) Investigating Calcite Growth Rates Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D)
Cao B, Stack A, Steefel C, DePaolo D, Lammers L & Hu Y
(2018) Radiogenic 40Ca in Garnet: A New Proxy for K Loss during Granulite-Facies Metamorphism
Antonelli MA, DePaolo DJ, Chacko T, Grew ES & Rubatto D
(2018) U Isotope Fractionation: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls
Brown S, Basu A, Ding X, Christensen J & DePaolo D

DePaolo Donald J (2023) How Fast can CO2 be Mineralized in Basalt? Results from Hydrothermal Experiments on Mixtures of Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene
DePaolo DJ, Pester N, Mito-adachi S & Xue Z
(2022) Temporal Evolution of Sr Isotopes in Island Arc Rocks
Bednarick A, Bucholz CE, Stolper D & DePaolo DJ
(2022) Diffusive Fractionation of Ca Isotopes in Mafic Injection Zones in Granite: Transport, Reaction, and Cooling Timescales at 1-Year Resolution
DePaolo DJ, Watkins JM & Christensen JN
(2021) Experimental Determination of Mg Removal Rates from Seawater-Like Fluids due to Reaction with Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene at 200℃ and 32.5 MPa
DePaolo DJ, Pester NJ, Sonnenthal EL & Christensen JN
(2017) Rates of Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation in Marine Sediments Using Ca and Sr: Implications for the Marine δ13C Record
Mitnick EH, Lammers LN & DePaolo DJ
(2017) Inorganic Uranium Isotope Fractionation is Dependent on Aqueous Speciation
Brown S, Basu A, Ding X, Christensen J & DePaolo D
(2017) High-Temperature Calcium Isotope Fractionation: Theory vs. Nature
Antonelli MA, DePaolo DJ, Schauble EA, Grew ES, Chacko T & Rubatto D
(2017) Systematic Variations in U Isotope Ratios of Sediments from Reactive Transport of U
Basu A, Brown S, Law G & DePaolo D
(2017) Effects of Seawater Ca/SO4 and Mg on Sr Isotope Exchange in MOR Hydrothermal Systems
Antonelli M, DePaolo D, Pester N & Brown S
(2017) The Influence of Diagenesis and Mineralogy on Ca Isotopes in Lower-Upper Triassic Carbonate Rocks
Lau K, Maher K, Brown S, Silva Tamayo JC, Jost A, Altiner D, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Yu M & Payne J
(2017) Impacts of Heterogeneities on Fracture Alteration: Investigations Using a Reduced Dimension Reactive Transport Model
Deng H, Steefel C, Molins S & DePaolo D
(2015) Ca Isotope Fractionation and Crystal Growth Rates of Volcanic Phenocrysts
Antonelli MA & DePaolo DJ

DePaolo Donald J. (2020) Ca Isotope Constraints on Chemical Weathering along the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River, China
Yang Y, DePaolo D & Wang Y
(2020) The Seawater Sr/Ca Ratio in the Past 50 Myr from Bulk Carbonate Sediments Corrected for Diagenesis
Zhang S, Zhou R & DePaolo D
(2020) Ca Isotope and Trace Element Evidence for Non-Monomer Impurity Incorporation during Calcite Growth
Mills JV, Barnhart HA, DePaolo DJ & Lammers LN
(2020) Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems and the History of the Oceans
DePaolo D & Stolper D
(2020) Insights into Crystal Growth Pathways from Isotopic Tracers, Molecular Simulations, and Theory
Lammers L, Mills J & DePaolo D
(2020) Uranium Isotopes Constrain Sediment Transport Times to the Bengal Fan
Clinger A, DePaolo D & Christensen J
(2019) U-Series Comminution Ages Constrain Quaternary Sediment Transport Times to the Bengal Fan
Clinger A, DePaolo D, Brown S & Christensen J
(2019) 2D Reactive Transport Models of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
DePaolo D, Sonnenthal E & Pester N
(2019) Carbon Sequestration Geochemistry: Advances and Continuing Challenges
DePaolo D
(2019) Isotopic Fingerprint of Se Reduction in Groundwater: Results from a Field Experiment
Basu A, Schilling K, Brown ST, Johnson TM, Reimus PW & DePaolo DJ
(2019) Quantitative Model for Abiotic Uranium Isotope Fractionation
Brown S, Christensen J & DePaolo D
(2016) Large Ca Isotope Fractionation in Granulite Facies Minerals
Antonelli M & DePaolo D
(2016) Effect of Paleoseawater Composition on Hydrothermal Exchange at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Antonelli M & DePaolo D
(2016) Kinetic Isotope Effects during Calcite Growth: Sensors of Paleoenvironment and Mineral Surface Dynamics
DePaolo D
(2016) Isotopic Mapping of a Redox Boundary: Heterogeneities Across a Roll-Front U Deposit
Basu A, Brown S & DePaolo D
(2016) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation by Carbonate Precipitation from High pH Waters at the Cedars, CA
Christensen JN, Conrad ME, DePaolo DJ & Brown ST
(2016) Uranium Isotope Fractionation: a Critical Review
Brown S, Basu A, Christensen J & DePaolo D
(2016) Simulating Fracture Alteration Caused by CO2-water-Rock Interactions
Deng H, Steefel C, Molins S & DePaolo D
(2015) Fracture Properties in Geothermal Systems from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes
Brown ST, Christensen JN, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Sturchio NC, Nakagawa S, Wanner C & DePaolo DJ
(2015) Selenium Isotope Ratios as Novel Redox Proxies to Detect the Onset of U(VI) Reduction in Groundwater
Basu A, Schilling K, Brown ST, Johnson TM, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW & Heikoop JM
(2015) Ca Isotope Constraints on Early Triassic Marine Carbonate Chemistry
Lau K, Maher K, Altiner D, Brown S, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Jost A, Kelley B, Kump L, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Silva Tamayo JC, Yu M & Payne J
(2014) Thermal and Chemical Diffusion in the Liquid System Albite-Anorthite
DePaolo D, Watkins J & Ryerson F
(2014) Uranium Remediation at an in situ Recovery (ISR) Site: Isotope Ratios as Indicators of Reducing Enviroments
Basu A, Brown ST, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW, Heikoop JM, Schilling K & Johnson TM
(2014) Origin of the Early Miocene Potassic and Ultrapotassic Rocks in Xungba Basin, Southwestern Tibet
Zhao Z, Liu D, Zhu D-C, Niu Y, Mo X, DePaolo DJ & Harrison TM
(2014) Calcium Isotope Evidence for End-Triassic Ocean Acidification
Jost AB, Bachan A, van der Schootbrugge B, DePaolo DJ & Payne JL
(2014) The Ca Isotope Composition of Altered MORB
Brown S, Antonelli M, Staudigel H, Owens T & DePaolo D
(2014) The Influence of pH on the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Calcite
Hunt J, Watkins J, Ryerson F & DePaolo D
(2014) The Source and Persistence of Kinetic Isotope Effects in Ionic Minerals
Nielsen L, Watkins J, DePaolo D, Hunt J & Ryerson R
(2014) Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Deep Arc Cumulates: Implications for Redox Conditions and Metal Mobility in Subduction Zones
Lee C-T, Yang W, Ingram L, Chin E, Yu X, DePaolo D & Leeman W
(2014) Stable Isotope Evidences for Groundwater Recharge and Mixing in the Datong Basin, Northern China
Li J, DePaolo D, Owens T, Wang Y & Xie X
(2014) Reactive Transport Modeling of Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation during Carbon Sequestration
Zhang S, DePaolo D & Zheng L
(2014) K and Ca Isotopic Fractionation by Plants
Qin L, Christensen J, Brown S & DePaolo D
(2013) Influence of Kinetics on the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Calcite
Watkins J, Nielsen L, Ryerson F & DePaolo D
(2013) Multiple Isotopic Tracers to Monitor Remediation of Uranium Solution Mining
Brown S, Christensen J, DePaolo D, Basu A, Reimus P, Simmons A & Heikoop J
(2012) Kinetic Isotope Fractionation of Ionic Species in D2O and Methanol
Hofmann AE, Bourg IC, Christensen JN & DePaolo DJ
(2012) Chlorite Dissolution Rates in scCO2- Saturated Saline Water at 100℃ and 100 Bar
Zhang S, Yang L, Depaolo D & Steefel C
(2012) Calcium Isotopes: Keystone for Understanding Isotopic Fractionation and Planetary Material Processes
DePaolo D
(2012) Calcium Isotope Fractionation as a Function of Solution Stoichiometry in Groundwater
Druhan J, Steefel C, Williams K, Neilsen L & DePaolo D
(2012) Me/Ca Proxies and Foram Biomineralization: The Role of Cation Transport
Gagnon A, DeYoreo J, DePaolo D, Spero H, Russell A & Giuffre A
(2012) Thermodynamic Feedbacks in Kinetic Trace Metal-Calcite Solid Solution Formation
Nielsen L, DePaolo D & De Yoreo J
(2011) Molecular Model of Kinetic Isotope Fractionation during Surface-Controlled Growth of CaCO3 from Aqueous Solution
Nielsen L, DePaolo D & De Yoreo J
(2011) Ion Desolvation as a Mechanism for Kinetic Isotope Fractionation
Hofmann AE, Bourg IC & DePaolo DJ
(2011) Influence of Solute-Solvent Interactions on Mass Discrimination during Chemical Diffusion
DePaolo D, Watkins J & Ryerson F
(2011) Effect of Ionic Strength on Ca Isotope and Sr Incorporation into Calcite
Watkins J, DePaolo D, Ryerson F & Gonzales M
(2011) Reactive Transport Modeling of Carbon Sequestration in Volcanogenic Sandstone Formations
Zhang S, Depaolo D & Xu T
(2011) Calcium Isotopes during Coral Biomineralization
Gagnon A, DePaolo D, Adkins J & De Yoreo J
(2011) A Meso-Scale Laboratory Study of Stable Isotope Variations during Uranium Bioremediation
Druhan J, Steefel C, Conrad M & DePaolo D
(2010) Carbon Sequestration Geochemistry
DePaolo D
(2010) Permeability Reduction, Calcium and Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Uranium Bioremediation
Druhan J, Conrad M, Williams K & DePaolo D
(2010) Isotope Separation by Diffusion: Competing Effects of Chemical and Isotopic Exchange
Watkins J, Peterson B & DePaolo D
(2010) Uranium Isotopic Systematics of the 300 Area (Hanford, WA) Groundwater Plume and U-Contaminated Sediments
Christensen JN, McKinley JP, Conrad ME, Stoliker D, Dresel PE, DePaolo DJ & Zachara JM
(2010) Kinetic Theory of Isotopic and Trace Element Partitioning between Calcite and Aqueous Solution
DePaolo D
(2010) Radiogenic and Non-Traditional Isotopic Tracers of Subsurface CO2
DePaolo D, Christensen J & Conrad M
(2010) Hf Isotopes in Zircon: Implications for Magma Evolution at Long Valley
Simon JI, DePaolo DJ, Weis D, Renne P & Mundil R
(2010) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
Brown S, DePaolo D, Turchyn A & Alt J
(2009) Reconstructing Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry Through Analysis of Vein Minerals
Turchyn A, Alt J, Brown S, DePaolo D, Coggon R, Chi G, Skulski T & Bedard J
(2009) A Pb (and Sr) Isotopic Return Address for Trans-Pacific Transported Aerosols
Christensen JN, Ewing SA, Brown ST, VanCuren RA, Cliff SS & DePaolo DJ
(2009) Isotopic Signatures for Key Mineralogical Reactions Accompanying Biostimulated Uranium Reduction
Druhan JL, Conrad ME, Williams KH, Sonnenthal EL & DePaolo DJ
(2009) A Calcium Isotope Excursion Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Payne J, Turchyn A, Paytan A, DePaolo D, Lehrmann D, Yu Y & Wei J
(2009) Origin of the Calcium Isotopic Composition of Rocky Planets
Simon J & DePaolo D
(2009) Isotope Fractionation by Diffusion of Multi-Atom Chemical Species in Silicate Liquids
Watkins J, DePaolo D, Huber C & Ryerson F
(2009) Theory for Isotopic Fractionation during Mineral Precipitation from Aqueous Solutions
DePaolo D
(2008) Diffusive Isotope Fractionation Experiments and the Structural Components of Silicate Liquids
Watkins J, DePaolo D & Ryerson F
(2008) Regional Isotopic Patterns in Granitic Rocks of Southern Tibet and Evolution of Crustal Structure during the Indo-Asian Collision
DePaolo D, Weaver K, Mo X, Zhao Z & Harrison TM
(2008) Water Isotopes during the Last Glacial Maximum: New GCM Calculations
Lee J-E, Fung I, DePaolo D & Otto-Bliesner B
(2008) U-Series Comminution Ages from a Pleistocene Alluvial Fan
Lee V, DePaolo D & Christensen J
(2008) Ca Isotopes and the Rainfall Limit of Silicate Weathering on Earth
Ewing S, Amundson R, Stewart BW, Thiemens M & DePaolo D
(2007) Constraining Reaction Rates in Marine Carbonate Sediments Using Reactive Transport Modeling: Investigating the Effects of Diagenesis on Sr, Ca, and Mg
Fantle M & DePaolo D
(2007) Effects of Rapid Diagenetic Calcite Deposition on Carbonate Associated Sulfate and Calcium Isotopes
Turchyn AV, DePaolo DJ, Steefel CI & Schrag DP
(2007) U-Series Comminution Ages: Depositional Age and Transport Times for Non-Marine Sediments
Lee V, DePaolo D & Christensen J
(2007) A Crack in the Lithosphere Cannot Hawaii Make: Geodynamics and Mantle Geochemistry
DePaolo D
(2007) Geochemistry of Post-Shield Lavas from Paired Loa- and Kea-Trend Hawaiian Volcanoes
Hanano D, Weis D, Aciego S, Scoates JS & DePaolo DJ
(2007) Kinetic Isotope Effects in Snow Crystal Growth: Lattice-Boltzman Approach
DePaolo D & Lu G
(2007) Non-Biological Fractionation of Ca Isotopes in Soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile
Ewing S, Yang W, DePaolo D & Amundson R
(2007) Using Isotopes to Track Intercontinental Dust Transport: Building a Bridge from Hefei, China to California, Spring 2002
Christensen J, Cliff S, VanCuren R, Perry K & DePaolo D
(2006) Geochemical Stratigraphy Near the Core-mantle Boundary: Evidence from Hawaii Drilling Project Results
Depaolo D & Weaver K
(2006) Combining U-Th/He eruption age dating and 3He cosmogenic dating to constrain landscape evolution.
Aciego S, Lamb M, Depaolo D, Kennedy M & Dietrich W
(2005) Sr-Isotopic Evolution of the Mantle
Weaver K & DePaolo D
(2005) Pressure-Temperature Controls on Slab-Derived Fluid Chemistry
Feineman M, Ryerson F & DePaolo D
(2005) Rates of Silicate Dissolution in Deep-Sea Sediments
Maher K, Steefel C & DePaolo D
(2005) Cenozoic Kamafugite in West Qinling, China: Age and Geochemistry
Zhao Z, Zhang H, Yu X, Mo X & DePaolo D
(2005) U-Th/He Dating of Basalt
Aciego S, DePaolo D, Kennedy B & Christensen J
(2005) Isotopic Effects in Reactive Fluid-Rock Systems with Fracture-Dominated Flow and Matrix Diffusion
DePaolo D & Smith M
(2004) Sr – Nd Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry of Precambrian Zircon: A Potential New Source of Information on Early Earth Mantle Evolution
Weaver K, Depaolo D, Bennett V & Nutman A
(2004) He-3 and Other Isotopes in the Lower Mantle: The HSDP Perspective
Depaolo D
(2004) U-234/U-238 Disequilibrium as a Measure of Weathering Rates in Soils and Sediments
Maher K, Steefel C & Depaolo D
(2004) Fe Isotopic Composition of Rivers
Fantle M, Bullen T & Depaolo D
(2004) Quantitative Models for the Composition of Slab-Derived Fluids
Feineman M, Ryerson F & Depaolo D
(2002) 238U and 230Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Sims K, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Kelemen P, DePaolo D & Mertz D
(2002) Steady-State 226Ra/230Th Disequilibrium in Hydrous Mantle Minerals
Feineman MD, DePaolo DJ & Ryerson FJ
(2002) Can Metamorphic Reactions Proceed Faster Than Strain?
Baxter E & DePaolo D
(2001) Measurement of Reaction Rates in Natural Fluid-Rock Systems Using Sr and U Isotopes
DePaolo DJ
(2001) Importance of the ‘Transmissive Timescale’ for Ar in the Crust and a Hypothesis for Local Non-K Bearing Mineral Sinks for Ar
Baxter EF, DePaolo DJ & Renne PR
(2000) Structure of the Hawaiian Plume from the Isotopic Trail of Senescence of the Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea Volcanoes
Bryce JG, Shuster DL, Dodson A, DePaolo DJ & Kennedy BM
(2000) Sr and Ar Isotopic Variations About a Lithologic Contact Near Simplon Pass, Switzerland: Implications for Diffusional Exchange and Geochronology
Baxter EF, DePaolo DJ & Renne PR

Deparis C. (2015) Arsenic (V) and Chromium (VI) Removal from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption on Natural Clay-Rich Rock
Deparis C, Gauthier A, Alary C & Madé B

Deparis J. (2023) New Lysimetric Experiments to Assess the Effect of the Intensity of Groundwater Table-Level Variations on the Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) in Soils in the Climate Change Context
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P
(2022) Impact of Groundwater Table Level Variations on Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) Remobilization Processes in the Climate Change Context: An Experimental Approach
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P
(2017) Weathered Profiles in Tropical Volcanic Islands by Combined Geochemical and Geophysical Approaches
Rad S, Deparis J, Gadalia A, Chabaux F & Allègre CJ

Depecker C. (2016) Diffusion-Driven D/H Fractionation in Silicates during Hydration, Dehydration and Degassing
Roskosz M, Laporte D, Deloule E, Ingrin J, Remusat L, Depecker C & Leroux H
(2015) Deuteration of Insoluble Organic Matter and Silicates by Ionizing Irradiation in the Solar Nebula
Laurent B, Roskosz M, Remusat L, Robert F, Depecker C & Leroux H
(2014) Coupled H-Isotopic Signature and Structural Evolution of Experimentally Irradiated Insoluble Organic Matter
Laurent B, Roskosz M, Remusat L, Leroux H, Nuns N, Depecker C, Lefèvre J-M & Robert F
(2013) Hydrogen Mobility in Wadsleyite at Low Temperatures
Vigouroux E, Ingrin J, Depecker C, Bolfan-Casanova N & Frost D

Depew D. (2019) Can Intracellularly Accumulated Polyphosphate from Synechococcus Cells Trigger Apatite Formation?
Dittrich M, Plouchart D, Manuel A, Alam S, Bollmann J & Depew D

Deplace G. (2017) ELVIDOR- Vibrating Gold Micro-Wire Electrode: In situ High Resolution Measurements of Copper in Marine Environments
Cathalot C, Heller MI, Dulaquais G, Waeles M, Coail J-Y, Kerboul A, Deplace G, Le Vourch D, Cotty C, Kärnfelt C, Riso R, Sarradin P-M & Laes-Huon A

Deplazes G. (2021) 4He/U-Th Dating of Pore Waters from Quaternary Sediments of the Swiss Midland
Tomonaga Y, Buechi M, Deplazes G & Kipfer R
(2020) 4He/U-Th Dating of Pore Waters from Quaternary Sediments of the Swiss Midland
Tomonaga Y, Horstmann E, Deplazes G & Kipfer R
(2012) North Atlantic's Hold on the Earth's Asymmetric Climate
Haug GH, Deplazes G, Hamann Y, Luckge A, Peterson LC & Sigman DM
(2009) ITCZ-Monsoonal Climate Variability during the Last 80'000 Years (Cariaco Basin, Northern Arabian Sea)
Deplazes G, Haug GH & Lückge A

Depmeir W. (2010) 99Tc- and 11B-MAS-NMR Spectra of Oxide Material to Sequester TcO4-
Casey W, Phillips B, Yu P, Wang S, Albrecht-Schmitt T, Alekseev E, Diwa J & Depmeir W

Deppe J. (2012) Geochemical Zonation of Mantle Plumes: Lower Mantle Chemical Heterogeneity and Plume Splitting
Hoernle K, Deppe J, Hauff F, Werner R & Phipps Morgan J

Deppeler S. (2022) Responses of Microbial Residents to New Versus Regenerated Fe in a Cold-Core Eddy (Southern Ocean)
Fourquez MA, Stzrepek R, Ellwood M, Hassler C, Cabanes D, Eggins S, Pearce I, Deppeler S, Trull T, Boyd P & Bressac M

Deque M. (2013) Rates of Consumption of Atmospheric CO2 Through the Weathering of Loess during the Next 100 Years of Climate Change
Godderis Y, Brantley S, Francois L, Schott J, Pollard D, Deque M & Dury M

Dequidt D. (2022) Geological Storage of Hydrogen in Deep Aquifers – An Experimental Multidisciplinary Study
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Mura J, Casteran F, Ronjon-magand L, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Dequidt D, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A
(2022) Diffusive Isotope Fractionation of Benzene in Water
Enrico M, Vermorel R, Galliero G, Carrier H, Petit A, Dequidt D, Tual T & Le Hécho I
(2021) Research on the Injection of New Gases in Underground Methane Storage Systems in Deep Aquifers
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Casteran F, Guignard M, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Dequidt D & Cézac P
(2020) Research on the Injection of New Gases in Underground Methane Storage Systems Such as Deep Aquifers
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Casteran F, Guignard M, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Dequidt D & Cezac P

Dequincey O. (2002) Distribution of 238U-Serie Disequilibria in a Laterite. Geochemical Implications
Dequincey O, Chabaux F, Leprun J-C & Clauer N
(2001) Tracing Recent Chemical Mobility within Laterites from Comparison of Trace Elemental and 238U-234U-230Th Data
Chabaux F, Dequincey O, Clauer N & Sigmarsson O
(2000) Formation and Evolution of Weathering Profiles: Combined Study of Trace Elements, Sr Isotopes and U-Th Disequilibria
Dequincey O, Chabaux F, Sigmarsson O, Clauer N, Liewig N & Leprun J

Dera G. (2019) Drake Gateway Opening Recorded by Global 87Sr/86Sr Signals of Foraminifers
Grespan R, Hodel F, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E, Chardon D, Rouby D & Chavagnac V
(2019) Chemical Weathering of the West African Craton during the EOT: A Li and Sr Isotopic Approach
Hodel F, Grespan R, Chardon D, Rouby D, Buatier M, Destringneville C, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E & Chavagnac V
(2017) Mollusc Shells are They Suitable for Accessing the Strontium Isotopic Composition of Seawater ?
El Meknassi S, Cardone T, Dera G, Chavagnac V & De Rafelis M

Dera P. (2022) Constraining Elemental Partitioning and Isotope Fractionation of Mantle Minerals with in situ Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Zhang D, Xu J, Dera P, Chen B, Chen M, Eng P & Prakapenka V
(2020) Study of Hawaii Geothermal Opaline Silica Deposits with Raman, Luminescence, NIR Reflectance and X-Ray Diffraction Instruments
Sharma S, Thomas D, Dera P, Egan M, Li S & Lucey P
(2020) Structure and Behavior of the Ni End-Member Schreibersite Ni3P Under Compression to 50 GPa
Chornkrathok S, Zhang D & Dera P
(2013) Elasticity and Structure of Mantle Pyroxenes
Zhang JS, Sang L, Bass J, Reynard B, Montagnac G & Dera P
(2013) Phase Diagrams of FeO and Fe-Si Alloys
Fischer R, Campbell A, Reaman D, Heinz D, Dera P & Prakapenka V
(2010) Pressure Induced Redox Reactions in FeCO3
Lavina B, Dera P, Kim E & Downs RT
(2008) Re-evaluating Boron Speciation in Biogenic Calcite and Aragonite Using 11B MAS NMR
Klochko K, Cody G, Tossell JA, Dera P & Kaufman AJ
(2001) High-Pressure Phase of Silica from the Martian Meteorite Shergotty
Prewitt CT, Dera P, Boctor NZ & Hemley RJ

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