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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Denny M. (2023) Investigations of Incorporation of Elements into Ice in Lake St. Clair, SE Michigan, during Extreme Weather Conditions: An Analogy for Chemical Cycling in the Arctic Ocean
Baskaran M, Saperstein L & Denny M
(2020) Mechanism of Sediment Incorporation into Lake Ice Using 7Be, 210Po and 210Pb as Tracer
Baskaran M, Sapterstein L, Denny M & Tummala C

Denoeud A. (2017) Liquid Properties in the Fe-Fes System in the 0 to 5 GPa Range: A Tool box to Model Small Planetary Cores
Morard G, Bouchet J, Rivoldini A, Antonangeli D, Boulard E, Denoeud A & Mezouar M

Denoncourt C. (2005) Calibrating the Production Rate of Cosmogenic <+>36<$>Cl from Postglacial Lava Flows in Iceland
Denoncourt C, Licciardi J, Stone J & Finkel R

deNooijer L. (2017) NEW CARBONATE SYSTEM PROXIES: Sr/Ca and U/Ca in Foraminifera
Keul N, Langer G, deNooijer L, Thoms S, Nehrke G, Reichart G-J & Bijma J

Denoyel R. (2013) Thermodynamics of Hydration of MX80 Smectite Derived from Hydration Isotherms
Gailhanou H, Blanc P, Lassin A, Vieillard P, Denoyel R, Bloch E, Made B & Giffaut E

Densmore A.L. (2018) Organic Matter Erosion after Large Earthquakes: Isotope Constraints on Provenance and Processes
Wang J, Hilton RG, McClymont EL, Howarth JD, Gröcke DR, Fitzsimons SJ, Harvey EL & Densmore AL

Dent A. (2014) Nano-Scale TEM Imaging of Caesium Incorporation into Illite Interlayers
Fuller A, Shaw S, Ward M, Haigh S, Mosselmans F, Peacock C, Stackhouse S, Dent A, Trivedi D & Burke I

Dentant C. (2021) Colocalization Analysis to Understand Yttrium Uptake in Saxifraga Paniculata Using Complementary Imaging Technics
Fehlauer T, Collin B, Angeletti B, Somogyi A, Lallemand C, Chaurand P, Dentant C, Levard C & Rose J

Dentener F. (2013) Smart Air Quality Policies for a Better Climate: A Regional Analysis
Van Dingenen R, Dentener F, Janssens-Maenhout G, Muntean M, Klimont Z & Hoglund L
(2013) Exploring Synergies of Aerosol and Climate Mitigation Strategies
Klimont Z, Amann M, Rao S & Dentener F
(2011) Global Asssessments of Linkages between Air Quality and Climate
Dentener F
(2009) PM in Global Climate and Air Quality Policies: Co-benefits and Trade-Offs
Van Dingenen R, van Aardenne J, Dentener F, Marmer E, Vignati E, Russ P, Szabo L & Raes F
(2009) Nitrogen Deposition in the World's Ocean: An Assessment of Uncertainties in Models and Measurements
Dentener F & Prospero J
(2009) Impact of Global Emissions of Primary Marine Organic Aerosols
Vignati E, Facchini MC, Rinaldi M, Scannell C, Sciare J, Kanakidou M, Myriokefalitakis S, Dentener F & O'Dowd C

Dentith J. (2017) The Radiocarbon Fingerprint of Different Meridional Overturning Circulations
Dentith J, Ivanovic R, Gregoire L, Tindall J & Robinson LF

Dentith M. (2017) Crustal Structure of the Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia – The Role of a Microcontinent during Paleoproterozoic Subduction and Intra-Cratonic Crust Reworking
Yuan H, Johnson S, Dentith M, Varas P, Murdie R, Gessner K & Korhonen F

Denton G. (2019) Five Geochemical Time Series Support a Southward Shift of the Earth’s Thermal Equator, Causing Better Ventilation of the Deep Ocean, as the Cause of the Rise in Atmospheric CO2 at the End of the Last Glacial Period
Severinghaus J, Abernathey R, Anderson R, Shackleton S, Bereiter B, Putnam A, Denton G & Brook E
(2012) The Last Glacial Termination in the Southern Alps, New Zealand
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Denton G, Kaplan M, Barrell D, Andersen B, Birkel S, Doughty A, Kelley S, Koffman T, Finkel R & Schwartz R
(2012) Inter-Hemispheric Patterns of Holocene Glacier and Temperature Change
Schaefer JM, Putnam A, Denton G, Barrell D, Koffman T, Schluechter C, Schimmelpfennig I, Schwartz R & Rupper S
(2009) Precise 10Be Production Rate Calibration in New Zealand’s Southern Alps for the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum Periods
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Vandergoes M, Barrell D, Kaplan M, Finkel R, Goehring B, Schwartz R & Denton G
(2009) Surface Exposure Dating in the Holocene – Precise 10Be Technique for Very Young Surfaces
Finkel R, Schaefer J, Barrell D, Brown T, Denton G, Kaplan M, Putnam A, Schlüchter C & Schwartz R
(2009) Southern Mid-Latitude Terminations of MIS-4, the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial Period in the New Zealand Moraine Record
Schaefer J, Kaplan M, Putnam A, Finkel R, Barrell D, Denton G, Andersen B & Schluechter C
(2000) Minimum Age and Evolution of the Buried Ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica, Derived from in situ Cosmogenic Noble Gases
Oberholzer P, Baur H, Denton GH, Marchant DR, Schäfer JM, Schlüchter C, Wieler R & Lewis A

Denton J. (2011) Primary and Secondary Water Content Heterogeneity in Volcanic Glasses
Tuffen H, Castro J, Owen J & Denton J

Dentz M. (2013) Stretching, Coalescence and Mixing in Porous Media
Le Borgne T, Dentz M & Villermaux E
(2013) Anomalous Kinetics of Reactive Fronts in Porous Media
de Anna P, Le Borgne T, Dentz M & Tartakovsky A
(2013) Chemical Continuous Time Random Walks
Dentz M
(2012) Effective Mixing and Reaction Front Kinetics in Porous Media
De Anna P, LeBorgne T, Dentz M & Tartakovsky A

Denyer P. (2009) He-CO2 Characteristics of Submarine and Subaerial Fluids of the Costa Rica Forearc
Hilton D, Furi E, Fischer T, Ramirez C, Tryon M, Barry P, Brown K, Alvarado G, Montero W & Denyer P

Denys A. (2021) Evaluation of Selectivity of Sequential Extraction Procedure for REE Speciation in Laterite
Denys A, Janots E, Auzende AL, Findling N, Lanson M & Trcera N
(2019) Fluid/rock Experiments on Allanite Alteration: Insigths on the Mobilization of REE and HFSE during Weathering
Denys A, Auzende A-L, Doan M-L, Montes-Hernandez G & Janots E

Denyszyn S. (2022) Generation of Granites and Continental Growth in Eastern Australia: An Analysis of Compositional Variation in the ‘I-Type’ Siluro-Devonian Bega Batholith
Stirling JE, Kemp A, Denyszyn S & McCulloch M
(2016) A Bigger Tent for CAMP? Geochronology and Geochemistry of Mineralized Lower-Crustal Intrusions in NW Italy
Denyszyn S, Fiorentini M & Davis A
(2010) U-Pb (CA-TIMS) Zircon Geochronology of the Late Permian of Australia: Constraining the Time Scale between Two Major Extinctions
Denyszyn S, Mundil R & Metcalfe I

Deo M. (2020) Deviations in Point of Zero Charge with Nanoscale Pore Geometries of Synthesized Silica-Based Materials
Jacobson A, Dewey J, Muraleedharan M, Chen C, van Duin A, Copeland G, Kaszuba J, Xia Y, Sen S, Risbud S, Cho H, Deo M, Bartl M & Butt D
(2016) Geochemical Compositional Simulations of CO2 Sequestration in Fractured Sandstone Formation
Guo L & Deo M

Deobald L. (2007) Directed Proteomics Applied to the Detection and Characterization of Arsenic-Transforming Enzymes in Complex Communities from the Alvord Basin Hydrothermal System
Ledbetter R, Deobald L, Paszczynski A & Magnuson T

Deocampo Daniel
(2017) Paleohydrology from Authigenic Silicate Geochemistry: Examples from East Africa
Deocampo D

Deocampo Daniel M. (2018) A Coral Ensemble Approach to Reconstructing Mean Climate and Seasonality from the Central Pacific
Atwood AR, Cobb KM, Jones A, Grothe PR, Sayani HR, Chiang JCH, Hitt NT, Chen T, Deocampo DM, Southon JR, Edwards RL & Cheng H

DeOliveira J. (2023) Use of 223Ra and 224Ra as Chronometers to Estimate the Residence Time of Amazon Waters on the Brazilian Continental Shelf
van Beek P, Léon M, Scholten J, Moore WS, Souhaut M, DeOliveira J, Jeandel C, Seyler P & Jouanno J

Deon F. (2021) Detection of Interlayered Illite/Smectite by Means of XRD and Hyperspectral Techniques: Advantages and Disadvantages
Deon F, van Ruitenbeek F, Marcatelli C & Lievens C
(2013) Hydrochemical Patterns in a Structurally Controlled Geothermal System
Brehme M, Haase C, Regenspurg S, Moeck I, Deon F, Wiegand B, Kamah Y, Zimmermann G & Sauter M
(2012) The Role of Lead (Pb) in Highly Saline Fluids of a Deep Geothermal System: Complexation and Precipitation
Regenspurg S, Naumann R, Deon F & Feldbusch E

Deonarine A. (2022) Role of Geochemistry and Non-Mercury Methylators in Supporting Mercury Methylation in Aquatic Sediments
Wang Y, Ikuma K, Varonka M, Brooks SC & Deonarine A
(2022) Porewater Mercury, Particle Size and Mercury Speciation as Predictors for Mercury Methylation in Aquatic Sediments
Ziaei Jam H, Wang Y, Deonarine A, Lowry G, Bireta P & Reible D
(2016) Arsenic Speciation in Bituminous Coal Fly Ash and Transformations in Response to Redox Conditions
Deonarine A, Kolker A, Foster A, Doughten M, Holland J & Bailoo J
(2012) Transformations of Mercury, Arsenic and Selenium in River Sediments Contaminated with Coal Ash: Field and Laboratory Studies
Schwartz G, Deonarine A, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Bartov G, Johnson T & Hsu-Kim H
(2011) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter for the Precipitation of Nanoparticulate Metal Sulfides
Hsu-Kim H, Deonarine A, Gondikas A, Morris A, Zhang T, Aiken G & Ryan J
(2010) Growth and Aggregation of ZnS Nanoparticles during Coprecipitation with Aquatic Humic Substances
Gondikas A, Deonarine A, Hsu-Kim H, Aiken G, Ryan J, Masion A & Auffan M
(2010) Riverine Mercury Contamination after the 2008 Coal Ash Spill at the Kingston Fossil Plant, TN
Deonarine A, Hsu-Kim H, Ruhl L & Vengosh A
(2010) Sorption of Natural Organic Ligands to Silver and Zinc Sulfide Nanoparticles: Implications for Aggregation and Dissolution
Hsu-Kim H, Gondikas A, Deonarine A, Masion A & Auffan M
(2008) Stabilization of Nanoparticulate HgS and ZnS by Thiols and Humic Substances during Metal-Sulfide Precipitation
Hsu-Kim H, Deonarine A & Lau B

Deore S. (2005) Size-Structure Relationship of Δ-akaganeite
Deore S, Mazeina L, Navrotsky A, Fakra S & Tamura N
(2005) Thermochemistry of Bulk and Nano Akaganeite
Mazeina L, Deore S & Navrotsky A

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