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Deng Liang-Peng (2017) Multiple Anatexis in the North Dabie Complex Zone, Central China: New Constrains from Leucosomes within the Migmatites
Liu Y-C, Yang Y, Li Y & Deng L-P

Deng Liangpeng (2016) Prograde, Peak, and Retrograde P-T-T Path of the High-Temperature Ultrahigh-Pressure Terrane in the Dabie Orogen, China
Deng L, Liu Y, Groppo C, Rolfo F & Gu X

Deng Liwei (2017) High Pressure Melting Behavior of EH3 Chondrite
Lu Y, Deng L, Zhang C & He L
(2012) Experimentally Determined Fe Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Shahar A, Horan M, Mesa Garcia J, Mock T, Hillgren V & Deng L
(2011) High Pressure and Temperature Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Shahar A, Hillgren V, Young E, Deng L, Fei Y, Macris C & Georg RB

Deng Lixu (2020) Consistent Lithospheric Modification as Carbonated Melt Evolves: Insights from Wehrlite and Melt Pockets in Peridotite from the Eastern China
Deng L, Liu Y & Geng X

Deng Liyan (2023) Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Cr(VI) Reduction by Fe(II)-bearing Clay Mineral
Liang Y, Deng L, Liu F, Ding Z & Shi Z

Deng Long-Hui (2014) Dynamics of Dissolved Carbon and Nitrogen in Intertidal Sediment of the Yangtze River Estuary
Deng L-H, Gao H, Hung J-J, Zhou H-Y & Lin Y-S

Deng Longhui (2023) Methane Supply Drives Prokaryotic Community Assembly and Networks at Cold Seeps of the South China Sea
Niu M, Deng L, Su L, Ruff SE, Yang N, Luo M, Qi Q, Li J & Wang F
(2021) Lugworm Bioturbation Controls Microbial Abundance, Activity, and Community Assembly and Biogeochemical Cycles in Intertidal Sediments
Deng L, Meile C, Fiskal A, Bölsterli D, Han X, Gajendra N, Bernasconi SM & Lever MA
(2021) Physical Shielding Promotes Long Term Preservation of DNA in Lake Sediments
Han X, Tolu J, Deng L, Fiskal A, Schubert CJ, Winkel L & Lever MA
(2019) Bioturbation as a Key Driver of Microbial Community Structure in Marine Surface Sediment
Lever MA & Deng L

Deng Ming-Guo (2023) Ore Geology, Magnetite and Sphalerite Geochemistry of the Luziyuan Zn-Pb Polymetallic Deposit in the Southern Baoshan Block, Sanjiang Region (SW China): Implications for Ore Genesis
Xu R, Li W-C, Deng M-G, Lai C-K & Jia Z

Deng Minghua (2017) Light Sensitivity of Marine Group II Archaea in the Subtropical Pearl River Estuary: Implication for Microbial Niche Adaptation
Xie W, Luo H, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Chen S, Sun Y, Hedlund B, Wang P, Fang H, Deng M & Zhang C

Deng Mingjun (2018) Occurrence and Correlations of Many Trace Metals in Sludge from over 40 Sewage Treatment Plants in China
Kuo DTF, Wu Q, Deng M, Hu X, Liu Z & Zhang H

Deng N. (2020) Uncovering the Roles of Organics on Solid Solution Nucleation and Growth
Hu Y, Deng N, Stack AG, Weber J, Cao B & Deyoreo J
(2018) Uncovering the Mysteries of (Ba, Sr)SO4 Formation in Ocean: Heterogeneous (Ba, Sr)SO4 Nucleation on Organics
Deng N, Hu Y, Stack AD, Weber J, Cao B & Kubicki JD

Deng Q. (2023) Stable Mercury Isotope Revealing the Sources of Dissolved Gaseous Mercury in Lake Water
Zhang H, Fu X, Wu X, Deng Q, Tang K & Feng X

Deng R. (2023) Light Noble Gases Delivered to Earth by Interplanetary Dust Particles
Deng R & Farley K

Deng S. (2021) Study of Favorable Conditions for Shale Oil and Gas Formation in Nenjiang Formation in South-Eastern Uplift Area of Songliao Basin
Deng S

Deng Tao (2017) Evaluation of Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Fossil Shells from the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau
Wang Y, Passey B, Deng T, Wang X & Jiang S

Deng Teng (2023) Re-evaluation of Equilibrium Relationships Involving U6+/U4+ and Fe3+/Fe2+ in Hydrothermal Fluids and their Implications for U Mineralization
Deng T

Deng Tenghaobo (2014) Nickel Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System of Ultramafic Environments
Estrade N, Cloquet C, Deng T, Echevarria G, Sterckeman T & Morel J-L
(2014) Nickel and Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Hyperaccumulating and Non-Hyperaccumulating Plants
Deng T, Cloquet C, Sterckeman T, Tang Y, Echevarria G, Morel J-L, Qiu R & Estrade N
(2013) Nickel Isotope Fractionation in the Soil to Hyper-Accumulating Plant System
Estrade N, Cloquet C, Deng T, Echevarria G, Sterckeman T & Morel JL

Deng W F (2006) Preceding of rainy season during the Mid-Holocene in the northern South China Sea
Deng WF, Wei GJ, Li XY & Yu KF
(2006) Mid-Holocene SST records from coralline Sr/Ca ratios in the northern South China Sea
Wei G, Deng WF, Yu KF & Li XH

Deng Wei (2023) Prolonged Lifetime of Particulate-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Coating of Secondary Aerosols during Photochemical Aging of Biomass Burning Plumes
Wang X, Deng W, Zhang Y, Mellouki A, Rudich Y & George C
(2019) River Water Contamination Related to the Recent Volcanic Activity of Mt Iwo-Yama, Kirishima Volcanoes, Japan
Kikawada Y, Deng W, Yamamoto H & Fukai M

Deng Wenfeng (2016) Adsorption-And Desorption-Controlled Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation during Weathering Process of Granite from Guangdong Province, South China
Wang Z, Ma J, Li J, Wei G, Deng W & Zhang L
(2016) Molybdenum Isotope Time Series of a Porites Coral from the Great Barrier Reefs: Implications for Biological-Controlled Fractionation
Wei G, Wang Z, Li J, Deng W, Chen X & McCulloch M
(2015) Decadal Variability of Seawater pH on Coral Reefs: Mechanism and Influence on its Long-Term Variations
Wei G, Chen X, Ke T, Liu Y, Wang Z, Deng W & Zeng T
(2011) Seawater pH Records from a Fringe Coral Reef in Southern Hainan Island, the Northern South China Sea: Implications for Ocean Acidification
Wei G, Xie L, Wu W, Deng W & McCulloch M
(2007) Seasonal Changes in Seawater pH from Boron Isotope Systematics in a Porites Coral from the Northern South China Sea
Wei G, Mortimer G, McCulloch M & Deng W

Deng Wengfeng (2018) Biological-Controlled Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Corals Reef System
Wang Z, Li J, Ma J, Wei G, Deng W, Chen X, McCulloch M & Zhang L

Deng Wenjie (2023) Quantifying the Origins of Low-Oxygen Bottom Waters and the Influence of Tidal Effect on the Outer Shelf of the East China Sea Using Multiple Tracers
Deng W, Zhang J, Zhu S, Horikawa K & Endoh T

Deng Xi Tao (2010) Primary Halo Anomalies and Prospecting in No.77 Exploration Line of Dashui Deposit in Maqu, Gansu, China
Zhang JS, Peng XH, Song H, Yang H, Qing CS, Li WJ, Xu B, Deng XT, Deng YW & Shi Q
(2010) Research on Geological Features and Characteristics of Inclusions of Zhongqu Gold Deposit in Maqu, Gansu, China
Peng XH, Qing CS, Zhang JS, Song H, Li WJ, Xu B, Yang H, Deng XT, Deng YW, Zhang LY & Shi Q

Deng Xi-Guang (2017) Isotopically Enriched N-Morb: A New Geochemical Signature for Off-Axis Plume-Ridge Interaction
Yang Y, Zhao T-P, Zhou M-F & Deng X-G

Deng Xianming (2017) Hydrothermal Activities Around 63-64°E, Southwest Indian Ridge
Tao C, Liang J, Li X, Yang Y, Li H, Liao S, Deng X, Zhang G & Zhou Y

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