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Deng Fei (2009) Provenance of Detrital Zircons from the Late Neoproterozoic to Ordovician Sandstones of South China
Jia D, Wu L, Li H & Deng F

Deng Feifei (2013) Assessing the Dissolution of Marine Sediment with 230Th, and the Impact of Dissolution on Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
Deng F, Henderson G, Thomas A, Homoky W & Mills R
(2012) Uranium Series Rate Meters for Ocean Processes
Henderson G, Hsieh Y-T, Bourne M, Geibert W, Deng F & Thomas A
(2012) Controls on Seawater Pa_231, Th_230 and Th_232 Concentrations along the Flow Paths of Major Deep-Water Masses in the Southwest Atlantic
Deng F, Thomas A, Henderson G & Rijkenberg M

Deng Feifei (2015) Quantifying Oceanic Trace-Element Fluxes with U-Series Isotopes
Henderson G, Deng F, Hsieh Y-T & Yves P

Deng Feifei (2017) Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean: Results from the GEOTRACES GA06 Cruise
Lambelet M, Crocket K, van de Flierdt T, Bridgestock L, Deng F, Chance R, Baker A & Achterberg E

Deng Feifei (2020) Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Systems as Fingerprinting Tools to Trace Anthropogenic Controls on the Weser River System (Germany)
Deng F, Hellmann S, Zimmerman T & Pröfrock D

Deng Feifei (2021) Scavenging and Advection – Resolving the Neodymium Paradox in the South Atlantic
Wang R, Clegg JA, Scott PM, Larkin C, Deng F, Thomas A, Zheng X-Y & Piotrowski A

Deng G. (2023) Existence of the Big Mantle Wedge beneath East Asia Continental Margin Before 123 Ma
Jiang D, Xu X, Deng G, Erdmann S & Huang F
(2023) Ba Isotopes Reveal the Role of Magmatic Fluids in Lithium Enrichment in Granitic Pegmatites
Deng G, Jiang D & Huang F
(2023) Rubidium Isotopes of Highly Evolved Granites Record the Magmatic-Fluid Interaction Process
Hu X, Jiang D, Deng G & Huang F
(2021) Barium Isotope Constraint on the Formation of A-Type Granites and Tin Mineralization in South China
Deng G, Jiang D & Huang F
(2019) Silicon Isotopic Compositions of Metaperidotites from the Franciscan Complex- Implications for the Si Isotope Fractionation during Subduction Dehydration
Wang B, Li W, Deng G, Huang F & Yu H

Deng H.Y. Elva (2018) The Effect of Organic Matter Substitutes in Soil Types on Kale (Brassica Oleracea L.) Growth
Norinskiy MA, Noe TW, Deng HYE, Blickstein JIB & Blackwell BAB

Deng Hailin (2002) Platinum Group Elements in Sulfides from Yangliuping Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd Deposit in Sichuan, China
Deng H, Campbell AJ & Humayun M
(2001) ?On the MVT Pb-Zn Deposits in the Contiguous Area of Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, China
Li C, Liu Y, Deng H, Zhou C & Hu Y

Deng Hailin (2015) Assessing the Impacts of Chemical and Physical Heterogeneity on Water Quality Evolution during ASR
Deng H, Descourvieres C, Seibert S, Harris B, Atteia O, Siade A & Prommer H

Deng Hang (2023) Multiphase Reactive Transport Modeling – The Impacts of Two-Phase Flow on Mineral Reaction Rate
Deng H, Wang X, Molins S & Li P
(2023) The Impacts of Micro-Porosity and Mineralogical Texture on Fractured Rock Alteration
Zhang Q, Deng H & Molins S
(2022) Reactive Transport Modeling of Enhanced Weathering as Soil Amendments for Carbon Removal
Deng H, Spycher N, Sonnenthal EL, Arora B, Kleber M & Nico PS
(2021) Modeling of the Concrete-Bentonite Interface in Nuclear Waste Disposal Systems: From Pore-Scale to Continuum Scale
Deng H, Zheng L, Mu Y & Li P
(2021) Mineral Precipitation Driven Alteration of Fractured Porous Media – A Pore Scale Perspective
Deng H, Poonoosamy J & Molins S
(2020) A Multi-Scale Investigation of the Dynamics of Co-dissolution and Precipitation at Water-Rock Interface
Deng H, Molins S, Jenna P & Klinkenberg M
(2019) Pore-Scale Investigation of Precipitation Driven Diffusivity Change at Column-Scale
Deng H, Molins S, Claret F, Tournassat C & Steefel C
(2019) Hybrid Multiscale Model for Evolving Porous Media
Molins S, Trebotich D, Deng H & Steefel C
(2017) Impacts of Heterogeneities on Fracture Alteration: Investigations Using a Reduced Dimension Reactive Transport Model
Deng H, Steefel C, Molins S & DePaolo D
(2016) Simulating Fracture Alteration Caused by CO2-water-Rock Interactions
Deng H, Steefel C, Molins S & DePaolo D
(2013) Spatial Variation of Dissolution at Fracture Boundaries
Fitts JP, Deng H, Tappero R & Peters CA

Deng Hui (2012) Geogas Nano Material Elements Analysis For Detecting Concealed Structures in Dashui Gold Deposit in Gansu Province, China
Peng X, Deng H, Xu B, Qing C & Zhang J
(2012) Applications of XRF Analysis in Lithogeochemical Anomaly Prospecting
Deng H, Peng X, Yang H, Qing C & Zhang J
(2011) The Fluid Inclusion Characteristics and Metallogenic Mechanism of Dashui Gold Deposit in Gansu Province, China
Peng XH, Zhang J, Deng H, Hu Y, Qing C & Zhang L
(2011) The Applications of X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis in the Resource Assessment of Dashui Gold Deposit in Gansu, China
Deng H, Zhang J, Peng XH, Yang H & Qing C

Deng J (2009) Using REE and Isotope Geochemistry to Trace the Origin of Ore Forming Materials in Yixian Fluorite Deposits, China
Sun X, Deng J, Yang Z, Yang L, Gong Q & Wang Q

Deng Jianghong (2023) Study on Magnesium Isotopes of the Mariana Forearc Mantle Wedge Serpentinite
Deng J, Wang Y & Sun W
(2022) Large Iron Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Wedge Serpentinization
Sun W, Deng J, Zartman R, He Y & Yang X

Deng Jie (2023) Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Machine Learning Investigation on the Redox State of Silicate Melts
Zheng D, Ghosh U, Deng J & Zhang Z
(2022) Thermal Conductivity of Hydrous Silicate Liquid
Deng J & Stixrude LP
(2018) First-Principles Simulations of Pyrite-Type FeOOH and its Isochemical Melts at High Pressure
Deng J, Karki B & Lee K
(2011) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Significance of Shuangjianshan Highly Evolved I-Type Granite, Beishan Orogen, NW China
Mo Y, Lü X, Zhu J, Deng J, Cao X & Dai Y

Deng Jin (2020) The Loess Microstructure Indication Indexes for Paleoclimatic in Northwest of China
Deng J & Wang Y

Deng Jinfu (2010) Ailaoshan Ophiolite Belt, Yunnan Province, Southwestern China: SSZ Type or MORS Type?
Liu C, Deng J, Liu J, Su S, Chen Y & Kong W
(2009) Nomenclature, Diagnosis and Origin of High-Magnesian Andesits(HMA) and Magnesian Andesits(MA): A Review from Petrographic and Experimental Data
Deng J, Martin FJF, Liu C, Mo X, Su S & Wu Z

Deng Jingyi (2017) Natural Metallic Nano-Micro Particles: From Ores to the Surface
Lu M, Ye R, Liao J, Deng J & Wang Z

Deng Jun (2023) Role of Subducted Sediments in the Genesis of Alkaline Silicate Rocks with Giant REE Deposits: Evidence from Lithium Isotopes
Long Z-Y, Qiu K-F, Romer R, Williams-Jones AE & Deng J
(2022) Gold-Bearing Dolomite Veins Reveal Multiple Events as the Cause of Giant Au Deposits
Qiu K-F, Deng J, Rasbury T & Taylor RD
(2022) Sulfur Isotope Systematics Decipher the Metal Source and Cycling of the World’s Largest Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit
Long Z-Y, Qiu K-F & Deng J
(2020) The Genesis Mechanism of Enriched Lithospheric Mantle in Jiaodong Peninsula: Evidence from Inherited Zircon Ages of the Lamprophyres
Wang D, Li H, Deng J, Yu H & Wang T
(2019) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Early Cretaceous Lamprophyres in Shandong Peninsula: Implication for Lithospheric Evolution of the Eastern North China Craton
Wang D, Li H, Deng J, Yu H, Wang T & Su J
(2018) Geochemical Evidences for the Multiple Mantle Sources of the Carboniferous-Permian Mafic Rocks at the Northern Sibumasu Block, East Gondwana
Li G, Deng J, Stern R, Wang Q & Liu J
(2011) The Zircon Fission Track Constraint on the Mineralizing Ages of the Jiapigou Gold Deposits, Northeastern China
Yuan W, Deng J & Huang Z
(2011) Structure and Mineralization Characteristics of Kangding Gold Orefield, Sichuan Province, China
Zhang. Z, Deng J, Gong Q & Wang Q
(2010) Application of Primary Geochemical Halo to Gold Exploration at Xincheng Gold Deposit, China
Wang C, Deng J & Yang L
(2009) Geochemistry and Petrology of Nephritites from Hetian, China
Liu Y & Deng J
(2009) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Relations and its Significance
Wang C, Deng J, Zhang S, Zhang D, Yang L, Wang Q & Sun X
(2009) Cenozoic Gold Metallogenesis in Yunnan Province, Southwestern China
Deng J, Yang L, Zhang J & Li N
(2009) Geology, Geochemistry of Ore-Forming Fluids and Hydrothermal Alteration Dynamics of the Zhaoping Gold Belt in Northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China
Yang L, Deng J, Li N & Guo C
(2009) Dissolution Rates of Standstone Type Uranium Ore in Ordos Basin, China
Gong Q, Deng J, Wang W & Chen L
(2009) Volatiles in Fluid Inclusions from Sanshandao Gold Deposit in Jiaodong
Guo C, Deng J & Yang L
(2009) The New Views on Alteration and Mineralization of Sanshandao Gold Orefield in the Jiaodong Peninsula
Yuan W, Deng J, Yang L, Guo C, Gao B & Zhang R
(2008) The Discovery of Fluorocarbonate Mineral in the Quyang Bauxite Deposit, Guangxi Province, China
Wang Q, Deng J, Zhang Q & Liu X
(2008) Tracing Ore Forming Fluids of Gold Deposits Hosted in Kangding Complex in Sichuan Province, China
Deng J, Gong Q, Wang Q, Yang L & Zhang Z
(2008) Superimposed Processes of Gold and Silver Mineralization in the Dayingezhuang Gold Deposit, Jiaodong Gold Province, China: Constraint of Ore-Forming Fluid Geochemistry
Yang L, Deng J, Zhang J, Guo C, Jiang S, Gao B, Gong Q & Wang Q
(2008) Hot Spring Spurted into Laterite Layer: Geology and Geochemistry Evidence
Gong Q, Deng J, Yang L, Wang Q & Wang W
(2008) Apatite Fission Track Constrains on the Mineralization of Dashui Gold Deposits, Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Yuan W, Bao Z, Dong J & Deng J
(2007) Experimental Determination of Pyrite Dissolution Rate in Acidic Media at 21° to 61℃
Deng J, Gong Q, Yang L, Wang Q, Zhang J & Yuan W
(2007) A Fractal Concentration-Mass Method for Geochemical Anomaly Separation in Shizhuyuan Tungsten Deposit Area
Gong Q, Deng J, Xiang Y, Wang Q & Yang L
(2007) Zircon and Apatite Fission Track Study on the Mineralazation of Nanliang Gold Deposit, Eastern Hebei, China
Yuan W, Deng J, Domg J & Bao Z
(2007) Using Isotope Geochemsity to Trace the Origin of Oreforming Materials in the Jiaodong Gold Province, China
Yang L, Deng J, Gong Q, Zhang J, Wang Q & Yuan W
(2007) Mineral Compositions and Geochemical Features of Sanhe Bauxite Deposit in Western Guangxi Province
Wang Q, Deng J, Gong Q, Zhang Q, Wan L & Gao B
(2002) Fluid Inclusion Study of Ore-Forming Fluids and its Bearing on the Hydrothermal Minerization of the Datuanshan Copper Deposit of Skarn Type in the Tongling Area, Anhui Province
Wu G, Deng J, Wen C, Zhao C & Du Y

Deng Junhao (2020) Spatial Distribution and Activity of Microbial Extracellular Enzymes in the Water Column of the Mariana Trench
Zhang H, Deng J, Cao J & Fang J

Deng Junjing (2014) Nano-Scale Elemental Imaging of Microbes and Minerals from Deep Sea Methane Seeps
Glass J, McGlynn S, Chadwick G, Dawson K, Chen S, Vogt S, Lai B, Deng J, Ingall E, Twining B & Orphan V

Deng Junjun (2023) Optical Characterization, Seasonality, and Sources of Brown Carbon in Fine Aerosols from Tianjin, North China: Year-Round Observations
Dong Z, Pavuluri CM, Li P, Xu Z, Deng J, Zhao X, Zhao X, Fu P & Liu C-Q
(2021) Light Absorption and Flouorescence Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Brown Carbon in PM2.5 in Tianjin, North China
Dong Z, Pavuluri CM, Li P, Xu Z, Deng J, Zhao X, Fu P & Liu C

Deng Junping (2017) Automatic Detection of Hadal Macro Biological Using Machine Learning Method
Deng J, Ma Z, Luo R & Yang Q

Deng K. (2023) Weathering Signal Propogation in East Asian Continental Margins
Yang S, Deng K, Yang C, Hu Z & Su N
(2023) Dominance of Benthic Fluxes in the Oceanic Beryllium Budget and Implications for Paleo-Denudation Records
Deng K, Rickli J, Suhrhoff TJ, Du J, Scholz F, Severmann S, Yang S, McManus J & Vance D
(2022) Dominance of Benthic Process in Continental Shelf Rare Earth Element (REE) Cycling and Implications for the Oceanic REE Budget
Deng K, Yang S, Du J, Lian E & Vance D
(2021) Preconcentration and Determination of Beryllium and Rare Earth Elements in Small Volumes of Marine Pore-Water
Deng K, Du J(, Rickli J, Suhrhoff TJ & Vance D
(2020) A Reassessment of Radiogenic and Stable Strontium Isotope Systematics in Constraining Silicate and Carbonate Weathering Processes in Mountain Streams
Su N, Yang S, Wu Z, Deng K & Bi L
(2019) Using Multiple Isotopes to Trace Silicate Weathering and Sediment Routing Processes in Small Mountainous Catchments
Yang S, Zhao Y, Wang X, Wu Z, Su N, Deng K & Li Y
(2019) Deposition and Retention of Meteoric 10Be in River Terraces of Taiwan Island during the Holocene
Deng K, Wittmann H, Hsieh M-L, Yang S & von Blanckenburg F
(2019) Meteoric 10Be/9Be: A Versatile Tool for Weathering and Erosion Estimates from Small Creeks to Large Rivers of Varying Lithology
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Deng K, Yang S, Dannhaus N & Krám P
(2018) Geochemical Constraints on Two Contrasting Fluvial Sediment Routing Systems in the East Asian Continental Margin
Yang S, Deng K, Li C, Bi L, Su N & Guo Y
(2017) Tracing Fluvial Sediment Routing Systems in East Asia
Yang S, Li C, Deng K, Bi L & Su N
(2016) A Synthesis of Detrital Zircon Geochronology in Asian Rivers
Deng K & Yang S
(2013) Change of Water Cycle in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Catchment Based on H/O Isotopes
Li C, Yang S, Deng K, Wei H, Yang C & Lian E

Deng Li (2022) Carbonate Weathering Drives Magnesium Isotopes in Large Rivers: Insights from the Yangtze River
Xu Y, Jin Z, Gou L-F, Galy A, Jin C, Chen C, Li C & Deng L
(2018) Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Leachates Acid-Soluble in Loess-Paleosol Sediments from Chinese Loess Plateau of Luochuan
He M, Jin Z, Dong J, Gou L, Deng L & Xiao Y

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