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Demnitz M. (2021) Spatially Resolved Sorption of Cm(III) on Crystalline Rock: Influence of Surface Roughness and Mineralogy
Demnitz M, Molodtsov K, Schymura S, Schierz A, Müller K & Schmidt M
(2019) Spatially-Resolved Speciation of Eu(III) and Cm(III) on Granite Surfaces
Demnitz M, Molodtsov K, Bollermann T, Schymura S, Schierz A & Schmidt M

Demond A. (2017) Enhancement of the Solubility of Chlorinated Pesticides by Cosolvent-Induced Dissolution of Sediment Organic Matter
Demond A, Otero-Diaz M, Ma L, Brandon W & Bhattacharyya N
(2008) Modeling As(III) Removal by Synthesized FeS Coated Sand in Batch and Column Systems
Wang L, Abriola L, Han YS, Hayes K & Demond A

Demonterova E. (2019) Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic Mafic Magmatism in the South Siberian Post-Collision Magmatic Belt
Donskaya T, Gladkochub D, Mazukabzov A, Demonterova E & Pisarevsky S
(2017) High Water in Meimechites of the Siberian Traps LIP
Ivanov A, Mukasa S, Kamenetsky V, Ackerson M, Demonterova E, Pokrovsky B & Vladykin N
(2017) Lithospheric Control of the DUPAL Anomaly in the Northern Hemisphere: Case Study of the Early Miocene Basalts of the East Sayan, Siberia
Demonterova E, Ivanov A, Savatenkov V, Lebedev V & Panteeva S

DeMoor M. (2020) An Integrated Machine Learning Approach Reveals Geochemical Controls on Microbial Electron-Transfer Protein Abundance
Buongiorno J, Giovannelli D, DeMoor M, Barry P, Shrenk M, Lloyd K, Nakar S, Morrison S & Hazen R
(2019) Interactions between Microbial Communities and their Geologic Environment at the Costa Rica Active Margin
Buongiorno J, Fullerton K, Rogers T, Giovennelli D, DeMoor M, Barry P, Shrenk M, Lloyd K, Morrison S & Hazen R

Demopoulos A. (2017) Hybrid ROV Surveys Reveal Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure Varies with Depth in the Kermadec Trench
Shank T, Drazen J, Yancey P, Jamieson A, Rowden A, Clark M, Mayor D, Bourgue J, Demopoulos A, Bartlett D, Piertney S & Ruhl H
(2014) Cold Seep Mussel Isotopic Analyses
Prouty N, Roark B, Demopoulos A, Ross S & Brooke S

Demopoulos G.P. (2013) Synthesis of Symplesite (Fe<sub>3</sub>(AsO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>8H2O)
Xu L, Jia Y, Jiang D, Chen N, Reid J & Demopoulos GP
(2010) Incorporation of Arsenate into Gypsum: Relevant to Hydrometallurgical Iron-Arsenic Coprecipitation Process
Jia Y, Zhang D & Demopoulos G
(2008) EXAFS Characterization of Poorly Crystalline Ferric Arsenate Undergoing Transformation to Scorodite
Chen N, Le Berre J-F, Warner J, Cutler J, Jiang D, Rowson J & Demopoulos G
(2007) Speciation of Arsenic in the Coprecipitated As(V)-Fe(III) Solids
Jia Y, Xu L & Demopoulos G
(2005) Hydrogeochemical Signature of Various Amorphous AsV-Feiii Phases
Somot S & Demopoulos GP

DeMott P. (2014) Biological Aerosol Particles and Ice Nuclei that Come out during the Rain
Huffman A, Prenni AJ, DeMott P, Pöhlker C, Mason R, Si M, Schumacher C, Li Y, Fröhlich-Nowoisky J, Tobo Y, Després V, Schmer B, Gochis D, Andreae M, Kreidenweis S, Bertram A & Pöschl U

Demouchy Sylvie (2011) Ferric Iron and Water Incorporation in Wadsleyite Under Hydrous and Oxidizing Conditions
Bolfan N, Munoz M, McCammon C, Deloule E, Ferot A, Demouchy S, France L, Andrault D & Pascarelli S
(2011) Water Weakening in Dunite: Highlights from Torsion Experiments
Demouchy S, Hansen L, Zimmermann M, Tommasi A, Barou F & Kohlstedt D
(2009) Hydrogen Diffusion in Grain Boundaries: An Experimental Approach
Demouchy S
(2004) Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Water Solubility in Wadsleyite
Demouchy S, Deloule E, Frost D & Keppler H

Demouchy Sylvie (2013) Heterogeneity of the Uppermost Mantle in Back-Arc Settings: Insights from Trace-Element Compositions and Water Contents in Japanese Peridotite Xenoliths
Satsukawa T, Godard M, Demouchy S & Michibayashi K
(2013) Deformation Mechanisms of Olivine Compressed at 300 MPa and 800-1100℃
Cordier P, Demouchy S, Mussi A & Tommasi A

Demouchy Sylvie (2015) Water Content and Hydrogen Behaviour during Metasomatism in the Uppermost Mantle beneath Ray Pic Volcano (Massif Central, France)
Denis C, Alard O & Demouchy S

Demouchy Sylvie (2015) Experimental Study of Serpentine Dehydration
Maurice J, Bolfan Casanova N, Demouchy S & Debret B

Demouchy Sylvie (2016) Experimental Protocol for Diffusion of Noble Gas in Polycrystalline Olivine
Burnard P, Demouchy S, Delon R, Arnaud N, Bouhifd MA, Marrocchi Y, Cordier P & Addad A
(2016) Evidence of Dehydration in Mantle-Derived Orthopyroxene from San Carlos
Denis C, Demouchy S & Alard O
(2016) Incorporation and Diffusion of Noble Gases in Grain Boundaries
Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd A & Burnard P
(2016) Distribution and Preservation of Hydrogen in the Lithospheric Mantle: The Message from the Peridotite Xenoliths
Demouchy S

Demouchy Sylvie (2017) Storage and Diffusion of Helium in Olivine Grain Boundaries
Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd A & Burnard P
(2017) Diffusion of Hydrogen in the Earth’s Mantle & Consequences for our Planet
Demouchy S
(2017) Stress, Texture and Microstructure Evolution during Plastic Deformation of Olivine at 1000-1200℃
Thieme M, Demouchy S, Mainprice D, Barou F & Cordier P

Demouchy Sylvie (2019) The Intrinsic Nature of Antigorite Breakdown at 3 GPa: Experimental Constrains on Redox Conditions of Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Demouchy S, Bolfan-Casanova N, Maurice J, Chauvigne P, Schiavi F & Debret B
(2019) Deep Phlogopite-Olivine Melilitite and Melt-Rock Interaction in Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle (Tanzanian Craton)
Parat F, Baudouin C, Clutier A & Demouchy S
(2019) Water Storage in Ca-Clinopyroxene at Great Depths, an Experimental and Analytical Study Using nanoSIMS
Bolfan-Casanova N, Bureau H, Gonzalez-Cano A, Demouchy S & Kodja H

Demouchy Sylvie (2020) The Wet but Dry Mantle
Halimulati A, Alard O, Demouchy S & O'Reilly SY
(2020) Incorporation of Hydrogen and Others Atomic Impurities in Natural Olivines
Demouchy S & Alard O
(2020) Mechanisms of Ductile Deformation in the Lithospheric Mantle (Keynote 3f)
Demouchy S & Cordier P

Demouchy Sylvie (2021) From Dry to Damp but Stiff Mantle Lithosphere by Reactive Melt Percolation Atop the Hawaii Plume
Demouchy S & Tommasi A
(2021) Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Hydrogen Content in Diamonds
Bureau H, Khodja H, Estève I, Charrondière-Lewis M, Gaillou E, Boulliard J-C, Beneut K, Cartigny P & Demouchy S
(2021) Hydrogen Mobility in Forsterite Re-evaluated in the Framework of Diffusion Coupled to Inter-Site Reaction
Jollands MC, Muir J, Padrón-Navarta JA & Demouchy S

Demouchy Sylvie (2022) The Dry but "Wet" Mantle
Ananuer H, Alard O, Demouchy S & O'Reilly SY
(2022) Olivine, Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Mantle Room
Alard O, Veter M, Ananuer H, Demouchy S, Foley SF & O'Reilly SY

Demouchy Sylvie (2023) Determination of Hydrogen Concentrations and Speciation in Terrestrial and Chondritic Olivines by Atom Probe Tomography
Roskosz M, Danoix F, Azevedo-Vannson S, Leroux H, Bolfan-Casanova N, Demouchy S & Remusat L

Demoulin C.F. (2023) Tracking Photosynthetic Organisms in the Proterozoic Fossil Record
Sforna MC, Demoulin CF, Loron CC, Lara YJ, Cornet Y, François C, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Tucoulou Tachoueres R & Javaux EJ
(2021) In situ Detection of Bound Ni-Tetrapyrrole Moieties in ~1 Gyr-Old Eukaryote Microfossil Suggesting its Phototrophy
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P, Baudet D, Brocks JJ & Javaux EJ
(2021) Integrative Paleontological and Geochemical Study of the Microfossil Polysphaeroides Filiformis and its Implication for Deep Time Cyanobacterial Evolution
Demoulin CF, Sforna MC, Lara YJ, Loron CC, Cornet Y, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P & Javaux EJ
(2021) UV-Screening Pigment Enabling Ancient Photosynthesis
Lara YJ, McCann A, Malherbe C, François C, Demoulin CF, Sforna MC, Eppe G, De Pauw E, Wilmotte A, Jacques P & Javaux EJ
(2020) Nickel as Tracer of Oxygenic Phototrophy in the Fossil Record
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P & Javaux EJ

Demouy S. (2013) Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Construction of the Lluta Pluton, Tacna (Peru)
Demouy S, Benoit M, De Saint-Blanquat M & Paquette J-L
(2012) Late Cretaceous Rapid Arc Growth in the Arequipa Area of Southern Peru
Demouy S, Benoit M, de Saint-Blanquat M, Sempere T & Paquette J-L

Dempsey S. (2019) Carbonate Assimilation by Sunda Arc Magma at Sumbing Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia
Macpherson C, Dempsey S, Nowell G, Ottley C, Thirlwall M & Hall R
(2013) Effects of Carbonate Assimilation on Magma from Sumbing Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia and Implications for Merapi
Dempsey S, Macpherson C, Hall R & Davidson J

Dempster M. (2012) Unravelling Glacial Sediment Provenance Through Soil Chemistry in the North of Ireland
Dempster M, Dunlop P, Scheib A & Cooper M

Dempster T J (2006) How long has the HIP been cool? The misunderstood youth of the Hebridean Igneous Province
Dobson KJ, Stuart FM, Dempster TJ, Persano C & Bell BR

Dempster Tim J. (2013) Magma-Mixing Processes Recorded in Compositionally Zoned Titanite from the Ross of Mull Granite, Scotland
McLeod GW & Dempster TJ
(2013) Titanite from the Fish Canyon Tuff: Searching for Clues to Pre-Eruptive Magma Chamber Processes
Iddon F, McLeod GW & Dempster TJ

Demri D. (2021) Record of Cenozoic Weathering Episodes in Central Amazon Basin
Ansart C, Demri D, Allard T, Calmels D, Gautheron CE, Guinoiseau D, Agrinier P, Quantin C & Horbe A

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