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Dembowski M. (2018) Ionic Liquid Glassification to Observe Aluminate Ion Speciation in Low Water Alkaline Environments
Graham T, Hu J, Shen Z, Dembowski M, Zhang X, Clark S, Schenter G, Pearce C & Rosso K
(2018) Spectroscopic Features of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Aluminate Dimer, K2Al2O(OH)6
Dembowski M, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Wang H-W, Hu J, Clark A, Rosso K & Pearce C

Demenev A. (2019) The Leaching of Chemical Elements from Soils with Biological Agents and Chemicals
Demenev A, Khmurchik V, Maksimovich N, Sedinin A & Kataeva E
(2017) Hydrogeochemistry of the Blue Lake – One of the Deepest Karst Lakes in the World
Maksimovich N, Meshcheriakova O & Demenev A

deMenocal P. (2018) Drivers and Impacts of Saharan Dust Variability over the Last 240 kyr
McGee D, Skonieczny C, Kinsley C, Winckler G, Bradtmiller L, Bory A, Polissar P & deMenocal P
(2014) Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Biomarkers in Fluvial-Lacustrine Sediments in Eastern Africa
Uno K, Polissar P, Bonnefille R & deMenocal P
(2013) Abrupt Shifts in Horn of Africa Hydroclimate Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Tierney J & deMenocal P
(2012) Mg/Ca Paleothermometry in G. ruber (White): Mechanisms and Calibration
Arbuszewski J & deMenocal P
(2011) Using Opal and Organic Carbon as Proxies for Migration of the North African Monsoon
Bradtmiller L, Awalt M, McGee D & DeMenocal P
(2009) Towards a Global Calibration of the G. ruber (White) Mg/Ca Paleothermometer
Arbuszewski J, deMenocal P, Kaplan A, Klinkhammer G & Ungerer A
(2006) Terrigenous evidence from marine sediments for deglacial climate variability in Africa
Cole J, Demenocal P, Goldstein S & Hemming S
(2002) Upper North Atlantic Deep Water Variability during the Holocene
Marchitto T & deMenocal P

Demény A. (2023) Geochemistry and Fossil Record of the End-Triassic Event: A Holistic View from a Single Site
Pálfy J, Demény A, Haas J, Heszler B, Katchinoff J, Kovács EB, Palcsu L, Planavsky NJ, Somlyay A, Vallner Z & Zajzon N
(2021) Does Dawsonite Preserve Mantle CO2 Signature? Implication for CO2 Origin at Covasna, Eastern Transylvania, Romania
Lange TP, Cseresznyés D, Szakács A, Czuppon G, Papucs A, Kővágó Á, Gelencsér O, Gál Á, Király C, Szabó Á, Gyila S, Palcsu L, Demény A, Szabó C, Falus G & Kovács IJ
(2020) Stable Isotope Composition of Dawsonite from Different Environments: Implication for Constrain the Origin and Formation Condition
Cseresznyés D, Czuppon G, Király C, Györe D, Gilfillan S, Kesjár D, Demény A, Szabó C & Falus G
(2020) Isotope Fractionation Factors of Dawsonite -Tracing the Formation Environment
Czuppon G, Purgstaller B, Dietzel M, Cseresznyés D, Leis A, Demény A, Kesjár D, Kovács I, Király C, Szabó C & Falus G
(2019) Determination of the Stable Isotope Composition of Dawsonite and its Application to Trace its Origin
Czuppon G, Purgstaller B, Dietzel M, Cseresznyés D, Kesjár D, Kovács I, Demény A, Király C, Mavromatis V, Szabó C & Falus G
(2016) Growth Dynamics of Geothermal Carbonate Scalings: Petrographic, Trace Element & Stable/Clumped Isotopic Studies
Boch R, Mindszenty A, Szanyi J, Kluge T, Leis A, Deák J, Demeny A & Dietzel M
(2016) The 8.2 Event as Recorded by Compbined H-C-O Isotope Composition in Speleothem in Central Europe: Implications for Changes in Moisture Sources and Precipitation Seasonality
Czuppon G, Demény A, Siklósy Z, Lin K, Baykara O & Shen C-C
(2013) A Novel Method of Stable H and O Isotope Analyses of Inclusion-Hosted Waters Based on Laser Spectroscopy
Demény A & Czuppon G
(2011) A Warming-Cooling Cycle between 3.8 and 3.2 ky BP: Correlations of Speleothem and Bivalve Compositions with Ice Core Records
Demény A, Schöll-Barna G, Siklósy Z, Serlegi G, Sümegi P & Bondár M
(2011) C, O and H Isotope Compositions of the Wilmott and Yungul ‘Carbonatites’ and the Associated Fluorites in the Speewah Dome, Kimberley Region, Australia
Czuppon G, Demény A, Gwalani L, Ramsay R, Rogers K, Eves A & Szabó C
(2007) Hydrochemistry of Four Tropical Watersheds in Central Panama
Lyons WB, Harmon R, Mitasova H, Forizs I & Demeny A
(2007) Climate Changes and Volcanic Signals during the Bronze Age: A Stalagmite Record
Siklosy Z, Demeny A, Vennemann TW, Hegner E, Kramers J & Leel-Ossy S
(2002) Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Subduction-Related Carbonate-Silicate Melts in Mantle Xenoliths from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary
DemÈny A, Vennemann T, Hegner E, Embey-Isztin A, Homonnay Z & Milton A
(2002) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Carbonatite Complexes from the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Zaitsev A, DemÈny A, Wall F, Sindern S, Sitnikova M & Karchevsky P
(2000) Stable Isotope, FeIII/FeII, and Trace Element Evidence for Subduction-Related Fluids in the Upper Mantle beneath the Pannonian Basin
Demeny A, Vennemann T, Homonnay Z, Embey-Isztin A & Dobosi G

DeMeo M. (2006) Interactions between manufactured nanoparticles and individual cells
Rose J, Auffan M, Zeyon O, Decome L, Thill A, Orsiere T, Labille J, Achouak W, Flank A-M, Wiesner M, DeMeo M & Spalla O

Demergasso C. (2022) Field and Laboratory Experiments to Constrain Biologically Impacted Precipitation of Minerals in Evaporitic Environments, Salar de Llamará, Chile
Cabestrero Ó, Demergasso C, Chong G, Tebes-Cayo C, Suosaari EP, Oehlert AM & Reid RP
(2014) Studying the Response to Deglaciation Through the Prokaryotic Diversity and Metabolisms in the Sediments of Oligotrophic Andean Lakes
Parro V, Blanco Y, Rivas L, Puente-Sánchez F, Echeverría A, Demergasso C & Cabroll N
(2014) Is Arsenic Available as Energy Source for Microbial Growth in Acidic and Hypersaline Lakes?
Demergasso C, Pueyo JJ, Escudero L, Chong G, Cortéz P & Bijman J

Demers I. (2019) Contribution in the Production of Contaminants by Oxidized Mine Tailings after Reclamation with Oxygen-Barrier Covers
Ethier M-P, Bussière B, Ptacek CJ, Demers I & White H

Demers-Roberge A. (2023) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Composition Analysis in Sphalerite by SIMS: Importance of Instrumental Mass Fractionation Effects
Bovay T, Marin-Carbonne J, Bouvier A-S, Kouzmanov K, Greber ND, Saitoh M, Marger K, Berger A, Meisser N & Demers-Roberge A
(2021) Variability of Hydrogen Defects in Mantle Orthopyroxene along a Back-Arc Transect in Southern Patagonia
Demers-Roberge A, Jollands MC, Tollan PM & Müntener O

Demessence A. (2023) Tuning the 1D-2D Dimensionality Upon Ligand Exchange in Silver Thiolate Coordination Polymers with Photoemission Switch
Hawila S, Gautier R, Massuyeau F, Lebegue S, Mesbah A & Demessence A

Demetriades A. (2023) A Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network
Sanjuan PA, Demetriades A, Johnson CC, Smith D, Ladenberger A, Stouraiti C, Argyraki A, de Caritat P, Knights K, Rincón GP & Simubali GN
(2021) Boron Geochemistry of European Agricultural Soil
Negrel P, Ladenberger A, Reimann C, Demetriades A, Dr. Birke M & Sadeghi M
(2013) Geochemistry of European Bottled Water
Reimann C, Birke M & Demetriades A
(2013) Chemistry of Europe's Agricultural Soils – The GEMAS Project
Reimann C, Demetriades A & Birke M
(2007) Factor Analysis Interpretation of Geochemical Atlas of Europe Data
De Vos W, Batista M-J, Demetriades A, Pirc S, Albanese S, De Vivo B, Bidovec M & Martins L

Demewez A. (2015) Evidence for the Progressive Alkalinization of the Closed Basin Lakes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Farkas J, Rapprich V, Demewez A, Mitiku A, Abraham S, Jackova I, Buzek F, Rohovec J, Matouskova S & Tyler J

Demichelis R. (2023) Simulation of Vaterite-Aspartic Acid Interaction: Model Development and Results
Schuitemaker A, Raiteri P, Gale JD & Demichelis R
(2022) Biomineralization at the Atomic Scale. 2022 Houtermans Award
Demichelis R
(2021) Computational Investigation of the Adsorption of Aspartic Acid on CaCO3 Vaterite
Schuitemaker A, Koziara KB, Raiteri P, Gale JD & Demichelis R
(2021) Magnesium Impurities Decide the Structure of Calcium Carbonate Hemihydrate
Aufort J & Demichelis R
(2020) Stabilities of Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Phosphate Prenucleation Clusters: Insights from Free Energy Perturbation Calculations
Aufort J, Raiteri P, Garcia NA, Demichelis R & Gale JD
(2018) Adsorption of Organic Molecules on Calcite in Water
Schuitemaker A, Koziara K, De La Pierre M, Demichelis R, Raiteri P & Gale JD
(2018) Nanoscale Processes for Calcium Carbonate Formation: Insights from Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Reischl B, Schuitemaker A, Koziara K, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Rohl A, Stack A, Gebauer D & Gale J
(2018) An Investigation of Calcium Phosphate Prenucleation Clusters
Garcia N, Demichellis R, Raiteri P & Gale J
(2018) Simulation of Mineral-Fluid Interfaces and their Influence on Surface Binding
Garcia N, De La Pierre M, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Stack A & Gale J
(2017) Modelling Calcium Phosphate Pre-Nucleation Events
Demichelis R, Garcia N, Raiteri P, Gale JD, Innocenti Malini R, Freeman CL & Harding JH
(2016) Computational Insight on the Existence of CaCO3 Prenucleation Clusters
Raiteri P, Schuitemaker A, Demichelis R & Gale J
(2016) Probing Reactivity at the Calcite-Water Interface Using Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Schuitemaker A, Demichelis R & Gale J
(2015) The Initial Steps in the Precipitation of Calcium Phosphate Minerals
Innocenti Malini R, Harding J, Freeman C, Hall S, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Sommerdijk N & Gale J
(2015) Computational Investigation of the Crystallization of Calcium Oxalate
Zhao W, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Gale JD, Jones F & Sharma N
(2015) Exploring the Microscopic Structure of Minerals Through ab Initio Vibrational Spectroscopy
De La Pierre M, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, D'Arco P, Carteret C, Dovesi R & Gale J
(2015) Early and Late Stages of CaCO3 Growth from Aqueous Solution
Raiteri P, De La Pierre M, Demichelis R & Gale J
(2014) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biominerals: Combining Computer Models and Experiments to Understand Structural Features
Demichelis R, De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Gale JD, Wehrmeister U & Jacob DE
(2014) Exploring the Generality of Stable Pre-Nucleation Species for Alkaline Earth Carbonates
Raiteri P, Demichelis R, Gale J, Kellermeier M & Gebauer D
(2014) Modelling Olivine Surface Properties: Assessment of Methods and Tools
Demichelis R, Bruno M, Massaro FR, Prencipe M, De La Pierre M & Nestola F
(2013) The Multiple Structures of Vaterite
Demichelis R, Raiteri P & Gale JD
(2013) Computer Simulations of Carbonates in Water
Raiteri P, Demichelis R & Gale J
(2012) Computing the Thermodynamics and Reactivity of Carbonates from Solid State to Speciation
Gale J, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Quigley D, Gebauer D, Stack A, Dovesi R, Vinograd V & Winkler B
(2012) Simulation of Non-Classical Crystallization of Carbonate Minerals
Gale J, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Quigley D & Gebauer D
(2012) Derivation of an Accurate Force-Field for the Simulation of Carbonates
Raiteri P, Demichelis R & Gale J
(2011) Structure and Relative Stability of Hydrous and Anhydrous Ca-Mg Carbonates from First-Principle Calculations
Demichelis R, Raiteri P & Gale JD
(2011) Nucleation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Perspective
Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Gale J, Gebauer D & Quigley D

Demidova S.I. (2001) Ge-Rich Phases in Refractory Inclusions from Carbonaceous Chondrites
Demidova SI, Kononkova NN & Ulyanov AA

Demidova T. (2011) Ce-Rich Layers in Manganese Micronodules of the Brasil Basin
Dubinin A, Uspenskaya T, Sval'nov V & Demidova T

Demina L. (2017) Trace Metal's Occurence Forms during Diagenesis of the White and Barents Seas' Bottom Sediments
Demina L & Budko D
(2013) Comparison of Trace Metal Bioaccumulation Potential in the Three Different Ocean’s Zones
Demina L

Demir E. (2017) Investigation Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Tertiary Sedimentary Units Around Bala, SE Ankara, Central Anatolia
Demir E & Varol Muratcay E

Demir M.M. (2023) Understanding of Lithium Origin in High Enthalpy Geothermal Systems: A Case Study for Tuzla and Seferihisar Geothermal Power Plants, Western Anatolia, Türkiye
Tonkul S, Ayzit T, Baba A, Demir MM, Kieling K & Regenspurg S

Demir N.Y.N. (2023) Organic Carbon Distributions and Carbon Burial in a Modern Proterozoic Ocean Analogue: The Sea of Marmara
Yucel M, Alimli N, Gülmez ZA, Cura H & Demir NYN
(2023) Western Black Sea Suboxic Layer Biogeochemical Structure during the December 2022 R/V Bilim Expedition
Yucel M, Örek H, Alimli N, Cura H, Demir NYN, Myroshnychenko V, Fach B, Arkin S, Tuğrul S & Salihoglu B
(2023) Towards Multi-Element Characterization of Marine Metal Nanoparticles: First Results from the Suboxic Zone of the Black Sea
Yucel M, Alimli N, Borovinskaya O, Demir NYN, Cura H, Gülmez ZA, Tanner M & Djurdjevic S

Demir Y. (2011) Mineral Chemistry and Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Kabadüz Ore Veins (Ordu, NE-Turkey)
Demi̇r Y, Sadiklar MB, Uysal I, Ceriani A & Hani̇lçi̇ N
(2009) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Dacitic Rocks Accompanying the Murgul (Artvin, NE Turkey) Massive Sulfide Deposit
Si̇pahi̇ F, Şen C, Sadiklar MB & Demi̇r Y
(2009) Alteration of Late Cretaceous Dacites in the Murgul Area (Artvin, KD Turkey)
Si̇pahi̇ F, Sadiklar MB, Şen C & Demi̇r Y

Demirbağ H. (2008) Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Afyon Volcanics, West Central Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Doğan GD, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Demirbağ H

Demirel C. (2019) Potential Biosignatures of Surface Alteration on Mars Inferred from Terrestrial Analog Regoliths
Demirel C, McCollom N, Marra K, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Levy J, Soreghan G & Elwood Madden M
(2016) Ca Phosphate Rich Nanoglobules as a Precursor for Mg Rich Carbonates
Balci N, Gultekin AH & Demirel C
(2015) Carbon Cycling in Hypersaline Lake of Acıgöl as Inferred from C Isotopes of Carbonates
Balci N, Demi̇rel C, Menekse M & Gul Karaguler N

Demirev P.A. (2023) PFAS Adsorption via Novel Amphiphilic Silane Functionalized Membranes and Subsequent Destruction Utilizing Magnetite Nanoparticle Catalyzed UV-Fenton Chemistry
Johnson JK, Skala L, Salerno KM, Joe-Wong C, Le NQ, Demirev PA, Ko JS, Xia Z & Nachman DR

Demirkanli I. (2019) Geological Storage of CO2 in Sub-Seafloor Basalt Offshore Washington State and British Columbia
Goldberg D, Aston L, Bonneville A, Demirkanli I, Fisher AT, Gerrard M, Giammar D, Heesemann M, Knottavange-Telleen K, Hsu E, Moran K, Park A, Scherwath M, Slagle AL, Stute M, Weathers TS, Webb R, Wells RK, White MD & White SK
(2010) Overview of Plutonium (Pu) Transport in the Vadose Zone: Field Experiments, Mathematical Modeling, Soil-Plant Interactions and Future Research Questions
Molz F, Demirkanli I, Thompson S, Kaplan D & Fjeld R

Demizu H. (2016) Re-suspension Processes of Radioactive Cs Emitted by the FNDPP Accident in Summer and Autumn – Possibility of Biosphere-Atmosphere Circulation of Radioactive Cs
Kita K, Kinase T, Demizu H, Igarashi Y, Adachi K, Kajino M, Yamada K, Toyoda S, Yoshida N, Ninomiya K, Shinohara A, Okochi H, Ishizuka M, Maki T, Abe Y, Nakai I, Furukawa J & Onda Y

Demkin V. (2009) Records of Climate Change and Atmospheric Lead Depositions Since the Early Bronze Age in Archeologically Dated Buried Soils
Pampura T, Demkin V, Probst A & Ladonin D
(2007) Lead Origin and Fate in Soils: Geochemical Records in Buried Soils over the Past 3500 Years
Pampura T, Demkin V & Probst A

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