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Delrue P. (2007) Reconstructing Ancient Commercial Routes between the Roman Empire and the Indian Subcontinent via Lead Isotope Ratio Analysis
De Muynck D, Delrue P, Cloquet C & Vanhaecke F

DelSontro T. (2022) Aquatic Methane Research: A Complicated and Exciting Puzzle
DelSontro T
(2013) Influence of River Inflow and Organic Matter Loads on Benthic Methane Fluxes in the Rhone Delta (Lake Geneva)
Sollberger S, Corella JP, Girardclos S, Randlett M-È, Schubert CJ, Senn D, Wehrli B & DelSontro T
(2010) Quantifying Temperature-Dependent Methane Ebullition from Reservoirs via Systems Analysis
DelSontro T, McGinnis D, Sobek S, Ostrovsky I & Wehrli B

Deluchat V. (2017) Key Role of Iron Oxides in the Mobility of Sedimentary P in Dam-Reservoir Context
Rapin A, Rabiet M, Grybos M, Mourier B & Deluchat V

DeLucia Evan (2018) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agroecosystem Field Trials, Illinois, USA
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, DeLucia E & Beerling D
(2017) Historical Soil Redox Regimes Mediate Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Krichels A, Suriyavirun N, Kent A, Chee-Sanford J, Sanford R, DeLucia E & Yang W

DeLucia Evan H (2023) Immobile Trace Element Based Enhanced Rock Weathering Soil Measurements of Carbon Reductions in the US Midwest
Chang ES, Kantola IB, Marklein AR, Masters M, Moore CE, Bernacchi CJ, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ & DeLucia EH
(2021) Quantifying CO2 Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering in Constrasting Croplands
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, James RH, Pearce C, Collins A, Goring-Harford H, Jardine GE, Kantola IB, DeLucia EH, Masters M, Benedick S, Yeong KL & Beerling D

deLucia Evan H. (2019) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering in Two Contrasting Climate Zones
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, Yeong KL, Hanapi J, Benedick S, Reynolds G, deLucia E & Beerling D
(2019) Potential of Basalt Amendments to Reduce N2O Emissions from Agriculture
Blanc-Betes E, Kantola IB, Hartman M, Gomez-Casanovas N, Beerling DJ & DeLucia EH

DeLucia F. (2007) LIBS Analysis of Gem Beryls: Single-Pulse, Double-Pulse, and Provenance Determination
McManus C, McMillan N, Harmon R, DeLucia F & Miziolek A
(2007) LIBS: A New Paradigm for Real-Time and In-Field Geochemical Analysis
Harmon R, DeLucia F, McMillan N, Miziolek A & Whitehouse A

Delunel Romain (2009) Control of Frost-Induced Processes on Catchment Denudation Rates: Insight from in situ Produced 10Be Concentrations in Stream Sediments (Ecrins-Pelvoux Massif, French Western Alps)
Delunel R, van der Beek P, Bourlès D & Carcaillet J

Delunel Romain (2015) Precipitation Dependent Erosion Rates along the Western Peruvian Margin
Reber R, Litty C, Madella A, Akçar N, Delunel R & Schlunegger F

DeLuze J. (2020) Field-Portable Helium Isotope Detectors for Continuous Monitoring of Volcanic Unrest and Large Earthquakes
McMurtry G, DeLuze J & Blessing J

Delvaux B. (2018) Soil Weathering Degree Controls Silicon Bioavailability by Increased pH after Biochar Application
Li Z, Unzué-Belmonte D, Jean-Thomas C, Vander Linden C, Struyf E, Ronsse F & Delvaux B
(2018) Quantification of Distinct Phytolith Pools in a Perhydrated Andosol
Vander Linden C, Iserentant A & Delvaux B
(2017) Multielemental and Pb, Zn Isotopic Study of Metal Transfer Processes in Soils and Lichens from an Old Mining Area (São Domingos, Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Branquinho C, Delahaye A, Vogel-Mota R, Couder E, Delvaux B & Matos JX
(2016) Dissimilatory Bacterial FeIII Reduction Enhances the Dissociation of Fe Oxyhydroxides – Organic Matter Associations in Podzolic Bhs Soil Horizons
Vermeire M-L, Bonneville S, Stenuit B, Delvaux B & Cornelis J-T
(2015) Do Rare Earth Elements (REE) Trace Pedogenic Processes of Podzolization?
Vermeire M-L, Cornu S, Fekiacova Z, Delvaux B & Cornélis J-T
(2013) Si Isotope and Ge/Si Ratios Record Successive Cycles of Dissolution/Precipitation of Pedogenic Clay Minerals
Cornelis J-T, Weis D, Barling J, Lavkulich L & Delvaux B
(2012) Delta66Zn Profiles in Five Highly Zn-Contaminated Soils
Couder E, Smolders E, Delvaux B, Cambier C & Mattielli N
(2011) Contrasting Silicon and Magnesium Isotope Fractionation with Clay Mineralogy in Volcanic Soil Weathering Sequences, Guadeloupe
Delvaux B, Opfergelt S, Georg B, Cabidoche Y-M, Burton K & Halliday A
(2011) Pedogenesis and Stabilization of Soil Organic Carbon in a Charcoal Production Plot
Cornelis J-T, Hardy B, Delvaux B & Dufey J
(2011) Zn Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System (A pot Experiment)
Couder E, Drouet T, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C, Meeus C & Nadine M
(2009) δ66Zn as a Tracer of the Zinc Biogeochemical Cycle
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
(2008) Zinc Isotopes in Polluted Substrates
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
(2008) Silicon Cycle in Weathering Sequences of Volcanic Soils in Cameroon Using δ30Si and Ge/Si
Opfergelt S, Delvaux B, Cardinal D, Delvigne C & André L
(2007) Using δ30Si to Follow the Soil-Plant Si Cycling in a Weathering Sequence of Volcanic Ash Soils, Cameroon
Opfergelt S, Delvaux B, Cardinal D & André L

Delvaux D. (2017) Thermal Maturity Estimation of Carbonaceous Material from Proterozoic Organic-Walled Microfossil Assemblages (DRCongo, Mauritania and Australia) by Using Raman Spectroscopy
Baludikay BK, François C, Sforna M-C, Beghin J, Cornet Y, Storme J-Y, Fagel N, Fontaine F, Krooss B, Baudet D, Delvaux D & Javaux EJ

Delvigne C. (2017) Silicon Isotopes of Off-Axis Ridge Fluids: Constraints on the Oceanic Si Budget
André L, Planchon F, Delvigne C, Cardinal D & Monnin C
(2017) Single Column Extraction of Ge and Si from Natural Samples Allows Reliable Ge Analysis by ICP-MS
Delvigne C, Angeletti B, Guihou A, Basile-Doelsch I & Meunier J-D
(2016) Silicon Isotopes as Paleoweathering Proxies: Application to Paleogene Central African Environments
Bayon G, De Putter T, Mees F, Ponzevera E, Delvigne C, Monin L, Smith T & André L
(2016) Delta26Mg-Delta30Si of Off-Axis Ridge Fluids: Constraints on the Ridge Flank Water Flux and the Oceanic Mg-Si Budgets
André L, Planchon F, Delvigne C & Monnin C
(2014) Si and Mg Isotopic Compositions of Low Temperature Off-Axis Ridge Fluids
Delvigne C, Planchon F, Monnin C & André L
(2013) Seawater as the Common Si Source for Both Archean BIF and Cherts: Insights from Silicon Isotopes
Delvigne C, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & André L
(2012) Understanding Archean Weathering Using Silicon Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratios
Delvigne C, Opfergelt S, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & Andre L
(2011) δ30Si and Ge/Si Changes in BIFs along the Archaean
Delvigne C, Cardinal D, Hofmann A & André L
(2008) Silicon Cycle in Weathering Sequences of Volcanic Soils in Cameroon Using δ30Si and Ge/Si
Opfergelt S, Delvaux B, Cardinal D, Delvigne C & André L

Delville A. (2010) Water Organization in Na-Saponite. An Experimental Validation of Numerical Data
Ferrage E, Sakharov BA, Michot LJ, Lanson B, Delville A & Cuello GJ

Delwiche M. (2009) Isotopic Evidence for TCE Co-metabolism Stimulated by Electron Donor Addition to Groundwater
Conrad M, Brodie E, Radtke C, Bill M, Delwiche M, Lee MH, Swift D & Colwell F
(2005) Mixing Solutions, Precipitation and Changing Permeability in Porous Media
Redden G, Fujita Y, Delwiche M, White T, Roney T, Versteeg R, Fox D & Palmer C
(2003) The Microbial Community Structure of Methane Hydrate Bearing Deep Subseafloor Sediments in Cascadia Margin (ODP Leg204)
Nunoura T, Takai K, Nealson K, Horikoshi K, Delwiche M & Colwell F
(2003) Microbiology of Hydrates: Searching for the Methane Source Term
Colwell F, Delwiche M, Reed D, Boyd S, Nunoura T & Takai K

Demaiffe D. (2020) Geophysical and Petrological Constraints for Ultramafic-Alkaline-Carbonatite Magmatism in the Tajno Intrusion, NE Poland
Wiszniewska J, Krzeminska E, Petecki Z, Grabarczyk A & Demaiffe D
(2015) Syntectonic Emplacement of an Alkaline Massif in Burundi: Consequences on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Element (REE, HFSE) Mobility
Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Tack L, Nimpagaritse G, Midende G, Gardien V, Demaiffe D & Decrée S
(2014) Magmatism, Hydrothermalism and Complex (REE and HFSE) Mineralized System in the Upper Ruvubu Alkaline Massif, Burundi
Decrée S, Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Gardien V, Tack L & Demaiffe D
(2013) C and O Isotope Compositions of the Matongo Carbonatite (Burundi): New Insights into Alteration and REE Mineralization Processes
Boulvais P, Decrée S, Cobert C, Midende G, Tack L, Gardien V & Demaiffe D
(2010) A New Early Carboniferous Alkaline Province in the Crystalline Basement of NE Poland
Wiszniewska J, Krzeminska E, Krzeminski L, Demaiffe D, Stein H & Williams I
(2005) Strontium Isotopes Highlight Change in Ca Souces in Forest Ecosystems
Drouet T, Herbauts J & Demaiffe D
(2005) Variscan Moho beneath the French Massif Central: A Xenolith Perspective from Puy Beaunit
Demaiffe D, Femenias O & Berger J
(2002) Geochemical Evidence for Metasomatic Clinopyroxenes in Lesotho Peridotites
Coussaert N, André L, Mercier J-CC & Demaiffe D

Deman F. (2017) Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the East Siberian Sea from Nitrate Isotopes
Fripiat F, Declerq M, Sapart C, Anderson L, Bruechert V, Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Humborg C, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F
(2017) N2-fixation Footprint on Nitrate Isotopic Composition in Temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean
Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Fripiat F, Le Roy E, Thilakarathne D, Lemaitre N, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F
(2017) Patterns of N2 Fixation Across the Northern North Atlantic
Fonseca-Batista D, Deman F, Li X, Le Roy E, Ingeniero R, Mariez C, Roig S, Lemaître N, Fripiat F, Chou L & Dehairs F
(2015) Seasonal Evolution of the River Scheldt Nitrate Isotopic Composition
Plante A, De Brabandere L, Fripiat F, Deman F, Brion N, Fonseca Batista D & Dehairs F
(2015) Isotopic Composition of Nitrate from the Temperate and Sub-Polar North Atlantic
Le Roy E, Fonseca-Batista D, Roukaerts A, Fripiat F, Deman F, Brion N & Dehairs F

Demangel I. (2019) Calcium Isotope Record of the Late Triassic
Kovács Z, Demangel I, Richoz S, Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S, Hippler D & Krystyn L

Demant A. (2013) Zeolites and Mafic Phyllosilicates in Livingston Island, Antarctica
Bastias J, Fuentes F, Aguirre L, Hervé F, Fernandoy F & Demant A

Demarchi B. (2017) Mineral-Biomolecule Binding and the Mechanisms of Biomineralisation
Hardin J, Freeman C, Hall S, Collins M & Demarchi B
(2013) Earthworms Produce Highly Stable Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Demarchi B, Benning LG, Brown A, Harding J, Freeman C, Penkman K & Hodson ME

Demaret F. (2022) Zinc Isotopic Ratios (δ66Zn) in Modern Marine Mammals from the French Atlantic Coast
Fuller B, Mejean P, Demaret F, Gandois H & Jaouen K

Demaria S. (2023) Leaf Elementomics in Chlorophyll-Deficient Wheat Mutants
Ferroni L, Aquilano A, Demaria S, Colpo A & Marrocchino E

Demasy C. (2021) Early Diagenesis in Sediments of a Mediterranean Lagoon and its Relationship to Hypoxia
Brigolin D, Rabouille C, Demasy C, Bombled B, Monvoisin G & Pastres R

Demaude M. (2023) Immiscibility and Rare Metals Partitioning between Phoscorite and Carbonatite Magmas: An Experimental Investigation
Demaude M & Charlier B

Dembo K. (2003) Volcanic and Artificial Basaltic Glasses Structure Studied by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
Zemtsov A, Volkov V, Dembo K & Ablesimov N

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