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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Delolme C. (2021) Is There a Specific Pollution in Sediments of Urban Stormwater Basins?
Couvidat J, Zhan Q, Chatain V, Bacot L, Gautier M, Tedoldi D, Lipeme-Kouyi G, Delolme C & Winiarski T
(2010) Combined Titration, EXAFS and Molecular Dynamics Modeling Study of Cu(II) Ions Sorbed on the Model Biopolymer Xanthane
Spadini L, Causse B, Mazeau K, Sarret G, Gury J, Martins J, Heyraud A, Geremia R & Delolme C
(2008) Proton and Cu2+ Reactivity of Xanthan, a Model Bacterial Exopolysaccharide
Causse B, Spadini L, Delolme C, Sarret G, Martins J, Heyraud A & Mazeau K

Delon Remi (2017) Storage and Diffusion of Helium in Olivine Grain Boundaries
Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd A & Burnard P
(2016) Experimental Protocol for Diffusion of Noble Gas in Polycrystalline Olivine
Burnard P, Demouchy S, Delon R, Arnaud N, Bouhifd MA, Marrocchi Y, Cordier P & Addad A
(2016) Incorporation and Diffusion of Noble Gases in Grain Boundaries
Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd A & Burnard P
(2015) Distinguishing Recycled Heavy Noble Gases from Atmosphere Contaminants
Delon R, Burnard P & Marrocchi Y

Delon Rémi (2023) Hydrogen in an Early Magma Ocean: Implications for Earth’s Core Composition
Bouhifd A, Bolfan-Casanova N, Manthilake G, Delon R, Bureau H, Khodja H, Roskosz M & Gaillard F
(2021) Hydrogen in an Early Magma Ocean: Implications for Earth’s Core Composition
Bouhifd A, Delon R, Bolfan-Casanova N, Manthilake G, Schiavi F, Bureau H, Khodja H & Andrault D

DeLong Edward (2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D
(2013) Entire Community of Microbes Lacks Phospholipids
Jones C, Crowe SA, Viehweger B, Hinrichs K-U, Maresca JA, DeLong E, Nomosatryo S, Fowle D & Canfield D
(2013) Bacterial Phosphate Acquisition from Minerals in Ultra-Oligotrophic, Ferruginous Environments
Maresca J, Yao M, Jones C, Crowe S, DeLong E & Canfield D

Delong Edward F. (2002) Direct Phylogenetic and Isotopic Evidence for Multiple Groups of Archaea Involved in the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Orphan V, House C, Hinrichs K-U, McKeegan K & DeLong E
(2002) Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Selected Nucleic Acids from Environmental Samples
Pearson A, Sessions AL, Delong EF & Hayes JM
(2001) ?13C Ion Probing and Fluorescent in situ Hybridization: Direct Evidence of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Mediated by an Archaeal/Bacterial Consortium
Orphan VJ, House CH, Hinrichs KU, McKeegan KD & DeLong EF

deLong Kimberly (2016) Suborbital Scale Variability in the Indian Monsoon and Links to Antarctic Climate
deLong K, Came R, Lippmann T, Johnson J & Giosan L

DeLong Kristine (2018) Corals are not Thermometers – How to Extract a Geochemical Time Series from a Complex Skeleton
DeLong K, Ouellette G & Vara M
(2014) Intra-Annual Variations in Coral Skeletal Geochemistry
DeLong K

Delorme F. (2019) Bioremediation of Herbicides MCPA and Glyphosate Using Zeolite/Microbial Film Biocomposite
Gorodylova N, Michel C, Seron A, Delorme F, Giovannelli F & Michel K

Delort A-M. (2023) Tracking the Fate of Carbon during Microbial Biodegradation of Plastics
Eyheraguibel B, Leremboure M, Traikia M, Delort A-M & Petit E

Delos A. (2013) Waste Characterisation of a Uranium Conversion Facility
Fernandes T, Duro L, Schäfer T, Masqué P, Delos A, Flinois J-S & Videau G
(2012) Uranium Mobility in the Process Waste of a Conversion Facility (France): Static Experiments
Fernandes T, Duro L, Masque P, Delos A, Flinois J-S & Videau G

Delottier H. (2022) Explicit Simulation of Environmental Tracers with a Physically Based Integrated Surface and Subsurface Flow Model
Delottier H, Peel M & Brunner P
(2022) Explicit Simulation of an Artificial Tracer Experiment: What Insights can be Gained by Assimilating Tracer Measurements in Physically-Based Numerical Models?
Peel M, Delottier H, Schilling OS, Blanc T, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Brunner P

Deloule Etienne (2015) Contribution of Minor Minerals to the U-Th-Ra Budget of Gandak River Sediments
Bosia C, Chabaux F, France-Lanord C, Pelt E, Deloule E, Stille P & Lavé J
(2015) Enriched Components in the Source of Cenozoic Intraplate Alkali Basalts in Southeast China
Liu S, Xia Q & Deloule E
(2015) Petrography, U-Pb Age Constraints and Metamorphic History of the Nulliak Supracrustal Assemblage (Northeastern Labrador)
Thomassot E, Kitayama Y, Wind S, Jovovic I, Ternois S, Barbey P & Deloule E
(2015) On the Archean vs. Proterozoic Age of the HIMU Mantle Component: New 33S/32S, 34S/32S, 36S/32S-Data from Saint-Helena Glasses
Cartigny P, Labidi J, Devey CW, Jackson MG, Thomassot E & Deloule E
(2015) Do MORBs Record the Oxidation State of Earth’s Upper Mantle?
France L, Mary B, Deloule E, Munoz M, Koepke J, Letourneur L, Ildefonse B, Bolfan Casanova N, Devouard B & Deschamps F
(2015) The Two-Stage Melt Metasomatism Revealed by Lithium Isotopes Distribution in Peridotite Xenoliths from Allegre (French Massif Central)
Gu X, Deloule E, France L & Ingrin J
(2014) Zircon Megacryst from a Neoproterozoic Eclogite of Central Hoggar (Algeria): U-Pb, Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotopes Data
Bruguier O, Caby R, Ouzegane K, Bendaoud A, Bosch D, Deloule E & Kiénast J-R
(2014) Ion Microprobe Analyses of Carbon Isotopes Ratios in MORB
Le Voyer M, Deloule E, Kelley KA, Cartigny P, Cottrell E & Hauri EH
(2013) The Main MORB Crustal Contaminant: Geochemistry of Magma Chamber Roof Experimental Anatectic Melts, and Residues
France L, Koepke J, Ildefonse B, MacLeod CJ, Godard M & Deloule E
(2013) Evidence for Chondritic Lunar Water and Nitrogen Trapped in Apollo 17 Volcanic Glasses
Füri E, Marty B, Deloule E & Gurenko A
(2012) Deciphering the Processes of Crustal Reworking during the Formation of the Neoproterozoic Lufilian Belt, NW Zambia
Eglinger A, Vanderhaeghe O, Andre-Mayer A-S, Mercadier J, Goncalves P, Zeh A & Deloule E
(2012) Li Isotopes Fractionation during Lower Crustal Magmatic Segragation
Deloule E, Ettori I, Ingrin J & Gregoire M
(2012) Time Scales of Magmatic Processes and Volcanic Unrest at Caldera Systems
Costa F, Druitt T, Deloule E, Dungan M & Scaillet B
(2012) Storage Conditions of the Silicic Magmas Preceding Major Plinian Eruptions of Santorini Volcano
Cadoux A, Scaillet B, Deloule E & Druitt T
(2011) SIMS U-Pb Ages for Heterogenite from Katanga (DRC): Implications for the Genesis of Co-u Deposits in Shinkolobwe
Decrée S, Deloule E, De Putter T, Dewaele S, Mees F & Marignac C
(2011) Li Content and Isotopic Distributions in Granulite of Kerguelen Plateau
Deloule E, Ingrin J, Xia Q & Gregoire M
(2011) Water Content of Lithospheres Deduced from Xenoliths: The Example of Kerguelen Islands and South African Craton
Ingrin J, Liu J, Xia QK, Deloule E & Grégoire M
(2011) Evidence of Water Degassing in Archean Komatiites
Fiorentini ML, Beresford S, Stone W & Deloule E
(2011) Ferric Iron and Water Incorporation in Wadsleyite Under Hydrous and Oxidizing Conditions
Bolfan N, Munoz M, McCammon C, Deloule E, Ferot A, Demouchy S, France L, Andrault D & Pascarelli S
(2011) Nd and Hf Model Ages in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: A New Way to Better Understand Mantle-Crust Evolution
Martin C, Duchêne S, Luais B & Deloule E
(2011) Evolution of the δD Value in Water-Rich Basaltic Melt Inclusions during Volcanic Processes
Metrich N, Deloule E & Di Muro A
(2011) Lithium-Boron Isotope Fractionation during Degassing of Rhyolitic Magma
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Laporte D, Cluzel N, Shimizu N & Deloule E
(2009) Passive Concentration of REE during Skarn Formation: Example from the Quérigut Massif (Pyrenees, France)
Durand C, Marquer D & Deloule E
(2008) Metamorphic Zircon, Trace Elements and Thermal History of the ca. 3.75 Ga Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (Porpoise Cove), Québec (Canada)
Cates N, Mojzsis S & Deloule E
(2008) Hydrothermal Zircons: A Tool for Ion Microprobe U–Pb Dating of Ore Mineralization in Polyphase Deposits
Pelleter E, Cheilletz A, Gasquet D, Mouttaqi A, Annich M & Deloule E
(2007) REE and HFSE Mobility from Eclogite to Amphibolite Metamorphism (Vårdalsneset, Norwegian Caledonides)
Martin C, Duchêne S, Luais B & Deloule E
(2007) Tracing Water Exchange between Mantle and Continental Crust with the δD Values of NAMs in Granulite
Yang X, Deloule E & Xia Q-K
(2007) Geochemistry of Primary Magmas of St Vincent (Lesser Antilles Arc) Tracked by Melt Inclusions
Bouvier A-S, Metrich N & Deloule E
(2007) Zircon Lu-Hf Isotope and its Significance to Ultra-High Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from Dabie Terrain, Eastern China
Chen D, Deloule E, Li B & Ni T
(2006) Zircon Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotopic compositions in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite from Dabie orogen, Eastern Central China
Chen D, Ni T, Deloule E & Li B
(2006) Oxygen isotopes, REE and U-Pb behaviour during metamorphic zircon formation
Martin L, Duchene S, Deloule E & Vanderhaeghe O
(2006) The role of water in Precambrian ultramafic magmatism: Insights from an in-situ microbeam and nanobeam assessment of hydromagmatic amphibole
Fiorentini M, Beresford S, Deloule E, Stone B, Hanski E & Pearson N
(2005) Synchronized Study on Micro-Scale U-Pb Ages and Oxygen Isotopes for Metamorphic Zircons from Dabie-Sulu Orogen, Eastern Central China
Chen D, Deloule E, Xia Q, Li B & Ni T
(2004) Early Cooling History of Huangzhen Eclogite from Southern Dabieshan: Comparative Study of U-Pb, Ar-Ar Ages and Garnet Diffusion Kinetics
Chen D, Cheng H, Deloule E & Li B
(2004) D/H Ratios in Refractory Chondrules: A Test for their Interaction with the Nebular Gas
Deloule E & Libourel G
(2004) An O and Li Isotope Study on Fluid Rock Interaction on UHP Rocks from Dabie Shan, China
Birtel S & Deloule E
(2004) Li and delta7Li Behaviour in Mantle Metasomatic Processes
Wagner C & Deloule E
(2004) Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Water Solubility in Wadsleyite
Demouchy S, Deloule E, Frost D & Keppler H
(2003) Micro-Scale Zircon Oxygen Isotopic Compositions and U-Pb SIMS Dating from Dabie-Sulu Orogen, China
Chen D, Deloule E, Li B, Cheng H & Xia Q
(2002) Accretion and Splitting within the Permian Pangea Recorded by Episodic Metamorphic Zircon Growth
Cocherie A, Rossi P, Fanning CM & Deloule E
(2002) Mechanisms of Melt Migration and Mantle Metasomatism in the Lithosphere beneath the French Massif Central
Bouhedja M, Wagner C, Deloule E & Reisberg L
(2002) Measuring D/H Ratio of Femtograms of Hydrogen by Ion Microprobe: Limits and Applications
Deloule E
(2002) Hydromagmatic Amphibole in High-Mg Rocks of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada: Evidence for Archaean Wet Ultramafic Magmas
Stone WE & Deloule E
(2002) Using the d/h Ratio to Trace the Terrestrial Water Contamination in Chondritic Meteorites
Robert F & Deloule E
(2002) Inferences About Magma Reservoir Dynamics from Zoned Clinopyroxenes of an Alkaline Suite in North Morocco
Wagner C, Deloule E, Fialin M & Mokhtari A
(2000) Li Behaviour during Serpentinisation of Oceanic Peridotites
Decitre S, Deloule E, Reisberg L, James R, Mevel C & Agrinier P
(2000) Complex Clinopyroxene Assemblage in Carbonatite and Alkaline Xenoliths from Moroccan Camptonites: Evidence for an Open-System Evolution
Wagner C, Mokhtari A, Deloule E & Chabaux F
(2000) Evidence for Equilibrium Crystallization of Amphiboles and Clinopyroxenes in Mantle-Modally-Metasomatized Peridotite Xenoliths from French Massif Central
Bouhedja M, Deloule E, Reisberg L & Wagner C
(2000) Evidence of Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in the Early Proterozoic Andesitic Rock, Dongargarh Supergroup, Central India and Possible Tectonic Implication
Sensarma S, Palme H, Deloule E & Mukhopadhyay D

Deloule Etienne (2016) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Source Components for Intraplate Basalts from North China
Chen H, Xia Q-K, Ingrin J & Deloule E
(2016) Temporal Variation of H2O Content in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Eastern North China Craton: Implications for the Destruction of Cratons
Li P, Xia Q-K, Deloule E & Gu X-Y
(2016) Diffusion-Driven D/H Fractionation in Silicates during Hydration, Dehydration and Degassing
Roskosz M, Laporte D, Deloule E, Ingrin J, Remusat L, Depecker C & Leroux H

Deloule Etienne (2017) Towards New Constraints on the Origin and Budget of Terrestrial N
Füri E, Deloule E & Dalou C
(2017) U-Pb SIMS Apatite Dating Using a Common Lead Correction (Examples from the Scottish Caledonides)
Jewison E, Deloule E, Villeneuve J, Bellahsen N, Labrousse L, Rosenberg C, Pik R & Chew D
(2017) The Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano Plumbing System Architecture, and Composition from Source to Surface
Mollex G, France L, Füri E, Bonnet R, Botcharnikov R, Zimmermann L, Wilke S, Deloule E, Chazot G, Kazimoto E, Marty B & Burnard P
(2017) Sulfur Isotope Signature (δ33S, δ34S and δ36S) of Sea-Water Altered Archean Oceanic Crust in Siberian Eclogite
Thomassot E, Pearson DG, Kitayama Y & Deloule E
(2017) REE in Glass Inclusions and their Host Olivines rom Type I Chondrules: Insight on the Composition of a Parent Planetesimal
Florentin L, Faure F & Deloule E
(2017) Amphibole as a Proxy for the Volatile Content of the Archean Mantle
Sessa G, Tiepolo M, Fiorentini M, Moroni M, Deloule E, Ottolini L, Langone A & Ferrari E

Deloule Etienne (2018) Sr87/86 SIMS Microanalysis of Diagenetic Carbonates and Sulfates: Preliminary Results and Perspectives
Girard J-P & Deloule E
(2018) Nepheline-Normative Primitive Melt Genesis in Arcs: Mineralogic and Lithospheric Controls
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Métrich N, Di Muro A & Deloule E
(2018) Magma Composition, and Architecture of the Active Deep Plumbing System at Oldoinyo Lengai Carbonatite Volcano, Tanzania
France L, Mollex G, Bonnet R, Botcharnikov R, Wilke S & Deloule E

Deloule Etienne (2019) Iron Isotopes in Micropyrites from the 2.7 Ga Tumbiana Formation (Western Australia)
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Philippot P & Deloule E
(2019) Record of Segregated Magma Modified by Reactive Porous Flow in Ultraslow-Spreading Oceanic Crust
Ferrando C, France L, Boulanger M & Deloule E
(2019) The Link between the Low Contents of S and Cl in Early Cretaceous Basalts and Flourishing of Jehol Biotas
Xu Q, Chen H, Xia Q, Deloule E, Gu X & Wang L

Deloule Etienne (2020) In situ High Resolution Measurements of Fe Isotope Composition in Micro-Pyrite Using Hyperion Radio Frequency Source on IMS 1280 HR2
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Bouvier A-S, Bouden N, Villeneuve J & Deloule E
(2020) Brown Amphibole in the Oceanic Crustal Sequence at the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex
Ferrando C, Tribuzio R, Sanfilippo A, Antonicelli M, France L & Deloule E
(2020) Segregation of Migrating Reacted Melts Through the Ultraslow-Spreading Lower Oceanic Crust
France L, Ferrando C, Basch V, Sanfilippo A, Boulanger M, Tribuzio R & Deloule E

Deloule Etienne (2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements by Multi-Collector Large-Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Peres P, Bouden N, Villeneuve J, Marrocchi Y, Deloule E, Füri E, Gurenko A, Piani L, Thomassot E & Fernandes F
(2021) First in situ Nitrogen Isotope Measurements in Martian Meteorites
Deligny C, Füri E, Deloule E & Peslier A
(2021) First Inference of Molecular Hydrogen in Mantle Pyroxene and Isotopic Consequences
Moine BN, Bolfan-Casanova N, Radu I-B, Ionov D, Costin G, Deloule E, Korsakov AV, Golovin A & Cottin JY
(2021) Volcanogenic Halogen Fluxes from Plinian Eruptions Towards the Atmosphere
d'Augustin T, Balcone-Boissard H, Boudon G, Deloule E, Bürckel P & Vesin C
(2021) Development of Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Isotopic Dating by Laser Ablation ICP-MS/MS and its Application to W-Sn Deposits in the French Massif Central
Jegal Y, Zimmermann C, Peiffert C, Reisberg L, Deloule E & Mercadier J
(2021) Zn-Pb Ore-Forming Processes in the McArthur Basin and Lawn Hill Platform (Australia): Insights from Lead Isotopes and Trace Elements in Sulphides
Gigon J, Richard A, Mercadier J, Deloule E, Annesley IR, Wygralak A & Skirrow R
(2021) A Case Study of in situ Analyses (Major and Trace Elements, U-Pb Geochronology and Hf-O Isotopes) of a Zircon Megacryst: Implication for the Evolution of the Egéré Terrane (Central Hoggar, Tuareg Shield, Algeria)
Bruguier O, Caby R, Bosch D, Ouzegane K, Deloule E, Dhuime B, Bendaoud A & Kienast JR

Deloule Etienne (2023) Wet Mantle Plume Account for the Genesis of the Alkaline Basalts in French Massif Central
Chen H, Ingrin J, Deloule E, Bi Y & Xia Q-K
(2023) Developments of Single Particle Analysis by TOF-ICP-MS for Study of Nanosize Matrix Phases in Primitive Meteorites
Chaussidon M, Tharaud M, Moreira E, Mercadier J, Deloule E & Benedetti MF
(2023) Multistage Serpentinisation at the Ocean Floor Revealed by in situ Analysis
Vesin C, Rubatto D, Pettke T & Deloule E
(2023) Architecture of the Lesser Antilles Arc Illustrated by Melt Inclusions
Balcone-Boissard H, Boudon G, Erdmann S, Deloule E & Vicente J
(2023) Texturally Contrasting but Isotopically Similar: Deciphering the Journey of a Grenvillian Mafic Sill Using Garnet and Zircon Petrochronology
Lotout C, Indares A, Deloule E & Vervoort JD

Delpech G. (2023) Late Neoproterozoic Takab Iron Formation, NW Iran: Implication for BIF Depositional Setting
Honarmand M, Nabatian G, Delpech G, Bayon G, Wagner-Raffin C, Boudouma O, Monsef I & Orberger B
(2017) Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Upper Mantle: New Insights from Ultra-Refractory Mantle Xenoliths in an Oceanic Intraplate Setting
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B, Guillaume D, Debaille V, Wasilewski B, Grégoire M, Delacour A, Cottin J-Y & Delpech G
(2016) Highly CO2-supersaturated Melts in the Carpathian-Pannonian Lithosphere
Creon L, Rouchon V, Delpech G, Szabo C, Asimow PD, Antoschechkina PM, Ghiorso MS & Guyot F
(2015) Mantle CO2 Fluxes to the Pannonian Lithosphere Inferred from Mantle Xenolith Investigation
Creon L, Delpech G, Rouchon V, Szabo C, Asimow PD, Antoshechkina PM, Ghiorso MS & Guyot F
(2009) Os Isotope Evolution of an Oceanic Intra-Plate Volcano: Tahiti-Nui (Society Islands, French Polynesia)
Nauret F, David K, Gannoun A, Hildenbrand A, Gillot P-Y, Delpech G & Schiano P
(2008) Origin of the 26-25 Ma Flood Basalts from Mont Havergal, Northermost Kerguelen (South Indian Ocean)
Delpech G, Nauret F, Moulin M, Deschamps F & Cottin J-Y
(2007) Significance of the Mantle Fe Isotope Variations
Poitrasson F, Delpech G, Grégoire M & Moine B
(2007) Extremely Refractory Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle and its Implications for Geochemical Mass Balance
Neumann E-R, Simon NS, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Delpech G & Gregoire M
(2006) Iron isotopes track planetary accretion or differentiation?
Poitrasson F, Roskosz M, Delpech G, Grégoire M & Moine B
(2002) Carbonate Melt in Oceanic Mantle: Evidence from Kerguelen Mantle Xenoliths
Moine BN, Sheppard SMF, O'Reilly SY, Gregoire M, Delpech G & Renac C
(2002) Trace-Element Variations and Melt Percolation within Mantle Xenoliths from Algeria
Cottin J-Y, Delpech G, Zerka M, O'Reilly SY, Gregoire M & Lorand J-P
(2002) Na-CO2 Rich Metasomatism beneath the Kerguelen Oceanic Plateau (South Indian Ocean)
Delpech G, Grégoire M, Cottin J-Y, O'Reilly SY, Michon G & Moine BN
(2002) Magnesium Isotopic Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle: An in situ Study of Mantle-Derived Olivine
Pearson N, Griffin W, O'Reilly S & Delpech G

Delph J. (2020) Thermal Controls on Oceanic Lithosphere Dehydration and Fluid Flux to the Mantle during Subduction
Condit C, Holt A, Guevara V, Delph J & French M
(2018) A Geochemical and Seismic Search for Deep, Active MASH Zones
Delph J, Shimizu K, Rasmussen D, Ratschbacher B & Pu X

Delplace G. (2021) Investigation of Chemical Contamination after a Strong Flash Flood (2018) in the Mining Area of the Orbiel Catchment (France)
Behra P, Delplace G, Schreck E, Oliva P & Viers J

Delpomdor F. (2019) First Molecular Identification of Fungi Microfossils in 715-810 Millions-Years Shale Rock
Bonneville S, Delpomdor F, Préat A, Chevalier C, Araki T, Abyaneh M, Steele A, Schreiber A, Wirth R & Benning LG
(2015) In Search of Neoproterozoic Fungi Microfossils
Bonneville S, Baert K, Hubin A & Delpomdor F

Delpoux O. (2007) Molecular Identification of the Deuterium-Rich Carrier in Insoluble Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, Robert F, Mostefaoui S, Meibom A, Delpoux O, Gourier D, Binet L & Derenne S

Delpoux S. (2023) Transport of Arsenic and Trace Metals in the Orbiel River Downstream the Salsigne Mining District (Aude, France): Sources, Dynamics and Fluxes during Floods
Carrière L, Resongles E, Heydon M, Viers J, Schreck E, Freydier R, Marchand P, Guilliod M, Domeau A, Marie M, Delpoux S, Causserand-Fabbro C, Pages A, Horgue P, Roux H, Behra P & Casiot C
(2019) Bio-Precipitation of Arsenic and Antimony from Acid Mine Water in a Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor
Laroche E, Joulian C, Casiot C, Hery M, Gassaud C, Charron M, Delpoux S & Battaglia-Brunet F
(2017) A New Compilation of Element Concentrations in the Natural River Water Standard SLRS-6 (NRC-Cnrc)
Yeghicheyan D, Aubert D, Bouhnik-Le Coz M, Chmeleff J, Delpoux S, Djouraev I, Granier G, Lacan F, Piro J-L, Rousseau T, Cloquet C, Marquet A, Menniti C, Pradoux C, Freydier R, Vieira da Silva-Filho E & Suchorski K
(2017) Monitoring Biological Oxidation and Removal of Arsenic and Iron in a Field Bioreactor Treating As-Rich Acid Mine Drainage
Fernandez-Rojo L, Héry M, Laroche E, Tardy V, Bruneel O, Delpoux S, Desoeuvre A, Grapin G, Savignac J, Boisson J, Morin G & Casiot C
(2013) Modifications of Cu Isotopic Ratios in Coastal Sediments in Relation to the Increased Use of Copper Based Antifouling Paints
Briant N, Freydier R, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Bancon-Montigny C & Delpoux S

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