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Delin G. (2014) Subsurface Hydrologic Limitations on Crude Oil Biodegradation
Bekins B, Baedecker MJ, Eganhouse R, Hostettler F, Drennan D, Herkelrath W, Warren E, Delin G & Cozzarelli I
(2008) Methane Oxidation in a Crude Oil Contaminated Aquifer
Amos R, Bekins B, Cozzarelli I, Voytk M, Kirshtein J, Delin G & Blowes D

Delina Ruth Esther
(2018) Fate of Cr in a Ni Laterite Mine Catchment, Palawan, Philippines
Delina RE, Arcilla C & Otake T

Delina Ruth Esther G. (2023) Distribution and Speciation of Chromium in Active and Legacy Nickel Laterite Tailings
Delina REG, Perez JPH, Stammeier JA, Syczewski M, Rabang DCV, Tan MM, Garcia JJL, Arcilla CA & Benning LG

Delinardo M. (2016) The Carajás IOCG Deposits: A SLIP-Related Mineral System?
Monteiro LV, Moreto C, Xavier R, Juliani C, Melo G, Veloso A, Delinardo M, Previato M, Jesus S, Sousa S & Marques I
(2013) Mesoarchean Tectonic Evolution of the Carajás Domain, Carajás Province, PA, Brazil
Delinardo M, Monteiro L, Xavier R, Moreto C, Melo G, Benedetti R & Sousa D

Delinardo da Silva M. (2015) Multiple IOCG-Forming Events in the Carajás Province, Brazil
Moreto C, Monteiro L, Xavier R, Melo G, Delinardo da Silva M & Creaser R

Deline P. (2009) 10Be Production Rate from 1717 AD Rock Avalanche in Val Ferret (Mont Blanc Massif, Italy)
Akçar N, Ivy-Ochs S, Deline P, Kubik PW & Schlüchter C

Delitsky M. (2013) Dark Organic Matter in Permanently Shadowed Craters on Mercury
Harju E, Paige D, Siegler M, Delitsky M & Schriver D

Dell´Mour M. (2011) The Biogeochemistry of Phytosiderophores in the Rhizosphere in Relation to Fe Uptake
Schenkeveld W, Oburger E, Dell´Mour M, Stanetty C, Walter M, Hann S, Puschenreiter M & Krämer S

Dell'Abate M.T. (2011) Potentiality and Limits of Applying DSC and TG to Complex Systems: Direct and Indirect Information
Dell'Abate MT

Dell'Oro A. (2020) The Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Basinal Fluids in the Paradox Basin: Implications for Sources, Flowpaths, and Residence Time
Kim J-H, Noyes C, Dell'Oro A, Tyne R, Ferguson G, Person M, Ma L, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ballentine C, Reiners P & McIntosh J

Dell'Oro T. (2012) The Neoproterozoic Franklin Large Igneous Province, Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for Changing Sources, and Linkages between Intrusive and Extrusive Components
Bedard J, Dell'Oro T, Weis D, Scoates J, Williamson N, Cousens B, Naslund H, Ben H, Hryciuk M, Boswell W & Charlie B

Della Corte V. (2015) Characterization of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Dust Environment by GIADA
Della Corte V, Rotundi A, Fulle M & Giada Team I

Della Lunga D. (2016) Why Less is More – High-Time Resolution from Laser-Ablation Mass Spectrometry in Palaeo¬environ¬mental Research and Beyond
Müller W, Della Lunga D, Evans D & Warter V
(2013) Location of Cation Impurities in NGRIP Deep Ice Revealed by Cryo-Cell UV-Laser-Ablation ICPMS
Della Lunga D, Müller W, Rasmussen SO & Svensson A

Della Mea G. (2000) Influence of Calcium on the Dissolution Behaviour of Sodium Aluminosilicate Glasses
Petit J, Angeli F, Boscarino D, Della Mea G & Boizot B

Della Porta G. (2019) In situ Carbonate U-Pb Analysis by LA-ICP-MS: From Absolute Dating to Understanding the U-Pb Partitioning in Lacustrine Systems
Montano D, Gasparrini M, Gerdes A, Albert R, Rohais S & Della Porta G
(2016) Evidence for Micrite Formation by Particle-Dominated Mineralization
Frisia S, Rubanov S, Borsato A, Gattolin G, Della Porta G, Marjo C, Rich A & Dove P

Della Puppa L. (2013) Evaluating the Efficiency of a Synthetic Amorphous Manganese Oxide for Chemical Stabilization of Cu in a Contaminated Soil
Komarek M, Trakal L, Michalkova Z & Della Puppa L
(2011) Sorption of Metals on a Novel Synthesized Mn (Oxy)hydroxide
Della Puppa L, Komárek M & Bordas F

Della Ventura G. (2015) FTIR Imaging: A Powerful Technique in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Della Ventura G
(2013) FTIR Imaging of Carbon Dioxide Diffusion in Cordierite-Like Structures
Radica F, Bellatreccia F, Della Ventura G, Freda C, Cinque G & Cestelli Guidi M
(2013) Volatiles in Arrojadite: Combining Single-Crystal XRD and FTIR Microspectroscopy
Oberti R, Della Ventura G, Bellatreccia F & Radica F

Dellantonio A. (2009) Biogeochemistry of Tungsten Alloys in Soils
Dellantonio A, Davis M & Amrhein C

Dellapena T. (2018) The Effect of Chemical Interactions between Seawater and Riverine Particles on the Carbonate Chemistry in the Gulf of Mexico
Wurgaft E, Wang Z, Ringham M, Song S, Dellapena T, Churchill J & Lazar B

Dellapenna T. (2013) Enhanced Subsidence and Sediment Dynamics in Galveston Bay- Implications for Geochemical Processes and Fate and Transport of Contaminants
Al Mukaimi M & Dellapenna T

Delle Piane C. (2023) Natural Hydrogen in Low Temperature Geofluids in a Mesoproterozoic Granite, South Australia
Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Wilske C, Mallants D, Suckow AO, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M, Gerber C, Crane P & Deslandes A
(2023) Authigenic Silica and Primary Productivity in the Mesoproterozoic Oceans: Insights from the Organic Rich Mudstones of the Velkerri Formation (Northern Territory Australia)
Delle Piane C, Millilken KL, Crombez V, Martin LAJ & Rickard WDA
(2023) Noble Gas Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in the Deep Hiltaba Suite Granite (South Australia) Reveal Fluid Circulation on the Billion Year Time Scale
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Crane P, Deslandes A, Delle Piane C, Bourdet J, Questiaux D, Spooner N, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M & Mallants D
(2022) Noble Gases from Fluid Inclusions in the Hiltaba Suite Granite, South Australia
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Deslandes A, Crane P, Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Spooner N & Mallants D

Dellepiane G. (2021) Argon-37 Emanation Rates Determined for Irradiated Dry and Wet Rock Samples
Musy SL, Braccini S, Dellepiane G, Casolaro P & Purtschert RJ
(2020) Ar-37 Emanation Factors Determined by Irradiation Experiments on Soil Samples
Purtschert R, Musy S, Dellepiane G & Braccini S

Dellinger Marc (2019) How Seawater Sulfate Concentration Affects Foraminifera Biology and CAS Incorporation
Thaler C, Paris G, Dellinger M, Berland S, Marie A, Dissard D, Rollion Bard C & Bartolini A

Dellinger Mathieu (2015) Importance of Atmospheric Inputs on Biogeochemical Cycles in a Tropical Andesitic Watershed (Guadeloupe): Insight from Li-Sr-Nd Isotopes
Clergue C, Dellinger M, Cogez A, Buss HL, Gaillardet J, Benedetti M & Dessert C
(2015) Is the Earth Surface Denudation Operating at Steady State?
Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Louvat P & Gayer É
(2014) Widespread Export of Permafrost-Derived Organic Carbon by the Mackenzie River: A Carbon Dioxide Sink Rather Than Source?
Hilton R, Galy V, Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Bryant C, ORegan M & Grocke D
(2013) Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Dissolved Load in the Amazon River Basin
Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J, Calmels D, Louvat P, Gorge C & Maurice L
(2013) Li and Sr Constraints on Biogeochemical Processes in a Tropical Andesitic Watershed
Clergue C, Dessert C, Buss H, Dellinger M, Crispi O, Rousteau A, Gaillardet J & Benedetti M
(2013) Li Isotopes: The Ideal Weathering Tracer?
Gaillardet J, Dellinger M, Bouchez J, Clerque C, Louvat P, Dessert C & Gorge C
(2012) The Fractionation of Lithium Isotopes during Continental Weathering: Clues from the Amazon and Mackenzie Rivers
Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Galy V, Louvat P, Birck J-L & Bouchez J
(2011) A Close Look at the Carbon Cycle from the Roselend Natural Laboratory Using Laser-Based Isotope Ratio Spectrometry
Pili E, Guillon S, Agrinier P & Dellinger M
(2009) Transient Geochemical and Hydrogeological Coupling during Weathering and the Carbon Cycle in the Critical Zone
Pili E, Dellinger M, Charlet L, Agrinier P, Chabaux F & Richon P

Dellinger Mathieu (2015) Large Variations of Lithium Isotopic Compositions in the Congo River System Trace Two Contrasted Weathering Regimes on a Flat Continental Setting
Henchiri S, Gaillardet J, Dellinger M, Bouchez J & Spencer R

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