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Delbart Celestine (2012) Events Control of Karst Aquifer Recharge
Delbart C, Barbecot F, Valdes D, Tognelli A & Purtschert R

Delbart Célestine (2021) Water and Suspended Sediments Tracing to Study Hydrosedimentary Transfers in a Drained Context: From the Field to the Catchment Scale
Gaillot A, Cerdan O, Delbart C, Vanhooydonck P, Desmet M & Salvador-Blanes S

Delbes L. (2023) Burial of Fe Bearing Precursors to ‘chemical Sediments’ in the Deep Past
Guilbaud R, Boulard E, Baptiste B, Delbes L, Menjot L & Guarnelli Y
(2021) Road Stormwater Basins as Accumulators Lead the Way to the Study of the Traffic-Induced Antimony Contamination
Philippe M, Le Pape P, Bordier L, Delbes L & Ayrault S
(2019) Searching for Biosignatures on Mars: Experimental Perspectives
Viennet J-C, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Jacquemot P, Balan E, Delbes L, Rigaud B, Georgelin T & Jaber M

Delcamp A. (2013) Crustal Versus Source Processes on the Northeast Volcanic Rift Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands
Deegan FM, Troll VR, Barker AK, Harris C, Chadwick JP, Carracedo JC & Delcamp A
(2012) Crustal Versus Source Processes on the Northeast Volcanic Rift Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands
Deegan FM, Troll VR, Barker AK, Harris C, Chadwick JP, Carracedo JC & Delcamp A

Delcher E. (2016) Geochemical Characterization of a High Resolution DC Electrical Resistivity Tomography Crossing the Summit Craters of Mt Etna
Finizola A, Ricci T, Sciarra A, Delcher E, Antoine R, Peltier A, Neri M, Bernard J, Brothelande E, Fargier Y, Fauchard C, Foucart B, Gailler L, Gusset R, Lazarte Zerpa I, Martin E, Mezon C, Poret M, Portal A & Rossi M

Delchini S. (2017) Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material (RSCM) Geothermometery in Rocks of Advanced Diagenesis Processes and Low-Grade Metamorphism: Application to the Franciscan Complex, CA, to Examine the Pressure Effect
Lahfid A, Lacroix B & Delchini S

Delcroix M. (2023) Modelling Method for Glass Alteration with Graal2 Model
Delcroix M

Deldicque D. (2021) Sulfur Signature of Hydrothermal Systems in Central Nepal
Thapa S, Girault F, Labidi J, Muller E, Deldicque D, Losno R & Perrier F
(2014) Plant Root Encrustation Processes: Insights from a Multitechnique Characterization Strategy
El Khatib R, Bernard S, Huguet A, Deldicque D, Anquetil C, Gocke M, Wiesenberg G & Derenne S

Delebecque N. (2017) The Possible Future of Coccolithophores in an Acidifying Ocean
Delebecque N, Boyé M, Probert I, Sutton J, Ponzevera E, Langer G & Marie-Alexandrine S

Deleersnijder E. (2017) Benthic-Planktonic Radiocarbon Age as Ocean Ventilation Proxy: The Impact of Air-Sea Exchange
Mouchet A, Beckers J-M, Deleersnijder E, Delhez E & Mikolajewicz U

Delegado Huertas A. (2008) Mineralogical Evidence of Advanced Argillic Alteration, Ghaleh Dar Area, in the Central Iranian Magmatic Belt
Taghipour B, Mackizadeh MA, Kasson A, Delegado Huertas A & Taghipour S

Delemarle A. (2012) Current Regulatory Limitations for the Development of Products Containing Nanomaterials with a Life Cycle Perspective
Auplat C & Delemarle A

Delemos J. (2014) In situ Immobilization of Uranium in Groundwater via Phosphate Reprecipitation
Adilman D, Delemos J, Zeeb P, Larson D, Quicksall A, Hunt J, Thompson B, Lammers L, Schillig P, Capaldi L & Hagar H
(2010) Linking Periodic Mineralogical Transformations to Changes in Aqueous Lead and Arsenic Concentrations: Implications for Long-Term Stabilization
Delemos J, Vidumsky J, Sun J, Bostick B, Brady W, Cadwalader G & DeFlaun M

Delen O. (2016) New Lunar Non-Polar Highlands Perspectives of Regolith Maturation
Cahill J, Lawrence D, Delen O, Stickle A, Patterson W & Greenhagen B

Delenitzin A. (2005) U-Pb Zircon and Sm-Nd Data for Rocks of the Murmansk Domain (Kola Peninsula, NE Baltic Shield)
Kudryashov N, Apanasevich E & Delenitzin A

Delerce S. (2022) The Importance of Ca-Bearing Zeolites for Mineral Carbonation
Heřmanská M, Delerce S & Oelkers EH
(2021) Potential for CO2 Mineral Storage in Altered Basalts
Delerce S & Oelkers EH

Delestre M. (2018) Recovery Dynamics of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions Following an Intense Flooding Event at a 2-Lake Bank Filtration Site
Masse-Dufresne J, Baudron P, Barbecot F, Marcotte D, Proteau-Bédard F, Patenaude M, Pontoreau C & Delestre M

Delfanti R. (2016) Fukushima and the Ocean- Five Years Later
Buesseler K, Dai M, Aoyama M, Benitez-Nelson C, Charmasson S, Delfanti R, Higley K, Maderich V, Masque P, Morris P, Oughton D & Smith J

Delfin F. (2004) Source Compositional Variability beneath the Bicol Arc, the Philippines
McDermott F, Delfin F, Defant M, Turner S & Maury R

Delgado A. (2019) Sedimentation Conditions of Mineralizated Bitominous Limestones in the La Sota Sector, Puyango, Ecuador
Manrique J, Calderón E & Delgado A
(2018) Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Signature of Thermal Waters in an Andean Geothermal System
Pérez-Moreno R, Reich M, Daniele L, Tardani D, Wrage J, Sánchez-Alfaro P, Held S, Delgado A & Morata D

Delgado Carlos (2023) Nanoscale Detection of Microbial Fossils in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs): Examples from 2.74 Ga Carajás Formation, Brazil
Vasconcelos C, Ganade C, Teixeira N, McKenzie J, Delgado C & Martinez-Ruiz F

Delgado Cristina (2013) Relation between Diatom Communities and the Degree of AMD Affection in Selected Water Dams in Iberian Pyrite Belt
Valente T, Almeida S, Rivera MJ, Delgado C, Gomes P, de la Torre ML, Santisteban M & Grande Gil JA

Delgado D. (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J

Delgado H. (2015) Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Volcanic Gases from Poás and Turrialba Volcanoes, Costa Rica
Alfonso P, Martinez M, Canet C, Delgado H, Fernandez E & Saenz W

Delgado Joaquin (2010) Application of the Modified-BCR Sequential Extraction Procedure to the Assessment of the Anthropogenic Pollution in Contaminated Soils from the City of Huelva (SW Spain)
Guillén MT, Delgado J, Nieto Liñán JM & Caraballo MA
(2009) Environmental Geochemical Mapping of Soils in the City of Huelva (SW Spain)
Guillén Herrera MT, Delgado J, Nieto Liñan JM, Albanese S, Lima A & De Vivo B
(2009) Mine-Related Pollution in the Guadiana Estuary (SW Iberia)
Delgado J, Nieto JM & Boski T

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