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Del Nero Mireille (2014) Studying α-Al2O3-Eu-fulvic Acid Interactions by Means of ESI-FTMS
Fleury G, Galindo C, Del Nero M, Courson O & Barillon R
(2014) Molecular Scale Study of the Sorptive Fractionation of a Fulvic Acid by Means of ESI-FTMS
Del Nero M, Galindo C, Fleury G & Courson O
(2012) U(VI)-organic Phosphate Complex Formation Studied by ESI-FTMS
Galindo C, Del Nero M, Courson O & Georg S
(2012) Monitoring Dynamics of Species and Adsorption Reactions at the Corundum-Oxalate-Solution Interface by in situ ATR-FTIR
Del Nero M, Galindo C, Bucher G & Barillon R
(2010) Surface Precipitation at the Al2O3 / Uranyl Phosphate Solution Interface
Del Nero M, Galindo C & Barillon R
(2009) Spectroscopic Studies of Uranyl Sorption in PO4 / α-Al2O3 Systems
Del Nero M, Galindo C, Halter E & Madé B
(2002) 2.O b.y Old Natural Nuclear Wastes: The Natural Nuclear Reactors in Gabon
Gauthier-Lafaye F, Stille P & Del Nero M

Del Nero Mirella (2023) The Use of Stable Lead Isotopes for the Identification of the Sources and Transport Processes Leading to the Release of Radioactive Contaminants Downstream of Former Uranium Mine Sites
Geng T, Peron O, Mangeret A, Le Coz M, David K, Del Nero M, Montavon G & Gourgiotis A
(2021) In situ ATR – FTIR Study of Uranyl Sorption at Illite – Solution Interface in the Presence of Phosphate Ions
Guo S, Del Nero M, Meyer-Georg S, Courson O & Barillon R
(2019) Influence of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter on the Mobility of Uranium and Lanthanides in Surface Waters of a Former U-Mining Site
Meyer-Georg S, Del Nero M, Courson O, Boltoeva M, Barillon R & Massemin S
(2017) Seasonal Variation of NOM Composition in Vosgian Freshwaters: A Molecular Scale ESI-FTMS Study
Courson O, Fleury G, Meyer-Georg S, Del Nero M & Barillon R
(2017) Influence of FA Composition on Mobility of Trace Metal Elements (TME) in Surface Waters
Meyer-Georg S, Courson O, Fleury G, Boltoeva M, Del Nero M & Barillon R
(2017) Effect of Fulvic Acid Fractionation on TME Speciation/Availability in Soils
Fleury G, Del Nero M, Courson O, Meyer-Georg S, Boos A, Massemin S & Barillon R

Del Net W. (2017) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Aqueous Electrolyte Solution Critical Properties
Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina E, Testemale D, Proux O, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Aguilar-tapia A, Del Net W, Lahera E & Irar M
(2017) HERFD-Xas: A New Powerful Structural Tool in Environmental & Geochemistry Sciences
Lahera E, Bazarkina E, Del Net W, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Proux O, Testemale D, Irar M, Thomas S, Aguilar-Tapia A, Prat A, Tella M, Auffan M, Rose J & Hazemann J-L
(2015) Sulfur Radical Species Form Gold Deposits on Earth
Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Guillaume D, Borisova A, Gisquet P, Jean-Louis H, Lahera E, Del Net W, Proux O, Testemale D, Haigis V, Jonchière R, Seitsonen A, Ferlat G, Vuilleumier R, Saitta M, Boiron M-C & Dubessy J

del Real I. (2021) Actinolite as a Proxy for Characterizing the Thermal Evolution of Iron-Oxide Copper Gold Deposits
del Real I, Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Barra F, Rodriguez-Mustafa MA & Thompson JFH
(2019) In situ Geochemical and Isotopic Signature of Pyrite as a Proxy for Fluid Sources in the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre IOCG District, Chile
del Real I, Thompson J, Simon A & Reich M

del Rey Á. (2020) Nutrients, Ocean Redox and a Explosion of Life: A Brief Description of the Middle Ordovician
del Rey Á, Calner M & Dahl TW
(2019) Uranium Isotopes, Ocean Anoxia, Primary Productivity and Carbonate Diagenesis
del Rey Á, Havsteen J, Munnecke A, Bizarro M & Dahl T

Del Río D. (2023) Experimental Study of Polystyrene Biodegradation by Tenebrio Molitor Y Zophobas Morio
Del Río D, Hernández-Rocha M, Méndez-Torres J & Hernández Terrones LM

del Rio I. (2021) Drainage Network Reorganization and Aridification in “El Desierto de la Tatacoa” (Colombia) in the Late Pleistocene
Souza DH, Parra M, Pupim F & del Rio I

Del Toro Contreras C. (2020) An Isotopically Depleted, Rejuvenated Stage Source Component Widely Distributed in the Hawaiian Plume
Frey F, Huang S, Xu G, DeFelice C & Del Toro Contreras C

del Valle H.F. (2014) Quantification of Relative Humidity and Isotopic Composition of Precipitation Using Combined δ2H and δ18O Analyses on Lipid and Sugar Biomarkers
Tuthorn M, Zech R, Ruppenthal M, Oelmann Y, Kahmen A, del Valle HF, Eglinton T & Zech M

Del Valle I. (2019) Synthetic Biosensors for Detection of Cryptic Elemental Cycles
Shis D, Fulk E, Del Valle I, Carrie M & Joff S
(2019) New Synthetic Biology Tools to Track Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
Masiello C, Silberg J, Stadler L, Fulk E, Del Valle I, Gao X, Shis D & Bennett G
(2018) New Synthetic Biology Tools to Scale up Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
Masiello C, Silberg J, Cheng S, Del Valle I, Fulk E, Gao X & Bennett G

Del Vecchio R. (2011) Impact of Reductants on the Optical Properties of Humic Substances (HS)
Del Vecchio R, Heighton L, Golanoski K & Blough N
(2011) Effects of Sodium Borohydride Reduction and Dioxygen Concentration on the Photochemical Properties of Humic Substances
Blough N, Golanoski K, Zhang Y & Del Vecchio R

Del Ventisette C. (2013) Ten Years of Ground Deformations Monitored by the Ground-Based SAR System on Stromboli Volcano and its Use in Forecasting Intense Volcanic Activity
Nolesini T, Di Traglia F, Intrieri E, Bardi F, Ferrigno F, Frodella W, Tacconi Stefanelli C, Tanteri L, Del Ventisette C & Casagli N

Del Vento S. (2007) Gas-Particle Partitioning, Atmospheric Deposition and Long Range Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants over the Oceans
Dachs J, Del Vento S, Berrojalbiz N & Valle M-C

Del Villar L.P. (2013) Gas Discharges for Continental Spain: Geochemical and Isotopic Features
Vaselli O, Nisi B, Tassi F, Darrah T, Bruno J, Elio J, Grandia F & Del Villar LP

Dela Pierre F. (2017) Hydrology of Marginal Evaporitic Basins during the Messinian Salinity Crisis
El Kilany A, Caruso A, Dela Pierre F, Natalicchio M, Rouchy J-M & Aloisi G

Delacour A. (2021) Ca-Metasomatism of Lawsonite Eclogite-Facies Metasediment Evidences High-Pressure Intra-Slab C-O-H-S Fluid Transfer
Laurent AT, Delacour A & Chevet J
(2017) Influence of Fluid-Rock Interactions on The Iron Isotope Composition of The Oceanic Lithosphere
Dessimoulie L, Delacour A, Marin-Carbonne J, Gannoun A-M, Chevet J & Guillaume D
(2017) Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Upper Mantle: New Insights from Ultra-Refractory Mantle Xenoliths in an Oceanic Intraplate Setting
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B, Guillaume D, Debaille V, Wasilewski B, Grégoire M, Delacour A, Cottin J-Y & Delpech G
(2011) Iron Speciation in Serpentine during Oceanic-Type Serpentinization
Andreani M, Munoz M, Marcaillou C & Delacour A
(2008) Carbon in Ancient Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: The Northern Apennine Ophiolites (Italy) and the Iberian Margin
Schwarzenbach E, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Plas A & Delacour A
(2007) Building Lost City: Serpentinization, Mass Transfer and Life in a Peridotite-Hosted Hydrothermal System
Früh-Green G, Delacour A, Boschi C, Bernasconi S, Butterfield D, Kelley D & Proskurowski G

DeLaeter J.R. (2001) Cesium-135-Barium-135 Chronology in the Early Solar System
Hidaka H, Ohta Y, Yoneda S & DeLaeter JR

Delahaye A. (2017) Multielemental and Pb, Zn Isotopic Study of Metal Transfer Processes in Soils and Lichens from an Old Mining Area (São Domingos, Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Branquinho C, Delahaye A, Vogel-Mota R, Couder E, Delvaux B & Matos JX

Delak K. (2005) Amorphous Oligomer Nucleation and Aggregation Mechanism for Biomineralization
Sahai N & Delak K

Delalande M. (2011) Modelling of Long-Term Diffusion-Reaction in the Callovo-Oxfordian Clay for Radioactive Waste Confinement
Delalande M, Fritz B, Clement A & Michau N

Delaloye M. (2002) New 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar Age Implications and Geochemical Constrains on Metamorphic Rocks of the Tauride Belt Ophiolites (Southern Turkey)
Celik F & Delaloye M

Delaney J (2014) The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-Term Coupled Geochemistry and Microbiology Experimentation in the Deep-Sea
Orcutt B, Lapham L, Girguis P, Wheat CG, Marshall K & Delaney J
(2005) Geometric Constraints of in situ Synchrotron micro-XANES Determinations of Oxidation State
Delaney J, Dyar MD, Gunter M, Sutton S & Lanzirotti A
(2005) Transmission and Fluorescence Mode microXAS Analysis of Oriented Mineral Grains
Dyar MD, Delaney J, Gunter M, Sutton S & Lanzirotti A

Delaney Jennifer (2021) Voltage Dependent Mineral Deposition Mediated by Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Enalls BC, Delaney J & Girgius P
(2016) Arsenic Concentrations and Species in Three Hydrothermal Vent Worms
Maher W, Duncan E, Dilley G, Foster S, Delaney J, Krikowa F, Lombi E, Scheckel K & Girgius P

Delaney Jeremy (2018) Oxybarometry Based on Valence State Proxies: Progress and Challenges
Sutton S, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Dyar MD & Delaney J

Delaney M. (2009) Transient Changes in Southern Ocean Nd Isotope Composition in Response to Antarctic Glaciation
Scher H, Pusz A, Bohaty S, Thunell R & Delaney M
(2008) Ice Sheet Regulation of Weathering Fluxes during the Eocene Oligocene Transition
Scher H & Delaney M
(2005) Mn Enrichment Factors, Changes in Paleo-Redox or Source Material at Nazca Ridge (ODP Site 1237)
Chun C & Delaney M
(2004) Interstitial Water Geochemistry, Southeast Pacific Paleoceanographic Transects (ODP Leg 202)
Delaney M

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