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Dekas Anne E (2021) Determining the Magnitude, Controls, and Mediators of Microbial Activity in Shelf to Abyssal Marine Sediments and Implications for Deep Time
Meyer NR, Parada AE, Kapili BJ & Dekas AE
(2021) Evolution of an Energy Dissipating Protein Domain Indicates Shared Origin for Ancient Metabolisms and a Self-Organizing Mechanism
Kapili BJ & Dekas AE

Dekas Anne E. (2023) Expanding the Known Diversity of Methanogenic Microorganisms: Mcr-Based Methane Production in Archaeoglobaceae
Buessecker S, Chadwick GL, Quan ME, Hedlund BP, Dodsworth JA & Dekas AE
(2023) Activity and Physiology of Uncultured Microorganisms from the Ocean Surface to Seafloor
Dekas AE, Arandia-Gorostidi N & Parada AE
(2023) Anoxic Microsites Enhance Soil Carbon Storage and Respond to Management
Lacroix E, Gomes A, Barratt Heitmann G, Schuler D, Dekas AE, Liptzin D, Aberle E, Watts DB, Nelson K, Culman S & Fendorf S

Dekayir A. (2023) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Mining Waste in Zeïda Abandoned Mine (High Moulouya, Morocco)
El Houfy FZ, Dekayir A, Rouai M, Jordan G & Ech-Charef A
(2023) Soil Heavy Metals Contamination in the Vicinity of the Abandoned Zeïda Mine in the Upper Moulouya Basin, Morocco
Ech-Charef A, Dekayir A, Jordan G, Rouai M & El Houfy FZ
(2011) Geochemical and Geophysical Coupling Study of the Karstic Aquifer between Saïs Basin and the Causses of the Middle Atlas (Morocco). Fez-Meknès Area
Miche H, Mayer A, Rouai M, Saracco G, Dekayir A, Chalikakis K & Emblanch C

Dekens Petra (2014) Stable SST in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Transition
Dekens P, Ravelo AC & Griffith E
(2009) Causes and Impacts of Tropical Pacific Climate Change during the Early Pliocene Warm Period
Ravelo C, Hoven S & Dekens P
(2002) Core-Top Depth Transect from the South China Sea Reveals Dissolution Control on Mg/Ca Paleothermometry
Lea D, Josh H, Pak DK, Sarnthein M & Dekens P

Dekens Petra S (2017) Late Quaternary Chronology of the Lower Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354) – Paleoclimate Implications
Weber ME, Dekens PS, Reilly BS, Lantzsch H, Selkin PA, Das SK, Williams T, Martos YM, Adhikari RR, Gyawali BR, Jia G, Fox L, Ge J, Manoj MC, Savian J & Meynadier L

Dekker R. (2019) Constraining the U-236 Input Function from Nuclear Reprocessing Using Sea Shells
Christl M, Castrillejo M, Witbaard R, Dekker R, Richardson CA, Casacuberta N, Vockenhuber C, Wacker L, Welte C, Yeman C, Más Malbuena J-L, Krzystek A, Zeder C & Synal H-A

Dekkers Mark (2014) Tephrochronostratigraphy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation: Implications for Coal Deposition?
Kuiper K, Abels H, Dekkers M, Hilgen F, Noorbergen L, Rost E, Smit J, van der Kaars S & van Wetten I

Dekkers Mark J. (2016) Iron Mineral Transformations in Clay-Rich Sediments Accompanying the Progression of an Oxidation Front
Morera Chavarria A, Dekkers MJ, Roetert Steenbruggen KV, Hoving AL, Spassov S, Griffioen J & Behrends T

Dekoninck A. (2017) Chronology of Weathering Periods by Supergene Goethite (U-Th)/He Dating in the Oriental High Atlas, Morocco
Verhaert M, Gautheron C, Bernard A, Dekoninck A, Missenard Y & Yans J

Dekov V. (2019) Hydrothermal Carbonate Chimneys from Afar Rift
Dekov V, Gueguen B, Okumura T, Bayon G, Yamanaka T, Mousa N, Yoshimura T, Kamenov G, Araoka D & Makita H

Dektor C. (2005) Petrology of Ultramafic Xenoliths from Kharchinsky Volcano, Russia
Dektor C, Yogodzinski G & Churikova T

Dekura H. (2016) Thermal Conductivity of Lower Mantle Minerals from ab Initio Anharmonic Lattice Dynamics
Dekura H & Tsuchiya T
(2016) Experimental and Theoretical Thermal Equations of State of MgSiO3 Post-Perovskite at Multi-Megabar Pressures
Sakai T, Dekura H & Hirao N
(2011) Ab Initio Study on Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Minerals
Dekura H, Tsuchiya T & Tsuchiya J
(2011) Multimegabar Phase Relations of Major Earth and Planetary Materials
Tsuchiya T, Dekura H, Metsue A & Kuwayama Y

Del Bello E. (2022) Magma-Mush Dynamics Control Paroxysmal Eruptions at Basaltic Volcanoes: The Summer 2019 Eruptions at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
Petrone CM, Mollo S, Gertisser R, Buret Y, Scarlato P, Del Bello E, Andronico D, Ellis BS, Pontesilli A, De Astis G, Giacomoni PP & Coltorti M
(2021) Where has the Mush Gone? A Tale of a Rejuvenated System
Petrone CM, Mollo S, Del Bello E, Scarlato P, Andronico D & Gertisser R
(2020) The 2019 Paroxyms at Stromboli Volcano (Italy): Timescales of Eruption Triggering
Petrone CM, Di Stefano F, Mollo S, Gertisser R, Del Bello E, Andronico D & Scarlato P
(2016) The 2013 Eruption of Chaparrastique (San Miguel) Volcano, El Salvador: Effects of Magma Storage, Mixing, and Decompression
Scarlato P, Mollo S, Del Bello E, von Quadt A, Brown R, Gutierrez E, Martinez-Hackert B & Papale P
(2016) Chemical and Textural Characterization of Cannonballs from Cerro Chopo Volcano (Costa Rica): A Preliminary Approach to their Origin
Di Piazza A, Del Bello E, Mollo S & Alvarado G
(2015) Determination of End-Member Proportions for Syn-Eruptive Magma Mixing of 2010 Eyjafjalljökull Eruption by High-Resolution Geochemical Mapping of Volcanic Ash
Laeger K, Petrelli M, Andronico D, Scarlato P, Cimarelli C, Del Bello E, Misiti V, Tadeucci J & Perugini D

del Buey P. (2017) Bioinduced Formation of Bloedite in a Shallow Saline Lake
del Buey P, Cabestrero Ó & Sanz Montero ME

Del Campillo M.C. (2011) Microbial Fe(III)-Reduction in Highly Calcareous Agricultural Soils
Sánchez-Alcala I, Straub KL, Del Campillo MC, Kraemer SM & Torrent J
(2009) Microbial Reduction of Fe-Bearing Minerals in Calcareous Soils
Sanchez-Alcala I, Straub KL, del Campillo MC, Kraemer SM & Torrent J

del Campo A. (2021) Metastable Nanodiamond Linked to Serpentinization of Olivine
Pujol-Solà N, Garcia-Casco A, Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, del Campo A, Colás V, Canals À, Sánchez-Navas A & Roqué-Rosell J
(2019) Analysis of Microorganisms-Mineral Interaction in the Deep Subsurface of the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Escudero C, del Campo A, Ares JR, Sánchez C, Amils R & Rodríguez N

Del Carlo P. (2013) Magma Dynamics at Etna Before the 122BC Plinian Eruption: Constraints from Plagioclase Zoning Profiles
Pompilio M & Del Carlo P
(2002) Magmatic Gas Scavenging Through Ashes: Mt. Etna July-August 2001 Eruption
Bellomo S, Del Carlo P, D'Alessandro W, Coltelli M & Parello F

Del Castillo C. (2017) Dissolved Carbon Biogeochemistry and Export from a Mangrove Estuary
Ho D, Wanninkhof R, Friederich G, Del Castillo C, Maher D, Dulai H & Schlosser P

Del Gaudio P. (2015) On the Role of Sulfur in Explaining Different Degassing Patterns in Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems
Scolamacchia T, Misiti V, Del Gaudio P, Cavallo A & Scarlato P

Del Genio A. (2018) Anoxic Atmospheric Photochemistry with ROCKE-3D: The Early Earth
Harman C, Tsigaridis K, Wolf E, Way M, Sohl L & Del Genio A

Del Giorgio Paul (2019) Methane Emissions Across Aquatic Systems – From Headwater Streams to the Open Ocean
Rosentreter J, Borges A, Duarte C, Raymond P, Del Giorgio P, Prarie Y, Olefeldt D & Eyre B

del Giorgio Paul A. (2012) Environmental Controls on the Reactivity of Sedimentary Organic Matter in the St. Lawrence Estuary
Alkhatib M, Schubert CJ, del Giorgio PA, Gelinas Y & Lehmann MF

Del Manzo G. (2022) Multiple Geochemical and Morphological Instrumental Approaches to Improve the Supereruption Young Toba Tuff Knowledge
Caron B, Del Manzo G, Villemant B, Bartolini A, Moreno E, Le Friant A, Bassinot F & Baudin F
(2021) LA-ICP-MS/MS Geological Applications from Volcanic Halogens to the Mars2020 Mission
Caron B, Dubacq B, Villemant B, Figowy S, Del Manzo G, Gyomlai T, Cousin A, Agard P, Le Friant A & Zack T

del Moral C. (2013) Biomineralization of Jarosite by Purpureocillium lilacinum, an Acidophilic Fungi Isolated from Río Tinto
Oggerin M, Tornos F, Rodríguez N, del Moral C, Sánchez-Román M & Amils R

Del Moro A. (2002) A Rare Case of Subduction-Related Metasomatism in Mantle Xenoliths from the Betic Area (South Spain)
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Coltorti M, Del Moro A, Siena F & Vaccaro C
(2000) Ancient Oceanic Plateaus in the Source of EMI Basalts: Evidence from Sardinian Basalt Geochemistry
Gasperini D, Blichert-Toft J, Bosch D, del Moro A, Macera P, Télouk P & Albarède F

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