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Deines Y. (2021) Protracted Oxygenation in the Paleoproterozoic did not Result in Proliferation of Mitochondrial Organisms
Mänd K, Planavsky NJ, Porter S, Robbins LJ, Wang C, Kreistmann T, Paiste K, Paiste P, Deines Y, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Konhauser K
(2021) The Grandest of Them All: The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and the Carbon Cycle
Prave T, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A, Fallick T, Kreistmann T, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Medvedev P, Moussavou M & Bakakas Mayika K
(2020) Lomagundi-Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursion – Isotopic Shift Happens
Lepland A, Bakakas K, Moussavou M, Kreitsmann T, Paiste K, Mänd K, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Prave A & Kirsimäe K

Deininger M. (2019) δ234Uo in Stalagmites as a Proxy of Paleohydrological Conditions, a LA-MC-ICP-MS Study
Bernal J-P, Cruz F, Lachniet M, Spötl C, Deininger M & Martinez-Paredes J-A
(2018) High-Resolution Sr Isotope Data of Speleothems by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Weber M, Scholz D, Wassenburg J, Jochum KP, Deininger M, Waltgenbach S, Breitenbach SFM, Hoffmann DL, Richter D & Plessen B
(2017) Centennial Growth Rate Variability of Two Alpine Holocene Speleothems
Arps J, Trüssel M, Leutz K, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Edwards L, Cheng H, Zhang P, Thil F, Deininger M, Aeschbach N, Spötl C, Fohlmeister J & Frank N
(2015) Spatio-temporal Coherency Analysis of European Holocene Speleothem δ18O Records Reveals Temperature Driven Changes
Deininger M & McDermott F

Deino A.l. (2015) Geochemistry and Mantle Source Characteristics of the Woranso-Mille Pliocene Basalts, West-Central Afar Rift, Ethiopia
Alene Araya M, Saylor BZ, Deino A, Hart WK, Mertzman SA, Gibert LB & Haile-Selassie Y
(2014) Rapid and Precise Pb Isotope Analysis of K-Feldspar: A New Tool for Tephrochronology
Ickert R, Renne P, Deino A & Sharp W
(2013) Stepwise Calibration of the Alder Creek Sanidine 40Ar/39Ar Dating Standard to the Historical 79 CE Eruption of Vesuvius
Renne P & Deino A
(2010) Collaboration of EarthChem and EARTHTIME to Develop a Geochronology and Thermochronology Database
Walker JD, Ash JM, Bowring J, Bowring SA, Deino AL, Kislitsyn R, Koppers AA & Lehnert KL
(2005) Precessional Climatic Signal in the Plio-Pliestocene Chemeron Formation, Central Kenya Rift
Deino A, Glen J, Kingston J & Hill A
(2005) Intercalibration of Astronomical and Radioisotopic Time
Kuiper K, Deino A, Hilgen F, Krijgsman W, Renne P & Wijbrans J

Deino Alan (2018) Site-Corrected Leaf Wax Biomarker Records Synthesized to Characterize East African Plio-Pleistocene Climate
Lupien R, Russell J, Campisano C, Fiebel C, Beck C, Deino A, Kingston J, Potts R, Lamb H, Pearson E & Cohen A
(2018) Intercalibration of 40Ar/39Ar Standards: Towards an R-Matrix
Renne P, Deino A, Niespolo E & Rutte D

Deis D. (2014) The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Response and Recovery of Coastal Marshes
Mendelssohn I, Deis D, Fleeger J, Hou A & Lin Q

Deissmann Guido (2007) Impact of Gold Mining on Levels of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Aquatic Ecosystems of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Deissmann G & Barthel R
(2004) Radionuclide Release Models for Contaminated Concrete
Deissmann G, Bath A & Jefferis S

Deissmann Guido (2015) Corrosion Behaviour of High-Level Radioactive Waste Forms in a Geological Repository in Boom Clay in the Netherlands
Deissmann G, Haneke K, Filby A, Wiegers R & Bosbach D
(2013) Evaluation of the Corrosion Behaviour of Potential Plutonium Wasteforms Under Conditions Relevant for Geological Disposal
Deissmann G, Brandt F, Neumeier S, Modolo G & Bosbach D

Deissmann Guido (2017) Structural Insights into UO2-based Model Systems for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Finkeldei S, Baena A, Palomares R, Brandt F, Deissmann G, Bukaemskiy A, Lang M, Ewing R & Bosbach D
(2017) Retention Mechanisms for Safety Relevant Radionuclides in Cementitious Materials
Lange S, Isaacs M, Klinkenberg M, Read D, Bosbach D & Deissmann G
(2017) Fabrication of UO2-based Model Systems for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Baena A, Brant F, Klinkenberg M, Deissmann G, Bukaemskiy A, Bosbach D & Finkeldei S
(2017) Thermochemistry of Zr-Containing Layered Double Hydroxides
Poonoosamy J, Brandt F, Klinkenberg M, Kegler P, Winkler B, Stekiel M, Deissmann G & Bosbach D
(2017) Solubility of Ln-Phosphate Waste Forms and Aqueous Ln-Speciation Under Conditions Relevant to Geological Disposal
Deissmann G, Filby A, Neumeier S & Bosbach D

Deissmann Guido (2018) Solid Solution – Aqueous Solution Systems and the Safety Case for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Bosbach D, Brandt F, Klinkenberg M, Vinograd V, Weber J & Deissmann G
(2018) Precipitation Processes in Porous Media and Consequences on Permeability
Poonoosamy J, Klinkenberg M, Brandt F, Deissmann G, Bosbach D & Kosakowski G

Deissmann Guido (2019) Surface Reactivity and Transport Concepts: Lessons Learned from Submillimetre Reactive Transport Modelling
Iraola A, Trinchero P, Molinero J, Gylling B, Selroos J-O, Deissman G & Bosbach D
(2019) Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Assess Changes in Transport Properties of Porous Media due to Dissolution and Precipitation Processes
Poonoosamy J, Pohlmeier A, Haber-Pohlmeier S, Klinkenberg M, Bosbach D & Deissmann G
(2019) Deep Geological Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel: Studies on Irradiated MOX and Related Model Systems
Bosbach D, Kegler P, Brandt F, Deissmann G, Bukaemskiy A, Alekseev E, Kowalski P, Vinograd V, Verwerft M, Mennecart T & Lemmens K

Deissmann Guido (2020) A “Lab-on-A-Chip” Experiment for Assessing Mineral Reactivity in Porous Media: Effects of Hydrological Heterogeneity
Poonoosamy J, Roman S, Soulaine C, Deissmann G & Bosbach D

Deissmann Guido (2021) Unravelling (Ba, Sr)SO4 Oscillatory Zoning: A Lab-on-A-Chip Approach Integrating in situ Characterisation and Reactive Transport Modelling Diagnostics
Poonoosamy J, Mahrous M, Curti E, Bosbach D, Churakov SV, Deissmann G, Geisler T & Prasianakis NI
(2021) Analysis of Heterogeneity and Anisotropy of Diffusivity in the Sandy Facies of Opalinus Clay Host Rocks Using Multi-Scale Digital Rock Physics
Yuan T, Yang Y, Deissmann G & Fischer C
(2021) Effects of Hydrodynamic Heterogeneity on Mineral Reactivity and Nucleation in Porous and Fractured Porous Media
Poonoosamy J, Roman S, Soulaine C, Yang Y, Bosbach D & Deissmann G
(2021) Impact of Phthalates on the Migration Behaviour of Eu(III) and Am(III) in a Cementitious Repository Environment
Ait-Mouheb N, Deissmann G, Henocq P, Macé N & Bosbach D

Deissmann Guido (2022) Preferential Crystallization in Larger Pores: Myth or Reality
Poonoosamy J, Curti E, Deissmann G & Bosbach D
(2022) A Lab on a Chip Approach for Deciphering Porosity Clogging at Barrier Interfaces in Deep Geological Repositories for Radioactive Wastes
Lönartz MI, Poonoosamy J, Yang Y, Deissmann G & Bosbach D

Deissmann Guido (2023) Innovative Microfluidic Experiments for Investigating the Co-precipitation of Metals and Radionuclides with Carbonate Phases
Poonoosamy J, Kaspor A, Rudin S, Murphy GL, Bosbach D & Deissmann G
(2023) A Lab on a Chip Concept for Rationalizing Hydro-Geochemical Processes at the Pore Scale
Poonoosamy J, Lönartz MI, Ait-Mouheb N, Obaeid A, Yang Y, Kaspor A, Deissmann G & Bosbach D
(2023) The Effect of Porosity Clogging on the Diffusivity of Porous Media: Novel Microfluidic Experiments and Pore-Scale Modelling Approaches
Lönartz MI, Yang Y, Deissmann G, Bosbach D & Poonoosamy J

Deja E. (2012) Voluminous Magmas in Intra-Continental Setting: Hf and O Isotopes in Zircons from Late Paleozoic Volcanic Rocks in NE Germany
Pietranik A, Storey C, Breitkreuz C & Deja E
(2011) Correlations between Hf, O and Trace Element Concentrations in Zircon from Rhyolitic Rocks (NE German Basin)
Deja E, Pietranik A, Kierczak J, Milke R & Breitkreuz C

DeJager C. (2007) The Oxidative Breakdown of PAHs by Manganese Oxide Tailings
Dowding C, Johnson K, Hutchings T, DeJager C & van der Waals J

Déjardin P. (2000) Fluid Flow Through the Tahiti Barrier Reef Traced by Sr Isotopes and Pore Water Chemistry
Steinmann M & Déjardin P

Dejean C. (2023) In situ Electron Microscopy Monitoring of Mn Oxides Formation Impacted by Various Functionalized Organic Surfaces
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Ménez B, Gadal C, Bouquerel H, Alloyeau D & Gélabert A
(2023) Impact of Microbial Biofilms on Mn(II) Oxidation Dynamics
Rollot V, Dejean C, Guyot F, Diaz JM & Gelabert A
(2021) The Role of Functionalized Organic Surfaces in Metal Biomineralization: Insights from Liquid-Cell STEM Experiments
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Alloyeau D, Menez B, Gadal C & Gelabert A
(2019) Impact of Bacterial Biofilm on Alteration Kinetics
Dejean C, Bouchez J, Moquet J-S, Moreira-Turcq P & Gélabert A

Déjeant A. (2013) Insights into the Uranium Speciation in the Mill Tailings of the Cominak Mine at Akouta, Niger
Déjeant A, Galoisy L, Calas G, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M
(2012) Uranium Mineralogy and Factors of Stability in the Mill Tailings of the COMINAK Mine at Akouta (Niger)
Dejeant A, Galoisy L, Calas G, Menguy N, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M
(2011) Isotope Constraints on the Biogeochemical Cycling of Calcium (Ca) in a Base-Poor Forest Ecosystem
Farkaš J, Déjeant A, Novák M & Jacobsen S

DeJong J. (2016) Mathematical Modeling of MICP in Meter-Scale 2-D Transient Reactive Transport Experiments
Nassar M, Gurung D, Bastani M, Gomez M, Graddy C, DeJong J, Nelson D & Ginn T

DeJonghe L. (2007) Historical Variations in Zinc Stable Isotope Compositions of Smelter Polluted Sediments
Sonke J, Sivry Y, Viers J, Audry S, DeJonghe L, Andre L, Aggarwal J, Schafer J, Blanc G & Dupre B

Dejonghe W. (2010) Impact of Fe Minerals on the Stability of Microbially Immobilized Zn
Satyawali Y, Dejonghe W, Van Roy S, Diels L & Vanbroekhoven K
(2009) Fate of Heavy Metals after in situ Bioprecipitation Induced by Sulfidogenesis: A Study on Stability of Metal Precipitates
Satyawali Y, Van Roy S, Dejonghe W, Vangeel S, Gemoets J, Muguet S, Zeuwts L, Gommers K, Feyaerts K & Vanbroekhoven K
(2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

DeJulio A. (2012) Long Term Trend in the Aerosol Black Concentrations in the Arctic Region
Hopke P, Husain L, Dutkiewicz V, Ahmed T, DeJulio A, Laing J & Paatero J

Dekaezemacker J. (2017) Petite Diazotroph is a Key Player in the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Mohr W, Martínez-Pérez C, Löscher C, Dekaezemacker J, Littmann S, Yilmaz P, Lehnen N, Fuchs B, Lavik G, Schmitz R, LaRoche J & Kuypers M

Dekas Anne
(2014) Insights into the Activity and Metabolic Capabilities of Planktonic Marine Archaea Using NanoSIMS
Dekas A, Mayali X, Weber P & Pett-Ridge J
(2007) The Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Syntrophic Associations in Marine Methane Seeps
Orphan V, Pernthaler A, Dekas A, Gammon C & House C

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