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DeGroff W. (2019) Tracking Human and Regional Climate Changes in Lake Sediment Records from Flores Island, the Azores
Richter N, Russell JM, Amaral-Zettler L, DeGroff W, Raposeiro PM, Gonçalves V, de Boer EJ, Rull V, Pla-Rabes S, Hernández A, Sáez A, Bao R & Giralt S

Degruyter Wim (2015) Thermal Histories of Magma Storage and Implications for Magma Mixing
Cooper K, Kent A, Huber C, Rubin A, Schrecengost K, Degruyter W & Ruprecht P
(2015) Effect of Episodic Recharge on the Evolution of Upper Crustal Magma Chambers
Degruyter W, Huber C, Cooper K, Kent A & Bachmann O

Degruyter Wim (2016) Cold Storage in Massive Magma Chambers
Kent A, Bradshaw R, Cooper K, Rubin A, Shrecengost K, Huber C & Degruyter W

Degruyter Wim (2018) Construction and Storage of Crustal-Scale Magmatic Systems
Karakas O, Wotzlaw J-F, Degruyter W, Bachmann O, Economos R, Ulmer P, Dufek J & Bergantz G

Degruyter Wim (2019) Timescales and Processes Involved in the Construction of Crustal-Scale Magmatic Systems
Bachmann O, Huber C, Townsend M, Degruyter W, Karakas O, Wotzlaw J, Cornet J & Laurent O

Degryse F. (2012) Copper Isotope Fractionation during Uptake and Translocation in Strategy I and II Plants
Ryan B, Kirby J, McLaughlin M, Degryse F, Scheiderich K & Harris H

Degryse P. (2013) Method Development and Validation for B Isolation from Roman Glass
Devulder V, Degryse P & Vanhaecke F

Degueldre C. (2009) The Colloid Formation and Migration (CFM) Project at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland): Results from the Homologue Tests
Schäfer T, Seher H, Hauser W, Walther C, Degueldre C, Yamada M, Suzuki M, Missana T, Alonso U, Trick T & Blechschmidt I

Deguen R. (2021) Geochemical Estimates of Earth's Core Heat Content at the End of Accretion
Clesi V & Deguen R
(2020) Thermo-Compositional Evolution of the Primitive Mantle with Magma Oceans
Morison A, Bolrão D, Labrosse S, Agrusta R, Rozel A, Ballmer M, Deguen R, Alboussière T & Tackley P

Deguillaume L. (2023) Towards a More Detailed Characterization of Cloud Chemistry Composition
Bianco A, Pailler L, Bridoux MC & Deguillaume L
(2023) Molecular Characterization of Cloud Water Collected at the Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) by FT-ICR MS
Pailler L, Deguillaume L, Vaïtilingom M, Leriche M & Bianco A

Dehairs F. (2019) Trace Element Cycling in the North Atlantic
Lemaitre N, Planquette H, Dehairs F, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Lherminier P & Vance D
(2017) Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the East Siberian Sea from Nitrate Isotopes
Fripiat F, Declerq M, Sapart C, Anderson L, Bruechert V, Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Humborg C, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F
(2017) Particulate Trace Element Export in the North Atlantic (GA01 Transect)
Lemaitre N, Planquette H, Dehairs F, Sarthou G, Bollinger C, Jeandel C, Castrillejo M & Planchon F
(2017) Environment and Nutrient Control of Nitrogen Fixation
Li X, Fonseca-Batista D, Roevros N, Dehairs F & Chou L
(2017) N2-fixation Footprint on Nitrate Isotopic Composition in Temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean
Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Fripiat F, Le Roy E, Thilakarathne D, Lemaitre N, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F
(2017) Patterns of N2 Fixation Across the Northern North Atlantic
Fonseca-Batista D, Deman F, Li X, Le Roy E, Ingeniero R, Mariez C, Roig S, Lemaître N, Fripiat F, Chou L & Dehairs F
(2015) Mesopelagic Carbon Remineralization along the GEOVIDE Transect in the North Atlantic (GEOTRACES GA01)
Lemaitre N, Planquette H, Dehairs F, Monin L, Andre L, Jacquet S & Planchon F
(2015) What Have We Learned from Ra Isotopes About the Natural Iron Fertilization Offshore from the Crozet and Kerguelen Islands?
Sanial V, van Beek P, Lansard B, Souhaut M, Kestenare E, Dehairs F, Jacquet S, d'Ovidio F, Meng Z & Blain S
(2015) Seasonal Evolution of the River Scheldt Nitrate Isotopic Composition
Plante A, De Brabandere L, Fripiat F, Deman F, Brion N, Fonseca Batista D & Dehairs F
(2015) Isotopic Composition of Nitrate from the Temperate and Sub-Polar North Atlantic
Le Roy E, Fonseca-Batista D, Roukaerts A, Fripiat F, Deman F, Brion N & Dehairs F
(2015) Iron Biogeochemistry Under a Changing Climate: Impact on the Phytoplankton Growth and the Diazotrophic Nitrogen Fixation
Li X, Fonseca D, Ingber H, Roevros N, Dehairs F & Chou L
(2015) Missing Carbon Source or Methodological Bias?
Roukaerts A, Zhou J, Fripiat F, Tison J-L & Dehairs F
(2009) A First Look at GEOTRACES Issues from the IPY BONUS GOODHOPE Cruise in the Southern Ocean
Boye M, Achterberg E, Bown J, Bucciarelli E, Cardinal D, Cassar N, Cavagna A-J, Chever F, Dehairs F, Fine RA, Happell J, Joubert W, LeMoigne F, Masqué P, Monteiro P, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Verdeny E, Wake B & Waldron H
(2007) 226Radium Activities and 226Ra/Ba Ratios on the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean (KEOPS Project)
Bourquin M, van Beek P, Reyss J-L, Souhaut M, Jacquet S, Dehairs F, Charette M & Jeandel C
(2006) A parametric method for water mass analysis applied to the Southern Ocean
De Brauwere A, Jacquet S, Dehairs F, De Ridder F, Pintelon R, Schoukens J & Baeyens W
(2006) Biogenic or abiogenic organics in hydrothermal fluids from ultramafic-hosted vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The first step of the origin of life?
Konn C, Holm NG, Charlou J-L, Donval J-P, Dehairs F & Bouillon S
(2000) Assessing Flux Rates from Isotope Dilution Experiments and Numerical Modelling: Results for 15N and 135Ba Tracer Experiments
Elskens M, Cattaldo T, Cardinal D, Baeyens W & Dehairs F
(2000) Geochemistry of Surface Sediments, Filtered and Sediment Trap Particles from the Sub Antarctic and Polar Front Zones of the Southern Ocean, South of Tasmania
Cardinal D, André L, Dehairs F, Cattaldo T, Fagel N & Trull T
(2000) On the Potential of Bivalve Shells to Record Environmental Conditions: A LA-ICP-MS Study of Trace Element Distributions along a Growth/time Axis
Lazaret C, Vander Putten E, André L & Dehairs F

Dehais T. (2023) Non-Traditional Isotopic Variations in the Rochechouart Impact Structures: Tracers of Melting, Mixing, Volatilization and Hydrothermal Alteration
Faucher J, Déhais T, Luais B, Debaille V, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2019) Stable Isotope Signatures of Ureilites on a Mineral Scale
Chernonozhkin S, Goderis S, Hublet G, Dehais T, Claeys P, Debaille V & Vanhaecke F

Dehandschutter B. (2019) Relationships between Geogenic Radon Potential and Gamma ray Maps with Indoor Radon Levels at Ciampino, Caprarola and Celleno Municipalities (Central Italy)
Sciarra A, Ruggiero L, Bigi S, Ciotoli G, Dehandschutter B, Galli G, Giustini F, Lucchetti C, Pizzino L, Tartarello MC & Voltaggio M

Dehant V. (2023) Cu, Zn, and Fe Isotopes Behaviour in an Experimental Martian-Like Serpentinization System
Fortier VM, Dehant V, Debaille V, Bultel B & Sekine Y
(2022) Serpentinization and Methanation in Martian Underground Like Conditions: An Abiotic Origin for CH4 on Mars?
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N
(2021) Experimental Study of Serpentinization and Abiotic CH4 Production in Martian Conditions
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Melo Bravo PP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N
(2019) Serpentinization: An Explanation for the Current Methan Detection on Mars?
Fortier V, Debaille V & Dehant V

Dehbozorgi M. (2010) Study of Upper Miocene Oysters (Plecypoda) from the Mishan Formation in South West of Firuzabad, Fars, Iran (Zagros Mountain)
Dehbozorgi M

Deheyn D.D. (2014) Geochemical Signatures of Metals in Intertidal Invertebrates of Salinas de San Pedro, CA, USA
Rezaie-Boroon MH, Diaz S & Deheyn DD

Dehez S. (2023) Submarine Venting of Liquid Carbon Dioxide in the Horseshoe Structure Offshore Mayotte Island
Mastin M, Donval J-P, Guyader V, Germain Y, Giunta T, Scalabrin C, Gaucher EC, Dehez S, Jouenne S, Rouxel O, Rinnert E & Cathalot C

Dehler C. (2018) What Controls the Preservation of Precambrian Organic-Walled Microfossils in Shales?
Woltz C, Porter S, Dehler C, Junium C, Hodgskiss M, Wörndle S & Halverson G
(2018) Oxygen and Early Eukaryote Ecosystems
Porter S, Riedman LA, Agić H, Woltz C & Dehler C
(2016) Dating the Dramatic and Dynamic in the Neoproterozoic: New Re-Os Age Constraints and Paleoweathering Proxy Data
Rooney A, Strauss J, Hodgin E, Selby D, Sharma M, Dehler C, Karlstrom K, Cohen P & Macdonald F
(2015) Restricted Marine Deposition in the Neoproterozoic Chuar Group
Diamond C, Dehler C, Karlstrom K & Lyons T

Dehner C. (2011) Acquisition of Fe by Aerobic Microorganisms: Effects of Fe Oxide Nanoparticle Size
Maurice P, Dehner C, Dubois J & Barton L
(2011) The Role of Siderophores and Biofilm Formation in Phosphate Acquisition and Pb Release from Pyromorphite by Pseudomonas Mendocina Bacterium
Flis J, Dehner C, Dubois J, Manecki M & Maurice P
(2011) Fe Acquisition from Natural Organic Matter by an Aerobic Pseudomonad: Siderophores and Cellular Fe Status
Koehn K, Dehner C, DuBois J & Maurice P
(2010) Acquisition of Fe from Hematite (Nano)particles by an Aerobic Microorganism
Maurice P, Dehner C, Barton L & Dubois J

DeHoog J. (2003) Transfer of S from the Oxidized Sub-Arc Mantle to the Atmosphere: Evidence from Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
DeHoog J & Hattori K

Dehouck E. (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2023) Investigation of the Petrogenetic Relationship between the Two Igneous Formations in Jezero Crater by Using Trace Element Concentrations Acquired by the Perseverance SuperCam Instrument
Debaille V, Forni O, Anderson R, Beck P, Beyssac O, Clavé E, Clegg S, Cousin A, Dehouck E, Fouchet T, Gabriel T, Johnson JR, Le Mouélic S, Mandon L, Maurice S, Meslin P-Y, Pilleri P, Poulet F, Quantin-Nataf C, Royer C, Udry A & Wiens RC
(2022) Alteration Minerals Assemblage on the Floor of Jezero Crater, Mars: One Year of SuperCam IR Observations Onboard the Perseverance Rover
Mandon L, Quantin-Nataf C, Royer C, Beck P, Fouchet T, Dehouck E, Forni O, Johnson JR, Poulet F, Montmessin F, Le Mouélic S, Gasnault O, Maurice S & Wiens RC

Dehue M.M. (2023) Understanding Calcium Carbonate Crystallization Pathways for Concrete Recycling
Dehue MM, Lanson M, Hazemann J-L, Ben Haha M, Zajac M & Fernandez-Martinez A

Deibel C. (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC

Deicke M. (2006) Source of medieval lead enrichments in natural archives of Europe: Harz Mts. (Germany)
Ruppert H & Deicke M

Deines P. (2002) On the Carbon Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Melts and Gaseous CO2
Deines P
(2001) Mantle Degassing: Implications of the Carbon Isotope Record of Mantle Xenoliths
Deines P

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