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Defago G. (2005) Effects of the Interaction between Vermiculite and the Bacterium Pseudomonas Fluorescens Strain CHA0 and its Genetic Derivatives
Mueller B & Defago G

Defant M. (2004) Source Compositional Variability beneath the Bicol Arc, the Philippines
McDermott F, Delfin F, Defant M, Turner S & Maury R
(2001) Metasomatic Processes in the Kamchatka Sub-Arc Mantle Wedge: Evidence from Re-Os Isotope Studies of Mantle Xenoliths, Nb-Enriched Arc Basalts, and Adakites
Widom E, Kepezhinskas P & Defant M

Defarge C. (2019) Influence of Chemical Parameters on Geochemical Dynamics in the Water Column
Haouchine A, Zoccatelli R, Motelica-Heino M, Nedjai R, Defarge C, Jozja N & Guirimand-Dufour A

DeFelice C. (2020) Crystal Fractionation-Induced Isotope Fractionation in Basalts from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Wang W, Teng F-Z, Huang S & Frey F
(2020) An Isotopically Depleted, Rejuvenated Stage Source Component Widely Distributed in the Hawaiian Plume
Frey F, Huang S, Xu G, DeFelice C & Del Toro Contreras C
(2019) Long Geochemical Streaks in the Hawaiian Plume
Huang S, DeFelice C, Mallick S & Saal A
(2019) Magnesium Isotopic Constraints on Alkalic Basalt Evolution: A Case Study at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Huang S & Teng F-Z
(2018) Mg Isotope Compositions of Hawaiian Lavas
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Wang S-J, Huang S & Teng F-Z

Deffrennes G. (2023) Fe-Mg Phase Equilibria Under High-Temperature and High-Pressure Conditions: Experimental Investigation and Calphad Modeling
Desseaux M, Andrieux J, Gardiola B, Le Floch S, Deffrennes G, Wada T, Kato H, Parisiadis P, Morard G & Dezellus O

Deflandre B. (2021) Influence of Transient Processes on Organic Carbon Remineralization Pathways and Rates in the West Gironde Mud Patch (Bay of Biscay, Northeast Atlantic)
Dubosq N, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Grémare A, Lamarque B, Tenorio MMB, Cordier M-A, Poirier D & Schmidt S
(2021) Early Diagenetic Processes in an Eutrophic Estuarine System: Indices of Sediment Contribution to Summer Hypoxia of the Loire?
Hulot V, Metzger E, Schmidt S, Mouret A, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Derriennic H, Bénéteau E, Sanchez S & Maillet G
(2017) Sediment Oxygen Demand and Nutrient Fluxes during an Experimentally Induced Hypoxia
Grenz C, Rigaud S, Radakovitch O & Deflandre B
(2012) Benthic O2 Fluxes Measured by Eddy Covariance in a Large Flume Facility
Polsenaere P, Cathalot C, Cox T, Meysman F, Maire O & Deflandre B
(2012) Influence of Zostera Meadows on Geochemistry and Meiofauna of the Sediment of a Tidal Lagoon (Arcachon Basin): New Technical Approaches
Metzger E, Jezequel D, Geslin E, Cesbron F, Charrieau L, Delgard M-L, Deflandre B, Jorissen F & Anschutz P
(2012) In situ Monitoring for Studying the Seasonal Pattern of Dissolved Oxygen in a Sandy Beach of the Aquitaine Coast (France)
Charbonnier C, Anschutz P, Deflandre B, Poirier D, Bujan S & Lecroart P
(2012) Assessing the Effect of Macrobenthos Diversity on the Mineralisation of Sediment Organic Matter
Gremare A, Deflandre B, Schmidt S, Maire O, Romero-Ramirez A, Metzger E, Viollier E, Cesbron F, Labrune C, Amouroux JM, Lecroart P, Duchene JC, Poirier D, Coste L & Bichon S
(2012) Biogeochemical Dynamics Related to Seasonal Changes and Biomass-Density Patterns in Rhyzosphere Sediments of a Zostera Noltii Meadow
Delgard ML, Deflandre B, Kochoni E, Cesbron F, Bernard G, Charbonnier C, Poirier D, Bichon S, Metzger E, Deborde J & Anschutz P
(2011) Potential Rates of Denitrification Linked to Iron and Sulfur Oxidation in Aquatic Sediments
Laverman A, Yan C, Viollier E, Deflandre B, GeorgeOna-Nguema G & Pallud C

DeFlaun M. (2010) Linking Periodic Mineralogical Transformations to Changes in Aqueous Lead and Arsenic Concentrations: Implications for Long-Term Stabilization
Delemos J, Vidumsky J, Sun J, Bostick B, Brady W, Cadwalader G & DeFlaun M
(2000) The Effect of Physical and Chemical Sediment Heterogeneity on Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacterial Transport
Hall J, Mailloux B, Onstott T, Fuller M, Strenger S, Rothmel R & Deflaun M

Defliese William (2020) The Impact of Snowball Earth Glaciation on Ocean Water δ18O Values
Defliese W
(2017) Constraints on Paleoenvironments and Surface Temperatures in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic and Implications for Metazoan Evolution
Defliese W, Dixit Y, Retallack G, Lalonde S & Tripati A
(2015) Investigating the Origin of Discrepancies in Clumped Isotope Calibrations
Defliese W, Eagle R, Tang J, Chang F & Tripati A
(2015) Advances in ‘Clumped Isotope’ Measurement Techniques Using the Nu Perspective IS and Nu Carb Carbonate Preparation Unit
Rablen S, Affek H, Tripati A, Defliese W & Freedman P

Defliese William F. (2023) Clumped Isotope Reordering Kinetics in Carbonate Minerals: Experiments and First-Principles Atomistic Simulations
Grossman EL, Sun Z, Perez-Beltran S, Zaheer W, Defliese WF, Thomas JB & Banerjee S
(2022) Mid-Miocene Ocean Temperatures from Paired Coccolith Δ47 and Foraminifera Mg/Ca Ratios
Defliese WF, Crundwell M, Bostock H & Hollis CJ
(2021) The Kinetics of Clumped Isotope Reordering of Synthetic Inorganic Carbonates
Sun Z, Defliese WF & Grossman EL
(2019) Clumped Isotope Geothermometry of an Ordovician Carbonate Reef Mound, Hudson Bay Basin
Jautzy JJ, Savard MM, Lavoie D, Ardakani OH, Anna S, Dhillon R & Defliese WF

Defouilloy Celine (2017) High Precision O Isotope Analyses Link Comet Wild 2 with an IDP of Probable Cometary Origin
Defouilloy C, Kita N, Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2016) Cr and O Isotope Systematics in Carbonaceous Chondrite Chondrules
Defouilloy C, Sanborn M, Yamakawa A, Kita N, Ebel D & Yin Q
(2014) Isotopic Composition of Sulfur in Enstatite Meteorites
Defouilloy C, Moynier F, Pringle E, Assayag N, Barrat J-A & Cartigny P
(2013) Isotopic Composition of Sulfur in Enstatite Meteorites
Defouilloy C, Moynier F, Pringle E, Barrat J-A & Cartigny P

Defouilloy Céline (2018) Two Distinct Chondrule Generations in Acfer 094 Based on 26Al-Ages and Oxygen Isotope Ratios
Hertwig AT, Kimura M, Ushikubo T, Defouilloy C & Kita NT

Defraigne P. (2023) Nanok Expedition: An Ice Triathlon in Greenland Partnering with Scientists for Climate Research
Denis G, Goffart N, Opfergelt S, Bertrand B, Bonneville S, Mattielli N, Boxho SL, Fettweis X, Box JE, Ahlstrom AP, Karlsson NB, Defraigne P & Bergeot N

DeFranco K. (2019) Decadal Scale Changes in Permafrost Carbon Accrual Measured By 210-Pb
DeFranco K, Ricketts M, Blanc-Betes E, Welker J, Gonzalez-Meler M & Sturchio N

Defratyka S.M. (2023) Development of Measurement Strategy to Measure Methane Multiply Substituted Isotopologue Ratios (Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2) of Ambient Air within POLYGRAM Project
Defratyka SM, Rennick C, Chung E & Arnold T

Degeling H. (2022) The Search for Rare Earth Elements: A Phosphorite Story
Zivak D, Valetich M, Spandler C, Degeling H & Preda M

deGelleke L. (2008) Controls on As Abundance in Soils and Sediments in Hawai`i
deGelleke L & De Carlo EH
(2006) Coastal Productivity and CO2 Exchange Between the Ocean and Atmosphere in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, a Subtropical Coastal Embayment
De Carlo EH, Solomon R, Ostrander C, McManus M, Mackenzie F, Chung M, DeGelleke L, Sabine C & Feely R

Degen D. (2023) Physics-Based Machine Learning for Reactive Transport Simulations
Santoso RK, Leal AMM, Degen D, Wellmann F & Saar M

Degenkolb L. (2018) Effectiveness of Riverbank Filtration for Silver Nanoparticle Retention
Degenkolb L, Philippe A, Luederwald S, Leuther F, Amininejad S, Vogel H-J & Klitzke S

Degenstein D. (2013) Absorbing Aerosol Radiative Effects in the Limb-Scatter Viewing Geometry
Wiacek A, Martin R, Bourassa A, Degenstein D & Lloyd N

Degering D. (2015) A Model for the Release of Radium Isotopes into Saline Deepwaters
Degering D, Dietrich N, Krüger F & Köhler M
(2011) Origin and Isotope Composition of the Radium Content in Highly Saline Fluids
Degering D & Köhler M

Dégi J. (2015) Very Dry Lower Crust beneath the Central Part of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: The Role of Miocene Extension Induced Melting
Kovács I, Németh B, Török K, Dégi J & Fancsik T

Degiacomi M. (2017) Undestanding Surface Interactions in Aqueous Miscible Organic Solvent Treated Layered Double Hydroxides
Erastova V, Degiacomi M, O'Hare D & Greenwell C

Degnan J. (2018) Arsenic Variability, Redox Processes, Groundwater Age, and Chemical Time Series at Three Water Supply Wells
Levitt J & Degnan J

deGraffenried R. (2022) Combining Machine Learning and Petrology: Application to the Magma Plumbing Structure beneath Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
deGraffenried R, Leichter A, Almeev R, Wittich D, Portnyagin MV & Chakraborty S
(2020) Experimental Examination of the Melt Embayment Method for Determining Magma Decompression Rate
deGraffenried R, Cluzel N, Shea T & Hammer J
(2020) Products of Littoral Explosions and their Formation Conditions: A Case Study from Episode 58 of Puʻu ʻŌʻō, Kīlauea Volcano, HI
deGraffenried R, Houghton B, Walker B, Beucler O, Cline J, Cockshell W, Evans K, Mourey A, Nelson W, Tisdale C, Tremblay J & Zinn M
(2020) Vesicularity and Rheology of the Kīlauea 2018 Lava Flows
Halverson B, Whittington A, Hammer J, deGraffenried R, Lev E, Dietterich H, Patrick M, Parcheta C, Carr B, Zoeller M, Trusdell F & Llewellin E
(2018) The Influence of Crystal Content and Type on Permeable Vesicular Pathways in High-Silica Melts
deGraffenried R, Larsen J & Graham N

DeGregorio S. (2018) Volatiles Degassing in Central Italy: From Subduction to Active Seismicity
Caracausi A, Chiaraluce L, Camarda M, DeGregorio S, Favara R, Kagoshima T & Sano Y

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