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Decarreau A (2006) Quantifying the isotopic fractionation of lithium during clay formation at various temperatures
Vigier N, Decarreau A, Millot R, Carignan J, Petit S & France-Lanord C

Decarreau Alain (2016) Experimental Investigation of Mg Isotope Fractionation during Mineral Dissolution and Clay Formation
Ryu J-S, Vigier N, Decarreau A, Lee S-W, Lee K-S, Song H & Petit S

DeCelles P.G. (2009) Cyclicity in Cordilleran Orogenic Systems and the Role of Arc Magmatism
Ducea MN, DeCelles PG, Kapp P & Zandt G
(2008) Exhumation and Basin Evolution of the Puna Plateau of NW Argentina Revealed by a Multi Geo-Thermochronological Approach
Carrapa B, DeCelles PG, Reiners PW, Geherels G & Biswas A
(2001) Carbonate Weathering in the Himalaya, Climate Change and the Marine 87Sr/86Sr Record
Quade J, English NB & DeCelles PG

Decesari S. (2013) Atmospheric Aerosol Nucleation in the Po Valley during the PEGASOS-Supersito Experiment
Decesari S, Marinoni A, Gobbi GP, Hamed A, Laaksonen A, Manninen H, Poluzzi V & Facchini MC
(2013) Primary and Secondary Biomass Burning Aerosols Determined by Factor Analysis of H-Nmr Spectra
Paglione M, Decesari S, Giulianelli L, Tagliavini E, Hillamo R, Carbone S, Saarikoski S, Swietlicki E, Fuzzi S & Facchini MC
(2013) Regional Scale OA Oxidation Observed over the Po Valley Basin (Italy), at Mt. Cimone (2165 M Asl)
Rinaldi M, Gilardoni S, Decesari S, Fuzzi S, Cristofanelli P, Bonasoni P, Ferrari S, Poluzzi V & Facchini MC
(2013) Properties and Processing of Organic Aerosol in the Po Valley
Gilardoni S, Rinaldi M, Paglione M, Decesari S, Poulain L, Carbone S, Hilamo R, Russell L, Massoli P, Poluzzi V & Facchini C
(2013) Source Apportionment of Organic Matter by Isotope Analysis, AMS PMF and HNMR Techniques
Ceburnis D, Ovadnevaite J, Garbaras A, Szidat S, Rinaldi M, Decesari S, Yttri KE, Remeikis V, Facchini MC & O'Dowd C
(2013) Aerosol Modifications Observed at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption in 2010
Sandrini S, Giulianelli L, Decesari S, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Chiari M, Calzolai G, Canepari S & Perrino C
(2011) Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Organic Aerosol by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: Results from EUCAARI Project
Facchini MC, Finessi E, Decesari S, Paglione M, Hillamo R, Raatikainen T, O'Dowd C, Kiendler-Scharr A & Worsnop DR
(2011) Oxidized Organic Aerosol Components in Cabauw, Netherlands, during the May 2008 EUCAARI IOP: NMR Spectroscopic Characterization and Factor Analysis
Paglione M, Finessi E, Decesari S, Kiendler-Scharr A, Stocchero M & Facchini MC
(2011) Marine Aerosol Oxalic Acid from In-Cloud Oxidation of Glyoxal
Rinaldi M, Decesary S, Fuzzi S, Ceburnis D, O'Dowd C, Sciare J, Burrows J, Ervens B & Facchini MC
(2010) Marine SOA: Gas-To-Particle Conversion and Oxidation of Primary Organic Aerosol
Facchini MC, Decesari S, Rinaldi M, Finessi E, Ceburnis D, O'Dowd CD & Stephanou EG
(2010) Characterization of Sea Spray OM from Selected Algal Cultures
Rinaldi M, Decesari S, Finessi E, Ceburnis D, Zacharias M, Connan S, Stengel DB, O'Dowd CD & Facchini MC
(2009) Identification of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Components of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Finessi E, Decesari S, Baltensperger U, Mentel TF & Facchini MC
(2009) Marine Organic Aerosol: Characterization by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H NMR)
Rinaldi M, Decesari S, Finessi E, Carbone C, Mircea M, Fuzzi S, Ceburnis D, O'Dowd C & Facchini MC

Dechamps N. (2011) Are Aliphatic Monomers of Grasses and Herbs Useful Biomarkers for Vegetation Shifts?
Spielvogel S, Prietzel J, Dechamps N, Becker L & Guggenberger G

DeCicco E. (2023) Living in a Ghost Town: Iron-Cycling Bacteria in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
Seyler L, DeCicco E, Figueroa K, Jabin I, Recalde S, Hood D, Rivera N, Santos G, Straut A & Verna R

Decitre S. (2000) Li Behaviour during Serpentinisation of Oceanic Peridotites
Decitre S, Deloule E, Reisberg L, James R, Mevel C & Agrinier P

Deckart K. (2014) Northern Chilean Frontal Andes: Evidences for the Last Stages of Pangea Assemblage
Hernández González Á, Deckart K, Fanning M & Arriagada C

Decker C. (2022) Mass Spectrometry Imaging as a New Tool for Deep Time Ecological Reconstruction
Nettersheim BJ, Wendt J, Wörmer L, Obreht I, Alfken S, Taubner H, Decker C, Hübner A, Schott C, Cvačka J, Schulz H-M, Hallmann C & Hinrichs K-U

Decker J. (2009) Denudation Rates for Dolerites Across Southern Africa Determined with Cosmogenic Noble Gas Nuclides
Decker J, Niedermann S & de Wit M

Decker M.

Decker T. (2014) Foraging on the Host: Uncovering Metabolic Host-Gut Microbiota Interactions at the Single Cell Level
Berry D, Stecher B, Schintlmeister A, Reichert J, Rauch I, Decker T, Wild B, Wanek W, Richter A, Loy A & Wagner M

Declercq Julien (2013) KINETIC14: A PHREEQC Compatible Mineral Kinetic Database
Declercq J & Oelkers E
(2013) Antigorite Dissolution Rates as a Function of pH at 25 and 80℃
Bosc O, Declercq J, Mavromatis V & Oelkers EH
(2012) The Effect of Aqueous Organic Ligands on Forsterite Dissolution Rates
Declercq J, Bosc O & Oelkers E
(2011) Carbonation of Forsterite and Serpentine: Modeling the Optimum Conditions in Terms of pH and Temperature
Declercq J & Oelkers E
(2007) Reactivity of a Ryolitic Glass
Declercq J & Oelkers E

Declercq Julien (2015) Assessing the Depth of Oxygen Penetration in Mine Tailings, a Comparison of Methods and Practices
Declercq J, Bowell R, Tait D, Warrender R & Barnes A
(2014) Carbon Storage in a Waste Rock Pile, Dream or Reality?
Declercq J, Brough C, Barnes A, Warrender R & Bowell R

Declercq Julien (2016) MINTEQ v9: A Review and Update to an Old Classic
Declercq J, Mavromatis V & Bowell R

Declercq Julien (2017) How Wrong can Mining Geochemical Predictions be and Still be Useful?
Bowell R, Declercq J, Tait D & Warrender R
(2017) Modelling the Reactivity of Multi-Mineral Systems – Application to the Prediction of Copper Heap Leach Drain-Down Chemistry
Bird D, DeClercq J & Bowell R
(2017) Modelling the Reactivity of Multi-Mineral Systems – Application to Mine Waste Predictions
Declercq J, Tait D, Warrender R & Bowell R
(2017) Kinetic Geochemical Modelling of Laboratory Column Experiments: Empirically Derived Weathering Rates
Tait D, Declercq J, Warrender R & Bowell R

Declercq Julien (2018) Numerical Predictive Calculations of Operational Lithium Production
Declercq J, De los Hoyos C & Bowell R

Declercq Julien (2019) Geochemistry in the Mine Life Cycle
Bowell R, Declercq J, Herrill M & Williams C
(2019) Potential for Hydrogen Generation in Underground Mines
Declercq J, Bowell R, Herrell M & Oelkers E

Declercq Julien (2020) Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Stability in the Poldice Mine, Cornwall
Tang J, Oelkers E, Declercq J & Bowell R
(2020) Environmental Impacts Predictions via Kinetic Modelling
Declercq J, Bowell R & Herrell M

Declercq Julien (2021) Mineralogy in Geochemical Modelling Role of Sulfide Oxidation and Secondary Minerals in the Attenuation of Metals and Metalloids
Bowell R, Declercq J & Jamieson HE
(2021) Environmental Impacts Predictions via Kinetic Modelling
Declercq J, Herrell M & Bowell R
(2021) A Database of Kinetic Parameters for Dissolution of Selected Primary and Secondary Minerals
Heřmanská M, Marieni C, Voigt M, Declercq J & Oelkers EH

Declercq Julien (2022) Trace Element and Isotopic Signatures of Secondary and Tertiary Minerals in Mine Waste
Bowell R & Declercq J
(2022) Prediction and Calibration in the Kinetic Modelling of Mine Waste Facilities
Declercq J, Bowell R & Herrell M

Declercq Julien (2023) Geochemistry and Metal Extraction from Black Shales: Unconventional Source of Critical Metals
Bowell R, Declercq J, Leybourne M, Layton-Matthews D & Kidder J

Declerq M. (2017) Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the East Siberian Sea from Nitrate Isotopes
Fripiat F, Declerq M, Sapart C, Anderson L, Bruechert V, Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Humborg C, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F

Decock C. (2007) Comparing GC- and LC-C-Irms Methodologies to Quantify Formation and Turnover Rates of Microbial-Derived Soil Organic Matter
Denef K, Decock C, Vermeulen J, Van Cleemput O & Boeckx P

DeCoff B. (2022) Formation, Degradation, and Preservation of Biogenic Sulfur in an Acidic Sulfur Spring
Marnocha CL, Parker HV, Magyar EK & DeCoff B

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