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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

De-Yun M. (2005) Fault Tectono-Geochemistry and Prognosis of Concealed Ores in the Tongchang Cu-Au Polymetallic Orefield, Shaanxi, China
Run-Sheng H, Xiao-Feng L, De-Yun M, Geng-Sheng M & Zhi-Cai T

De' Michieli Vitturi M. (2021) A Combined Petrological and Numerical Approach to Investigate Basaltic Plinian Eruptions at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Burton MR, Polacci M, La Spina G, de' Michieli Vitturi M, Hartley ME, Petrelli M, Fellowes J, Chavarría D & Saballos JA
(2020) Understanding Basaltic Plinian Activity at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Petrelli M, Hartley ME, Di Genova D, Fellowes J, Chavarria D, Saballos JA, De' Michieli Vitturi M & Burton MR

Deady Eimear (2021) Africa’s Lithium Pegmatites: A Critical Resource for the Energy Transition
Goodenough K, Shaw R, Nex P, Kinnaird J & Deady E
(2021) Insights into the Sources of Antimony Mineralisation Associated with Base Metal Epithermal Deposits in SW England
Deady E, Moore K & Goodenough K
(2017) Interaction of Alkaline Magmatism and Carbonatites: A Recipe for REE Enrichment?
Goodenough K, Shaw R & Deady E
(2017) Ash-Fall Deposits of Rare Earth Elements: A New Deposit Type?
Deady E, Lacinska A, Goodenough KM & Shaw RA
(2017) Multi-Episode Formation of the World-Class Hemerdon W-Sn Deposit and Cornubian Batholith
Tapster S, Shail R, Deady E & McFarlane J

Deady Eimear A. (2019) Subducted Sediments as a Source for REE in Mineralised Post-Collisional Alkaline-Carbonatite Systems
Beard CD, Goodenough KM, Broom-Fendley S, Borst AM, Roberts NMW, Finch AA & Deady EA

Deák J. (2016) Growth Dynamics of Geothermal Carbonate Scalings: Petrographic, Trace Element & Stable/Clumped Isotopic Studies
Boch R, Mindszenty A, Szanyi J, Kluge T, Leis A, Deák J, Demeny A & Dietzel M
(2014) Calibration of the ‘Clumped Isotope’ Thermometer on Natural Travertine Carbonates in the 5-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Deak J, Millan I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Ozkul M, Gokgoz A, Yan H & Liu Z
(2014) Aragonite-Water Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Hot Spring Travertines
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Deak J, Nemeth T, Capezzuoli E, Brogi A & Liotta D
(2013) Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Travertine Carbonates in the 22-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Millán I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Özkul M, Gökgöz A & Deák J

Deamer D. (2020) Hydrothermal Vents or Hydrothermal Fields: Where can Life Begin?
Deamer D

Dean Joe (2020) Rare Earth Elements as Process Indicators for Metal and Metaloid Contaminated Groundwater
Dean J, Srivastava P, Mitchell A & Perkins W

Dean John (2015) Assessing the Bioaccessibility of Inhaled Particles: Model Parameterisation and Application
Entwistle J, Boisa N, Dean J & Deary M

Dean Joshua (2018) The Hidden Age of Carbon Released by Peatlands
Dean J, Garnett M, van der Velde Y, Meisel O & Dolman H
(2017) Methane Microbiology of Arctic Thermokarst Lake Sediments in Response to Warming
in 't Zandt M, de Jong A, Rasigraf O, Meisel O, Dean J, Dolman H, Jetten M & Welte C
(2012) Vegetation Uptake Controlling Groundwater Solute Evolution on a Southeast Australian Granite
Dean J, Webb J, Jacobsen G, Chisari R & Dresel E

Dean Justin (2017) Solubility of Nd(OH)3 at High pH
Icenhower J, Sisk C, Kirkes L, Knox J, Marrs C & Dean J
(2016) Partitioning of Fission Products (Cs, Sr and I) into Salt Phases
Icenhower J, Kirkes L, Marrs C, Knox J, Dean J, Grant R & Ohlhausen J
(2016) Thermodynamic Modeling of Siderite and Chukanovite in the WIPP Relevant Brines
Kim S, Kirkes L, Knox J, Dean J & Jang J-H

Deane G. (2011) Comparing Ambient and Generated Marine Particle Composition, Size, and Production
Russell L, Frossard A, Modini R, Deane G, Stokes D, Keene W, Quinn T & Bates T

Deane J. (2012) Equilibrium Partitioning of Li between Olivine and Clinopyroxene at Mantle Conditions
Deane J, Feineman M, Yakob J, Eggler D & Penniston-Dorland S

DeAngelis K. (2023) Microbes Drive manganese(III)-mediated Organic Matter Degradation at Redox Interfaces
Chin NA, Liu X-JA, Horta LD, DeAngelis K & Keiluweit M
(2021) Manganese Availability Regulates Mn(III)-driven Organic Matter Degradation at Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces
Chin NA, Liu X-JA, Horta LD, DeAngelis K & Keiluweit M

DeAngelis Michael (2012) Infiltration-Driven Metamorphism of Dolomite Rock
Labotka T, DeAngelis M & Cole D
(2010) An Experimental Investigation of Olivine-Fluid Interaction as a Function of pH and Surface Area
DeAngelis M, Labotka T, Finkelstein D & Cole D
(2010) Chemical, Isotopic and Structural Features Associated with Mineral-Fluid Systems Far from Equilibrium
Cole D, Labotka T, Fayek M, Utsunomiya S, DeAngelis M & Anovitz L
(2009) Experimental Study of the Breakdown of Dolomite: Effects of Grain Size and Aggregation on Rate
Labotka T, DeAngelis M & Cole C
(2007) O Isotope Exchange during the Breakdown of Dolomite: An Experimental Study
Labotka T, DeAngelis M, Cole D, Fayek M, Riciputi L, Ushikubo T, Kita N & Valley J
(2006) Slow oxygen diffusion in zircon
Page FZ, Deangelis M, Fu B, Kita N, Lancaster P & Valley J
(2005) Breakdown of Dolomite in H<->2<$>O-Rich Fluid: An Experimental Study
Labotka T, DeAngelis M & Cole D

DeAngelis Michael (2014) The Role of Experimental Design on the Reactivity of Olivine in Acidic Solutions
Fitzhugh T & DeAngelis M

DeAngelis Michael (2018) Surface Energy of Fayalite and its Effect on Fe-Si-O Oxygen Buffers and the Olivine-Spinel Transition
Lilova K, Navrotsky A, DeAngelis M & Anovitz L

Deans J. (2021) Microstructures of Olivine Gabbros from the Atlantis Bank OCC (57°E Southwest Indian Ridge) Reveal Compaction-Driven Melts Extraction and Accumulation in Ultraslow-Spread Oceanic Crust
Ferrando C, Basch V, Ildefonse B, Deans J, Sanfilippo A, Tribuzio R, Barou F, Boulanger M & France L
(2019) Emplacement and Evolution of a Mushy Magma Reservoir in the Slow-Spread Lower Oceanic Crust
Boulanger M, France L, Deans J & Ferrando C

Deary Michael (2021) Residential Indoor Air Quality: Investigating PM10 and PM2.5 Sources, Behaviour and Environmental Factors in a Citizen Science Study
Bramwell L, Chang P, Curtis T, Deary M, Entwistle JA, Jabeen K, Namdeo A & Potgieter-Vermaak S
(2015) Assessing the Bioaccessibility of Inhaled Particles: Model Parameterisation and Application
Entwistle J, Boisa N, Dean J & Deary M

Deary Michael Edward (2023) Characterising the Organic/Inorganic Species in Plumes from Open Uncontrolled Industrial Fires Using Incident Contemporaneous FTIR Monitoring: Supporting Public Health Risk Assessment
Griffiths SD & Deary ME
(2023) Development of 1-Hour Exposure Threshold Concentrations for PM10 and PM2.5
Deary ME & Griffiths SD

Death R. (2014) Modelling Reactive Iron Species as a Proxy for the Spatial Distribution and Intensity of Ocean De-Oxygenation Events in an Earth System Model
Death R, Ridgwell A, Arndt S, Monteiro F, Sherman D & Vance D
(2013) Interpreting Molybdenum Isotopes as a Proxy for the Spatial Distribution and Intensity of Ocean De-Oxygenation Events in an Earth System Model
Death R, Ridgwell A, Arndt S, Monteiro F, Sherman D & Vance D

Deb G. (2019) Coupled MORB and Arc Signatures from a Neoarchean Greenstone Belt, Central India: Intra-Oceanic Double-Sided Subduction
Deb G, Saha D, Patranabis-Deb S & Banerjee A
(2019) Barberton Type Meta-Komatiites from Singhbhum Craton, India: A Window into Paleoarchean Mantle
Bachhar P, Saha D, Banerjee A, Patranabis-Deb S & Deb GK

Debaecker S. (2015) Fluid Circulations and Iron Oxides Associated on Cataclastic Deformation Bands in Porous Sandstones, Bassin du Sud-Est, Provence, France: New Insights from Rare Earth Elements Geochemistry
Bonhoure J, Pourret O, Debaecker S, Fedou C & Saillet E

Debaille Vinciane (2015) Nd and Sm Isotopic Composition of Ordinary Chondrites
Armytage R & Debaille V
(2015) Aluminium-Mg Systematics of Acapulcoite-Lodranites
Hidaka Y, Hublet G & Debaille V
(2015) Slow Cooling Rate of Silicate in Mesosiderite Inferred from Exsolution Lamellae in Pyroxene
Pittarello L, McKibbin S, Ji G, Schryvers D, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2015) First Findings of Impact Melt in the IIE Netschaëvo Meteorite
Van Roosbroek N, Pittarello L, Hamann C, Greshake A, Debaille V, Wirth R & Claeys P
(2015) Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Archean Mafic Rocks from the Amsaga Area, West African Craton, Mauritania
El Atrassi F, Debaille V, Mattielli N & Berger J
(2015) To Subduct or not to Subduct? that is the Archaean Question…
Debaille V, O'Neill C & Brandon AD
(2015) Dust Depostition in Snow from Northeast Antarctica: Mineralogical, Morphological and Chemical Characterization
Vanderstraeten A, Bonneville S, Schoeman V, Flament P, Deboudt K, Grobéty B, De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Gieré R, Tison J-L & Debaille V
(2015) Mineral Control on Ca Isotopic Fractionation in Mantle Reservoirs
Valdes M, Debaille V, Berger J & Lo K
(2015) Correlated Zn-Mg Isotope Fractionation in the Archean Fred’s and Theo’s Flows
Mattielli N, Hublet G, Haenecour P, Duchemin C & Debaille V
(2013) Mixing and Progressive Melting of Deep and Shallow Mantle Sources in the NE Atlantic and Arctic
Tronnes RG, Debaille V, Erambert M, Stuart FM & Waight T
(2013) Investigation of Archean Mantle Plume Components from 2.7 Ga Komatiites (Abitibi, Canada)
Duchemin C, Mattielli N, Debaille V, Arndt N & Chauvel C
(2013) Can Diffusion Cause Discrepant Lu-Hf Isochrons in Meteorites?
Debaille V, Yin Q-Z & Amelin Y
(2013) What Does Hadean Mantle Mixing Tell us About Hadean Geodynamics?
O'Neill C, Debaille V & Griffin W
(2013) Formation of the IIE Non Magmatic Iron Meteorites
Van Roosbroek N, Debaille V, Goderis S, Valley J, Spicuzza M & Claeys P
(2013) Geological History of 4-Vesta: 26Al-26Mg Dating on Eucrites and Diogenites
Hublet G, Debaille V, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2012) Stagnant-Lid Tectonics in Early Earth Revealed by 142Nd Variations in Late Archean Rocks
Debaille V, O'Neill C, Brandon A, Haenecour P, Yin Q-Z, Mattielli N & Treiman A
(2012) Zn Isotope Fractionation in Archean Komatiites and Associated Lava-Flows
Mattielli N, Haenecour P & Debaille V
(2011) Metasomatism beneath the Kerguelen Plateau Associated with Heterogeneous Mantle Plume
Debaille V, Hublet G, Mattielli N & Weis D
(2011) Potential Source Variation in Munro Komatiites: Fred’s and Theo’s Flows, Ontario, Canada
Duchemin C, Chauvel C, Arndt N, Debaille V & Mattielli N
(2010) Fertile Components of the NE Atlantic Mantle – Minor Elements and O-Isotopes in Olivine Phenocrysts
Trønnes RG, Erambert M, Eiler JM & Debaille V
(2010) The Geochemistry of the Brent Impact Structure, Ontario, Canada
Goderis S, Vleminckx B, Paquay F, Chakrabarti R, Renson V, Debaille V, Sluyts W, Vanhaecke F, Spray J, Jacobsen S & Claeys P
(2008) The Age, Duration, and Depth of a Turbulent Magma Ocean in Mars
Debaille V, Brandon AD, Yin Q-Z & Jacobsen B
(2007) Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotopic Study of Martian Meteorites: Implications for Early Differentiation on Mars
Debaille V, Yin Q-Z, Brandon AD & Jacobsen B
(2006) Origin of the Jan Mayen Hotspot: An 187Os/188Os and PGE perspective.
Debaille V, Tronnes RG, Brandon AD & Lee C-TA
(2004) Isotopic Evidence of Large-Scale Mantle Stretching and Refolding beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Agranier A, Blichert-Toft J, Schilling J, Debaille V, Schiano P & Albarède F
(2004) Hf-Nd-Pb Isotope Systematics in MORB from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 22-35°N
Debaille V, Doucelance R, Agranier A, Blichert-Toft J & Schiano P

Debaille Vinciane (2016) Investigation of Calcium Stable Isotopes in Ureilites
Valdes M, Hublet G & Debaille V
(2016) NWA 7034 and the Enriched End-Member for Shergottites
Armytage R, Debaille V & Brandon A
(2016) Constraints from the West African Craton on Archean Mantle Dynamics
Wainwright AN, Debaille V & Berger J
(2016) Chemical Compositional Relationship between Winonaite Metal and IAB Irons
Hidaka Y, Shirai N, Yamaguchi A & Debaille V
(2016) Lack of Stable Isotope Fractionation during High Temperature Volatilization
Debaille V & Randive K
(2016) Smelting Process Evidenced by δ66Zn
Hublet G, Debaille V, Doucet LS, Greenwood RC, Yamaguchi A, Mattielli N & Ebihara M

Debaille Vinciane (2017) Complex Archean Mantle Dynamics Revealed by 142Nd Isotopes
Wainwright AN, Debaille V & Berger J
(2017) Cerium Stables Isotopes as a Redox Tracer in Early Earth Environments
Bellot N, Debaille V & Hofmann A
(2017) Building up the First Continents: A Message from Integrated Zircon U-Pb/Lu-Hf Isotopes, Granitoid Petrology and Geochemistry
Laurent O, Zeh A, Vander Auwera J, Bingen B, Bolle O, Debaille V, Mattielli N & Gerdes A
(2017) Redox-Sensitive Proxies to Reconstruct Detailed Palaeoecological Conditions in the 1.1 Ga Taoudeni Basin, Mauritania
Sforna MC, Beghin J, Debaille V, Guilbaud R, Poulton SW, Gueneli N, Brocks JJ, Blanpied C & Javaux EJ
(2017) Investigating the Moon’s Early Differentiation Using Calcium Isotopes
Valdes MC & Debaille V
(2017) NWA 7034 and the Isotopic Diversity of the Martian Mantle
Armytage R, Debaille V, Brandon AD & Agee CB
(2017) Pyroxenites as Carriers of Isotopic Heterogeneity in the Oceanic Mantle
van Acken D, Luguet A, Montanini A, Debaille V, Tribuzio R, Nowell GM & Daly JS
(2017) Different Geochronological Approaches to Better Constrain the Diagenesis and Sediment Sources in the Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup, (Proterozoic, DRCongo)
François C, Baludikay BK, Baudet D, Birck J-L, Storme J-Y, Paquette J-L, Fialin M, Debaille V & Javaux EJ
(2017) Measuring Oxygen Isotopes in Micrometeorites Using SHRIMP
Van Ginneken M, Avila J, Holden P, Mckibbin S, Goderis S, Soens B, Claeys P, Debaille V, Ireland T, Folco L & Rochette P
(2017) NanoSIMS Triple-Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Glass-Type Cosmic Spherules from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Soens B, Franchi I, Goderis S, McKibbin S, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2017) Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Upper Mantle: New Insights from Ultra-Refractory Mantle Xenoliths in an Oceanic Intraplate Setting
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B, Guillaume D, Debaille V, Wasilewski B, Grégoire M, Delacour A, Cottin J-Y & Delpech G

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