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De Windt Laurent (2012) High 36Cl/Cl Ratios and non Reactive Transport in Chernobyl Groundwaters
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Bourles D, Fifield K, Van Meir N, De Windt L, Bugai D & Lancelot J
(2011) Borosilicate Glass Alteration Driven by Magnesium Carbonates
Debure M, Frugier P, De Windt L & Gin S

De Windt Laurent (2015) Coupling the Gas Phase to Reactive Transport to Model the Oxic Transient Stage in Radioactive Waste Disposals
De Windt L, Corvisier J, Marsal F & Lagneau V

De Windt Laurent (2016) Geochemistry of Claystone/Cement Paste Interface at 70℃: An in situ Experiment
Lalan P, Dauzères A, De Windt L, Bartier D, Techer I & Detilleux V

De Windt Laurent (2018) Limestone Weathering in the Urban Atmospheric Environment, a Reactive Transport Model for Unsaturated Porous Medium
Gentaz L, Saheb M, Verney-Carron A & De Windt L

De Windt Laurent (2019) Modeling Bioremediation of As-Rich Acid Mine Drainage in a Flow Reactor
Garcia-Rios M, De Windt L & Casiot C

De Windt Laurent (2021) Exploitation of Microbial Fe and As Oxidation for Semi-Passive Treatment of high-As Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in a Field-Pilot
Vanegas CD, Casiot C, Lin L, De Windt L, Djibrine A, Hery M, Desoeuvre A, Bruneel O, Battaglia-Brunet F & Jacob J

De Windt Laurent (2022) Chemo-Mechanical Study of Cement Paste Degradation Subjected to External Weak Sulfate Attacks in Geological Nuclear Waste Disposals
Pouya J, Neji M, De Windt L, Péralès F, Corvisier J & Socié A
(2022) Multiphase Reactive Transport Modeling of Oxygen Effect on Deep Gas Storage Aquifers
Banc C, De Windt L, Sin I & Petit A

De Windt Laurent (2023) Comparative Efficiencies of Chemical Stabilization Agents to Reduce Molybdenum Mobility from Excavated Materials
Dumas A, Tapsoba N, De Windt L, Serclerat I & Huet B
(2023) Reactive Transport Models at the Iron/Bentonite Interface at Laboratory and in situ Scales and Long-Term Predictions
Samper J, Mon A, Montenegro L, Samper A-C, Torres E, Turrero MJ, Cuevas J, De Windt L & García E

De Winter B. (2022) Investigating Combined Arc and OIB Signatures at a Post-Collisional Subduction Setting by Geochemical and Boron Isotope Analyses of Melt Inclusions from Vulture, Italy
Luciani N, De Winter B, Nikogosian I, De Hoog C-J, Bracco Gartner AJJ, Davies GR & Koornneef JM

de Winter Niels (2017) Isotopic Variations in Bone Material during Burning
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2017) High Resolution Trace Element Analysis in Fossil Bivalves: Perspectives from micro-Xrf Scanning
de Winter N & Claeys P
(2016) Multi-Proxy Analyses of Bioapatites – Implications for Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology and Bioarchaeology
Claeys P, de Winter N, Stein K & Snoeck C
(2016) Isotopic and Trace Element Seasonality in Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves (Hippuritida): Tracing Cretaceous Seasonality
de Winter N, Snoeck C, Skelton P, Huck S & Claeys P
(2016) Investigating Diagenetic Patterns Using δ18Op and δ18Oc in Bone and Tooth Apatite of Modern, Archaeological and Fossil Specimens
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Stein K & Claeys P

de Winter Niels J. (2021) Absolute Seasonality Reconstructions from Clumped Isotope Analyses in Carbonate Archives
de Winter NJ, Müller IA, Kocken IJ, Agterhuis T & Ziegler M

De Wit A. (2023) New Insights on Greenland Ice Sheet Basal Processes: Modelling the Evolution of a Biological Signature and Diffusion Processes
Ardoin L, De Wit A, Tison J-L, Blunier T, Dahl-Jensen D, Steffensen JP & Fripiat F

de Wit Maarten (2005) A Mechanism for Preservation of ~3.5 Billion-Year-Old Microbial Alteration Textures in Pillow Basalts from the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Banerjee N, Furnes H, Chacko T, Muehlenbachs K, Staudigel H & De Wit M
(2004) Pillow Lavas as a Habitat for Early Life on Earth
Banerjee N, Furnes H, Muehlenbachs K, Staudigel H & de Wit M
(2002) Influence of H2O on the Development of Spinifex Textures in Komatiites
Grove T, Parman S, Nuka P, de Wit M & Dann J
(2002) Komatiites: The Subduction Perspective
Parman S, Grove T, de Wit M & Dann J

De Wit Maartin (2007) The δ18O of the Ocean at 3.8 Ga
Muehlenbachs K, Furnes H, De Wit M, Rosing M & Staudigel H

de Wit Michiel (2022) The Mineral Chemistry Derived Diamond Potential of NW Botswana: on- or Off-Craton in West Gondwanaland?
Shaikh A, Tappe S, Viljoen F, de Wit M & Ueckermann H

De Wolf S. (2019) Quantifying the CO2 Sequestration Potential of Enhanced Silicate Weathering in Coastal Environments
Burdorf LD, De Wolf S, Montserrat F & Meysman FJ

De Yoreo James (2020) Connecting Energetics to Dynamics in Particle Growth by Oriented Attachment Using Real-Time Observations
Liu L, Nakouzi E, Sushko M, Schenter GK, Mundy CJ, Chun J & De Yoreo J
(2020) Dynamics of Interface-Driven Nucleation and Assembly
De Yoreo J, Legg B, Zhu G, Baer M, Sushko M, Loring J, Huang X, Mundy C, Schenter G, Chun J & Rosso K
(2020) Understanding Torque-Generating Forces Enabling Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment
Zhang X, He Y, Sushko M, Liu J, De Yoreo J, Mao S & Rosso K
(2020) Heavy Metal Incorporation during Goethite Oriented Attachment
Mergelsberg S, Zhu G, Soltis J, McBriarty M, Nakouzi E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2020) Mechanistic Understanding of Electron-Beam Induced Akaganeite Nanorod Dissolution
Sassi M, Liu L, Nakouzi E, Kovarik L, Liang X, Zhang X, Rosso K & De Yoreo J
(2020) Probing Solid Transformation of Akaganéite to Iron Oxides by in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
Zhang X, He Y, Kovarik L, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Du Y, Liu L, Wang C, De Yoreo J & Rosso K
(2020) Tandem Effects of Lipid Head and Tail Chemistry on Clay Wettability
Kessenich B, Pokhrel N, Kibue J, Flury M, Maibaum L & De Yoreo J
(2019) Behavior of Water in a Lipid-Clay Film
Kessenich B, Pokhrel N, Nakouzi E, Newcomb C, Flury M, Maibaum L & De Yoreo J
(2018) The Mg-Dependent Solubility and Local Structure(s) of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC)
Mergelsberg S, De Yoreo J, Michel M, Rimstidt D & Dove P
(2018) Observing Nucleation Fluctuations with in situ AFM
Legg B, Mundy C, Baer M & De Yoreo J
(2018) Carbonate Ion Concentration as a Master Variable in the Formation of Geological and Biological CaCO3
Dove P, Mergelsberg S, Han N, De Yoreo J & Rimstidt D
(2018) Atomic-Scale Distribution of Uranium during Iron Oxide Mineral Growth
Soltis J, McBriarty M, Spurgeon S, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2018) Correlating Mineral-Water Interface Structure to Particle Interactions and Emergent Phenomena
Chun J, Nakouzi E, Soltis J, Legg B, Schenter G, Zhang X, Graham T, Rosso K, Anovitz L & De Yoreo J
(2018) Phospholipid Influence on the Water Repellency of the Clay Montmorillonite
Kessenich B, Pokhrel N, Maibaum L & De Yoreo J
(2018) An in situ Look at Water, Ions and Forces at Mineral Surfaces and in Confinement
De Yoreo J, Kerisit S, Tuladhar A, Zhang X, Sushko M, Zhang S, Li D, Chun J, Wang Z, Nakouzi E & Rosso K
(2017) The Impact of Additives on Crystallization of Amorphous CaCO3
Liu Z, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Jin B, Li D, Tao J, Tang R & De Yoreo J
(2017) Uranium Uptake and Redistribution during Phase Transformation and Oriented Attachment of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Soltis J, McBriarty M, Qafoku O, Spurgeon S, Buck E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2017) From Ions to Islands: An Atomic Scale Study of Gibbsite Nucleation on Muscovite
Legg B, Trewby W, Voïtchovsky K & De Yoreo J
(2016) The Nanoscale Forces Behind Crystallization by Oriented Aggregation
Rosso K, Zhang X, Sushko M, Shen Z, Kerisit S, Li D, Chun J, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Liu J, Mundy C & De Yoreo J
(2016) Probing Stabilization Mechanisms at the Soil Organic-Mineral Interface at the Molecular Length Scale
Newcomb C, Grate J, Qafoku N, Browning N, Hufschmid R & De Yoreo J

De Yoreo James J (2014) Direct Observation of CaCO3 Formation Pathways
Nielsen MH & De Yoreo JJ
(2014) Deciphering Chemical and Morphological Patterns of Mineralization
Dove P, Blue C, Mergelsberg S, Giuffre A & De Yoreo J
(2014) Polysaccharide Chemistry and Ionic Strength Regulate Calcite Nucleation Barriers Through Continuum of Competing Interfacial Forces
Giuffre A, De Yoreo J & Dove P
(2014) The Control of Organic Matrices on Nucleation and Growth of CaCO3
De Yoreo J, Nielsen M, Smeets P, Hamm L, Dove P & Sommerdijk N
(2014) Characterizing Particle Mediated Crystal Formation
Banfield JF, DeYoreo JJ, Dove PM, Gilbert P, Joester D, Michel FM, Murray CB, Navrotsky A, Penn RL, Rimer JD, Sommerdijk NAJM, Wallace AF, Whitelam S & Zhang H
(2013) Unraveling the CaCO3/PSS Mesocrystal Formation Mechanism by in situ TEM and in situ AFM
Smeets P, Cho KR, Li D, Nielsen M, Sommerdijk N & De Yoreo J
(2013) Classical vs. Non-Classical Pathways of Crystallization
De Yoreo J, Li D, Nielsen M, Hamm L & Dove P
(2013) Liquid-Liquid Separation at the Onset of CaCO3 Formation
Wallace A, Hedges L, Fernandez-Martinez A, Raiteri P, Whitelam S, Waychunas G, Gale J, Banfield J & De Yoreo J
(2012) Fluid Cell TEM Shows Direction-Specific Interactions Control Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment
Li D, Nielsen M, Lee J, Frandsen C, Banfield J & De Yoreo J
(2012) Non-Classical Pathways of Mineralization: Pre-Nucleation Clusters and Oriented Attachment
De Yoreo J, Wallace A, Li D, Nielsen M, Lee J, Banfield J & Frandsen C
(2012) Thermodynamic Feedbacks in Kinetic Trace Metal-Calcite Solid Solution Formation
Nielsen L, DePaolo D & De Yoreo J
(2012) Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Calcite Nucleation on Self-Assembled Monolayers
Hamm L, Han N, Giuffre A, De Yoreo J & Dove P
(2012) The Influence of Mineralization Pathway on Composition and Isotope Signatures in Calcite
Dove P, Giuffre A, Han N, De Yoreo J & Gagnon A
(2011) Molecular Model of Kinetic Isotope Fractionation during Surface-Controlled Growth of CaCO3 from Aqueous Solution
Nielsen L, DePaolo D & De Yoreo J
(2011) Calcium Isotopes during Coral Biomineralization
Gagnon A, DePaolo D, Adkins J & De Yoreo J
(2010) Extending BCF Theory Through Nanoscale Insights: Kink-Limited Kinetics of Calcite Growth and Inhibition
Dove P & De Yoreo J
(2010) Atomistic Simulation of Metal-Carbonate Cluster Formation
Wallace A, Raiteri P, Gale J, DeYoreo J & Banfield J
(2008) Guided Nanoscale Remodeling of Soluble Surfaces Using a Novel Probe-Based Method
Elhadj S, De Yoreo J & Chernov A
(2005) Classical Nucleation Theory Predicts Dissolution Kinetics of Silica
Dove P, Han N & De Yoreo J
(2005) Polyaspartate as a Stereochemical Switch for Controlling the Growth and Morphology of Calcite
Elhadj S, Dove P, De Yoreo J, Salter E & Wierzbicki A
(2005) Effects of Temperature and Transport Conditions on Magnesium Contents in Calcite
Wasylenki L, Dove P & De Yoreo J
(2004) Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Sr and Mg Interactions with Calcite during Growth: Deciphering Mineralization Processes
Dove P, Wasylenki L, Wilson D & de Yoreo J
(2004) Sensitivity of Calcite Growth Rate to Solution Mg/Ca Increases with Increasing Temperature
Wasylenki L, Dove P & de Yoreo J
(2001) Mechanisms of Calcite Growth Inhibition by Mg2+ and Sr2+: Comparison of Molecular-Scale Measurements to Crystal Growth Impurity Models
Davis KJ, Dove PM & De Yoreo JJ
(2001) Resolving the Role of Magnesium as an Impurity in Calcite Growth
Davis KJ, Dove PM & De Yoreo JJ

De Yoreo James J. (2023) Chitosan as Canvas for Studies of Macromolecular Controls on CaCO3 Biological Crystallization
Knight BM, Edgar KJ, De Yoreo JJ & Dove PM

De Yoreo Jim (2021) Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of CaCO3 Revealed by in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
Jin B, Chen Y, Pyles H, Legg B, Wang Z & De Yoreo J
(2021) Self-Similar Mesocrystals Form Via Interface-Driven Nucleation and Assembly and Dissolve by Particle Detachment
Zhu G, Sushko M, Loring J, Legg B, Huang X, Song M, Rosso K & De Yoreo J

de Zeeuw van Dalfsen E. (2022) Amalgamation of Plagioclase Crystal Populations from the Magmatic System beneath the Volcanic Island, Saba
Zwillich FC, Berlo K, McMillan N & de Zeeuw van Dalfsen E
(2020) Analysis of Feldspar Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Zwillich FC, Berlo K, McMillan N & de Zeeuw van Dalfsen E

de Zwaan C. (2008) Is Assimilation of Sedimentary Basement Responsible for the Temporal Geochemical Variations of Etna Magmas?
Vroon P, Wijbrans J, Groen M, de Groot K, de Zwaan C & van der Wagt B

de Zwart B-R. (2019) Waterflooding for Improved Oil Recovery: Cation Exchange Makes the Difference
Tambach T, Fadili A, Gdanski R, Kampman N, Koot W, Snippe J & de Zwart B-R

De-Leeuw A. (2023) Clacite U-Pb Dating in the Western Alps: State of the art and New Perspectives for Constraining Alpine Geodynamics
Bienveignant D, Huraut M, Vezinet A, Rolland Y, Bernet M, Schwartz S, Dumont T, De-Leeuw A & Bilau A
(2023) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates: Towards a Chronostratigraphic Framework for the Digne-Valensole Basin (France)
Huraut M, De-Leeuw A, Vezinet A, Bienveignant D & Margirier J

De-Pourcq K. (2013) Modelling of Cs Adsorption in Natural Mixed Clays and the Effects of Ion Competition
Garcia-Gutierrez M, Missana T, Benedicto A, Ayora C & De-Pourcq K

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