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De Santiago Torio A. (2017) Sources and Roles of Non-Phosphorus Lipids in Anoxic Environments
Schubotz F, De Santiago Torio A & Bosak T
(2015) The Occurrence of Novel Ring Containing Archaeal Tetraethers in a Stratified Lake (Green Lake, NY)
Liu X-L, Klepac-Ceraj V, De Santiago Torio A, Summons R & Bosak T

De Schrijver I. (2005) A Synthesis of Diamond and Inclusion Trace Element Studies
Tomlinson E, De Schrijver I, De Corte K, Van Haecke F & Moens L

De Schrijver T. (2016) 3D Dynamic Imaging of Pore Scale Processes in Geomaterials
Cnudde V, Bultreys T, Derluyn H, Boone M, De Kock T, Van Stappen J, De Schrijver T, Boone M, Masschaele B & Van Hoorebeke L

De Schryver T. (2021) Chemical Form of Palladium and 3D Distribution of Pt-Group Minerals in Norilsk Ore Deposits
Merkulova M, Sittner J, Brovchenko V, Boone M, Renno A, da Assuncao Godinho JR, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A, Liipo J & Cnudde V
(2021) 3-Dimensional Distribution of Ore Minerals from the Au-U Witwatersrand Supergroup Using Spectral X-Ray Computed Micro Tomography
Sittner J, Godinho J, Renno AD, Cnudde V, Merkulova M, Guy BM, Boone M, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A & Liipo J
(2019) Spectral Tomography for 3D Mineral and Chemical Analysis
Godinho J, Renno A, De Schryver T & Masschaele B

de Sigoyer J. (2018) Linking Mineral Growth and Re-equilibration to in situ Th-Pb Allanite and 40Ar/39Ar Mica Ages in Low to Medium-Grade Metapelites (Eastern Tibet)
Airaghi L, Lanari P, Warren C, Janots E & de Sigoyer J

De Silva A. (2019) Using Ice and Sediment Cores to Quantify Climate-Warming Induced Inputs of Legacy Mercury to Lake Hazen, Nunavut
Lemire D, Lehnherr I, De Silva A, Young C, Criscitiello A, Kirk J & Varty S

De Silva Shanaka (2020) Deciphering Pre-Eruptive Thermal Histories Using Coupled Ar/Ar and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry and Bayesian Inference: Toba Caldera, Sumatra
Danisik M, Mucek A, de Silva S, Miggins D, Schmitt A, Pratomo I, Koppers A, Phatak A & Gillespie J
(2016) Preeruptive Processes of the Eruption of High-Silica Rhyolite from Toya Caldera, Japan
Tomiya A, Goto Y, Danhara T & de Silva S
(2013) The Role of Crustal Assimilation on the Oxidation State of Arc Magmas
Grocke S, Cottrell E, de Silva S, Andrews B & Kelley K
(2008) Unravelling Complex Magmatic Processes Using Amphibole: A Case Study from El Misti, Peru
Tepley F, De Silva S & Salas G

de Silva Shanaka L. (2018) Understanding the Long-Term Thermal Conditions of Magma Storage in the Crust: Are We There Yet?
Kent A, Bradshaw R, Lubbers J, Cooper K & de Silva S
(2018) Magmatic Architecture and Dynamics of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex, Catamarca, Argentina
Roberge J, De Silva SL, Viramonte J, Arnosio M & Becchio R

de Soto F. (2013) Observations and Modeling of Sinking Particle Speeds in the Twilight Zone Using 210Po-210Pb Deficit
Villa-Alfageme M, de Soto F, Le Moigne F, Giering S, Sanders R & Garcia-Tenorio R

de Soto Garcia I. (2012) Reactive Transport in Compacted Bentonite: Porosity Concepts, Experiments and Applications
Mader U, Jenni A, Fernandez R & de Soto Garcia I

de Souza Gregory (2022) Evidence for Hadean Mantle Differentiation and Archean Geodynamics Preserved in Granitoid Rocks from the Western Dharwar Craton, India
Ravindran A, Peters B, de Souza G, Mezger K, Maden C, Srinivasan B & Schönbächler M
(2021) Re-assessing the Role of Water-Column Sulphide Formation in the Marine Cd Cycle
de Souza G, Vance D, Sieber M, Conway T & Little SH
(2021) The Oceanic Biogeochemistry of Nickel and its Isotopes
Lemaitre N, Archer C, de Souza G, Du J( & Vance D
(2021) The Potential of GEOTRACES Zn Data for Constraining Biogeochemical Model Behavior
Eisenring C, de Souza G, Oliver S, Khatiwala S & Vance D
(2019) Iron Cycling in the Upper Southern Ocean – Insights from Fe Isotopes
Sieber M, Conway T, De Souza G, Ellwood M & Vance D
(2019) Biogeochemical Behaviour of Cd and Zn in Eastern-Boundary OMZs
de Souza G, Sieber M, Conway T & Vance D
(2019) Influence of Seasonal Variability on Zn Cycling in OGCMs with Different Spatial Resolutions
Eisenring C, de Souza G, Khatiwala S & Vance D
(2018) Gulf Stream Eddies as an Important Source of Dissolved Fe to the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
Conway T, Palter J & de Souza G
(2018) The Cycling of Zn and Cd Isotopes in Multiple Sectors of the Southern Ocean from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
Sieber M, Conway T, de Souza G, Ellwood M & Vance D
(2017) Gulf Stream Eddies Rival Atmospheric Supply of Iron to the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
de Souza G, Conway T & Palter J
(2017) Chemistry, not Biology, is the Main Control on Modern Ocean Transition Metal Isotope Budgets
Vance D, Archer C, Little S, Köbberich M, de Souza G & Ciscato E
(2016) Studying High-Latitude Silicon Cycling in the Sea Using Si Stable Isotopes
de Souza G, Maden C, Wetzel F, Carter B, Obata H & Vance D

de Souza Gregory F. (2023) What Controls the Marine Zn Isotope Distribution? Insights from Data-Constrained Modelling
Eisenring C, de Souza GF & Vance D
(2023) Rayleigh? Maybe. What Controls Marine δ53Cr Systematics?
de Souza GF, Rickli J, Janssen DJ & Du J
(2015) The Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycle of Zinc and its Isotopes: The Dominance of Diatoms and the Southern Ocean
Vance D, Little S, De Souza G, Köbberich M, Zhao Y, Cullen J & Lohan M
(2015) Interpreting the Oceanic Silicon Stable Isotope Distribution: Insights from Ocean GCMs
de Souza G, Slater R, Dunne J, Hain M, Brzezinski M & Sarmiento J
(2014) Model-Based Assessment of the Sources of the North Atlantic Si Isotope Signature
de Souza GF, Brzezinski MA, Slater RD & Sarmiento JL
(2014) Preformed and Regenerated Controls on the Oceanic Silicon Stable Isotope Distribution
de Souza GF, Slater RD, Dunne JP & Sarmiento JL
(2013) Silicon Stable Isotope Constraints on the Pathways of Thermocline Nutrient Replenishment
de Souza G, Slater R & Sarmiento J
(2011) Silicon Stable Isotope Constraints on the Global Oceanic Si Cycle
de Souza G, Reynolds B & Bourdon B
(2011) Modelling Vertical Stable Isotope and Elemental Distributions in the Upper Ocean
Reynolds B & de Souza G
(2009) δ30Si Constraints on Silicon Cycling in the Low-Latitude Thermocline
de Souza G, Reynolds B, Rickli J, Frank M & Bourdon B
(2008) The Stable Si Isotope Composition of Eastern Atlantic Ocean Seawater
de Souza G, Reynolds B, Rickli J, Frank M & Bourdon B
(2007) Evidence for Stable Strontium Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering
de Souza G, Reynolds B & Bourdon B

de Souza M. (2017) Dioctahedral Smectites as Nitrogen Conveyors to the Deep Earth: Implications for the Origin of Life
Cedeño D, Conceição R, de Souza M, Quinteiro R & Carniel L

de Souza N. (2008) Librational Dynamics of Nano-Confined Water: Neutron Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations for Hydrocalumite
Kalinichev A, Faraone A, Udovic T, Kolesnikov A, de Souza N, Reinholdt M & Kirkpartick RJ

de Souza P. (2004) Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Mars and its Potential Contribution in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Schroeder C, Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Bernhardt B, Rodionov D, de Souza P & Renz F

de Souza Filho C.R. (2020) Authigenic Titanite in Paleosols Indicates Elevated Temperatures and Low Atmospheric CO2 Levels
Novoselov A, Silva D & de Souza Filho CR

de Souza Franco G. (2023) Reassessment of the Drake Passage Opening Using Nd and Sr Isotope Systematics of Shark Teeth from La Meseta Formation
de Souza Franco G, Bizimis M, Scher H, Kim SL & Mors T
(2022) REE Distribution in the Water Column of the Eastern Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone
de Souza Franco G, Duggan B, Bourbonnais A, Perin D, Jackson E & Scher H

de Souza Sardinha Diego (2014) Rare Earth Elements Distribution in Weathering Profiles from Corumbataí Formation, São Paulo, Brazil
Hirata Godoy L, Margarita Torres Moreno M & de Souza Sardinha D
(2014) Pedoestratigraphic Analysis by Geochemical Mobility of an Alkaline Rock from Poços de Caldas Volcanic Caldera, Brazil
de Souza Sardinha D, Hirata Godoy L & Margarita Torres Moreno M

de Souza Sardinha Diego (2015) Phosphorus Geochemical Mobility in the Ariranha Stream Basin, Poços de Caldas Volcanic Caldera, Brazil
de Souza Sardinha D, Gonçalves Carvalho F & Hirata Godoy L

de St Blanquat M. (2013) Petrology and Geochemistry of Mafic and Ultramafic Metamagmatic Rocks Emplaced within the Anatectic Series of the Middle Crust of the Variscan Pyrenees: Example of the Gavarnie-Heas Dome, West Pyrenees
Kilzi M, Gregoire M, Benoit M, Debat P, de St Blanquat M & Driouch Y

De Stasio G. (2005) Quantitative Mapping of the Ferrous to Ferric Ratio on a Sub-Micron Scale Using Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy
Frazer BH, Xu H, Waychunas GA & De Stasio G
(2003) Microbial Polymer Templation of Iron Oxyhydroxides
Chan C, Nesterova M, Welch S, De Stasio G & Banfield J

de Stefano M. (2004) Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints on Algal Distribution in Acidic Hydrothermal Environments: Pisciarelli (Naples, Italy) as a Model Site
Valentino G, Ciniglia C, Cennamo P, de Stefano M, Stanzione D, Pinto G & Pollio A

De Stigter H. (2020) Assessing Chemical Contamination in the Marine Sediments of the Southwest Portuguese Continental Shelf, the CSS Project: Preliminary Results
Mil-Homens M, Santos M, de Almeida M, Brito P, Freitas M, Gaudêncio M, de Stigter H, Micaelo C, Rodrigues A, Santos I, Raimundo J & Caetano M
(2017) Mining-Induced Loss of Seafloor Integrity Compromises Ecosystem Functioning
Haeckel M, Vonnahme T, De Stigter H, Janssen F, Wenzhöfer F, Marcon Y, Purser A, Haffert L, Köser K, Greinert J & Boetius A

de Tagle A. (2001) Damage to Monuments from the Crystallization of Mirabilite, Thenardite and Halite: Mechanisms, Environment, and Preventive Possibilities
Doehne E, Selwitz C, Carson D & de Tagle A

de Titta A. (2009) Mechanisms of Protein Adhesion to Bare and Carbonate-Coated Silver Nanoparticles
Wigginton NS, de Titta A, Nesatyy VJ, Suter MJF & Bernier-Latmani R

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