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de Jong A. (2019) Iron Oxides Stimulate Methane Emission in Rewetted Dutch Agricultural Soils
de Jong A, Guerrero S, Van Diggelen J, Vaksmaa A, Smolders A, Lamers L, Jetten M & Rasigraf O
(2017) Methane Microbiology of Arctic Thermokarst Lake Sediments in Response to Warming
in 't Zandt M, de Jong A, Rasigraf O, Meisel O, Dean J, Dolman H, Jetten M & Welte C

de Jong B. (2007) Thermodynamic Assessment of the Magnesium-Olivine-Pyroxene System Using a Lattice Vibrational Technique
Jacobs M, van den Berg A & de Jong B

de Jong H. (2017) Seasonal and Prehistoric Halite Salt Consumption Through 87Sr/86Sr Analysis of Tooth Enamel
de Jong H & Conte T
(2007) LA-MC-ICPMS 87Sr/86Sr Analysis on Tooth Enamel – Pitfalls and Problems
de Jong H, Foster G, Hawkesworth C & Pike A

De Jong J. (2023) Unravelling the Role of Surface Complexation in the Isotopic Fractionation of Fe Aerosols
Pech CG, De Jong J, Ciotonea C, Dhont G, Mattielli N & Flament P
(2022) Isotope Fractionation of Moderately Volatile Elements in Variably Shocked Ordinary Chondrites
Roland J, Debaille V, Pourkhorsandi H, De Jong J & Goderis S
(2021) Probing the Cerium Stable Isotopic Dynamics of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Rocks
Pourkhorsandi H, Debaille V, De Jong J, Armytage R & Decrée S
(2017) Controls on Upper Ocean Cd Isotope Fractionation
Xie RC, Janssen DJ, Abouchami W, Galer SJG, Rijkenberg MJA, Cullen JT, de Baar HJW, De Jong J & Andreae MO
(2017) Alteration of Iron Solubility and Isotopic Composition of Industrial Particles by Atmospheric Processing
Maters E, Flament P, de Jong J, Mattielli N & Deboudt K
(2015) Assessing the Impact of Denudation Rate on Soil Chemical Weathering Intensity: The Response of Si Isotopes
Ameijeiras-Mariño Y, Opfergelt S, Delmelle P, Vanacker V & De Jong J
(2012) Contrasting Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Aluminium along the GEOTRACES West Atlantic Section
De Baar H, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Middag R, Van Hulten M, Laan P, Schoemann V, De Jong J, Sterl A & Van Aken H
(2011) Cadmium Isotopes in the Western North Atlantic – GEOTRACES Cruise PE319
Powell C, Abouchami W, Galer S, Andreae M, de Jong J, Gerringa L & de Baar H
(2011) Dissolved Fe in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Distribution, Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Laan P, Schoemann V, Middag R, van Heuven S, Salt L, van Aken H, de Jong J & de Baar H
(2010) Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Metal Atmospheric Deposition and Soil Contamination at the Vicinity of an Old Mining and Refining Complex (Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Matos JX, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
(2010) Environmental Assessment Using Pb and Cd Isotopes at Abandoned Mining Site, South of Portugal
Africano F, Mattielli N, Matos J, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
(2008) Microbiological Control on the Cycling of Fe and its Isotopes in Antarctic Sea Ice
Schoemann V, De Jong J, Lannuzel D, Tison J-L, Delille B, Chou L, Lancelot C & Becquevort S
(2008) High-Accuracy Determination of Iron in Antarctic Waters by Isotope Dilution MCICPMS Using Nitrilotriacetic Acid Chelating Resin for Preconcentration and Matrix Separation
De Jong J, Schoemann V, Lannuzel D, Tison J-L & Mattielli N
(2008) Iron and Trace Elements Cycling in Mineralized Paleolaterites from NW Tunisia
Decrée S, De Putter T, de Jong J, Marignac C & Yans J
(2004) High-Precision Pb Isotope Systematics of Basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago: New Insights on the Kerguelen Plume Components
Weis D, de Jong J & Maerschalk C

de Jong L.M. (2010) Using Sediment Fuel Cells to Detect Contaminants in Aquatic and Shallow Subsurface Environments
de Jong LM, Bohncke NC, van Rossum PH & van der Weijden RD

de Jong W. (2013) Understanding Uranyl Adsorption at the Water-Mineral Interface: A Theoretical Approach
Yang P, Bylaska E & de Jong W

De Jonge C. (2023) Impact of Vegetation Dynamics on Leaf Wax Stable Isotopes Since the Younger Dryas in Central Switzerland
Santos RN, Klatt A, Nelson DB, Ajallooeian F, Schubert CJ, Dubois N, De Jonge C & Ladd SN
(2022) Temperature Sensitivity of Freshwater Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in Different Seasons: A Mesocosm Approach
Ajallooeian F & De Jonge C
(2019) Seasonal and Hydrological Controls on Riverine brGDGT Export
Anjewierden P, de Jonge C, Schwab MS & Eglinton TI
(2017) Soil Branched GDGTs Measured along an Icelandic Temperature Gradient Change Only When the Bacterial Community Changes
De Jonge C, Peterse F, Radujkovic D, Weedon J & Janssens I
(2016) The C32 Alkane-1, 15-Diol as a Tracer for Riverine Input in Coastal Seas
Lattaud J, De Jonge C, Kim J-H, Zell C, Sinninghe-Damste J & Schouten S
(2015) Sources and Sinks of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers and Bacteriohopanepolyols in the Major Yenisei River System and Kara Sea (Siberia)
De Jonge C, Stadnitskaia A, Talbot HM & Sinninghe Damsté JS

de Jonge M. (2014) Biogeochemical Influences on Uranium Speciation in the Mulga Rock Sedimentary Uranium Ore Deposit, Western Australia
Cumberland S, Jaraula C, Grice K, Douglas G, Evans K, McCuaig C, Schwark L, Curtain R, Rubanov S, de Jonge M, Howard D & Moreau J
(2011) Redox Profile Through the Siberian Craton: Fe K-Edge XANES Determination of Fe3+/Fe2+ in Garnet from Peridotite Xenoliths of the Udachnaya Kimberlite
Yaxley G, Berry A, Kamenetsky V, Woodland A, Paterson D, de Jonge M & Howard D
(2011) Quantitative Mapping of the Oxidation State of Iron in Mantle Garnet
Berry A, Yaxley G, Hanger B, Woodland A, de Jonge M, Howard D & Paterson D
(2006) Nanoscale Geochemistry of Phosphorus Within Marine Sediments
Brandes J, Ingall E, Paterson D & De Jonge M

De Jongh T. (2020) Sources and Cycling of Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in the Southern Ocean: Linkages to the Nutrient Dynamics
Samanta S, Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Cloete R, Loock J, De Jongh T & Roychoudhury A

de Kemp E. (2012) 3D Visualization of the Horne Hydrothermal System
Taylor B, de Kemp E, Grunsky E, Martin L, Rigg D, Goutier J, Lauziere K & Dube B

de Kluijver A. (2010) Carbon Fluxes in Natural Plankton Communities Under Elevated CO2 Levels: A Stable Isotope Labeling Study
de Kluijver A, Soetaert K, Schulz KG, Riebesell U, Bellerby RGJ & Middelburg JJ

de Kock M (2003) Permian-Triassic Magnetostratigraphy in the Karoo Basin of South Africa
de Kock M, Beukes N, Hancox J, Kirschvink J, Neveling J & Bruce R

de Kock Michiel (2019) The Paleoenvironmental and Economic Significance of the post-Goe pre-Gamagara Unconformity, South Africa
Smith A, De Kock M, Gutzmer J, Monareng F, Blignaut L & Beukes N
(2015) Magnetic Study of Jaspers of the Fig Tree Group from Barb4 Drill Core
Wabo H, Beukes N, Mare L, Humbert F & de Kock M

De Kock T. (2016) 3D Dynamic Imaging of Pore Scale Processes in Geomaterials
Cnudde V, Bultreys T, Derluyn H, Boone M, De Kock T, Van Stappen J, De Schrijver T, Boone M, Masschaele B & Van Hoorebeke L

de Koff J.P. (2002) Geochemistry of the Salton Sea, CA
Amrhein C, Rodriguez IR & de Koff JP

de Koker N. (2011) First-Principles Simulations of Alkali Aluminosilicate Liquids
Ni H & de Koker N
(2011) Solubility of Fluorine and Chlorine in Nominally Anhydrous Mantle Minerals: Implications for Mantle Metasomatism and Arc Magmas
Bernini D, Dolejs D, de Koker N, Audetat A, Keppler H & Wiedenbeck M
(2011) Melts in the Deep Mantle: Insights from First Principles Molecular Dynamics
de Koker N, Stixrude L & Karki B
(2009) Thermal Conductivity of MgO Periclase from Equilibrium First Principles Molecular Dynamics
De Koker N

de La Bernardie J. (2016) Quantification of Coupled Fluid Flow and Reactive Transport Using a Dissolved Gas Tracer Test in a Fractured Media
Chatton E, Labasque T, Aquilina L, de La Bernardie J & Boisson A

de la Briere G. (2012) Reconstruction of Trace Metal Contamination in Coastal Sediments from Cape Corsica (France) during Ancient Times
Goiran J-P, Fagel N, Halleux C, Lefebvre L, Arnaud P & de la Briere G

De La Cruz A. (2022) Extent and Impact of Arsenic and Fluoride Leaching from Hydrothermally Impacted Sediments of the Independence Basin Aquifer System, Mexico
Aguilar A, Kulkarni HV, Rampe EB, Li Y, De La Cruz A & Datta S

De la Fuente J. (2019) Geoengineering the Carbon Cycles in the Ocean
Larter S, Radovic J, Silva R & De la Fuente J

de la Fuente M. (2021) Pushing the Limits for in situ U-Series (U-Th) Geochronology in Carbonates
Scott PM, Sadekov A, Trotter J, Breitenbach S, de la Fuente M, Horstwood M, Condon D, Bickle M & McCulloch M
(2020) Deep Oceanographic Changes in the South Tyrrhenian Sea during the Time of Last Mediterranean Sapropel Formation
Trias-Navarro S, Cacho I, Pena L, De La Fuente M, Català A, Paredes E, Garcia-Solsona E, Frigola J, Lirer F & Caruso A
(2017) Rare Earth Elements and Authigenic ‘coatings’ in the Service of Palaeoceanography: A Microanalysis Approach
Skinner L, Sadekov A, Brandon M, de la Fuente M, Read E, Gottschalk J, Ureta-Souanef S & Greaves M
(2015) Major Cation, Carbon System and Trace Element Chemistry in Pore Waters from the Iberian Margin: Implications for Paleoproxies
Greaves M, Elderfield H, Hodell D, Skinner L, Sevilgen D, Grauel A-L, de la Fuente M, Misra S & Daunt C

De La Fuente Ruiz M. (2023) Weakening of the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) Biofilter: The Combined Role of Methane Gas Transport and Methanotrophic Biomass Dynamics
De La Fuente Ruiz M, Arndt S, Marín-Moreno H, Minshull TA & Vaunat J

de la Haye T. (2016) Root System-Mediated P Heterogeneity in Forest Soils: From Aggregate Surfaces to Single Trees
Spielvogel S, de la Haye T, Werner F & Prietzel J

De La Hoz Siegler H. (2020) Reactive Transport Constraints on Early Diagenesis in Two Soda Lakes of the Cariboo Plateau, Canada
Tutolo B, Paquette A, Zhou Y, Bossaer S, Arizaleta M, Schroeder S, Mott E, Novotnik B, Gillis T, Vadalamani A, Rattray J, Nightingale M, De La Hoz Siegler H, Lauer R & Strous M

de la Paz M. (2016) The Mediterranean Sea Sink for Greenhouse Gases
Huertas IE, Flecha S, de la Paz M, Rios AF & Perez FF

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