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De Giacomo A. (2013) Detoxification of Milk Contaminated by Aflatoxin M1 Using Clay Minerals and Effects on Milk Quality
Carraro A, De Giacomo A, Giannossi M, Medici L, Palazzo L, Quaranta V, Summa V & Tateo F

de Gironcoli S. (2010) First-Principles Investigation of Order-Disorder Phase Boundary in Ice
Umemoto K, Wentzcovitch R, Baroni S & de Gironcoli S

De Giudici G. (2018) Rapid Migration of Micro and Nano-Fluids Hosted in Carbonate Minerals
Zuddas P, Salvi S, Lopez O, De Giudici G & Censi P
(2015) Time-Resolved in situ Detection of Newly Formed Secondary Mn and Fe Oxides Using a SQUID Gradiometer Technique
Schäffner F, De Giudici G, Linzen S, Merten D & Büchel G
(2014) Transport and Fate of Zinc in the Abandoned Mine District of Ingurtosu, Italy: A Mass- and Isotopic-Balance Approach
Wanty R, De Giudici G, Podda F, Verplanck P, Medas D, Cidu R, Lattanzi P & Kimball B
(2014) Solubility of Biominerals: Estimate of Hydrated Surface Energy of Hydrozincite
De Giudici G, Medas D, Podda F, Meneghini C & Lattanzi P
(2012) Case Study of an Abandoned Zn-Pb Mine: Ingurtosu (Sardinia, Italy)
De Giudici G, Podda F, Medas D, Cidu R, Lattanzi P, Kimball B, Wanty R, Turnau K, Alisi C & Sprocati AR
(2011) Formation of Secondary Minerals – A Lysimeter Approach
Schäffner F, Merten D, De Giudici G, Ricci PC & Büchel G
(2010) Occurrence of Hydrozincite Biomineralization in Naracauli (Sardinia, Italy): Structural Properties and Morphological Features
De Giudici G, Medas D, Podda F, Lattanzi P, Cidu R & Wanty RB
(2009) Dissolution of Fluorite (111) Cleavage Surface in Acid pH: VSI, AFM and Monte Carlo Simulations
Cama J, Zhang L, De Giudici G, Soler JM, Ardvison RS & Lüttge A

De Goeyse S. (2021) Impact of Photosynthesis on Mn and Mg Incorporation in the Benthic Foraminifera Amphistegina Lessonii
De Goeyse S, Reichart G-J, van Dijk I & de Nooijer LJ
(2019) Carbonic Anhydrase Contribution in Benthic Foraminiferal Calcification
De Goeyse S, Webb A, Reichart G-J & de Nooijer L

De Gournay T. (2017) Origin of Pallasites from Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Siderophile and Volatile Element
Luais B, Gondoin D, De Gournay T & Cividini D

de Gouw J. (2014) Formation of Organic Aerosol in the Outflow from Urban Areas in the Southeastern United States
de Gouw J, Middlebrook A, Brock C, Gilman J, Graus M, Holloway J, Lerner B, Liao J, Trainer M, Warneke C & Welti A
(2009) How Much Biogenic SOA Is Present In The Northeastern U.S.?
de Gouw J, Warneke C, Montzka S, Brioude J, Holloway J, Parrish D, Fehsenfeld F, Atlas E, Weber R & Flocke F

de Graaf S. (2021) Stable Isotope Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems: Opportunities and Challenges for their Application as Paleo-Temperature Archives
Markowska M, Levy E, de Graaf S, Scholz D, Martin AN, Petraglia M, Groucutt HS, Martinez-Garcia A, Treble PC, Baker A, Haug GH & Vonhof H

de Graaff M-A. (2020) Vulnerability of Paleosol Carbon Decomposition to Root-Derived Carbon Inputs
de graaff M-A, McMurtry A, Szymanski L, Dolui M, Pett-Ridge J, Behre A, Mason J & Marin-Spiotta E
(2018) Belowground Controls on Soil Carbon Accumulation in Perennial Bioenergy Cropping Systems
de Graaff M-A, Stewart C & Jastrow J

de Graaff S.J. (2015) In situ Isotopic Variation in the Semail Ophiolite Lower Crust: Reconstructing Mantle Heterogeneity and Crustal Accretion
Jansen M, Lissenberg J, Klaver M, de Graaff S, MacLeod C & Davies G
(2015) Widespread Later Stage Subduction-Related Intrusions in the Southern Semail Ophiolite, Oman
de Graaff SJ, Goodenough KM, Lissenberg CJ, Klaver M, Jansen MN & Davies GR

De Graef M. (2017) Nm-Scale Composition Determination, Quantitative EBSD Measurements: Implications of Interfaces for Bulk Rock Properties
Marquardt K, De Graef M, Polednia J, Ferreira F, Faul U, Sing S & Dohmen R

De Grave J. (2022) The Potential Influence of Mountain Belts on Ediacaran-Cambrian Ecosystems of Western Gondwana
Caxito F, Sperling EA, MacDonald F, Uhlein G, Cawood PA, Xiao S, Cui H, Pedrosa Soares A, Novo T, De Grave J, Roncato J, Uhlein A, Lana C, Santos L, Rangel C, Ross S, Halverson G, Tedeschi M, Alkmim F, Okubo J, Warren LV, Scholz R & Queiroga G
(2021) Unravelling the Proterozoic History of the Granite Intrusion of the Karagwe Ankole Belt in Rwanda
De Clercq S, Dewaele S, De Grave J, De Putter T & Vanhaecke F
(2019) Characterisation and Geodynamic Context of the Granite Intrusions in the Karagwe-Ankole Belt in Rwanda
De Clercq S, Dewaele S, De Grave J, De Putter T, Chew D & Sullivan G
(2015) Deciphering Central Asia`s Exhumation History Using Apatite, Titanite and Zircon Fission Track and U-Th-Sm/He Thermochronology
Glorie S & De Grave J

De Gregorio Bradley (2010) Fluid-Deposition of Graphite with Apatite in an Eoarchean Banded Iron Formation from the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt, Québec, Canada
Papineau D, De Gregorio B, Steele A, Stroud R & Fogel M
(2009) Correlated Microanalysis of Extraterrestrial Carbonaceous Nanoglobules
Nittler L, Alexander C, Cody G, De Gregorio B, Kilcoyne D, Stroud R & Zega T
(2009) Carbonaceous Material Associated with Apatite in the Akilia Qp Rock
Papineau D, De Gregorio B, Fries M, Steele A, Stroud R, Wang J, Mojzsis S, Konhauser K, Pecoits E, Cody G & Fogel M
(2008) Pre- and Post-Accretionary Carbonates in the Renazzo CR Chondrite
De Gregorio B, Stroud R & Ebel D

De Gregorio Bradley T. (2022) Nanosims Analysis of Organic Matter in Asteroid Ryugu
Nittler LR, Barosch J, De Gregorio BT & Stroud RM
(2022) Electron Microscopy of Organic Matter in Returned Samples from Asteroid Ryugu
Stroud RM, De Gregorio BT, Burgess KD, Cymes BA, Barosch J, Nittler LR, Yabuta H & Noguchi T
(2021) Coordinated Analysis of the Functional Group Chemistry, Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Extraterrestrial Insoluble Organic Matter at the Nanoscale
Stroud RM, De Gregorio BT, Nittler LR & Alexander CMO

De Gregorio S. (2013) Continuous Soil CO2 Flux Measurements in a Fumarole Field of Mt Etna
De Gregorio S, Camarda M, Cappuzzo S & Gurrieri S
(2013) Carbon Isotopic Composition and Flux Variations of CO2 Emitted from the Soil of Mt Etna
Camarda M, De Gregorio S, Favara R, Grassa F & Gurrieri S
(2002) Geochronology of the Peloritani Mountains (Sicily): Hercynian, pre-Hercynian, but not Alpine
Rotolo SG, De Gregorio S & Villa IM

de Groot K. (2008) Is Assimilation of Sedimentary Basement Responsible for the Temporal Geochemical Variations of Etna Magmas?
Vroon P, Wijbrans J, Groen M, de Groot K, de Zwaan C & van der Wagt B

de Groot T. (2019) Tidal Dynamics Control Microbial Methane Oxidation in the Water Column Above an Active Cold Seep (Doggerbank, North Sea)
de Groot T, Maazallahi H, Walter S, Menoud M, Röckmann T, Meijninger B, Mesdag C, Rush D & Niemann H

De Grouchy C. (2017) Insights from Lu, Nd and W Structural Environments in Melts on Early Earth's Differentiation
Sanloup C, de Grouchy C & Cochain B
(2015) Trace Elements in Silicate Melts: Understanding Bonding Enivronments at High Pressure
de Grouchy C, Sanloup C, Cochain B, Drewitt J, Daisenberger D & Kantor I
(2014) Trace Element Speciation in Silicic Melts at High Pressure
de Grouchy C, Sanloup C, Cochain B, Drewitt J, Leroy C, Bureau H, Schmidt B, Guignot N & Konopkova Z
(2013) Viscosity and Structure of Fayalite Liquid at High Pressure up to 9GPa
Spice H, Sanloup C, Drewitt J, De Grouchy C, Crepisson C, Kono Y, Park C & McCammon C

De Haller A. (2009) The Stable H and O Isotope Analysis of Small Highly Saline Water Samples: A Methodological Study
De Haller A, Spangenberg JE, Smuda J & Koroleva M
(2008) Chemical and Isotopic Characterisation of Highly Saline Sedimentary Pore Water
Koroleva M, Waber N & de Haller A

De Hoog C-J. (2023) Tracking Fluid Flow in Subducted Serpentinites of the Zermatt-Saas HP-Ophiolite (Western Alps) Using Oxygen Isotopes
Ulrich M, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Piccoli F & De Hoog C-J
(2022) The Volatile Content of Heterogeneous Intraplate Mantle Source Reservoirs: Insights from a Global Dataset of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusion Compositions
Walowski K, Kirstein L, De Hoog C-J & Elliott T
(2022) Investigating Combined Arc and OIB Signatures at a Post-Collisional Subduction Setting by Geochemical and Boron Isotope Analyses of Melt Inclusions from Vulture, Italy
Luciani N, De Winter B, Nikogosian I, De Hoog C-J, Bracco Gartner AJJ, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2020) CO2 Content in high-K Melts: High-P/T Experiments on Melt Inclusions
Nikogosian I, Van Westrenen W, De Hoog C-J & Koornneef J
(2018) A Numerical Model for Apatite Cl-Oh-F Evolution and Quantitative Interpretation of Magmatic Processes
Humphreys M, Coumans J, Stock M, Smith V, Riker J, Brooker R & de Hoog C-J
(2018) Refining B Separation Protocols for Silicate Rock Samples and Probing Mantle Composition Using B Isotopes
Paul AN, Kirstein L, Savov I, de Hoog C-J & Elliott T
(2018) Light Lithophile Elements and Boron Isotopes Track Crustal Assimilation in Icelandic Basalts
Hartley M & de Hoog C-J
(2018) The Impact of Melting of Metasomatized Subarc Mantle on the B Isotope Systematics of Arc Volcanics
Tomanikova L, Savov I, Harvey J, De Hoog C-J, Churikova T & Gordeychik B
(2017) High δ11B Secondary Olivine Suggests Greater Contribution from Serpentinites to Subduction Zone Dehydration Fluids
Clarke E, De Hoog C-J, Debret B, Harvey J & Garrido C
(2016) Probing Heterogeneity in the Mantle with Boron Isotopes in OIB
Kirstein L, Walowski K, de Hoog C-J, Elliott T & Savov I
(2009) Tracing Sources of Fe to the Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific with Rare Earth Elements and Aluminium
Yang J, Henderson G, de Hoog JCM & Measures C
(2008) Geochemistry of Mantle Olivine and Application to Geothermometry
De Hoog J
(2007) Origin of UHP Garnet Lherzolite and Serpentinised Harzburgites from Pohorje, Eastern Alps, Slovenia
Vrabec M, De Hoog C-J & Janak M
(2007) The Role of Zoisite in Trace-Element Distribution in Subduction Zones
De Hoog C-J, Janak M & Vrabec M
(2007) Extreme Pb-Isotope Diversity in the Sources of K-Rich Magmas in Italy: Evidence from Melt Inclusions
Nikogosian IK, Van Bergen MJ, De Hoog JC, Whitehouse MJ & Van Den Boorn SHJM
(2007) Contrasting Behaviour of Arsenic, Iron, Manganese and Uranium during Anaerobic Incubation of Aquifer Sediments from Nadia, West Bengal
Press L, Gault A, Mondal D, Lythgoe P, de Hoog C-J, Heimann A, Lawson M, Hery M, Lloyd J & Polya D
(2006) New possibilities for the in situ measurement of δ34S and δ33S by laser ablation multiple collector ICP-MS
Mason P, Kosler J, De Hoog CJ, Sylvester P & Meffan-Main S
(2004) Metasomatic Overprint of Trace-Element Signatures of Eclogites and Peridotites in Cratonic Roots
de Hoog C, Schulze D & Viljoen F

De Hoog Jan (2021) Boron Isotopes in Italian Melt Inclusions
Luciani N, Nikogosian IK, De Hoog J, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2021) Benchmarking Analysis of δ11B in Low B Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) Volcanic Glasses
Paul AN, Stewart J, Agostini S, Kirstein L, De Hoog J, Savov I, Walowski K, Rae JWB & Elliott T
(2018) Boron Isotopes as a Tracer of Subduction Zone Processes
De Hoog J & Savov IP

de Hoog Jan C. (2017) Matrix Effects in B Isotope Analysis of Silicate Minerals by SIMS
De Hoog J, Monteleone B, Savov I, Marschall H, Zack T & Eimf F
(2017) Tracking Volatiles in OIB Mantle Reservoirs with B Isotopes in Melt Inclusions
Walowski K, Kirstein L, de Hoog JC, Elliott T & Savov I

De Hoog Jan C. M. (2015) Water Contents of Natural Zircons are Controlled by their Y+REE Contents
De Hoog J, Lissenberg J, Brooker R, Hinton R, Trail D & Hellebrand E
(2015) Halogens, B & Li in Lawsonite Blueschists
Pagé L, Hattori K, De Hoog JCM & Okay A
(2015) Fluid Transport and Metasomatism along the Subduction Interface: Insights from W. Alps High-Pressure Ophiolites
Angiboust S, Pettke T, De Hoog CJ, Glodny J & Oncken O
(2014) NO2 and PM10 Exposure Models for Europe Using Satellite-Derived Measurements
Vienneau D, Bechle MJ, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Martin RV, van Donkelaar A, Novotny EV, Millet DB, Hoek G & Marshall JD
(2014) Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline from the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Belt, Greenland: Implications for B Concentrations in Eoarchean Continental Crust
Grew E, Dymek R, De Hoog J, Harley S, Hazen R & Yates M
(2014) Metamorphic Olivine: A Vehicle to Transfer Volatiles to the Deep Mantle
Hattori K & De Hoog J
(2013) Heavy Boron Isotopes in Secondary Olivine from the HP Voltri Massif: Implications for the Boron Cycle in Subduction Zones
De Hoog J & Hattori K
(2006) Partial Melting of Zoisite Eclogite and its Significance for Trace-Element Cycling in Subduction Zones
Vrabec M, De Hoog JCM & Janak M

De Hoog Jan C.M (2019) Boron Isotopes in Metamorphic Olivine Record External Fluid Infiltration during Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Clarke E, De Hoog JCM, Harvey J, Debret B & Kirstein LA
(2019) What do Boron Isotopes Tell us About Mantle Heterogeneity?
Walowski K, Linda K, de Hoog CJ, Elliott T, Savov I & Jones R

de Hoop M. (2018) Compositional Heterogeneity Near the Base of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath Hawaii
van der Hilst R, Yu C, Day E, de Hoop M, Campillo M, Goes S & Blythe R
(2011) Structure and Petrology of the Mantle beneath Hawaii Constrained by Seismic Discontinuity Imaging and Mineral Phase Relations
Shim S-H, Cao Q, van der Hilst R & de Hoop M

de Ignacio C. (2017) Hydrothermal Alteration of Alkaline Leucogabbros from La Morena Intrusion, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain)
de Ignacio C, Claro Á, Pallares C, Barbarand J & Yans J
(2016) Trace Element Contents of Spinels from African Mantle Xenoliths
Lenaz D, Musco ME, Petrelli M, Caldeira R, de Ignacio C, De Min A, Marzoli A, Mata J, Perugini D, Princivalle F, Boumehdi MA & Youbi N
(2015) Interpretation of Basaltic-Trachytic Units of the Miocene Tetir Volcano, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain)
Simancas O & de Ignacio C

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