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De Angelis F. (2021) Density Functional Theory Modeling of the Structural and Isotopic Properties of ZnO Surfaces
Lubani J, Blanchard M, Méheut M, Fantacchi S & De Angelis F

De Angelis Sarah

De Angelis Simone (2014) Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra
Mittlefehldt DW, Ammannito E, Hiroi T, De Angelis S, Moriarty DP, Di Iorio T, Pieters CM & De Sanctis MC

de Anna P. (2013) Anomalous Kinetics of Reactive Fronts in Porous Media
de Anna P, Le Borgne T, Dentz M & Tartakovsky A
(2013) Reaction Chain Modeling of Denitrification Reactions during a push–Pull Test
Boisson A, de Anna P, Bour O, Le Borgne T, Labasque T & Aquilina L
(2012) Effective Mixing and Reaction Front Kinetics in Porous Media
De Anna P, LeBorgne T, Dentz M & Tartakovsky A

De Armas I. (2020) Geochemical Features of Neoproterozoic Magmatism from NE of Uruguay (Dom Feliciano Belt)
Peel E, Fort S, Viera B, De Armas I, Testoni P & Muzio R

De Astis Gianfilippo (2013) Petrological and Textural Constraints on Explosive Activity of the Last 2ka of Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica)
Di Piazza A, Romano C, De Astis G, Vona A & Soto JG
(2012) The Nearly-Primary Magmas at the Phlegraean Volcanic District (Italy): New Insights by the Isotope and Trace Element Whole-Rock and in situ Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
Piochi M, De Astis G, Mormone A, Moretti R & Zanetti A

De Astis Gianfilippo (2014) Geochemical Features of Mantle Source Feeding Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica): Insights on the Ongoing Unrest Phase
Di Piazza A, Rizzo AL, Barberi F, Carapezza ML, De Astis G & Romano C

De Astis Gianfilippo (2016) Long-Term Magmatic Evolution at the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy)
Forni F, Bachmann O, Mollo S & De Astis G

De Astis Gianfilippo (2022) Magma-Mush Dynamics Control Paroxysmal Eruptions at Basaltic Volcanoes: The Summer 2019 Eruptions at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
Petrone CM, Mollo S, Gertisser R, Buret Y, Scarlato P, Del Bello E, Andronico D, Ellis BS, Pontesilli A, De Astis G, Giacomoni PP & Coltorti M

De Avelar S. (2017) Regional to Global-Scale Perspectives on Organic Carbon Burial in Continental Margin Sediments
Eglinton T, Bao R, Zhao M, Yu M, Ignatova A, McIntyre C, Haghipour N, van der Voort T & De Avelar S

de Baar Hein (2018) Distributions of Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Wu Y, Goldstein S, Pena L, Anderson R, Hartman A, Bolge L, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H
(2016) The Relationships of Dissolved Cadmium with Major Nutrient Phosphate along the Ocean Conveyor of the West Atlantic Ocean
Middag R, van Heuven S, de Baar H & Bruland K

de Baar Hein J. W. (2017) Controls on Upper Ocean Cd Isotope Fractionation
Xie RC, Janssen DJ, Abouchami W, Galer SJG, Rijkenberg MJA, Cullen JT, de Baar HJW, De Jong J & Andreae MO
(2017) Barite Control on the Southern Ocean Barium Isotopic Signature
Galer S, Abouchami W, Middag R & de Baar H
(2017) Neodymium Isotopes in Seawater: The GEOTRACES era
Pena LD, Goldstein SL, Wu Y, Hartman AE, Basak C, Rijkenberg M & de Baar HJW

de Baar Hein J.W. (2015) Biogeochemical Cycling of the Uranium, Iron and Cadmium Isotope Systems during Oceanic Anoxia: A Case Study of the Black Sea
Rolison J, Stirling C, George E, Middag R, Gault-Ringold M, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H
(2015) Manganese in an Ocean General Circulation Model
van Hulten M, Dutay J-C, Roy-Barman M, Tagliabue A, Sterl A, Middag R & de Baar H
(2015) Detection of Pb from Natural Sources in the Tropical Atlantic
Bridgestock L, van de Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Baker A, Achterberg E, Rijkenberg M, Lohan M & de Baar H
(2015) Dissolved Aluminium in the West-Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Middag R, Rolison JM, Stirling CH, van Hulten MMP, Rijkenberg MJA, Gerringa LJA & de Baar HJW
(2015) The Interplay between Particulate and Dissolved Neodymium in the Western North Atlantic
Stichel T, Kretschmer S, Lambelet M, van de Flierdt T, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Rijkenberg MJA, Gerringa LJ & De Baar HJW
(2014) Radium Isotopes as a Tracer of Sediment-Water Column Exchange in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Pätsch J, Omar A, Schrum C, Daewel U, Brenner H & de Baar H
(2014) Biogeochemical Cycling of Uranium in Redox-Controlled Environments: A 238U/235U Case Study of the Black Sea
Stirling C, Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M & de Baar H
(2014) Dissolved Trace Metal Distributions in the Mediterranean Sea: Results from the Recent MedBlack GEOTRACES Expedition
Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Stirling C & de Baar H
(2014) Global Oceanic Cadmium Isotope Distribution
Galer S, Abouchami W, Xie R, Janssen D, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Cullen J & de Baar H
(2014) Cadmium Isotopes along the Line-P Transect in the Northeast Subarctic Pacific
Janssen DJ, Cullen JT, Abouchami W, Galer SJG & de Baar HJW
(2014) Dissolved Trace Metal Distributions in the Black Sea: Results from the MedBlack GEOTRACES Expedition
Rolison J, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Stirling C & de Baar H
(2013) Interactions of Dissolved CO2 with Cadmium Isotopes in the Southern Ocean
de Baar H, van Heuven S, Middag R, Neven I, Klunder M, van Ooijen J, Xue Z, Abouchami W, Rehkamper M & Galer S
(2013) Neodymium Isotopic Composition and Concentration in Equatorial to North Atlantic Seawater
Lambelet M, van de Flierdt T, Crocket K, Rehkämper M, Kreissig K, Coles B, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, van Aken H & de Baar H
(2013) Aluminium in an Ocean General Circulation Model and Observations
van Hulten M, de Baar H, Middag R, Sterl A, Dutay J-C, Gehlen M & Tagliabue A
(2012) Contrasting Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Aluminium along the GEOTRACES West Atlantic Section
De Baar H, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Middag R, Van Hulten M, Laan P, Schoemann V, De Jong J, Sterl A & Van Aken H
(2012) Dissolved Iron in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
De Baar H, Klunder M, Thuroczy C-E, Laan P, Gerringa L, Alderkamp A-C, Middag R & Arrigo K
(2011) Cadmium Isotopes in the Western North Atlantic – GEOTRACES Cruise PE319
Powell C, Abouchami W, Galer S, Andreae M, de Jong J, Gerringa L & de Baar H
(2011) Dissolved Fe in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Distribution, Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Laan P, Schoemann V, Middag R, van Heuven S, Salt L, van Aken H, de Jong J & de Baar H
(2010) Cd Isotope Constraints on Nutrient Cycling in the Southern Ocean
Rehkämper M, Xue Z, van de Flierdt T, Middag R & de Baar H
(2004) Role of Iron in Marine Biogeochemistry
Achterberg E, Ussher U, Gledhill M, Worsfold P, Bowie A, Gehrels W, Geider R & de Baar H
(2000) Modeling the Present-Day CO2 Drawndown in the HNLC Southern Ocean
Lancelot C, Hannon E, Sylvie B, Probst G, Goosse H, Schoemann V & de Baar H

De Baere B. (2014) Introducing a Flow-Through Technique to Aid Predict Drainage Quality from Mine Waste: A Case Study
De Baere B, Francois R, Mayer U & Mattson B
(2014) Introducing a New Technique to Distinguish between Surface and Transport Controlled Mineral Dissolution
De Baere B, Francois R & Mayer U
(2013) Measuring Mineral Dissolution Kinetics Using an Automated Flow-Through Module
De Baere B, Mayer U & Francois R

de Bar M. (2016) Constraints on the Application of Long Chain Diol Proxies in Sediments of the Iberian Atlantic Margin
de Bar M, Dorhout D, Sinninghe Damsté J & Schouten S

De Bardon De Segonzac C. (2011) Colloidal Control on the Distribution of Major and Trace Elements in a Small Mountain Stream (Malaval Catchment, Massif Central, France)
Catrouillet C, De Bardon De Segonzac C, Pourret O & Steinmann M

de Beer Dirk (2014) A Metabolically Versatile Cyanobacterium and the Low-Oxygen Proterozoic World
Hamilton T, Klatt J, Bird L, Freeman K, de Beer D & Macalady J
(2013) Availability of Light and Chemical Energy Determines the Structure of Natural Sulfide Oxidizing Biofilms
Klatt J, Meyer S, de Beer D & Polerecky L
(2013) Interpretation of Extreme Diagenetic Settings with a New Thermodynamic Activity Model
Haffert L, Haeckel M, Liebetrau V & de Beer D
(2012) Weathering of Marine Sediments in a Natural high-CO2 Environment: A Geochemical Investigation of the Hydrothermal Seeps of Yonaguni Knoll, Okinawa Trough
Haeckel M, Liebetrau V, De Beer D & Kutterolf S

de Beer Dirk (2015) Light-Dependent Primary Productivity in a Proterozoic Ocean Analog
Hamilton T, Weber M, Lott C, Clark C, Bird L, de Beer D, Dron A, Freeman K & Macalady J
(2015) Relation of Internal and External pH in Tropical and Cold-Water Corals
Wall M, Schmidt GM, Fietzke J & de Beer D

de Beer Dirk (2017) Response of Chemotrophic Processes to Dynamic Redox Conditions in a Cyanobacterial Mat
Klatt J, Marchant H, de Beer D, Ziebis W, Druschel G, Medina M, Chennu A & Dick G

de Beer Dirk (2019) Sulfur Cycling in Beach Sands Covered by Kelp Deposits
van Erk MR, Meier DV, Ferdelman T & de Beer D
(2019) Geochemistry of a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent System within a Tropical Coral Reef (D’Entrecasteaux Islands, PNG)
Lichtschlag A, Fink A, de Beer D, James RH, Connelly D & Ah­merkamp S
(2019) A Secret Forest Under the Salt Crust – High-Altitude Andean Salt Flats as an Analogue to Photosynthetic Microhabitats on Ancient Earth
Merz E, Castillejos Sepulveda A, de Beer D, Chennu A, Farias ME & Klatt JM
(2019) Spinning Down to Oxygen: How did the Moon’s Retreat Cause Microbial Mats to Accumulate Oxygen in the Atmosphere?
Chennu A, Klatt J, Arbic B, Biddanda B, de Beer D & Dick G
(2019) The Moon and Cyanobacteria: Role of day Length and Microbial Mats in Earth’s Oxygenation
Klatt J, Chennu A, Arbic B, Biddanda B, de Beer D & Dick G

de Beer Dirk (2021) The Dark Side of Microphytobenthos: Diel Dynamics of Nitrate Respiration in Microbial Mats and Sediments
Merz E, Dick GJ, de Beer D, Lavik G, Marchant HK & Klatt JM
(2021) Links between Cyanobacterial Activity and Redox Cycling of Sulfur, Iron and Arsenic in a High-Altitude Andean Microbial Mat System
Castillejos Sepúlveda A, Klatt J, Farías ME, de Beer D, Gatti L & Taubner H
(2021) Arsenolipid Characterization in High Altitude Andes Lakes
Doherty D, Schubotz F, Contreras S, Saona L, Farías ME, Planer-Friedrich B, de Beer D & Klatt JM
(2021) Boron Geochemistry in Cultured Corals and Mollusks with Independent Determinations of Internal Calcification Fluid Pool pH
Eagle RA, Guillermic M, Cameron LP, Alvarez Caraveo B, Reymond C, Misra S, Bijma J, de Beer D, Westphal H & Ries JB

de Beer Dirk (2023) Acquisition of Fe and P from Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols by Marine Phytoplankton
Shaked Y, Jacobson Y, de Beer D, Wang S, Zhang F, Visser A-N, Eichner M, Morag N, Angert A & Basu S

De Beer F. (2017) Insights into Oncoidal Morphology and Sedimentology of a Mesoarchean Granular Iron Formation from Southern Africa Using 3D X-Ray Computed Tomography (µXCT)
Smith A, Beukes N, Gutzmer J, Johnson C, Czaja A & De Beer F

De Biase C. (2012) Removal of Volatile Groundwater Contaminants in Vertical Soil Filter Systems: Quantitative Process Analysis
Thullner M, De Biase C, Maier U & Oswald S

de Biasi L.J. (2012) The Transient Rheology of Crystallizing Magmas
Chevrel MO, de Biasi LJ, Hanson JB, Cimarelli C, Lavallee Y & Dingwell DB

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