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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dawson Robin R. (2022) Using Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometry to Better Understand the Dinosaur-Bird Transition
Tagliavento M, Davies AJ, Bernecker M, Staudigel P, Dawson RR, Guo W & Fiebig J

Dawson T. (2022) Plant Photorespiration Reconstructed with Isotopic Clumping in Wood Methoxyl Groups
Lloyd M, Stein R, Thalhammer K, Barclay R, Wing S, Stahle D, Dawson T & Stolper D

Day Chris (2019) Li Isotopes in Inorganic Carbonates – Proxy-Development for Localized and Global Weathering
Day C & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2016) Coupled Modelling of Speleothem Major Isotope Systems
Owen RA, Day CC & Henderson GM
(2016) Reconstructing Rainfall from Growth, Trace-Elements, and Novel Isotopes in Speleothems
Henderson G, Barrott J, Day C, Owen R, Vaks A & Mason A

Day Christopher (2021) Multi-Proxy, Localised Reconstructions of Climate and Weathering from Cave Speleothem Samples
Day C, Lechleitner F & Pogge von Strandmann PAE
(2017) Li Isotopes in Calcite Grown in Cave-Analogue Conditions – Speleothem Li as a Proxy for Localized Weathering
Day C & Pogge von Strandmann P

Day Christopher C (2023) Timing and Cause of Increased Water Availability in Arid South-Of-Atlas Region – Reconstruction from Cave Stalagmites
Day CC, Couper HO, Barrott JJ, Carolin SA, Bouzouggar A, Barton N & Henderson GM
(2023) Laboratory (Cave-Analogue) Calcium Isotope Fractionation Factors for Aragonite, and their Application to North African Palaeohydrology
Hollowood S, Theaker C, Couper H & Day CC

Day Christopher Charles (2015) Calcification in Coccolithophores: A Biogeochemical Study of Polysaccharides from Past to Present
Lee R, Mavridou D, Papadakos G, McClelland H, Walker J, Nudelman F, Heureux A, Hermoso M, Day C & Rickaby R
(2015) O and C Isotopes in Calcite Grown Under Cave-Analogue Conditions – Response to Changing Saturation State
Day CC & Henderson GM
(2015) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Caves: Implications for Speleothem Palaeoclimatology
Owen RA, Day CC, Hu C, Liu Y & Henderson G
(2013) Stalagmite Trace-Element Reconstruction of Terrestrial Hydrology: Results from Cave-Analogue Studies
Day CC & Henderson GM
(2013) Reconstructing Past Hydrology from Annual Cycles in Trace Elements in a Moroccan Stalagmite
Barrott J, Day C & Henderson G
(2011) Stalagmite Reconstruction of Moroccan Climate from Geographically Spaced Records
Barrott JJ, Day CC, Barton RNE, Bouzouggar A & Henderson GM
(2011) O and Ca Isotopes in Calcite Grown Under Cave-Analogue Conditions
Day CC, Reynard LM, Pointing MD, Blättler CL & Henderson GM
(2009) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Cave-Analogue Conditions
Reynard L, Day C & Henderson G
(2008) Cave-Analogue Calcite Growth in the Laboratory: Calibrating Stalagmite Palaeoproxies
Day C, Henderson G & Johnson KR
(2006) Controls On Trace Element Incorporation Into Carbonates Grown In Cave-Analogue Conditions In The Laboratory
Day C, Johnson KR & Henderson GM

Day Derek (2015) Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen in the U.S. Rocky Mountain Region
Collett J, Benedict K, Li Y, Evanoski-Cole A, Sullivan A, Zhou Y, Day D, Prenni A, Schichtel B, Sive B, Gebhart K & Malm W

Day Donnie (2023) Iron Redox Dynamics Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces: Field Study in The Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay Regions
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bailey V, Day D, Homolka KK, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Machado-Silva F, Mcdowell NG, Megonigal P, Wilson S, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Ward ND, Weintraub M & Kemner KM

Day E. (2018) Compositional Heterogeneity Near the Base of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath Hawaii
van der Hilst R, Yu C, Day E, de Hoop M, Campillo M, Goes S & Blythe R

Day James (2020) The Spatial Distribution of ƒO2 in the Mantle: Insights from V Partitioning Behavior in Ocean Island Basalts
Willhite L, Arevalo R, Locmelis M, Piccoli P, Farcy B, Castillo M, Funderburg R, Jackson M, Day J, Ireland T & Lassiter J
(2020) Origins of 142Nd Heterogeneity in Deccan Flood Basalts
Peters B & Day J
(2018) The Hadean Geochemical Heritage of the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Mundl A, Carlson R, Day J & Walker R
(2018) Geochemistry of the Tuli Syncline high-Ti Picrites and Basalts, Karoo CFB, South Africa: Origin from a High δ18O Mantle Source
Howarth G, Duncan A, Marsh J, Day J, Harris C, Richardson S, le Roex A, Carlson R & Zartman R
(2018) Halogens as Key Tracers of Volatile Evolution in the Terrestrial Planets
Clay PL, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruziè-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Day JMD, Lyon I, King A, Russell SS, Schofield P & Ballentine CJ
(2018) Origin of the ~3.5 Ga Bon Accord Ni Deposit, Barberton, South Africa
Clay PL, O'Driscoll B, Day JMD, Burgess R, Bonnand P & Busemann H
(2016) Early Mantle Heterogeneties in the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Day J & Taylor L

Day James M D (2019) Origin and Provenance of Emeralds
Alonso-Perez R, Day J & Hattingh R
(2019) Lithophile-Siderophile Constraints on Hadean Processes Preserved in Hotspot Sources
Peters B, Mundl-Petermeier A, Carlson R, Walker R & Day J
(2019) Contrasting Old and Young Volcanism at Aitutaki, Cook Inlands: Evidence for a Distinct Rarotonga Hotspot?
Jackson M, Halldorsson S, Price A, Kurz M, Konter J, Koppers A & Day J
(2019) Mantle Origin for Gold Associated with the Yellowstone Plume
Day J, Maria-Benavides J, Perez J & Cook G
(2019) A Mantle Origin for Columbia River Flood Basalts from Combined Os-Sr-Nd Isotope Systematics
Pringle EA, Day JMD & Mendenhall B

Day James M. D. (2021) Water in the Crust: Implications for the Evolution of Mars
Barnes JJ, McCubbin F, Santos A, Day JMD, Boyce J, Schwenzer S, Ott U, Franchi I, Anand M & Agee C
(2021) Siderophile Anomalies in the Easter Plume: Source or Process?
Finlayson VA, Schilling ME, Tornabene HA, Bermingham KR, Day JMD & Walker RJ
(2021) An Isotopically Enriched Mantle Component in the Source of Rodrigues, Réunion Volcanic Hotspot
Halfar MC, Peters B, Day JMD & Schönbächler M
(2021) The Search for Preserved Late-Stage Accretionary Components in Terrestrial Materials
Bermingham KR, Walker RJ, Finlayson VA, Tornabene HA, Peters B, Day JMD, Rudnick RL, Nakanishi N, Jackson MG, Pearson DG & Schilling ME
(2021) Depleted Mantle Plumes
Day JMD & Jones TD
(2015) Lithium in Mantle Xenoliths from Siberian Kimberlites
Pernet-Fisher J, Magna T, Barry P, Day J & Taylor L
(2014) Heterogeneity of Calcium Isotopes in Earth’s Mantle
Chen H, Savage P, Valdes M, Puchtel I, Day J, Jackson M, Moreira M & Moynier F
(2014) Geochemical Effects of Alteration and Refertilization in Abyssal Peridotites
Day J, Walker R & Warren J
(2014) Mantle Mixing Processes Revealed from HIMU Basalts
Day J, Cabral R, Jackson M & Walker R
(2014) Trace-Element Signatures of Réunion Hotspot-Ridge Interactions
Peters B & Day J
(2014) Origin and Timescale of Volatile Element Depletion in Solar System Material
Moynier F & Day J
(2014) Lithium Isotope Constraints on Surface Processes on Mars
Magna T, Day JMD, Mezger K, Fehr MA, Chennaoui Aoudjehane H & Agee C
(2014) Highly Siderophile Element Enrichment in Native-Fe Basaltic Ores
Howarth G, Day J, Ryabov V, Barry P, Pernet-Fisher J & Taylor L
(2013) Mass Independently Fractionated Sulfur Isotopes in HIMU Lavas Reveal Archean Crust in their Mantle Source
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Whitehouse M, Antonelli M, Farquhar J, Day J & Hauri E
(2013) Highly Siderophile Element Constraints on Intraplate Magmatism
Day J
(2013) Timing and Nature of Late Accretion
Day J
(2013) Effects of Subduction-Related Melt Extraction on Iapetus Ocean Mantle
O'Driscoll B, Walker R, Day J & Daly S
(2012) Weathering & Heterogeneous Phase Distribution in Brachinite NWA 4872
Hyde B, Day J, Tait K, Ash R & Holdsworth D
(2012) Oceanic Gabbro Signature in Mangaia Melt Inclusions
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Day J, Koga K, Shimizu N, Whitehouse M & Price A
(2012) Planetary Scale Sr Isotopic Heterogeneity
Moynier F, Day J, Okui W, Yokoyama T, Bouvier A, Walker R & Podosek F
(2011) Isotopic Fractionation of Zinc in Planetary Basalts
Moynier F, Paniello R & Day J
(2011) Volatile and Trace Element Abundances in HIMU Melt Inclusions
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Day J & Shimizu N
(2011) Understanding Late Accretion on the Earth, Moon, and Mars
Bottke W, Walker R, Day J, Nesvorny D & Elkins-Tanton L
(2011) 186Os-187Os and Highly Siderophile Element Abundance Systematics of Earth’s Upper Mantle
Day J, Warren J & Walker R
(2010) 186Os-187Os Systematics of EM and HIMU Flavours
Day J, Jackson M & Walker R
(2010) 84Sr Anomalies in Meteorites?
Moynier F, Day J, Bouvier A, Podosek F & Walker R
(2010) The HSE Budget in Early Mars and Genesis of Shergottites
Brandon A, Puchtel I, Day J & Walker R
(2010) Evolution of the Siberian Platform; Constraints from Diamondiferous Xenoliths of Nyurbinskaya
Riches AJV, Liu Y, Day JMD, Spetsius ZV & Taylor LA
(2010) Clues to the Formation of the Terrestrial Planets from Highly Siderophile Elements
Walker R, Puchtel I, Day J, Galenas M & Brandon A
(2009) On Lithium Isotope Systematics and Abundances in Lunar Mare Basalts
Magna T, Neal CR, Tomascak PB, Bourdon B, Oberli F & Day JMD
(2009) The Role of Volatiles during Asteroidal Differentiation
Day J, Walker R, Sunshine J, Ash R, Rumble D, Liu Y, McDonough B & Taylor L
(2009) Highly Siderophile Elements in the Mantles of the Terrestrial Planets
Walker R, Puchtel I & Day J
(2008) Volatile Systematics of the Canary Islands Hotspot
Hilton D, Day J, Hahm D & Carracedo J-C
(2008) Constraining Deep Mantle Contributions to Canary Island Lavas
Day J, Walker R, Hilton D, Carracedo J-C & Hanski E
(2004) Multi-Isotopic Constraints on Magma Sources in Central Iceland
Seth B, Day J, Thirlwall M, Hilton D, Gronvold K & Macpherson C
(2001) Secular Changes in the Stable Isotopic Composition of Devonian Brachiopods
van Geldern R, Joachimski MM, Day J, Álvarez F, Jansen U & Yolkin EA

Day James M.D. (2023) Source Heterogeneity and Mixing of Hawaiian ‘Loa’ and ‘Kea’ Trends Using 187Os/188Os and Platinum Group Elements Abundances
Oller B & Day JMD
(2023) Insights into KREEP-Free Volcanism on the Moon from Lunar Meteorites
Srivastava Y, Basu Sarbadhikari A, Day JMD, Yamaguchi A & Takenouchi A
(2023) The 142Nd Signature of Crustal Xenoliths in Dykes Associated with the Narmada-Tapi Rift Zone, Central Deccan Traps
Halfar MC, Peters B, Day JMD & Schönbächler M
(2023) A Heavy Stable Isotope Approach to Tracing Mantle Source and Process
Soderman CR, Matthews S, Shorttle O, Jackson MG, Day JMD & Williams HM
(2022) Elevated and Heterogeneous Oxygen Fugacity in Global Hotspot Lavas
Willhite LN, Arevalo R, Piccoli PM, Rand DS, Locmelis M, Nicklas RW, Jackson MG, Day JMD, Lassiter JC, Ireland T, Puchtel IS & Finlayson V
(2022) 186Os-187Os and Platinum Group Element Evolution of the World’s Largest Igneous Intrusion
Day JMD, Paquet M & Oller B
(2022) Highly Siderophile Element Abundances in Nakhlite and Chassignite Meteorite Sulfides
Paquet M, Day JMD & Udry A
(2022) A high-Ni Isotopically Enriched Endmember in Canary Islands Lavas
Nicklas RW & Day JMD
(2022) Lava Compositions of the 2021 La Palma Eruption Reflect Magma Recharge and Mixing Processes in the Lithosphere
Day JMD, Aulinas M, Deegan F, Troll VR, Geiger H, Carracedo JC, Gisbert Pinto G & Perez-Torrado FJJ
(2022) A High Field Strength Perspective on Tungsten-182 Variability in Modern Mantle Melts
Finlayson V, Walker RJ, Bermingham K, Day JMD & Schilling ME
(2022) Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning Methods to Identify Geographical Origin Using LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Emeralds
Alonso-Perez R, Day JMD, Pearson DG, Luo Y, Palacios M, Raju Satyanarayan S & Palke A
(2022) IUGS Classification of Igneous Rocks Revisited: Update from the New Task Group
Lustrino M, Tappe S, Day JMD, Zellmer GF & Mitchell R
(2017) Copper Isotope Composition of Planetary Mantles
Savage P, Day J, Moynier F & Burton K
(2017) Extreme Volatile Depletion in the Eucrite Parent Body
Moynier F, Dhaliwal J & Day J
(2017) Process of Volatile Addition to Earth Revealed by Halogens in Chondrites
Clay P, Burgess R, Busemann H, Ruziè-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Day J & Ballentine C
(2017) Understanding Earth Using Highly Siderophile and Chalcophile Elements
Day J
(2017) Highly Siderophile Element Behaviour of the Mantle at Fast and Intermediate Spreading Ridges
Paquet M, Day JMD, Brown DB & Waters CL
(2017) Metal-Silicate Equilibrium Signature Preserved in Pristine Eucrites
Dhaliwal JK, Day JMD, Tait KT & Barrat J-A
(2017) Evolution of Lithosphere during Oceanic Plate Reconfiguration along the Baja California Margin
Oller B, Day JMD, Driscoll NW, Lonsdale P & Taylor LA
(2017) An Elevated 142Nd Signature in the Réunion Mantle Source
Peters B, Carlson R & Day J
(2017) Testing the Chondrule-Rich Accretion Model for Planetary Embryos Using Calcium Isotopes
Amsellem E, Moynier F, Pringle E, Bouvier A, Heng C & Day J
(2017) Ancient 182W Signatures in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
Mundl A, Walker R, Touboul M, Jackson M, Day J, Kurz M, Lekic V & Helz R

Day Jason A. (2009) Metals Pollution of the Ancient Harbor of Tyre (Lebanon)
Elmaleh A, Galy A, Allard T, Day JA, Marriner N & Morhange C

Day Marc (2015) Code Interoperability in Reactive Transport Modeling: The Adaptive Mesh Refinement Example
Molins S, Day M, Johnson J & Steefel C

Day Maxwell C. (2019) Bond Topology of Chain, Ribbon and Tube Silicates
Day MC & Hawthorne FC

Day Maxwell Christopher (2023) The Development of Reference Material and Calibration Curves for Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Tourmaline by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Whattam J, Sharpe R, Skelton S, Day MC, Fayek M, Hawthorne FC, Xu C & Gallagher S
(2022) The Mg-Analogue of Ferro-Papikeite from UHT Granulites at Ærøya (Bamble Sector), Norway: Description and Crystal Structure
Kihle JB, Hawthorne FC & Day MC

Day Richard (2017) A Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach to Study Fluid Transport in Porous Networks
Apostolopoulou M, Stamatakis M, Day R & Striolo A

Day Russell (2021) Refining Trace Metal Temperature Proxies in Cold-Water Scleractinian and Stylasterid Corals
Stewart J, Robinson LF, Day R, Strawson I, Samperiz A, Burke A, Rae JWB, Spooner P, Etnoyer P, Williams B, Paytan A, Leng M, Haussermann V, Wickes L, Bratt R & Pryer HV
(2019) Paleoceanographic Utility and Calcification Mechanisms of Stylasterid Corals
Strawson I, Samperiz A, Stewart J, Robinson L, Leng M & Day R
(2010) Mercury Stable Isotopes Fractionation in Cryogenically Archived Specimens from The Arctic Marine Environment
Point D, Sonke J, Day R, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P
(2008) Mercury Isotopes Fractionation in the Alaskan Marine Environment along an Arctic/subArctic Transect
Point D, Day R, Sonke J, Vanderpol S, Donard O, Simac K, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P

Day Sarah (2004) Petrology and Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths from Santiago, Cape Verde Islands
Evans L, Downes H, Wall F & Day S
(2002) The New Wave in Geochemistry Publishing – Electronic Journals
Day S & Wood S

Day Simon (2007) Cosmogenic 3He Exposure Dating of the Quaternary Lavas at Fogo, Cape Verdes: Dating Flank Collapse and Magmatic Reorganisation
Foeken J, Day S & Stuart F

Day Stephen (2019) Development of an Alternative PAG Management Strategy at a Coal Mine in British Columbia, Canada
Herrell M, Day S & Farmer D

Day Stephen J. (2023) Challenges of Antimony Leaching in Mining Environments
Füllenbach LC, Clarke JA, Bowell R & Day SJ

Day-Lewis Fred (2015) Simulating U(VI) Desorption and Transport from Decimeter-Scale Experiments to the Plume-Scale
Curtis G, Kohler M, Briggs M, Ye M, Day-Lewis F & Kannappan R

Day-Lewis Frederick (2010) Electrical Geophysical and Geochemical Monitoring of in situ Enhanced Bioremediation
Johnson T, Versteeg R, Day-Lewis F, Wright K, Major W & Lane J

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