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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Davis Sean (2023) Fruit-Extracted Thiols as Tools for Mercury Removal in Contaminated Water Sources
Vecino-Mantilla MM, Pinilla C, Mass J, Allan N, Davis S & Mosquera OM
(2009) An Atomistic Perspective of the Incorporation of Noble Gases and Other Trace Elements into Magmatic Crystals
Pinilla C, Davis S, Elliott T, Allan N & Blundy J

Davis Seana (2021) How Does Bastnäsite Form? Replacement of Calcite by Rare Earth Carbonates
Szucs AM, Stavropoulou A, O’Donnell C, Davis S & Rodriguez-Blanco JD
(2020) Interaction of Calcite with Rare Earth Hydrothermal Fluids
Szucs AM, O'Donnel C, Davis S, Stavropoulou A & Rodriguez-Blanco DJD

Davis Simon (2012) Clumped Isotope Vs. Fluid Inclusion Thermometry in Crystals from Oman
Jourdan A-L, John C, Davis S & Vandeginste V
(2011) Clumped Isotope Measurements to Reveal Diagenetic Histories
Jourdan A-L, John C & Davis S

Davis Simon (2002) Monitoring Sources and Fluxes of CO2 with High Precision Atmospheric Stable Isotopic Measurements
Davis S, Fourel F, Stott A, Torn M, Hillaire-Marcel C & Bilodeau G

Davis Simon (2013) Constraints for the Clumped Isotope Application in Diagnetic Environments Involving High Salt Concentrations
Kluge T, John C & Davis S

Davis Simon (2019) Reducing Sample Size on the IBEX Automated Clumped Isotope System: Preliminary Results
Marchegiano M, Herlambang A, Davis S & John CM

Davis Steven (2007) Cenozoic Topographic Evolution of the Western North America Cordillera
Chamberlain CP, Mulch A, Kent-Corson M, Davis S, Carroll A & Graham S
(2007) Stable Isotopic Evidence of Evolving Laramide Landscape in the Central North American Cordillera
Davis S, Mulch A & Chamberlain P

Davis Tracy (2018) Noble Gas Characteristics in Groundwaters Near Selected Oil Fields from the San Joaquin Basin, USA
Barry P, Hunt A, Kulongoski J, Tyne R, Davis T, Wright M, McMahon P, Landon M & Ballentine C

Davis Tracy A (2017) Characterization of Produced Water from the Fruitvale, Lost Hills, North Belridge, and South Belridge Oil Fields, California, USA
Kulongoski JT, Wright MT, McMahon PB, Davis TA & Landon MK

Davis W (2006) Meteorite impact-triggered diffusion of Pb and REE in crystalline Moho zircon
Moser D, Davis W, Hart R & Flemming R

Davis W.Clay (2010) Investigation of Hg Species Binding Biomolecules in Dolphin Liver: Use of Isotopic Tracers for Sample Treatment Optimization
Pedrero Z, Mounicou S, Davis WC, Monperrus M & Amouroux D

Davis William (2012) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
Darling J, Moser D, Heaman L, Davis W, Stern R, O'Neil J, Carlson R & Francis D
(2010) Alpha Recoil Loss from Baddeleyite Evaluated by Depth Profiling and Numerical Modelling: Implications for U-Pb Ages
Davis W & Davis D
(2010) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Trace Element Chemistry of Lower Crustal Xenoliths, Western Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield
Petts DC, Moser DE, Davis WJ & Longstaffe FJ
(2008) U-Pb Geochronology of Authigenic Xenotimes from Huronian Supergroup, Canada
Ray J, Rainbird R & Davis W
(2008) In situ U-Pb Dating of Diagenetic Apatite and Xenotime: Paleofluid Flow History within the Thelon, Athabasca and Hornby Bay Basins
Davis W, Rainbird R, Gall Q & Jefferson C
(2008) Zircon U-Pb Age Discordance and Trace Element Alteration due to Deep, Post-Impact Flow; Implications for Planetary Chronology
Moser D, Davis W, Reddy S, Flemming R & Hart R
(2005) Titanite and Monazite U-Pb Dating of High-Grade Metamorphism and Extensional Denudation in the Mid-Scandinavian Caledonides
Bingen B, Davis WJ & Osmundsen P
(2005) U-Pb Discordance in Titanite and the Interpretation of the Thermal History of Metamorphic Rocks
Davis W & McNicoll V
(2002) A Method of Determining Uraninite U-Pb Ages by SHRIMP II Ion Microprobe
Stern RA, Rayner N, Davis W, Amelin Y, Annesley I & Bonli T
(2001) Magmatic Intraplating and Impact Metamorphism of the Lower Kaapvaal Crust; A Combined ID- TIMS/SHRIMP Investigation
Moser DE, Davis WJ, Flowers RM & Hart RJ
(2001) Evaluation of the 232Th Decay Constant by Empirical Cross-Calibration of 208Pb/232Th and 207Pb/235U Systematics in Monazites
Davis WJ & Villeneuve ME

Davis William (2015) Mapping Regional Metamorphic Events in Poly-Metamorphosed Plutonic Domains Using Recrystallized Zircon: An Example from the Paleoproterozoic Thelon Tectonic Zone and Adjacent Queen Maud Block, Northwestern Canada
Davis W, Berman R & Nadeau L

Davis William (2017) The Effects of Metamorphism on the Preservation of Crystallization and Detrital Ages: A Case Study from the Archean Rae Craton (Canada)
Regis D, Acosta-Gongora P, Davis W, Knox B, Pehrsson S & Martel E

Davis Barnes B. (2020) The Secular Evolution of the Reverse Weathering Sink in the Global Li Cycle
Fantle M, Davis Barnes B & Andrews E
(2020) The Role of Seafloor-Hydrothermal Activity as a Driver of Marine Anoxia
Davis Barnes B, Slack J, Hannington M, Planavsky N & Kump L

Davison B. (2010) Obtaining in situ Kinetic and Speciation Information for Trace Metal Complexes in Freshwater
Zhang H, Davison B, Warnken K, Galceran J & Puy J

Davison Thomas (2009) Collisions Among Porous Planetesimals and the Water Content of Planetary Embryos
Ciesla F, Collins G, Davison T & O'Brien D

Davison Thomas (2015) Collisional History of Asteroid Itokawa
Jourdan F, Timms N, Eroglu E, Mayers C, Frew A, Bland P, Collins G, Davison T, Abe M & Yada T

Davison Thomas (2018) From Microns to Kilometres: Linking Meteorite Observations to Asteroid Impact Processes
Davison T, Derrick J, Collins G & Bland P

Davison Thomas (2019) Earth’s Oldset Preserved Impact Structure – Yarrabubba, Western Australia
Erickson T, Kirkland C, Timms N, Cavosie A & Davison T

Davison W. (2010) Does the Chelex Resin in DGT Devices Really act as a Perfect Planar Sink for Metals? Kinetic Limitations of DGT Measurements
Levy J, Zhang H, Davison W, Puy J & Galceran J
(2007) Dynamic Reactivity of Metals in Soils – Relevance to Uptake by Plants
Zhang H, Lehto N & Davison W
(2006) Quantifying micro-niche behaviour in sediments:- Precise and accurate measurements of DGT gels by laser ablation high resolution laser ablation ICPMS
Nowell GM, Pearson DG, Widerlund A & Davison W
(2002) Influence of Scale on Trace Metal Dynamics in Sediment and Water
Davison W & Motelica-heino M
(2000) High Volumetric Resolution Reveals Inter-Dependence of Metal Mobilisation in Sediments
Zhang H, Davison W, Mortimer RJG & Krom MD
(2000) In situ Trace Metals Distribution in Lake Sediment Pore Waters: High Spatial Resolution Depth Profiling and 2D-Mapping
Motelica-Heino M & Davison W
(2000) A New Conceptual Model for Microbial Processes in Sediments
Mortimer RJG, Hayes P, Krom M, Davies I, Davison W, Zhang H, Phillips C & Prosser J

Davoodi F. (2014) The Vulnerability and Quality Protection Zoning Maps of Bojnourd Aquifer (N Iran) Using Fuzzy-AHP-DRASTIC Techniques
Mohammadzadeh H & Davoodi F

Davoudian‎ Dehkordi A.R. (2011) Geochemistry of Granites from Magmatic-Metamorphic Complex of Boein-Miandasht, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran
Davoudian‎ Dehkordi AR, Shabanian Boroujeni N & Panahdar F
(2007) Significance of Magmatic Epidote in the Azna Pluton, Iran
Davoudian D. AR, Shabanian B. N & Khalili M

Davranche Mélanie (2019) Structural Organization and Formation of Iron-Organic Matter Nanoaggregates: A Kinetic Approach Coupling Quick-EXAFS and MCR-Als Chemometry
Vantelon D, Davranche M, Marsac R, La Fontaine C, Guénet H, Jestin J, Campaore G, Beauvois A & Briois V
(2019) Calcium as a Booster of Fe-Om Nanoaggregate Sorption Capacities: Insights from a Multiscal Investigation
Beauvois A, Davranche M, Jestin J & Vantelon D
(2018) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Iron-Organic Matter Associations: Experimental Evidence Using Filtration and Ultrafiltration
Lotfi Kalahroodi E, Pierson-Wichmann A-C, Guénet H, Rouxel O, Ponzevera E, Bouhnik-Lecoz M, Vantelon D & Davranche M
(2017) Riverbank as Major Control of Trace Metal Flux between River and Wetland: Role of Ferric Deposits
Ratié G, Vantelon D, Davranche M & Gruau G
(2015) Complexation of As(III) by Organic Matter: Model Highlights Thiol Groups Implications
Catrouillet C, Davranche M, Dia A, Bouhnik Le Coz M & Gruau G
(2015) Study of the As-bearing Byproducts of Wetland Reoxidation Using µXAS
Guenet H, Davranche M, Vantelon D, Al-Sid-Cheikh M & Pedrot M
(2014) NanoSIMS Investigation of Arsenic (Oxy)anions, Sulfur, Ferric Oxide and Organic Matter Colocalization within Wetland Soil
Al-Sid-Cheikh M, Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M, Gruau G & Delhaye T
(2014) Behavior of Iron Nanoparticles in Wetland Soil
Al-Sid-Cheikh M, Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M & Le Coz-Bouhnik M
(2011) Key Impact of Soil (Fe/Organic C) Ratio on REE Shallow Groundwater Patterns
Pédrot M, Dia A, Davranche M & Gruau G
(2011) Competition between Lanthanides and Al for Humic Acid Binding
Marsac R, Davranche M, Gruau G & Dia A
(2009) Rare Earth Elements Fractionnation Modelling between Manganese Oxide and Humic Acid
Pourret O, Marsac R, Davranche M & Fauvain L
(2007) Bacterial Surfaces Inhibit the Oxidation of Fe(II)
Châtellier X, Fakih M, Davranche M, Dia A & Daughney C
(2007) An Innovative Tool for in situ Monitoring of Fe and Associated Trace Metal Mobilization in Soils
Fakih M, Davranche M, Dia A, Petitjean P, Châtellier X & Gruau G
(2005) Investigation of Iron Oxyhydroxides Reduction and Associated Metals Release in Soils Using an in situ Iron-Coated Support
Davranche M, Vogt L, Dia A, Gruau G & Nowack B
(2005) Mechanisms of Organic Matter and Rare Earth Element Release in Soils: Experimental Evidence
Grybos M, Gruau G & Davranche M
(2005) Organic Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Natural Waters: Comparing Speciation Models and Ultrafiltration Experiments
Pourret O, Gruau G, Davranche M & Dia A
(2005) Organo-Colloidal Control on Trace-Element Distribution in Shallow Groundwaters: Fingerprinting by Ultracentrifugal Cells
Dia A, Morin E, Pourret O, Gruau G, Davranche M & Henin O
(2004) Impact of Organic Complexation on Ce(III) Oxidation and REE Adsorption onto Mn and Fe Oxides
Gruau G, Davranche M, Pourret O & Dia A

Davranche Melanie (2023) How Does Chemical Speciation of Rare Earth Elements and Other Trace Metals in Legacy Mine Sites Influence Phyto-Availability?
Forsyth KH, Dia A, Marques R, Prudêncio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Russo D, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M
(2023) Impact of The Polymer Degradation on The Metallic Additives Distribution In Microplastics
Khatib I, Catrouillet C, Vantelon D, Rivard C, Davranche M & Gigault J
(2023) Cr(III) – Cr(VI): Variability of the Speciation of Chromium Released into the Environment by Microplastic Weathering
Vantelon D, Khatib I, Rivard C, Catrouillet C, Gigault J & Davranche M
(2023) The Rare Earth Element ‘probe’: Investigation of the Water/Solid Interfaces and their Impact on the Rare Earth Element Dissemination
Davranche M, Dia A, Marsac R, Catrouillet C, Pédrot M, Tadayon Y, Vantelon D, Blancho F & Gigault J
(2023) Evidence of the Impact of Substitutions in Ferrihydrite on Rare Earth Element Adsorption
Buist A, Rivard C, Davranche M, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Brisset F, Paineau EN, Rouziere S & Vantelon D
(2022) Evidence of the Impact of Substitutions in Goethite on Rare Earth Element Adsorption
Buist A, Rivard C, Davranche M, Chaouchi K, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Brisset F, Paineau EN, Rouziere S & Vantelon D
(2021) Plastic Debris Distribution and Behaviour in Soil: New Key Insights from a Household Wastes-Contaminated Soil
Wahl A, Davranche M & Gigault J
(2021) Metal Sorption onto Environmental NanoPlastics (ENPs), Towards a Mechanistic Comprehension?
Florent B, Davranche M & Gigault J
(2021) Al and Si Oxyanions Impact on the Structural Organization of Fe-Om Nanoaggregates
Vantelon D, Beauvois A, Davranche M & Jestin J
(2021) Rare Earth Element Phyto-Availability in Abandoned Mining Areas
Patterson KH, Dia A, Marques R, Waerenborgh JC, Vieira BJC, Prudencio MI, Diamantino C, Carvalho E, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Davranche M & Pédrot M

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