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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Davidson Peter (2022) A Revised Age for the Ontong Java Plateau
Davidson P & Koppers A
(2021) Preliminary Geochronology Results from Dredging the Rio Grande Rise: NBP1808
Davidson P & Koppers A

Davidson Peter C (2023) 30 Myr Eruptive History of the Rio Grande Rise and the Prolonged Role of the Tristan-Gough Mantle Plume in the South Atlantic
Davidson PC, Koppers AAP, Class C & William SW
(2023) On/Near Ridge Formation of the Eastern Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic
Class C, Davidson PC, Koppers AAP & William SW

Davidson R. (2012) Land Use Changes and Mercury Transfers to Aquatic Systems in the Brazilian Amazon
Belanger E, Lucotte M, Oestreicher J, Moingt M, Rozon C, Davidson R & Gregoire B

Davidson Scott (2011) Manganese Precipitation and the Removal of Zinc from No Cash Creek, Keno Hills, Yukon, Canada
Sherriff B, Johnson B & Davidson S

Davidson Sylvain (2021) Investigating the Diversity and Metabolic Interactions in Hydrogen-Powered Microbial Consortia Cultures from a Shallow Marine Serpentinite-Hosted Ecosystem, the Prony Bay Hydrothermal Field (PBHF), New Caledonia
Postec A, Estoup P, Davidson S, Combet-Blanc Y, Quéméneur M, Lecoeuvre A & Erauso G

Davidson T. (2019) Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A

Davie C. (2020) Microbial Community of MX80 Bentonite and their Interaction with Iron
Gilmour K, Davie C & Gray N

Davies Alan (2011) Zone of Anomalous Mantle
Davies A & Davies R

Davies Alicia (2013) Sulfate-Oxygen Isotope Insight into Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Estuarine Sediments
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Davies A, Adler M, Rennie V, Herut B & Sivan O

Davies Amelia (2023) Tracing Vital Effects in Biogenic Carbonates via Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Klipsch S, Bajnai D, Raddatz J, Davies A, Gischler E, Fiebig J & Pack A
(2018) The 13C-18O Clumped Isotopic Quirks of Cephalopods: A Strong Case for Vital Effects in the Clumped Isotope Composition of Biogenic Carbonate
Davies A & John C

Davies Amelia J (2023) Constraining Temperature and Reaction Chemistry Kinetics in Cold-Water Methane Seeps Using Dual-Clumped Isotopes
Staudigel P, Feng D, Peckmann J, Davies AJ, Tagliavento M, Bernecker M & Fiebig J
(2023) High-Precision ∆47 and ∆48 Acid Fractionation Factors for Aragonite, Calcite, Dolomite, Siderite and Witherite
Bernecker M, Bonifacie M, Staudigel P, Davies AJ, Tagliavento M, Siebert J, Wehr N & Fiebig J
(2022) Using Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometry to Better Understand the Dinosaur-Bird Transition
Tagliavento M, Davies AJ, Bernecker M, Staudigel P, Dawson RR, Guo W & Fiebig J
(2022) Fluid Inclusions and Dual-Clumped Isotopes: Is it Checks and Balances all the Way Down?
Staudigel P, van der Lubbe HJL, Davies AJ, Tagliavento M, Bernecker M, Nooitgedacht C & Fiebig J
(2022) Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Biogenic Carbonates: Identifying and Correcting for Non-Equilibrium Isotope Effects
Davies AJ, Guo W, Brand U, Tagliavento M, Bajnai D, Gischler E, Raddatz J, Bernecker M, Schlidt V & Fiebig J

Davies Amelia Jane (2017) Fingerprinting the Temperature and Fluid Source of Fracture-Filling Calcite in Geothermal Systems Using Clumped Isotopes
MacDonald J, Milicich S, Davies A, Holdsworth C, Newton M, Williamson S, Faithfull J, McNamara D & John C
(2017) Elusive “Vital Effects” in the Clumped Isotope Thermometer; A Focus on Echinoidea
Davies AJ & John C
(2016) Inter- and Intra-Shell Clumped Isotope Variability in Sea-Urchin Calcite: Investigating “Vital Effects” in Echinoidea
Davies AJ & John C

Davies B.V. (2020) Forensic Geochronology of an Explosive-Effusive Transition: Ascension Island
Scarrow JH, Schmitt AK, Danisik M, Montero P, Preece KJ, Davies BV, Brown RJ, Mark D & Barclay J

Davies D.R. (2021) Archaean Basalts Record Evidence of Lithospheric Extension Prior to Cratonisation
Klöcking M, Czarnota K, Campbell IH, Smithies H, Champion DC & Davies DR
(2020) Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the Australian Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary from Mafic Volcanism
Klöcking M, Czarnota K, Ball PW, Champion DC & Davies DR

Davies Gareth (2018) Combined Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Data on Individual Melt Inclusions from Italy Record Extreme Mantle Heterogeneity Induced by Complex Geodynamics
Koornneef JM, Nikogosian I, Hageman L, Berndsen M, van Bergen MJ, Vroon PZ & Davies GR
(2018) Episodic Eclogitic Diamond Genesis at Jwaneng Diamond Mine, Botswana
Gress M, Pearson G, Chinn I, Koornneef J, Pals A, van der Valk E & Davies G
(2018) Modelling the Temperature History of Mantle Lithosphere Using FTIR Maps of Diamonds
Kohn S, Speich L, Bulanova G, Smith C, Gress M & Davies G
(2017) Implications of Elevated Sr Values in Mirobial Mediated Dolomites
Sánchez-Román M, Blok C, McKenzie J, Davies G, Vroon P, Gibert L & Crisogono V
(2017) Geochemical Tracing of Varying Northern vs. Southern Water-Masses Contributions in the sub Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (MD07-3076) Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Beny F, Bout V, Davies G, Gottschalk J, Skinner L, Bory A, Waelbroeck C, Mazaud A, Michel E, Delattre M & Abraham R
(2017) Ancient Recycled Lower Crust Trapped in Deep Magmatic Olivine from Italy: Evidence from Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopes in Melt Inclusions from Roccamonfina-Ernici
Koornneef J, Nikogosian I, van Bergen M, Vroon P & Davies G

Davies Gareth R (2021) Boron Isotopes in Italian Melt Inclusions
Luciani N, Nikogosian IK, De Hoog J, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2016) Archaean Diamond Growth beneath Venetia Established by Sm-Nd Systematics of Individual Garnet Inclusions
Koornneef JM, Gress MU, Harris JW & Davies GR

Davies Gareth R. (2023) Composition and Thermal State of the Arabian Lithospheric Mantle: Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths
Zivadinovic I, van der Zwan FM, Koornneef JM, Hellebrand E & Davies GR
(2023) Constraining the Depth and Timing of Silica Enrichment of the Cratonic Lithosphere
Tomlinson EL, Hoare B, McKenna C, van Zuilen K & Davies GR
(2023) Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopes of Fluids in Fibrous Diamond Record Two-Stage Modification of the Canadian Continental Root
Koornneef JM, Weiss Y & Davies GR
(2023) Tethyan Evolution of the South Armenian Block: From NE Gondwana Breakup to Collision with Eurasia
Nikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Mason PRD, van Hinsbergen D, Kuiper K, Kirscher U, Matveev S, Grigoryan A, Grigoryan E, Israyelyan A, van Bergen MJ, Koornneef JM, Wijbrans JR, Davies GR & Meliksetian K
(2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ
(2022) Can We Quantify Sediment Recycling in Italy's Post-Collisional Subduction System?
Koornneef JM, Schriever V, Goede A, Boonstra J, Bracco Gartner AJJ, Luciani N, Ogata K, Segadelli S, Iannace A, Vroon P, Nikogosian I & Davies GR
(2022) Investigating Combined Arc and OIB Signatures at a Post-Collisional Subduction Setting by Geochemical and Boron Isotope Analyses of Melt Inclusions from Vulture, Italy
Luciani N, De Winter B, Nikogosian I, De Hoog C-J, Bracco Gartner AJJ, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2022) The Mantle Source of Lamproites from Torre Alfina, Italy: Evidence from Melt Inclusions in Olivine
Bracco Gartner AJJ, Nikogosian IK, Aartsen JM, Gonggrijp C, Luciani N, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2020) Sub-Nanogram Pb Isotope Analysis of Individual Melt Inclusions
Bracco Gartner AJJ, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2020) A New Crushing Technique for Coupled ẟ13C and ẟ18O Analysis in Fluid Inclusions
Luciani N, Nikogosian I, van der Lubbe HJL, Verdegaal-Warmerdam SJA, Postma O, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2020) Coupled Trace Element and Sr-Nd-(Pb) Isotopes in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Mariana Arc
Koornneef J, Nikogosian I, Luciani N, Bracco Gartner A, Elliott T & Davies G
(2020) Radiogenic Isotopes in Minerals and Melt Inclusions Reveal that Mantle Hetereogeneity is Masked by Mixing
Koornneef JM, Nikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Luciani N, Brouillet F, France L & Davies G
(2019) Optimised Techniques to Determine Coupled Trace Element and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Ratios in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Koornneef JM, Bracco-Gartner AJJ, Nikogosian IK, Klaver M, Vroon PZ & Davies GR
(2019) Mantle Heterogeneity Preserved in the Lower Oceanic Crust
Lambart S, Koornneef J, Millet M-A, Davies G, Cook M & Lissenberg J
(2019) Subduction-Related Mantle Heterogeneity Recorded by Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopes in Melt Inclusions from Central Italy
Bracco Gartner AJJ, Nikogosian IK, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2015) In situ Isotopic Variation in the Semail Ophiolite Lower Crust: Reconstructing Mantle Heterogeneity and Crustal Accretion
Jansen M, Lissenberg J, Klaver M, de Graaff S, MacLeod C & Davies G
(2015) Extreme Heterogeneity Prior to Extensive Mixing: Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Analysis of Individual Melt Inclusions from the Italian Peninsula
Koornneef J, Nikogosian I, van Bergen M, Smeets R, Bouman C, Schwieters J & Davies G
(2015) Widespread Later Stage Subduction-Related Intrusions in the Southern Semail Ophiolite, Oman
de Graaff SJ, Goodenough KM, Lissenberg CJ, Klaver M, Jansen MN & Davies GR
(2015) Episodic Diamond Formation beneath the Orapa and Letlhakane Mines, Botswana
Timmerman S, Koornneef J, Chinn I & Davies G
(2014) O-Hf Records of Magma Sources in the Sierra Nevada Batholith
Lackey JS, Miller J, Economos R & Davies G
(2013) Calibration of the Raman Technique to Determine Water Contents in Lunar Silicate Glasses
Colin A, Davies G, Hooijschuur J-H, Nichols A, Rai N & van Westrenen W
(2013) Discussion Break
Davies G, Howell D, Hunt L, Kopylova M & Nestola F
(2013) Use of 1012 and 1013 Ohm Resistors in TIMS Analysis of Sr and Nd Isotopes in Sub-Nanogram Geological and Environmental Samples
Koornneef J, Bouman C, Schwieters J & Davies G
(2012) Extreme Microbial Sulphur Isotpe Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G
(2012) Use of 10e12 and 10e13 Ohm Resistors in TIMS Analysis of Sr and Nd Isotopes in Sub-Nanogram Geological and Environmental Samples
Koornneef J, Bouman C & Davies G
(2011) Microbial Sulphur Isotope Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G
(2011) The Age and Origin of the Limpopo Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
van der Meer Q, Klaver M, Reisberg L, Davidheiser B & Davies G
(2010) Titanium Complexation in Cl- or F-Bearing High Pressure-Temperature Aqueous Fluids: New Results from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
van Sijl J, Allan NL, Davies GR & van Westrenen W
(2009) Titanium Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
van Sijl J, Allan NL, Davies GR & van Westrenen W
(2009) Lu-Hf Isotope Inheritance from Subducting Detrital Zircons during Crustal Formation
Nebel O, Vroon PZ & Davies GR
(2009) Tracking the Movement of the ITCZ from the Last Interglacial to the Present: Evidence from Seychelles Corals, Western Indian Ocean
Zinke J, Pfeiffer M, Davies G, Timm O, Dullo W-C & Camoin GF
(2008) Towards Computer Simulation of Element Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids
van Sijl J, Allan N, Pinilla C, Davies G & van Westrenen W
(2008) Petrogenesis of Archaean Sub-Lithospheric Mantle Preserved in the Otrøy Peridotite Massif, Norway
Spengler D, Davies G, Pearson G, Mason P, van Roermund H, Drury M, Vukmanović Z & Wiersma E
(2008) Zircon Recycling in Felsic Magmas
Miller JS, Miller CF, Matzel J, Claiborne L, Wooden J, Poli G, Nebel O, Vroon P, Davies G & Leslie S
(2007) The Impact of Subducting Sediment on the HFSE Budget of Arc-Related Igneous Rocks, Banda Arc, Indonesia
Nebel O, Morel M, Vroon P, Davies G & van Bergen M
(2007) No Evidence of Diffusive Homogenisation of Carbon Isotopes in Yakutian Diamonds
Wiggers de Vries D, Davies G, Bulanova G & Pearson G
(2007) The Origin of Silica-Rich Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Davies G, Wasch L, van der Zwan F, Morel M, Nebel O, van Westrenen W, Pearson G & Hellebrand E
(2007) New Insights into Peralkaline Magma Chamber Processes in the Naivasha Area, Kenya Dome
Tchalikian A, Nebel O, Elburg MA, Andriessen PAM & Davies GR
(2007) Os Isotope and PGE Evidence for Major Disruption and Addition to the Lithospheric Mantle: A Study of Peridotites from the Premier Mine, Kaapvaal Craton, SA
Morel M, Pearson D, Luguet A & Davies G
(2006) Origin of a diamondiferous spinel harzburgite
Davies G, Morel M, Wiggers De Vries D & Robey J
(2006) Modification of cratonic lithosphere: influence of tectono-magmatic events on Kaapvaal craton (South Africa)
Morel M, Simon N, Davies GR & Pearson GD
(2004) Coupled Sr-Nd and Os Systematics of the Othris Ophiolite, Greece
Barth M, Davies G, Pearson D, Mason P & Drury M
(2004) Chemical Response of Aeolian Weathering Products to Climate Change in N-Africa Following Termination of the African Humid Period
Davies G & Jung S
(2004) The Southern African Kaapvaal Craton: Formation and Modification of Continental Lithospheric Mantle in Archaean Subduction Zones?
Simon N, Davies G, Pearson D & Carlson R
(2003) Noble Gas Study of on- and Off-Axis Alkali Volcanism at the Hawaiian Hotspot
Hanyu T, Clague D, Kaneoka I, Dunai T & Davies G
(2002) Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Constraints on Magma Genesis in the Sangihe Arc, North Indonesia
van der Meer JPM, van Bergen MJ, Vroon PZ & Davies GR
(2002) Geochemistry of the Othris Ophiolite, Greece: Towards a Solution of the "Ophiolite Conundrum"
Barth MG, Mason PRD, Davies GR & Drury MR
(2002) Testing the Internally Consistent Age Information of U-Series Disequilibria in Rhyolites: Inyo Domes, CA
Heumann A, Elliott T & Davies G
(2002) Rare Gas and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope Systematics of Deccan Flood Basalts
Hanyu T, Dunai TJ, Davies GR, Nakai S, Kaneoka I & Fujii T
(2002) The Lu-Hf Isotope Composition of Cratonic Lithosphere: Disequilibrium between Garnet and Clinopyroxene in Kimberlite Xenoliths
Simon NSC, Carlson RW, Pearson DG & Davies GR
(2002) Abrupt Climate Change in N-Africa: The Asynchronous Termination of the African Humid Period
Davies G, Jung S & Ganssen G
(2000) Neodymium Isotopes in Modern Foraminifera from Indian Ocean: Assessment of the Use of Nd Isotope Composition of Foraminifera as a Tracer for Palaeo-Oceanic Circulation Changes
Pomies C & Davies G
(2000) Variations in Melting Conditions along the Xigaze Ophiolite (Tibet): A Transition from Ridge to Arc Setting?
Griselin M, Davies GR & Pearson DG
(2000) Complex Magma Chamber Dynamics at Stromboli during the 20th Century
Davies GR, Francalanci L, Tommasini S & Conticelli S
(2000) Multistage Metasomatism and Mineral Growth of Cratonic Mantle Recorded by a Glass-Bearing Garnet Lherzolite Xenolith from Letseng-La-Terae, Lesotho
Simon NSC, Davies GR, Pearson DG, Mason PRD & Irvine GJ
(2000) Possible Causes of Trace-Element Stratification in the Mantle
Davies GF & Mériaux C

Davies Geoff (2011) Dynamical Geochemistry
Davies G
(2011) Dynamical Constraints on Mantle Reservoirs Through Time
Davies G
(2006) Early Mantle Dynamics: Depletion, Plates and a Revised Cooling History
Davies G

Davies H. (2017) Persistence of Isotopic Domains in the Upper Mantle: Evidence from Mantle Circulation Models
Barry T, Davies H, Wolstencroft M, Millar I, Zhidan Z, Safonova I & Price M

Davies I. (2000) A New Conceptual Model for Microbial Processes in Sediments
Mortimer RJG, Hayes P, Krom M, Davies I, Davison W, Zhang H, Phillips C & Prosser J

Davies J H (2000) Thermal Structure, Water Transport, and Melt Propagation at Subduction Zones
Davies JH

Davies J Huw (2013) Novel Particle Method for Modelling Melt Generated Heterogeneity in Spherical Mantle Convection Models
van Heck H & Davies JH
(2013) Tracking Indian-Type Mantle at its Western Limit during the Closure of Neo-Tethys and Opening of the Indian Ocean
Barry T, Davies H & Millar I

Davies J. Huw (2023) Geodynamic Control on Melting in 3D Mantle Convection Models
Récalde N, Davies JH, Panton J, Porcelli D & Andersen MB
(2019) The Pb Cycle in 3D Numerical Geodynamic Models
Panton J, Davies JH, Elliott T, Anderson M & Price M

Davies Jessica (2012) A Particle-Based Approach to Modelling Water Flow and Residence Times in a Small Catchment
Davies J, Beven K, Nyberg L & Rodhe A

Davies Joshua (2012) Geochemical and Isotopic Insights into the Origin of the 'Scourie' Dykes
Davies J, Heaman L, DuFrane A, Muehlenbachs K & Creaser R

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