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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

David Marie-Laure (2015) Preservation of He within Bubbles in 915 Ma Euxenite Crystals from S-Norway Pegmatites
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, David M-L, Alix K, Bingen B & Duran C

David Midgley (2011) Is Microbial Degradation of Heavy Hydrocarbons a Major Source of Methane in CBM Reservoirs? Evidence from Australia
Faiz M, Amanda M, David M & Phil H

David Nkouathio (2022) Volcanological and Petrological Study of Volcanic Rocks from the North West Flank of oku Volcanic Complex (Cameroon Volcanic Line): Constraints from Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Marie Louise Vohnyui C, Pierre W & David N

David NOY, (2002) Natural Attenuation of Chiral Mecoprop in a Fractured Limestone Aquifer
Williams G, Ian H, David N, Stephen D, Claire C & Olivia C

David P. (2000) Nd Isotope and Sm/Nd Ratio Measurements by Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Baker J, Krogstad E, David P, Waight T & Willigers B

Davidheiser B. (2011) The Age and Origin of the Limpopo Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
van der Meer Q, Klaver M, Reisberg L, Davidheiser B & Davies G

Davidheiser-Kroll B. (2018) Do you Need a PBL on a 253 Plus? Uncertainty in ∆47 Measurements
Davidheiser-Kroll B, Ingalls M & Snell K
(2017) Advances in CaCO3 Clumped Istope Analysis, Using a Custom Extraction Line and a Dual Inlet System
Davidheiser-Kroll B, Fetrow A & Snell K
(2014) Potassium Isotope Geochemistry and Magmatic Processes
Morgan L, Higgins J, Davidheiser-Kroll B, Lloyd N, Faithfull J & Ellam R
(2014) Instrumentation Development for Planetary in situ 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Morgan L, Davidheiser-Kroll B, Munk M, van Bibber K, Harkness P, Lee M, Wright I, Gupta S & Mark D
(2014) Mantle Heat found in Hydrothermal Fluids Responsible for Carbonate-Hosted Base Metal Deposits: Evidence from 3He/4He of Ore
Davidheiser-Kroll B, Stuart F & Boyce A

Davidochkina A. (2009) Tritium in the Radioecological Safety Problem of Baltic Sea Basin (Russia)
Kulkova M & Davidochkina A

Davidovits P. (2011) Factors Affecting the Physical Phase State of SOA Particles from Biogenic and Anthropogenic Precursors
Virtanen A, Saukko E, Lambe A, Massoli P, Onasch T, Wright J, Croasdale DR, Laaksonen A, Davidovits P & Worsnop DR

Davidson A (2005) Inter-Comparison in <+>10<$>Be Analysis Starting from Pre-Purified Quartz
Schnabel C, Reinhardt L, Bishop P, Davidson A, Fifield LK, Freeman S, Maden C & Xu S

Davidson Alex (2023) Are Vertically Extensive Magmatic Systems Realistic? A Cautionary Tale About Geobarometers
Firth C, Adam J, Davidson A, Turner S, Rushmer T & Cronin S
(2023) Calc-Alkaline Magmatism and the Origin of the Earth’s First Continental Crust
Adam J, Wellhäuser A, Firth C, Rushmer T, Turner S, Davidson A, Cronin S & Wörner G
(2022) Insights into Magma Evolution beneath Mt Taranaki, New Zealand: A Uranium-Series Isotopic Perspective
Davidson A & Turner S

Davidson Ashley (2019) Cr Isotopes and the Attenuation of Cr(VI)-rich Runoff
Davidson A, Holmden C, Nomosatryo S, Henny C, Francois R & Crowe S
(2017) Chromium Isotope Speciation in Seawater
Davidson A, Holmden C, Francois R & Crowe S

Davidson C. (2022) Photoproduction and Sedimentary Sources of COS and CS2 Identified by their Sulfur Isotopic Values
Davidson C, Angert A, Lennartz ST & Amrani A

Davidson E.

Davidson G (2006) Cracking the sulfate isotopic determination problem in ancient hydrothermal systems: a pilot assessment of the use of the carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) method
Davidson G, Cooke D, Deyell C & Wilson A

Davidson Garry (2017) Significance of Marcasite Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Algeo T, Grice K, Rodemann T, Davidson G & Steadman J

Davidson Jemma (2022) Vision and Strategies for Astromaterials Data Management and Archiving
Haenecour P, Lehnert KA, Bennett CA, Barnes JJ, Connolly HC, Crombie K, Davidson J, Ebel DS, Gemma M, Heck PR, McCubbin FM, Ogliore RC & Schrader D
(2020) Mind the Gap: Protolith vs. Processing in Establishing Primitive Achondrite Redox Conditions
McCoy T, Corrigan C, Dickinson T, Benedix G, Schrader D & Davidson J
(2014) Presolar Materials and Isotope Anomalies in the Unique Carbonaceous Chondrite Miller Range 07687
Davidson J, Nittler L & Alexander C

Davidson Jon (2018) The Textural and Chemical Records of Mushy Magma Dynamics
Humphreys M, Cooper G, Zhang J, Loewen M, Kent A, Metcalfe A, Macpherson C, Ottley C & Davidson J
(2016) Open-System Processes Revealed by Melt Trace Element Inversion from Calcic Amphiboles
Zhang J, Humphreys M, Cooper G, Davidson J & Macpherson C

Davidson Jon Paul (2015) Plutonic Xenoliths from the Lesser Antilles: A Window into the Plumbing Systems of Volcanic Arcs
Cooper G, Davidson J & Blundy J
(2014) The Petrogenetic Link between Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks of the Organ Mountains Caldera, USA
Memeti V & Davidson J
(2013) Insights into Mantle Processes from Water and Trace Elements in Olivine
Tollan P, Hermann J, Arculus R, O'Neill H & Davidson J
(2013) Effects of Carbonate Assimilation on Magma from Sumbing Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia and Implications for Merapi
Dempsey S, Macpherson C, Hall R & Davidson J
(2013) Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks in the 36 Ma Organ Mountains Caldera, USA: Are They Telling the Same Story?
Memeti V & Davidson J
(2013) Assimilation of Sediments Embedded in the Oceanic Arc Crust: Myth or Reality?
Bezard R, Davidson J, Turner S, Macpherson C, Lindsay J & Boyce A
(2012) In situ Geochemical Characterization of Experimental Partial Melts
Meade F, Masotta M, Troll V, Freda C, Dahren B, Davidson J & Ellam R
(2012) Differentiation and Source Controls along the Lesser Antilles Arc
Davidson J & Wilson M
(2011) Trace Element Redistribution in Oceanic Crust during Subduction-Zone Metamorphism – Evidence from Western Tianshan, China
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Li H, Wang H, Davidson J & Liu X
(2009) Caught in the Act! Unravelling Crustal Contamination
McLeod C, Davidson J & Pearson DG
(2009) Strontium Isotope Systematics of Experimentally Produced Melts: Understanding Magma-Carbonate Interaction at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
Deegan F, Troll V, Freda C, Mcleod C, Malarkey J, Davidson J & Chadwick J
(2009) Geochemical Dissection of a Kimberlite: What Makes up a Whole Rock Analysis?
Malarkey J, Pearson DG, Davidson J, Nowell G, Kjarsgaard B & Ottley C
(2009) The Relative Roles of Source vs Differentiation in Determining the Characteristics of Arc Magmas
Davidson J & Wilson M
(2008) Origins of Cr-Diopside in Peridotite Xenoliths
Malarkey J, Pearson DG, Davidson JP & Wittig N
(2008) Water Storage and Amphibole Control in Arc Magma Differentiation
Davidson J, Macpherson C & Turner S
(2008) Structural Controls on Changing Differentiation Depths at Mt. Ruapehu Volcano
Lee T, Macpherson C, Davidson J, Price R, Gamble J & Smith I
(2008) Thermal and Uranium-Series Isotope Constraints on the Rate and Depth of Silicic Magma Genesis
Sandiford M, Dosseto A, Turner S & Davidson J
(2007) Magmatic Timescales Using Diffusion Profiles in Olivine from Nea Kameni, Santorini, Greece
Martin V, Morgan D & Davidson J
(2007) Structural Controls on Changing Differentiation Pathways at an Arc Volcano
Lee T, Macpherson C & Davidson J
(2007) Amphibole Control in the Differentiation of Arc Magmas
Davidson J, Macpherson C & Turner S
(2006) Amphibole fractionation- a constraint on the depth of arc magma evolution?
Davidson J, Dosseto T & Turner S
(2006) Crystal isotope stratigraphy; time constraints on magmatic processes
Davidson J & Morgan D
(2006) Along-arc heterogeneity in crustal architecture and subduction input at the Sunda arc in Java, Indonesia
Handley H, Macpherson C, Davidson J & Gertisser R
(2006) Fully quantifyed crystal populations? Combining CSD and microanalysis to constrain timescales and contamination in magmas
Jerram D, Morgan D & Davidson J
(2006) U-series isotopic disequilibrium produced during experimental melting of granitic crust: implications for shallow-level assimilation and pluton remobilisation
Knesel K, Turner S & Davidson J
(2006) Detailed histories of magma transfer and contamination in a flood basalt province – a Sr isotope micro-sampling study of Skye basalts
Font L, Davidson JP, Pearson DG, Nowell G & Ottley C
(2006) Source variability and crustal contamination of the Baffin Island picrites – coupled Sr isotope and trace element study of individual melt inclusions
Harlou R, Pearson DG, Davidson JP, Kamenetsky VS & Yaxley GM
(2006) Timescale of Magmatic Processes by In-Situ Sr-isotope Data in the Present-Day Activity of Stromboli, Italy
Francalanci L, Nardini I, Tiepolo M, Chertkoff DG, Morgan DJ, Avanzinelli R & Davidson JP
(2005) Partial Assimilative Recycling of the Plutonic Roots of a Continental Arc
Dungan M, Leeman W, Goldstein S, Langmuir C, Davidson J & Piatrowski A
(2005) Sr Isotope Studies of Melt Inclusions by TIMS
Harlou R, Pearson D, Nowell G, Davidson JP & Kent AJR
(2005) Evaluating the Relative Roles of Hydrothermal Alteration and Crustal Contamination at a Single Crystal Scale: Sr Isotope Micro-Sampling Study of Eruptive and Intrusive Magmatic Rocks from Skye
Font L, Pearson G, Davidson J, Macpherson C, Nowell G & Thompson B
(2004) Sr Isotope Zoning in Feldspars at Laacher See Volcano, Germany
Ginibre C, Davidson J & Wörner G
(2004) Crystal Isotope Clues to Subvolcanic Magmatic Evolution and Eruption Triggering
Davidson J, Charlier B, Morgan D, Chertkoff D, Ginibre C & Nowell G
(2004) Mineral-Scale Sr Isotopic Variations as Recorders of Magmatic Processes in the Fish Canyon System, U.S.A
Charlier B, Davidson J, Bachmann O & Dungan M
(2004) Textural and Strontium Isotopic Analysis of Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Stromboli Volcano (Aeolian Islands): Evidence for Open-System Magmatic Proces
Chertkoff D, Morgan D, Francalanci L, Davidson J, Pearson G, Jerram D & Nowell G
(2004) Crystal Inheritance and Mixing in Products of the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy
Morgan D, Davidson J, Pearson G, Nowell G & Civetta L
(2004) Origin of Extreme 3He/4He Signatures in Icelandic Lavas: Insights from Melt Inclusion Studies
Harlou R, Kent A, Breddam K, Davidson J & Pearson D
(2002) Hf and Nd Isotope Decoupling in the Lesser Antilles Island Arc
Munday D, Thirlwall M, Smith T & Davidson J
(2002) The Role of Mixing in the Evolution of Andesites at Ngauruhoe Volcano, New Zealand: Constraints from Analyses of Crystal Growth Zones
Hora JM, Davidson J & Hobden B
(2002) Magma System Processes Constrained by Mineral-Scale Isotope Variations
Davidson J, Tepley Iii F, Hora J & Knesel K
(2002) Differentiation Processes in a High-Silica Rhyolite as Recorded in Plagioclase Crystals from Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
Charlier BLA, Davidson JP, Wilson CJN & Simon JI
(2000) Complex Differentiation Histories Revealed by Short-Term Geochemical and Isotopic Variations between and within Lavas of Ngauruhoe Volcano, New Zealand
Hobden BJ, Hora JM & Davidson JP
(2000) The Role of Magmatic Versus Subsolidus Processes in Determining Mineral-Scale Isotopic Characteristics of the Rum Intrusive Complex
Tepley Iii FJ, Davidson JP & Palacz Z
(2000) The Origin of K-Feldspar Megacrysts Hosted in Alkaline Potassic Rocks from post-Orogenic Setting: Constraining the Interaction between high-K calc-Alkaline and Alkaline Magmas
Perini G, Tepley Iii F, Davidson JP & Conticelli S
(2000) Magmagenesis and Evolution at Damavand Volcano, Iran
Davidson J, Hassanzadeh J, Berzins R, Pandamouz A, Turrin B & Young A

Davidson Jonathan (2013) Radon Activity Around Active Faults in a Geothermal Environment
Davidson J, Gravley D, Nicol A & Fairley J

Davidson L. (2008) Iron Nanoparticulates in Icebergs: A Source of Bioavailable Iron
Raiswell R, Benning LG, Davidson L, Tranter M & Tulaczyk S
(2008) Iron Nanoparticulates in Ice-Hosted Sediments: A Window into the Subglacial Environment
Raiswell R, Benning LG & Davidson L
(2006) The Life Cycle of Nanoparticles in Acid Mine Drainage: An In-Situ Synchrotron Study
Davidson L, Benning L, Shaw S & Terrill N
(2005) The Effect of Arsenic on the Nucleation and Growth of Schwertmannite: An in situ SAXS Study
Davidson L, Benning L, Shaw S & Terrill N
(2004) Nucleation and Growth of Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles from Solution: An in situ Time-Resolved Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) Study
Shaw S, Benning L, Terrill N & Davidson L

Davidson N. (2016) Speciation and Bioavailability of Iron in Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions
Davidson N, Tian Z, Ignatyev K, Pope F & Shi Z

Davidson Patrick (2010) Sol-Gel and Isotropic/Nematic Transitions in Aqueous Suspensions of Swelling Clay Minerals: A Structural and Rheological Study on Size-Selected Particles
Michot L, Paineau E, Bihannic I, Maddi S, Duval J, Baravian C, Davidson P & Levitz P
(2000) Evidence for Ice VI as an Inclusion in Cuboid Diamonds from High P-T Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Kagi H, Lu R, Davidson P, Goncharov AF, Mao H & Hemley RJ

Davidson Paul (2006) Coexisting melt and fluid inclusions at Batu Hijau: evidence for primary magmatic aqueous fluids and their relationship to mineralisation
Davidson P & Crawford T
(2002) Magmatic Fluids Coexisting with Felsic Melts: An Example from Rio Blanco Rhyolite, Chile
Davidson P, Kamenetsky V, Hollings P, Cooke D & Frikken P

Davidson Perrin W (2021) An Observationally Constrained, 234Th-Derived Global POC Flux Model
Davidson PW, Kenyon JA, Nicholson DP & Buesseler KO

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