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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Davey E.L. (2019) ‘Lab-on-Chip’ Sensor for in situ Determination of Silicate in Natural Waters
Clinton-Bailey GS, Beaton AD, Patey MD, Davey EL, Fowell SE, Martin AP, White SN, Birchill AJ & Mowlem MC

Davey R. (2018) Determining the Controlling Factors of Carbon Isotope and Molecular Weight Fractionation in Shale Gases during Depressurization
Davey R, Sephton M & Smalley C
(2017) Measuring Carbon Isotope Fractionation of Methane during Progressive Degassing: A Novel Online GC-C-Irms Technique
Davey R, Smalley C & Sephton M

Daviau K. (2022) Statistically Learned Nonlinearity of the Postspinel Phase Boundary in Mg2SiO4 and its Implications for Slab Dynamics and Morphology
Dong J, Fischer RA, Stixrude LP, Brennan MC, Daviau K, Suer T-A, Turner KM, Meng Y & Prakapenka VB
(2019) Metal–silicate Partitioning Behavior of Pd and Ag at Earth’s Core Formation Conditions
Suer T-A, Fischer R, Lee K, Daviau K, Dong J & Brennan M
(2019) Experimental Exploration of TiN as a a Possible Reservoir for Planetary Nitrogen
Daviau K, Dong J, Brennan MC, Suer T-A, Fischer RA & Prakapenka V

David Allison (2010) Silver Nanoparticles: Biosynthesis and Comparative Toxicity on Gram -ve and Gram +ve Bacteria
Suresh AK, Pelletier D, Brown S, Gu B, Wang W, David A, David J, Phelps T & Doktycz M

David Au Yang (2020) Isotopic Compositions of Hg in Cross-Hemisphere Marine Aerosols Reveal Different Hg0 Redox Reactions
David AY, Chen J, Zheng W, Sonke J, Shi G, Cai H, Yuan W & Cartigny P

David C (2003) Controls on Eruptive Style for North Arch Lavas
Hirano N, David C, Hirata T, Coombs M & Takahashi E

David Calin (2022) The Impact of Chemical Heterogeneity on the Binding of Trace Metals by Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Lodeiro P, Rey-Castro C, David C, Puy J, Achterberg EP & Gledhill M

David Carlos (2020) Water Isotopes and Weathering Fluxes from Catchments in the Zambales Ophiolite Region, Luzon, Philippines
Ibarra D, Domingo J, Meyer N, Mix H, Tolentino P, Attal M & David C

David Carlos Primo C. (2023) Estimating the Rates of Chemical Weathering of Ultramafic Rocks in Small Tropical Watersheds
Rabang DCV, Garcia JJL, Tan MM, Eco RC, Arcilla CA, David CPC & Ibarra DE
(2023) Leveraging Stable Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry from Continuous Cave Monitoring to Discern Tropical Hydroclimate Variability in the Philippines
Sekhon N, Gao A, David CPC, Geronia MCM, Jalandoni S, Gatdula JV, Cruz NSD & Ibarra DE

David Catalina (2019) Raman Spectroscopy Application for Microplastics
David C

David G. (2023) Quantification of Light Absorption by Trapped Aerosol Particles with Spatial Modulation Spectroscopy
Dettlaff KM, David G & Signorell R
(2023) Photochemistry of Aqueous Glycine Aerosol Droplets in the Visible Spectral Range
David G, Reich O, Ishizuka S & Signorell R

David H. (2020) Geochemical Databases and a Need for Linkages to Other Database Systems
Eglington B, Pehrsson S & David H

David I. (2003) Trace Gaseous Compositions in Fluid Inclusions as Indicators of Ore-Forming Fluid Sources and Processes: A Case Study on Songxi Large-Scale Ag(Sb) Deposit, China
Sun X, David I, Sun K & Wang M

David Jean (2013) U-Pb Dating of Eoarchaean Zircons Using a NanoSIMS
Ishida A, Takahata N, Sano Y, David J & Pinti DL
(2011) U/Pb Dating of Geodic Calcites: A Tool for Paleohydrological Reconstructions
Pisapia C, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Battani A, Buschaert S & David J
(2007) Insights on the Enriched Isotopic Nature of Proterozoic Dyke Swarms in the Northeastern Superior Province
Maurice C, David J, O'Neil J & Francis D
(2004) Crustal Evolution of the Inukjuak Domain and the ca. 3.8 GA Nuvvuagittuq Sequence, Superior Province, Canada
Stevenson R, David J, Parent M & Maurice C

David Jean (2015) Bracketing the Archean: Zircon from the Lacorne Pluton (Abitibi, Québec) to Improve LA-ICP-MS Geochronology
David J & Poirier A

David Jean (2015) Strontium Isotope Compositions of Apatite Inclusions in Archaean Zircon
Ishida A, Takahata N, Sano Y, David J & Pinti D

David Jean (2016) Dating Diagenesis of Carbonate: In situ Measurements by Laser Ablation
Poirier A, David J, Ghaleb B & Gogot J

David Jean (2017) U-Pb Geochronology and REE Signatures: Fingerprinting the Interplay between Magmatism and Migmatisation, Archean Superior Province (QC, Canada)
Revelli N, David J, Gervais F, Tremblay A & Poirier A
(2017) Lacorne Pluton, Québec: A Suite of Archean Standards for LA-ICP-MS Measurements
David J, Poirier A & Revelli N

David Joy (2010) Silver Nanoparticles: Biosynthesis and Comparative Toxicity on Gram -ve and Gram +ve Bacteria
Suresh AK, Pelletier D, Brown S, Gu B, Wang W, David A, David J, Phelps T & Doktycz M

David K. (2009) Os Isotope Evolution of an Oceanic Intra-Plate Volcano: Tahiti-Nui (Society Islands, French Polynesia)
Nauret F, David K, Gannoun A, Hildenbrand A, Gillot P-Y, Delpech G & Schiano P
(2005) Assessing Shallow Level Interactions in OIB Geochemical Signature; Application to São Nicolau Island, Cape Verde
Millet M, David K, Bosq C, Schiano P & Doucelance R
(2000) Assessment of Zr/Hf Fractionation in Oceanic Basalts during Petrogenetic Processes
David K, Schiano P & Allègre CJ

David Karine (2023) The Use of Stable Lead Isotopes for the Identification of the Sources and Transport Processes Leading to the Release of Radioactive Contaminants Downstream of Former Uranium Mine Sites
Geng T, Peron O, Mangeret A, Le Coz M, David K, Del Nero M, Montavon G & Gourgiotis A
(2018) Temporal Uranium Records of Oak Tree Rings (Quercus Petraea) by (LA)-HR-ICP-MS from a Former Uranium Mining Site (Rophin, France)
Hassan Loni Y, David K, Larrue S, Montavon G, Chardon P & Grambow B

David Loydell (2018) An Exceptional Record of Early- to Mid-Paleozoic Redox Change from the Road River Group, Yukon, Canada
Sperling E, Strauss J, Tiffani F, Austin M, Sabrina T, Joseph M, Stephanie P-T, Liam B, Stockey R, Devon C, Noah P, David L, Lenz A & Melchin M

David Loydell K (2023) Redox and Biotic Response to the Early Silurian Ireviken Event, Welsh Basin, UK
Wang Y, Wignall PB, David LK, Mills BJW & Poulton SW

David Magali (2021) Bushfires as a Possible Explanation for the Chromium Impregnation of the Population in New-Caledonia
Thery G, Juillot F, David M, Jourand P, Ducousso M & Fritsch E

David Mainprice (2013) Heterogeneity and Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle
Tommasi A, Baptiste V, Frets E, Higgie K, Soustelle V, Le Roux V, David M, Vauchez A, Garrido C & Bodinier J-L

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