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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Das S (2005) Trace Metals in the Water Column and Sediments from Zeekoevlei South Africa
Das S, Routh J & Roychoudhury A
(2005) Adsorption of Lead on Single and Mixed Mineral Assemblages
Das S & Koretsky C

Das Sanat Kumar (2009) Dust Storm Induced Modulation of Aerosol Optical Depth: Implications to Spatio-Temporal Variability in Atmospheric Radiative Forcing
Das SK & Sarin MM

Das Sarah (2016) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Subglacial Systems
Stevenson EI, Fantle M, Williams H, Das S, Sheik C & Aciego S

Das Sarah B. (2015) Noble Gas Signatures in Greenland – Tracing Glacial Meltwater Sources
Niu Y, Castro MC, Aciego SM, Hall CM, Stevenson EI, Arendt CA & Das SB
(2011) Seasonal Shifts in Concentration, Age, and Lability of Carbon Exported from the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS)
Bhatia M, Das S, Charette M, Xu L & Kujawinski E

Das Satadal (2016) Some Peculiar Patterns of Silicon Biomineralization in Diatoms
Das S
(2011) Probable Mars Atmospheric Changes by the Proposed Terraforming Process with Silicon Utilizing Organisms
Das S
(2010) A Classification of Silicon Utilizing Organisms
Das S

Das Satyabrata (2023) Intense Sulfide Oxidation in the Western Himalaya Compared to Indus Floodplain: Constraints from Sulfur Isotopic Study
Rout RK, Tripathy GR, Das S & Rai SK
(2023) Study of REE Potential in the Lamprophyre Dykes, Lower Gondwana Coal Fields, Parts of Eastern India
Sarangi S, Das S & Debnath R

Das Sneha (2023) Synthesis of Magnetic Biochar for the Removal of Arsenic from Aqueous Solutions
Das S & Mondal S

Das Soumya (2012) Phase Transformation of Two-Line Ferrihydrite: Effects of pH, Temperature, and Adsorbed Arsenate and Molybdate
Das S, Hendry MJ & Essilfie-Dughan J
(2009) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Magnetite
Wiatrowski H, Das S, Kukkadapu R, Ilton E, Barkay T & Yee N
(2009) Surface Complexation Modeling of Pb(II) Adsorption on Mixtures of Hydrous Ferric Oxide, Kaolinite, and Quartz
Reich TJ, Koretsky CM & Das S

Das Sourav (2018) Precipitation of Deep Carbon from Mantle Transition Zone -Derived Reduced Fluids (C-H ±H2): Evidence from Indus Ophiolite and Alpe Arami Peridotites
Das S & Basu AR
(2018) Platinum Group Elements as Primary Tracers for Quantifying and Isolating Anthropogenic Particulate Matter from Natural Aerosols
Das S & Chellam S

Das Souvik (2023) Chromium Mineralization during Deep Continental Subduction
Cai P, Yang J, Lian D, Das S, Wu W, Yang Y & Ma H
(2023) Genesis of high-Al Chromitites in Wadi Rajmi, Northern Oman: Constraints from Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Bo R, Yang J, Nasir S, Lian D, Wu W-W, Cai P & Das S
(2023) Discovery of Chemosynthetic Micro-Fossils in the Indus Ophiolite-Hosted Hydrothermal Ophicarbonate Veins
Das S, Basu A, Mukherjee B, Yang J, Sen K, Marcantonio F & Bhattacharya S
(2020) Origin of Abiotic Hydrocarbon in the Deep Mantle by Carbonate Breakdown is Regulated by Hydrogen Sulphide
Choudhary S, Sen K, Das S & Kumar S
(2020) Evolution of C-O-H Phases in the Deep Mantle -Derived Garnets
Das S & Basu A
(2019) Discovery of Shocked Zircons Confirms a Cryogenian Impact Origin of the Beaverhead Structure in Central Idaho
Economos R, Blackwell D, Snyder E, Das S, Basu A, Summerlin E & Liu M-C

Das Srabani (2020) Long-Term Soil Water Content and Exchangeable Ca Interact to Stabilize Organic Matter
Shabtai I, Das S, Inagaki T & Lehmann J

Das Subhasish (2021) Academic Institutions’ Responses to COVID-19 Crisis
Biswakarma J, Rushworth D, Srivastava G, Kang K, Singh G, Das S, Anantharaman SB, Aeppli M, Popp AL & Bhuyan DJ

Das Supriyo (2020) Trace Elements in Algae: A Comparative Study
Chakraborty A, Chatterjee S, Das S, Palchaudhury S & Ganguly M

Das Supriyo K (2017) Late Quaternary Chronology of the Lower Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354) – Paleoclimate Implications
Weber ME, Dekens PS, Reilly BS, Lantzsch H, Selkin PA, Das SK, Williams T, Martos YM, Adhikari RR, Gyawali BR, Jia G, Fox L, Ge J, Manoj MC, Savian J & Meynadier L

Das Supriyo Kumar (2009) 1000-Year Sedimentary Record of Cyanobacterial Fluctuation in Verlorenvlei, South Africa
Das SK, Routh J & Roychoudhury AN
(2007) Phosphorus Sedimentation and Release Processes in a Shallow Hyper-Eutrophic Lake, Zeekoevlei in South Africa
Das S, Routh J & Roychoudhury A

Das Swapan Kumar (2013) Bio-Influence on the Metal Precipitation in Ferromanganese Nodules of the Central Indian Ocean Basin
Nayak B, Das S & Munda P
(2009) Baddeleyite (ZrO2) in Manganese Nodules of Central Indian Ocean Basin: An Evidence for Low Temperature Mobility of Zirconium
Nayak B, Das SK & Bhattacharyya KK

Das T. (2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of Coal-Mine Shale and Characterization of the Pyrolysis Tar Produced
Saikia BK & Das T

Das Gupta K. (2006) Provenance studies of the deep-marine Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees using combined U-Pb and fission track techniques
Das Gupta K, Carter A, Pickering KT & Hurford AJ

Das Gupta R.
(2018) Geochemical and Nd-Sr Isotopic Study of Jarosite and Associated Rocks at Kutch, India
Das Gupta R & Chakrabarti R

Das Gupta S. (2008) Wax Esters Synthesized by Acidophilic Eukaryote Euglena mutabilis: Biochemical Relics of the Anaerobic Past of the Earth?
Fang J, Das Gupta S, Hasiotis S, Brake S & McLean MA

das Neves C. (2020) 30my Building a Granitic Batholith: The Santana do Ipanema Batholith, Northeastern Brazil
Pinto Ferreira V, das Neves C, da Silva T, Lima M & Sial A

Das Sharma S. (2007) Methane Oxidation, BIF Carbonates and Glaciation during the Earliest Paleoproterozoic
Bulusu S & Das Sharma S
(2007) Gradual Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen between 2.5 and 2.0 Ga Revealed by Fe Oxidation Kinetics
Murakami T, Sreenivas B, Das Sharma S & Sugimori H
(2006) Chemical and isotopic study of water and sediments from Kolleru lake, Andhra Pradesh, India
Das Sharma S, Dattu S & Govil PK
(2006) Isotopic and REE constraints on the origin of stromatolitic phosphorites from the Paleoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup, NW India
Sreenivas B, Das Sharma S & Chugaev AV
(2005) Surface Geochemical Methods for Oil and Gas Prospecting in Rice Fields – Some Constraints
Das Sharma S
(2004) Fe, Mn Mobility in Precambrian Paleosols: Implications on Atmospheric Oxygen Evolution
Sreenivas B, Das Sharma S & Murakami T
(2003) Plumes and Earth’s Surficial Processes during the Paleoproterozoic
Das Sharma S & Sreenivas B
(2003) On the Possible Role of Gas Hydrates during Neoproterozoic Carbon Cycle
Sreenivas B & Das Sharma S
(2002) Causal Relationship Among Magmatism, BIFs and Glaciation during the Earliest Paleoproterozoic
Das Sharma S & Sreenivas B
(2002) Deducing Oxygen Evolution History from Iron and Manganese Retention in Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic Paleosols
Sreenivas B & das sharma S

Dasaram B. (2009) Geochemical Characterization of Groundwater from Patancheru Industrial Area, Medak District, Hyderabad, India
Dasaram B, Satyanarayanan M & Sudarshan V

Dasari S (2005) Boninitic Magmatism in the Vicinity of Meso Neoproterozoic Epicratonic Chattisgarh Basin, Central India
Denduluri S, Dasari S, Vysetti B, Nirmal C & Thota R

Dasari Sanjjev (2022) SO2 Photo-Oxidation on Mineral Dust: The Missing Link to Explain Δ33S Anomalies in Urban Sulfate Aerosols
Dasari S, Paris G, Saar B, Pei Q, Cong Z & Widory D

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